carlwgeorge / centos / comps

Forked from centos/comps 4 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw

# Name :  CentOS comps.xml generator 
# Function : merge all the upstream comps.xml file into one
# How to call it : see usage()
# Author : Fabian Arrotin (
# Requirements : sqlite3 / xmlstarlet

usage() {

cat <<  EOF

You need to call the script like this : $0 -arguments

  -a : define the arch (required, default:none, values : [i386,x86_64])   
  -p : define the path containing all the Upstream comps.xml files for all variants(required, default:none)
  -r : release to build ( eg. 6 )
  -h : display this help



while getopts “ha:p:m:r:” OPTION
     case $OPTION in
             exit 1

varcheck() {
if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
        exit 1


compsxmlin() {
echo Creating Comps DB tables ...
echo "CREATE TABLE categories (id ,name, desc, display_order ); CREATE TABLE languages (lang); CREATE TABLE groups (id, name, desc, def, uservisible, langonly, packagelist); CREATE TABLE grouplist (groupid, category_id);
" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb

# beginning the loop for each xml file

for xmlfile in $(ls $destdir/*.xml);


	# just do that once
	if [ "$aretableready" = "1" ] ; then
		echo Tables are already there	
		echo Detecting languages and preparing - altering the tables ... 
		for lang in $(grep 'description xml:lang=' $xmlfile|sed s/@/_arobas_/g|cut -f 1 -d '>'|cut -f 2 -d "'"|sort|uniq);do echo "insert into languages values ('$lang') ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb;done
		for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb);do echo "alter table categories add desc_$lang ; alter table categories add name_$lang ; "|sqlite3 $sqlitedb;done
		for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb);do echo "alter table groups add desc_$lang ; alter table groups add name_$lang ; "|sqlite3 $sqlitedb;done
		export aretableready='1'

	echo Processing now $xmlfile

	echo Detecting categories and filling the tables ...
	# categories/id
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile);do isindb=$(echo "select id from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ;test "$isindb" = "$id" || (echo "insert into categories (id) values ('$id');"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb);done
	# categories/name
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile); do name=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v name $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select name from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$name" || (echo "update categories set name='$name' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# categories/description
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile); do desc=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v description $xmlfile);echo "update categories set desc='$desc' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb; done
	# categories/display_order
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile); do display_order=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v display_order $xmlfile); isindb=$(echo "select display_order from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$display_order" || (echo "update categories set display_order='$display_order' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb); done
	# categories/name_$lang
	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb|sed s/_arobas_/@/g);do for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile);do namelang=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v "name[@xml:lang='$lang']" $xmlfile); langsql=$(echo $lang|sed s/@/_arobas_/g) ; isindb=$(echo "select name_$langsql from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$namelang" || (namelangsql=$(echo $namelang|sed s/"'"/"''"/g) ;echo "update categories set name_$langsql='$namelangsql' where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ; done ; done
	# categories/description_$lang
	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb|sed s/_arobas_/@/g);do for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile);do desclang=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v "description[@xml:lang='$lang']" $xmlfile); langsql=$(echo $lang|sed s/@/_arobas_/g) ; isindb=$(echo "select desc_$langsql from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$desclang"  || (desclangsql=$(echo $desclang|sed s/"'"/"''"/g) ;echo "update categories set desc_$langsql='$desclangsql' where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ; done ; done
	# categories/grouplist
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category" -v id -n $xmlfile); do for groupid in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/category[id='$id']" -v grouplist $xmlfile); do isindb=$(echo "select groupid from grouplist where category_id='$id' and groupid='$groupid';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$groupid" || (echo "insert into grouplist (groupid, category_id) values ('$groupid','$id');"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb); done ; done

	echo Detecting groups and filling the tables ...
	# groups/id
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile);do isindb=$(echo "select id from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ;test "$isindb" = "$id"  || (echo "insert into groups (id) values ('$id');"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb);done
	# groups/name
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do name=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v name $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select name from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$name" || (echo "update groups set name='$name' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# groups/default
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do def=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v default $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select def from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$def" || (echo "update groups set def='$def' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# groups/description
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do desc=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v description $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select desc from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$desc" || (descsql=$(echo $desc|sed s/"'"/"''"/g) ; echo "update groups set desc='$descsql' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# groups/uservisible
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do uservisible=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v uservisible $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select uservisible from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$uservisible" || (echo "update groups set uservisible='$uservisible' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# groups/langonly
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do langonly=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v langonly $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select langonly from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$langonly" || (echo "update groups set langonly='$langonly' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done
	# groups/name_$lang
	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb|sed s/_arobas_/@/g);do for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile);do namelang=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v "name[@xml:lang='$lang']" $xmlfile); langsql=$(echo $lang|sed s/@/_arobas_/g) ; isindb=$(echo "select name_$langsql from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$namelang" || (namelangsql=$(echo $namelang|sed s/"'"/"''"/g) ; echo "update groups set name_$langsql='$namelangsql' where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ; done ; done
	# groups/desc_$lang
	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb|sed s/_arobas_/@/g);do for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile);do desclang=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -v "description[@xml:lang='$lang']" $xmlfile); langsql=$(echo $lang|sed s/@/_arobas_/g) ; isindb=$(echo "select desc_$langsql from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$desclang" || (desclangsql=$(echo $desclang|sed s/"'"/"''"/g) ; echo "update groups set desc_$langsql='$desclangsql' where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ; done ; done
	# groups/packagelist
	for id in $(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group" -v id -n $xmlfile); do packagelist=$(xmlstarlet sel -t -m "//comps/group[id='$id']" -c packagelist $xmlfile);isindb=$(echo "select packagelist from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) ; test "$isindb" = "$packagelist" || (echo "update groups set packagelist='$packagelist' where id='$id' ;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ); done

