teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
Based on

From 7db2efa95d859cebda2b095ffdffac42812bd6d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Darren Kenny <darren.kenny@oracle.com>
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2022 16:57:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] ima: Install on filesystems without xattr support without

If an RPM contains IMA signed digests and rpm-plugin-ima is installed,
then any attempt to install to a filesystem that doesn't support
extended attributes will cause the RPM installation to fail.

This can be seen, for example, if installing a file /boot, which is
usually a vFAT filesystem.

The rpm-plugin for selinux fixed this some time back, and that same
logic can be applied to IMA too - where, if a failure to set an extended
attribute results in an errno that is set to EOPNOTSUPP, then this
should not cause a complete failure, but should instead just be logged
at a debug level.

Signed-off-by: Darren Kenny <darren.kenny@oracle.com>

--- rpm-	2023-05-02 18:19:25.095992859 +0200
+++ rpm-	2023-05-02 18:21:46.032941008 +0200
@@ -69,10 +69,13 @@
 	fsig = rpmfiFSignature(fi, &len);
 	if (fsig && (check_zero_hdr(fsig, len) == 0)) {
 	    if (lsetxattr(path, XATTR_NAME_IMA, fsig, len, 0) < 0) {
-	        rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,
+		int is_err = errno != EOPNOTSUPP; 
+	        rpmlog(is_err?RPMLOG_ERR:RPMLOG_DEBUG,
 			"ima: could not apply signature on '%s': %s\n",
 			path, strerror(errno));
-	        rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
+		if (is_err) {
+		    rc = RPMRC_FAIL;
+		}