From: Alexey Lebedeff <>
Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2016 14:55:02 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Avoid RPC roundtrips while listing items
- Emit info about particular items in parallel on every node, with
results delivered directly to a `rabbitmqctl` instance.
- `rabbit_control_misc:wait_for_info_messages/5` can wait for results of
more than one emitting map.
- Stop passing arround InfoItemKeys in
`rabbit_control_misc:wait_for_info_messages/5`, the same information
could be directly encoded in DisplayFun closure.
- Add `emit` to function names, to avoid confusion with regular ones
which return result directly.
Part of
diff --git a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
index 27b352a..38300bd 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_amqqueue.erl
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
check_exclusive_access/2, with_exclusive_access_or_die/3,
stat/1, deliver/2, requeue/3, ack/3, reject/4]).
-export([list/0, list/1, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/1, info_all/2,
- info_all/6, info_local/1]).
+ emit_info_all/5, list_local/1, info_local/1]).
-export([force_event_refresh/1, notify_policy_changed/1]).
--export([consumers/1, consumers_all/1, consumers_all/3, consumer_info_keys/0]).
+-export([consumers/1, consumers_all/1, emit_consumers_all/4, consumer_info_keys/0]).
-export([basic_get/4, basic_consume/10, basic_cancel/4, notify_decorators/1]).
-export([notify_sent/2, notify_sent_queue_down/1, resume/2]).
-export([notify_down_all/2, notify_down_all/3, activate_limit_all/2, credit/5]).
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@
%% internal
-export([internal_declare/2, internal_delete/1, run_backing_queue/3,
- set_ram_duration_target/2, set_maximum_since_use/2]).
+ set_ram_duration_target/2, set_maximum_since_use/2,
+ emit_info_local/4, emit_info_down/4, emit_consumers_local/3]).
@@ -117,10 +118,6 @@
-spec info_all(rabbit_types:vhost()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()].
-spec info_all(rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) ->
--spec info_all
- (rabbit_types:vhost(), rabbit_types:info_keys(), boolean(), boolean(),
- reference(), pid()) ->
- 'ok'.
-spec force_event_refresh(reference()) -> 'ok'.
-spec notify_policy_changed(rabbit_types:amqqueue()) -> 'ok'.
-spec consumers(rabbit_types:amqqueue()) ->
@@ -130,7 +127,6 @@
-spec consumers_all(rabbit_types:vhost()) ->
[{name(), pid(), rabbit_types:ctag(), boolean(),
non_neg_integer(), rabbit_framing:amqp_table()}].
--spec consumers_all(rabbit_types:vhost(), reference(), pid()) -> 'ok'.
-spec stat(rabbit_types:amqqueue()) ->
{'ok', non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()}.
-spec delete_immediately(qpids()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -627,16 +623,23 @@ info_all(VHostPath, Items) ->
map(list(VHostPath), fun (Q) -> info(Q, Items) end) ++
map(list_down(VHostPath), fun (Q) -> info_down(Q, Items, down) end).
-info_all(VHostPath, Items, NeedOnline, NeedOffline, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
- NeedOnline andalso rabbit_control_misc:emitting_map_with_exit_handler(
- AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(Q) -> info(Q, Items) end, list(VHostPath),
- continue),
- NeedOffline andalso rabbit_control_misc:emitting_map_with_exit_handler(
- AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(Q) -> info_down(Q, Items, down) end,
- list_down(VHostPath),
- continue),
- %% Previous maps are incomplete, finalize emission
- rabbit_control_misc:emitting_map(AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(_) -> no_op end, []).
+emit_info_local(VHostPath, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ rabbit_control_misc:emitting_map_with_exit_handler(
+ AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(Q) -> info(Q, Items) end, list_local(VHostPath)).
+emit_info_all(Nodes, VHostPath, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ Pids = [ spawn_link(Node, rabbit_amqqueue, emit_info_local, [VHostPath, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid]) || Node <- Nodes ],
+ rabbit_control_misc:await_emitters_termination(Pids).
+emit_info_down(VHostPath, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ rabbit_control_misc:emitting_map_with_exit_handler(
+ AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(Q) -> info_down(Q, Items, down) end,
+ list_down(VHostPath)).