	# Fixing some groups that are by default active but have to be deselected on a CentOS install

	for groupid in ha ha-management load-balancer resilient-storage scalable-file-systems ;do
		echo "update groups set def='false' where id='$groupid';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb

#final done for the xmlfile loop

compsxmlout() {
echo Generating the $outputxml file ...
echo "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" >$outputxml
echo "<!DOCTYPE comps PUBLIC \"-//CentOS//DTD Comps info//EN\" \"comps.dtd\">" >> $outputxml
echo "<comps>" >> $outputxml


for id in $(echo "select id from groups;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb);do
	echo "  <group>" >>$outputxml

	echo "   <id>$id</id>" >> $outputxml

	name=$(echo "select name from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	echo "   <name>$name</name>" >> $outputxml

	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ;do
		namelang=$(echo "select name_$lang from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb )
		if [ -n "$namelang" ] ; then
			langxml=$(echo $lang|sed s/_arobas_/@/g)
			echo "   <name xml:lang='$langxml'>$namelang</name>" >> $outputxml

	desc=$(echo "select desc from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	if [ -n "$desc" ] ; then
		echo "   <description>$desc</description>" >> $outputxml
		for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ;do
			desclang=$(echo "select desc_$lang from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb )
			if [ -n "$desclang" ] ; then
				langxml=$(echo $lang|sed s/_arobas_/@/g)
				echo "   <description xml:lang='$langxml'>$desclang</description>" >> $outputxml
		echo "   <description/>" >> $outputxml

	def=$(echo "select def from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	echo "   <default>$def</default>" >> $outputxml

	uservisible=$(echo "select uservisible from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	echo "   <uservisible>$uservisible</uservisible>" >> $outputxml

	langonly=$(echo "select langonly from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	if [ -n "$langonly" ] ; then
		echo "   <langonly>$langonly</langonly>" >> $outputxml

	plist=$(echo "select packagelist from groups where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb ) 
	echo "   $plist" >>$outputxml

	echo "  </group>" >>$outputxml


for id in $(echo "select id from categories;"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb);do
	echo "  <category>" >>$outputxml

	echo "   <id>$id</id>" >> $outputxml

	name=$(echo "select name from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	echo "   <name>$name</name>" >> $outputxml

	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ;do
		namelang=$(echo "select name_$lang from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb )
		if [ -n "$namelang" ] ; then
			langxml=$(echo $lang|sed s/_arobas_/@/g)
			echo "   <name xml:lang='$langxml'>$namelang</name>" >> $outputxml

	desc=$(echo "select desc from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb)
	echo "   <description>$desc</description>" >> $outputxml

	for lang in $(echo "select * from languages;" |sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ;do
		desclang=$(echo "select desc_$lang from categories where id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb )
		if [ -n "$desclang" ] ; then
			langxml=$(echo $lang|sed s/_arobas_/@/g)
			echo "   <description xml:lang='$langxml'>$desclang</description>" >> $outputxml

	echo "   <grouplist>" >>$outputxml
	for groupid in $(echo "select groupid from grouplist where category_id='$id';"|sqlite3 $sqlitedb) ; do
		echo "    <groupid>$groupid</groupid>" >>$outputxml
	echo "   </grouplist>" >>$outputxml	

	echo "  </category>" >>$outputxml	

echo "" >> $outputxml
echo "</comps>" >> $outputxml

# Now fixing some well-known branding issues (as the new comps.xml is still generated from upstream xml files)
sed -i s/"Red Hat Enterprise Linux"/"CentOS Linux"/g $outputxml
sed -i s/"redhat-indexhtml"/"centos-indexhtml"/g $outputxml
sed -i '/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux-Release_Notes/d' $outputxml



# and now the real processing ...
varcheck $arch
varcheck $destdir
varcheck $release

for binary in sqlite3 xmlstarlet;do
	which $binary > /dev/null 2>&1
	if [ "$?" = "1" ] ;then
		echo "Binary $binary not found ... exiting"
		exit 1

if [ -e $sqlitedb ] ;then
	echo "$sqlitedb file already existing - not overwriting by default ..."
	exit 1

echo sqlite file = $sqlitedb
echo Generated comps xml file = $outputxml

time compsxmlin
time compsxmlout