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# Fedora/EPEL version of dnssec-trigger.conf

# logging detail, 0=only errors, 1=operations, 2=detail, 3,4 debug detail.
# verbosity: 1

# pidfile location
pidfile: "/var/run/"

# log to a file instead of syslog, default is to syslog
# logfile: "/var/log/dnssec-trigger.log"

# log to syslog, or (log to to stderr or a logfile if specified). yes or no.
# use-syslog: yes

# chroot to this directory
# chroot: ""

# the unbound-control binary if not found in PATH.
# commandline options can be appended "unbound-control -c my.conf" if you wish.
# unbound-control: "/usr/sbin/unbound-control"

# where is resolv.conf to edit.
# resolvconf: "/etc/resolv.conf"

# the domain line (if any) to add to resolv.conf(5). default none.
# domain: ""

# domain name search path to add to resolv.conf(5). default none.
# the search path from DHCP is not picked up, it could be used to misdirect.
# search: ""

# the command to run to open login pages on hot spots, a web browser.
# empty string runs no command.
# login-command: "xdg-open"

# the url to open to get hot spot login, it gets overridden by the hotspot.
# login-location: ""
# should to be a ttl=0 entry
login-location: ""

# do not perform actions (unbound-control or resolv.conf), for a dry-run.
# noaction: no

# port number to use for probe daemon.
# port: 8955

# keys and certificates generated by the dnssec-trigger-keygen systemd service
# (which called dnssec-trigger-control-setup)
server-key-file: "/etc/dnssec-trigger/dnssec_trigger_server.key"
server-cert-file: "/etc/dnssec-trigger/dnssec_trigger_server.pem"
control-key-file: "/etc/dnssec-trigger/dnssec_trigger_control.key"
control-cert-file: "/etc/dnssec-trigger/dnssec_trigger_control.pem"

# check for updates, download and ask to install them (for Windows, OSX).
# check-updates: no

# webservers that are probed to see if internet access is possible.
# They serve a simple static page over HTTP port 80.  It probes a random url:
# after a space is the content expected on the page, (the page can contain
# whitespace before and after this code).  Without urls it skips http probes.

# provided by NLnetLabs
# It is provided on a best effort basis, with no service guarantee.
# url: " OK"

# provided by FedoraProject
url: " OK"

# fallback open DNSSEC resolvers that run on TCP port 80 and TCP port 443.
# the ssl443 adds an ssl server IP, if you specify a hash it is checked, put
# the following on one line: ssl443:<space><IP><space><HASHoutput>
# hash is output of openssl x509 -sha256 -fingerprint -in server.pem
# You can add more with extra config lines.

# Provided by, #fedora-admin
# It is provided on a best effort basis, with no service guarantee.
ssl443: A8:3E:DA:F0:12:82:55:7E:60:B5:B5:56:F1:66:BB:13:A8:BD:FC:B4:51:41:C0:F2:E7:8E:7B:64:AA:87:E6:F2
ssl443: A8:3E:DA:F0:12:82:55:7E:60:B5:B5:56:F1:66:BB:13:A8:BD:FC:B4:51:41:C0:F2:E7:8E:7B:64:AA:87:E6:F2
ssl443: A8:3E:DA:F0:12:82:55:7E:60:B5:B5:56:F1:66:BB:13:A8:BD:FC:B4:51:41:C0:F2:E7:8E:7B:64:AA:87:E6:F2
ssl443: 2610:28:3090:3001:dead:beef:cafe:fed9 A8:3E:DA:F0:12:82:55:7E:60:B5:B5:56:F1:66:BB:13:A8:BD:FC:B4:51:41:C0:F2:E7:8E:7B:64:AA:87:E6:F2
tcp80:  2610:28:3090:3001:dead:beef:cafe:fed9 

# provided by Paul Wouters (
# It is provided on a best effort basis, with no service guarantee.
# tcp80:
# tcp80:  2001:888:2003:1004::123
# ssl443: 16:41:49:E0:9D:62:CD:DB:79:A7:2B:71:58:C4:D5:E8:70:FA:BF:4D:6D:36:CC:07:35:33:C0:16:17:1B:61:E7
# ssl443: 2001:888:2003:1004::123 16:41:49:E0:9D:62:CD:DB:79:A7:2B:71:58:C4:D5:E8:70:FA:BF:4D:6D:36:CC:07:35:33:C0:16:17:1B:61:E7

# provided by NLnetLabs (
# It is provided on a best effort basis, with no service guarantee.
# tcp80:
# tcp80: 2001:7b8:206:1:bb::
# ssl443: DC:22:7B:1C:00:1A:CE:C5:48:49:B1:E3:30:DE:61:93:61:12:4E:CB:5C:B4:33:C4:BC:75:8C:D6:16:9D:F0:9F
# ssl443: 2001:7b8:206:1:bb:: DC:22:7B:1C:00:1A:CE:C5:48:49:B1:E3:30:DE:61:93:61:12:4E:CB:5C:B4:33:C4:BC:75:8C:D6:16:9D:F0:9F