+list_local(VHostPath) ->
+ [ Q || #amqqueue{state = State, pid=QPid} = Q <- list(VHostPath),
+ State =/= crashed,
+ node() =:= node(QPid) ].
info_local(VHostPath) ->
map(list_local(VHostPath), fun (Q) -> info(Q, [name]) end).
@@ -664,12 +667,17 @@ consumers_all(VHostPath) ->
fun(Q) -> get_queue_consumer_info(Q, ConsumerInfoKeys) end)).
-consumers_all(VHostPath, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+emit_consumers_all(Nodes, VHostPath, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ Pids = [ spawn_link(Node, rabbit_amqqueue, emit_consumers_local, [VHostPath, Ref, AggregatorPid]) || Node <- Nodes ],
+ rabbit_control_misc:await_emitters_termination(Pids),
+ ok.
+emit_consumers_local(VHostPath, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
ConsumerInfoKeys = consumer_info_keys(),
AggregatorPid, Ref,
fun(Q) -> get_queue_consumer_info(Q, ConsumerInfoKeys) end,
- list(VHostPath)).
+ list_local(VHostPath)).
get_queue_consumer_info(Q, ConsumerInfoKeys) ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_channel.erl b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
index ab7d38d..837a892 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_channel.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_channel.erl
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
-export([send_command/2, deliver/4, deliver_reply/2,
send_credit_reply/2, send_drained/2]).
-export([list/0, info_keys/0, info/1, info/2, info_all/0, info_all/1,
- info_all/3, info_local/1]).
+ emit_info_all/4, info_local/1]).
-export([refresh_config_local/0, ready_for_close/1]).
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
handle_info/2, handle_pre_hibernate/1, prioritise_call/4,
prioritise_cast/3, prioritise_info/3, format_message_queue/2]).
%% Internal
--export([list_local/0, deliver_reply_local/3]).
+-export([list_local/0, emit_info_local/3, deliver_reply_local/3]).
-export([get_vhost/1, get_user/1]).
-record(ch, {
@@ -220,7 +220,6 @@
-spec info(pid(), rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> rabbit_types:infos().
-spec info_all() -> [rabbit_types:infos()].
-spec info_all(rabbit_types:info_keys()) -> [rabbit_types:infos()].
--spec info_all(rabbit_types:info_keys(), reference(), pid()) -> 'ok'.
-spec refresh_config_local() -> 'ok'.
-spec ready_for_close(pid()) -> 'ok'.
-spec force_event_refresh(reference()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -329,9 +328,16 @@ info_all(Items) ->
info_local(Items) ->
rabbit_misc:filter_exit_map(fun (C) -> info(C, Items) end, list_local()).
-info_all(Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+emit_info_all(Nodes, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ Pids = [ spawn_link(Node, rabbit_channel, emit_info_local, [Items, Ref, AggregatorPid]) || Node <- Nodes ],
+ rabbit_control_misc:await_emitters_termination(Pids).
+emit_info_local(Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ emit_info(list_local(), Items, Ref, AggregatorPid).
+emit_info(PidList, InfoItems, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
- AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(C) -> info(C, Items) end, list()).
+ AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(C) -> info(C, InfoItems) end, PidList).
refresh_config_local() ->
diff --git a/src/rabbit_control_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_control_misc.erl
index 2e1f6cc..3b0c60b 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_control_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_control_misc.erl
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@
-export([emitting_map/4, emitting_map/5, emitting_map_with_exit_handler/4,
- emitting_map_with_exit_handler/5, wait_for_info_messages/5,
+ emitting_map_with_exit_handler/5, wait_for_info_messages/6,
+ spawn_emitter_caller/7, await_emitters_termination/1,
-spec emitting_map(pid(), reference(), fun(), list()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -25,7 +26,14 @@
-spec emitting_map_with_exit_handler
(pid(), reference(), fun(), list()) -> 'ok'.
-spec emitting_map_with_exit_handler
- (pid(), reference(), fun(), list(), atom()) -> 'ok'.
+ (pid(), reference(), fun(), list(), 'continue') -> 'ok'.
+-type fold_fun() :: fun ((term(), term()) -> term()).
+-spec wait_for_info_messages (pid(), reference(), fold_fun(), term(), timeout(), non_neg_integer()) -> {'ok', term()} | {'error', term()}.
+-spec spawn_emitter_caller (node(), module(), atom(), [term()], reference(), pid(), timeout()) -> 'ok'.
