teknoraver / rpms / rpm

Forked from rpms/rpm 7 months ago
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# ---- Sequoia signature macros.
#	The signature to use and the location of configuration files for
#	signing packages with Sequoia.
#	To enable signing with sequoia-sq, just copy this file to /etc/rpm:
#	cp /usr/share/doc/rpm/macros.rpmsign-sequoia /etc/rpm/
# Unlike GnuPG, Sequoia doesn't support specifying the signer key by
# email or name match, you need to supply the hex fingerprint (or keyid)

%__gpg	/usr/bin/sq

#	Macro(s) to hold the arguments passed to Sequoia for package
#	signing.  Expansion result is parsed by popt, so be sure to use
#	%{shescape} where needed.

%__gpg_sign_cmd %{__gpg} %{__gpg} sign \
	%{?_gpg_sign_cmd_extra_args} \
        %{?_gpg_name:--signer-key %{_gpg_name}} \
        --binary --detached --output %{shescape:%{?__signature_filename}} \
        %{?__plaintext_filename:-- %{shescape:%{__plaintext_filename}}}