Blob Blame History Raw
%global	_node_image_dir /usr/share/%{name}/image/
%global	_node_image_file %{_node_image_dir}/%{name}-4.5.0-0.0.squashfs.img

# Disable compression, because the image is already compressed
%define _source_payload w0.gzdio
%define _binary_payload w0.gzdio

Name:       $name
Version:    $version
Release:    $release%{?extra_release}
#if $epoch
Epoch:      $epoch
#end if
License:    GPLv2
Summary:    oVirt Node Next Image Update
Source0:    %{name}-4.5.0.tar.gz
Source1:    $artifacts['.squashfs'][0]
Source2:    product.img

Requires:   imgbased >= 0.7.2
Obsoletes:  %{name}-placeholder < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:   %{name}-placeholder = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes:  ovirt-node-ng-image < %{version}-%{release}
Provides:   ovirt-node-ng-image = %{version}-%{release}

BuildArch:  noarch
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: automake

This package will update an  oVirt Node Next host with the new image.

%setup -q -n %{name}-4.5.0

make %{?_smp_mflags}

# Install the image
/usr/bin/install -d %{buildroot}/%{_node_image_dir}
/usr/bin/install -m 644 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/%{_node_image_file}
/usr/bin/install -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/%{_node_image_dir}/product.img

# Veriying avoiding installing over an active local storage,
# we use the following 'find' options:
#   -xdev, Don't descend directories on other filesystems, those are not considered local storages,
#          and are not affected by the installation
#   -not -empty, Skip empty metadata files as storage domains cannot have empty metadata file.
# we also exclude folders starting with /rhvh which holds symbolic links to block storage domains
# Or mounted file based storage domains, although these are likely skipped by -xdev.
local_sds=(\$(find / -xdev -path "*/dom_md/metadata" -not -empty | egrep -v ^/rhev/))

if [ "\$local_sds" ]; then
    echo "Local storage domains were found on the same filesystem as / ! Please migrate the data to a new LV before upgrading, or you will lose the VMs"
    echo "See:"
    echo "Storage domains were found in:"
    for sd in "\${local_sds[@]}"; do
        echo -e "\t\$(dirname \$sd)"
    exit 1

set -e
# Some magic to ensure that imgbase from
# the new image is used for updates
export IMGBASED_IMAGE_UPDATE_RPM=\$(lsof -p \$PPID 2>/dev/null | grep image-update | awk '{print \$9}')
export MNTDIR="\$(mktemp -d)"
mount "%{_node_image_file}" "\$MNTDIR"
mount "\$MNTDIR"/LiveOS/rootfs.img "\$MNTDIR"
export PYTHONPATH=\$(find \$MNTDIR/usr/lib/python* -name imgbased -type d -exec dirname {} \; | sort | tail -1):\$PYTHONPATH
imgbase --debug update --format liveimg %{_node_image_file} >> /var/log/imgbased.log 2>&1
umount "\$MNTDIR"
umount "\$MNTDIR"

%dir %{_node_image_dir}

* Tue Sep 07 2021 Sandro Bonazzola <> - 4.5.0
- oVirt Node 4.5.0