+-spec await_emitters_termination ([pid()]) -> 'ok'.
-spec print_cmd_result(atom(), term()) -> 'ok'.
emitting_map(AggregatorPid, Ref, Fun, List) ->
@@ -65,27 +73,108 @@ step_with_exit_handler(AggregatorPid, Ref, Fun, Item) ->
-wait_for_info_messages(Pid, Ref, ArgAtoms, DisplayFun, Timeout) ->
- _ = notify_if_timeout(Pid, Ref, Timeout),
- wait_for_info_messages(Ref, ArgAtoms, DisplayFun).
+%% Invokes RPC for async info collection in separate (but linked to
+%% the caller) process. Separate process waits for RPC to finish and
+%% in case of errors sends them in wait_for_info_messages/5-compatible
+%% form to aggregator process. Calling process is then expected to
+%% do blocking call of wait_for_info_messages/5.
+%% Remote function MUST use calls to emitting_map/4 (and other
+%% emitting_map's) to properly deliver requested information to an
+%% aggregator process.
+%% If for performance reasons several parallel emitting_map's need to
+%% be run, remote function MUST NOT return until all this
+%% emitting_map's are done. And during all this time remote RPC
+%% process MUST be linked to emitting
+%% processes. await_emitters_termination/1 helper can be used as a
+%% last statement of remote function to ensure this behaviour.
+spawn_emitter_caller(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Ref, Pid, Timeout) ->
+ spawn_monitor(
+ fun () ->
+ case rpc_call_emitter(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Ref, Pid, Timeout) of
+ {error, _} = Error ->
+ Pid ! {Ref, error, Error};
+ {bad_argument, _} = Error ->
+ Pid ! {Ref, error, Error};
+ {badrpc, _} = Error ->
+ Pid ! {Ref, error, Error};
+ _ ->
+ ok
+ end
+ end),
+ ok.
+rpc_call_emitter(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Ref, Pid, Timeout) ->
+ rabbit_misc:rpc_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args++[Ref, Pid], Timeout).
+%% Agregator process expects correct numbers of explicits ACKs about
+%% finished emission process. While everything is linked, we still
+%% need somehow to wait for termination of all emitters before
+%% returning from RPC call - otherwise links will be just broken with
+%% reason 'normal' and we can miss some errors, and subsequentially
+%% hang.
+await_emitters_termination(Pids) ->
+ Monitors = [erlang:monitor(process, Pid) || Pid <- Pids],
+ collect_monitors(Monitors).
-wait_for_info_messages(Ref, InfoItemKeys, DisplayFun) when is_reference(Ref) ->
+collect_monitors([]) ->
+ ok;
+collect_monitors([Monitor|Rest]) ->
- {Ref, finished} ->
- ok;
- {Ref, {timeout, T}} ->
+ {'DOWN', Monitor, _Pid, normal} ->
+ collect_monitors(Rest);
+ {'DOWN', Monitor, _Pid, noproc} ->
+ %% There is a link and a monitor to a process. Matching
+ %% this clause means that process has gracefully
+ %% terminated even before we've started monitoring.
+ collect_monitors(Rest);
+ {'DOWN', _, Pid, Reason} ->
+ exit({emitter_exit, Pid, Reason})
+ end.
+%% Wait for result of one or more calls to emitting_map-family
+%% functions.
+%% Number of expected acknowledgments is specified by ChunkCount
+%% argument. Most common usage will be with ChunkCount equals to
+%% number of live nodes, but it's not mandatory - thus more generic
+%% name of 'ChunkCount' was chosen.
+wait_for_info_messages(Pid, Ref, Fun, Acc0, Timeout, ChunkCount) ->
+ notify_if_timeout(Pid, Ref, Timeout),
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunkCount).
+wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunksLeft) ->
+ receive
+ {Ref, finished} when ChunksLeft =:= 1 ->
+ {ok, Acc0};
+ {Ref, finished} ->
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunksLeft - 1);
+ {Ref, {timeout, T}} ->
exit({error, {timeout, (T / 1000)}});
- {Ref, []} ->
- wait_for_info_messages(Ref, InfoItemKeys, DisplayFun);
- {Ref, Result, continue} ->
- DisplayFun(Result, InfoItemKeys),
- wait_for_info_messages(Ref, InfoItemKeys, DisplayFun);
- {error, Error} ->
- Error;
- _ ->
- wait_for_info_messages(Ref, InfoItemKeys, DisplayFun)
+ {Ref, []} ->
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunksLeft);
+ {Ref, Result, continue} ->
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Fun(Result, Acc0), ChunksLeft);
+ {Ref, error, Error} ->
+ {error, simplify_emission_error(Error)};
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, _Pid, normal} ->
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunksLeft);
+ {'DOWN', _MRef, process, _Pid, Reason} ->
+ {error, simplify_emission_error(Reason)};
+ _Msg ->
+ wait_for_info_messages(Ref, Fun, Acc0, ChunksLeft)
+simplify_emission_error({badrpc, {'EXIT', {{nocatch, EmissionError}, _Stacktrace}}}) ->
+ EmissionError;
+simplify_emission_error({{nocatch, EmissionError}, _Stacktrace}) ->
+ EmissionError;
+simplify_emission_error(Anything) ->
+ {error, Anything}.
+notify_if_timeout(_, _, infinity) ->
+ ok;
notify_if_timeout(Pid, Ref, Timeout) ->
timer:send_after(Timeout, Pid, {Ref, {timeout, Timeout}}).
diff --git a/src/rabbit_misc.erl b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
index 8965c59..9341ea9 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_misc.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_misc.erl
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
--export([rpc_call/4, rpc_call/5, rpc_call/7]).
+-export([rpc_call/4, rpc_call/5]).
@@ -264,8 +264,6 @@
-spec random(non_neg_integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
-spec rpc_call(node(), atom(), atom(), [any()]) -> any().
-spec rpc_call(node(), atom(), atom(), [any()], number()) -> any().
--spec rpc_call
- (node(), atom(), atom(), [any()], reference(), pid(), number()) -> any().
-spec report_default_thread_pool_size() -> 'ok'.
-spec get_gc_info(pid()) -> integer().
@@ -1184,9 +1182,6 @@ rpc_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Timeout) ->
rpc:call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Timeout)
-rpc_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args, Ref, Pid, Timeout) ->
- rpc_call(Node, Mod, Fun, Args++[Ref, Pid], Timeout).
guess_number_of_cpu_cores() ->
case erlang:system_info(logical_processors_available) of
unknown -> % Happens on Mac OS X.
diff --git a/src/rabbit_networking.erl b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
index 5bf30ff..63e3ed0 100644
--- a/src/rabbit_networking.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit_networking.erl
@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@
node_listeners/1, register_connection/1, unregister_connection/1,
connections/0, connection_info_keys/0,
connection_info/1, connection_info/2,
- connection_info_all/0, connection_info_all/1, connection_info_all/3,
+ connection_info_all/0, connection_info_all/1,
+ emit_connection_info_all/4, emit_connection_info_local/3,
close_connection/2, force_connection_event_refresh/1, tcp_host/1]).
%% Used by TCP-based transports, e.g. STOMP adapter
@@ -89,8 +90,6 @@
-spec connection_info_all() -> [rabbit_types:infos()].
-spec connection_info_all(rabbit_types:info_keys()) ->
--spec connection_info_all(rabbit_types:info_keys(), reference(), pid()) ->
- 'ok'.
-spec close_connection(pid(), string()) -> 'ok'.
-spec force_connection_event_refresh(reference()) -> 'ok'.
@@ -365,10 +364,15 @@ connection_info(Pid, Items) -> rabbit_reader:info(Pid, Items).
connection_info_all() -> cmap(fun (Q) -> connection_info(Q) end).
connection_info_all(Items) -> cmap(fun (Q) -> connection_info(Q, Items) end).
-connection_info_all(Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+emit_connection_info_all(Nodes, Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
+ Pids = [ spawn_link(Node, rabbit_networking, emit_connection_info_local, [Items, Ref, AggregatorPid]) || Node <- Nodes ],
+ rabbit_control_misc:await_emitters_termination(Pids),
+ ok.
+emit_connection_info_local(Items, Ref, AggregatorPid) ->
AggregatorPid, Ref, fun(Q) -> connection_info(Q, Items) end,
- connections()).
+ connections_local()).
close_connection(Pid, Explanation) ->
rabbit_log:info("Closing connection ~p because ~p~n", [Pid, Explanation]),