kbrown / rpms / libreoffice

Forked from rpms/libreoffice 2 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From a56ef7d60e8ee96204700a0b6c1474ed2d1560ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 11:19:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 262/398] libreofficekit: -Werror=unused-parameter

Change-Id: I89c4d9752ef650d516bed8fcdc5873de8ae87e18
(cherry picked from commit 602c1b4e2922c6a0ce425f398983ef64e595b606)
 libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx | 2 +-
 libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.cxx | 2 +-
 libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.hxx | 3 +--
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx
index 867c0d165448..d570bbd1393b 100644
--- a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx
+++ b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/lokdocview.cxx
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ renderDocument(LOKDocView* pDocView, cairo_t* pCairo)
                 GTask* task = g_task_new(pDocView, NULL, paintTileCallback, pLOEvent);
                 g_task_set_task_data(task, pLOEvent, LOEvent::destroy);
-                Tile& currentTile = priv->m_pTileBuffer->getTile(nRow, nColumn, priv->m_fZoom, task, priv->lokThreadPool);
+                Tile& currentTile = priv->m_pTileBuffer->getTile(nRow, nColumn, task, priv->lokThreadPool);
                 GdkPixbuf* pPixBuf = currentTile.getBuffer();
                 gdk_cairo_set_source_pixbuf (pCairo, pPixBuf,
                                              twipToPixel(aTileRectangleTwips.x, priv->m_fZoom),
diff --git a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.cxx b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.cxx
index 6c9847674e53..1158209b2273 100644
--- a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.cxx
+++ b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.cxx
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ void TileBuffer::setInvalid(int x, int y, float fZoom, GTask* task,
-Tile& TileBuffer::getTile(int x, int y, float fZoom, GTask* task,
+Tile& TileBuffer::getTile(int x, int y, GTask* task,
                           GThreadPool* lokThreadPool)
     int index = x * m_nWidth + y;
diff --git a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.hxx b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.hxx
index bef1444f9c9c..5e1ea1a27049 100644
--- a/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.hxx
+++ b/libreofficekit/source/gtk/tilebuffer.hxx
@@ -107,7 +107,6 @@ class TileBuffer
        @param x the tile along the x-axis of the buffer
        @param y the tile along the y-axis of the buffer
-       @param aZoom current zoom factor of the document
        @param task GTask object containing the necessary data
        @param pool GThreadPool managed by the widget instance used for all the
        LOK calls made by widget. It is needed here because getTile invokes one
@@ -115,7 +114,7 @@ class TileBuffer
        @return the tile at the mentioned position (x, y)
-    Tile& getTile(int x, int y, float aZoom, GTask* task, GThreadPool* pool);
+    Tile& getTile(int x, int y, GTask* task, GThreadPool* pool);
     /// Destroys all the tiles in the tile buffer; also frees the memory allocated
     /// for all the Tile objects.
     void resetAllTiles();