From: Peter Lemenkov <>
Date: Thu, 19 May 2016 16:04:56 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] Remove excessive sd_notify code
Signed-off-by: Peter Lemenkov <>
diff --git a/src/rabbit.erl b/src/rabbit.erl
index 1a69dd5..942a1cc 100644
--- a/src/rabbit.erl
+++ b/src/rabbit.erl
@@ -293,121 +293,8 @@ broker_start() ->
Plugins = rabbit_plugins:setup(),
ToBeLoaded = Plugins ++ ?APPS,
- maybe_sd_notify(),
ok = log_broker_started(rabbit_plugins:active()).
-%% Try to send systemd ready notification if it makes sense in the
-%% current environment. standard_error is used intentionally in all
-%% logging statements, so all this messages will end in systemd
-%% journal.
-maybe_sd_notify() ->
- case sd_notify_ready() of
- false ->
- io:format(standard_error, "systemd READY notification failed, beware of timeouts~n", []);
- _ ->
- ok
- end.
-sd_notify_ready() ->
- case {os:type(), os:getenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET")} of
- {{win32, _}, _} ->
- true;
- {_, [_|_]} -> %% Non-empty NOTIFY_SOCKET, give it a try
- sd_notify_legacy() orelse sd_notify_socat();
- _ ->
- true
- end.
-sd_notify_data() ->
- "READY=1\nSTATUS=Initialized\nMAINPID=" ++ os:getpid() ++ "\n".
-sd_notify_legacy() ->
- case code:load_file(sd_notify) of
- {module, sd_notify} ->
- SDNotify = sd_notify,
- SDNotify:sd_notify(0, sd_notify_data()),
- true;
- {error, _} ->
- false
- end.
-%% socat(1) is the most portable way the sd_notify could be
-%% implemented in erlang, without introducing some NIF. Currently the
-%% following issues prevent us from implementing it in a more
-%% reasonable way:
-%% - systemd-notify(1) is unstable for non-root users
-%% - erlang doesn't support unix domain sockets.
-%% Some details on how we ended with such a solution:
-sd_notify_socat() ->
- case sd_current_unit() of
- {ok, Unit} ->
- io:format(standard_error, "systemd unit for activation check: \"~s\"~n", [Unit]),
- sd_notify_socat(Unit);
- _ ->
- false
- end.
-socat_socket_arg("@" ++ AbstractUnixSocket) ->
- "abstract-sendto:" ++ AbstractUnixSocket;
-socat_socket_arg(UnixSocket) ->
- "unix-sendto:" ++ UnixSocket.
-sd_open_port() ->
- open_port(
- {spawn_executable, os:find_executable("socat")},
- [{args, [socat_socket_arg(os:getenv("NOTIFY_SOCKET")), "STDIO"]},
- use_stdio, out]).
-sd_notify_socat(Unit) ->
- try sd_open_port() of
- Port ->
- Port ! {self(), {command, sd_notify_data()}},
- Result = sd_wait_activation(Port, Unit),
- port_close(Port),
- Result
- catch
- Class:Reason ->
- io:format(standard_error, "Failed to start socat ~p:~p~n", [Class, Reason]),
- false
- end.
-sd_current_unit() ->
- case catch re:run(os:cmd("systemctl status " ++ os:getpid()), "([-.@0-9a-zA-Z]+)", [unicode, {capture, all_but_first, list}]) of
- {'EXIT', _} ->
- error;
- {match, [Unit]} ->
- {ok, Unit};
- _ ->
- error
- end.
-sd_wait_activation(Port, Unit) ->
- case os:find_executable("systemctl") of
- false ->
- io:format(standard_error, "'systemctl' unavailable, falling back to sleep~n", []),
- timer:sleep(5000),
- true;
- _ ->
- sd_wait_activation(Port, Unit, 10)
- end.
-sd_wait_activation(_, _, 0) ->
- io:format(standard_error, "Service still in 'activating' state, bailing out~n", []),
- false;
-sd_wait_activation(Port, Unit, AttemptsLeft) ->
- case os:cmd("systemctl show --property=ActiveState " ++ Unit) of
- "ActiveState=activating\n" ->
- timer:sleep(1000),
- sd_wait_activation(Port, Unit, AttemptsLeft - 1);
- "ActiveState=" ++ _ ->
- true;
- _ = Err->
- io:format(standard_error, "Unexpected status from systemd ~p~n", [Err]),
- false
- end.
start_it(StartFun) ->
Marker = spawn_link(fun() -> receive stop -> ok end end),
case catch register(rabbit_boot, Marker) of