asaleh / centos / centpkg

Forked from centos/centpkg 2 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
# pylint: disable=line-too-long,abstract-class-not-used

    Top level function library for centpkg

# Author(s):
#            Jesse Keating <>
#            Pat Riehecky <>
#            Brian Stinson <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.  See for
# the full text of the license.

import re
import warnings

import git
from pyrpkg import Commands, rpkgError
from pyrpkg.utils import cached_property

# doc/ uses the 'cli' import
from . import cli  # noqa
from .lookaside import StreamLookasideCache, SIGLookasideCache


class DistGitDirectory(object):

    signame = None
    centosversion = _DEFAULT_VERSION
    projectname = None
    releasename = None
    distrobranch = False
    repo = None
    git_origin_substr = ''

    def __init__(self, branchtext, repo_path=None):
        if repo_path:
            # self.repo = git.cmd.Git(repo_path)
            self.repo = git.repo.Repo(repo_path)
        rhelbranchre = r'rhel-(?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)(?:\.(?P<appstream>\d+))?'
        sigtobranchre = r'c(?P<centosversion>\d+[s]?)-sig-(?P<signame>\w+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?-?(?P<releasename>\w+)?'
        distrobranchre = r'c(?P<centosversion>\d+)-?(?P<projectname>\w+)?'
        oldbranchre = r'(?P<signame>\w+)(?P<centosversion>\d)'
        rhelmatch =, branchtext)
        sigmatch = re.match(sigtobranchre, branchtext)
        distromatch = re.match(distrobranchre, branchtext)
        oldbranchmatch = re.match(oldbranchre, branchtext)
        if rhelmatch:
            gd = rhelmatch.groupdict()
            self.distrobranch = True
            self.signame = 'centos'
            self.centosversion = gd['major']
        elif sigmatch:
            gd = sigmatch.groupdict()
            self.signame = gd['signame']
            self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']

            # Users have the option to specify (or not specify) common in their
            # git repos. Ww need to handle these cases because common is not a
            # project nor is it a release.
            if gd['projectname'] != 'common':
                self.projectname = gd['projectname']
            if gd['releasename'] != 'common':
                self.releasename = gd['releasename']
        elif distromatch:
            gd = distromatch.groupdict()
            self.distrobranch = True
            self.signame = 'centos'
            self.centosversion = gd['centosversion']

            if gd['projectname'] != 'common':
                self.projectname = gd['projectname']
        elif oldbranchmatch:
            warnings.warn("This branch is deprecated and will be removed soon",
            if not self.is_fork():
                raise ValueError("Branchname: {0} is not valid".format(branchtext))
                self.distrobranch = True
                self.signame = 'centos'
                self.projectname = self.get_origin().split('_')[-1].replace('.git', '')

                warnings.warn('Remote "origin" was detected as a fork, ignoring branch name checking')

    def get_origin(self):
        if self.repo is None:
            return ''
        if 'origin' not in self.repo.remotes:
            return ''
        urls = [u for u in self.repo.remotes['origin'].urls]
        if len(urls) == 0:
            return ''
        return urls[0]

    def is_fork(self):
        Check if origin remote repository is using a fork url.

            A boolean flag indicating if origin remote url is using
            a forked repository url.
        # git+ssh://
        if self.repo is None:
            return False
        return self.git_origin_substr not in self.get_origin()

    def target(self):
        projectorcommon = self.projectname
        releaseorcommon = self.releasename

        if self.distrobranch:
            if self.centosversion not in ('6', '7'):
                return 'c{}s-candidate'.format(self.centosversion)
                return '-'.join(filter(None, ['c'+self.centosversion,

        if not releaseorcommon:
            if not projectorcommon or projectorcommon == 'common':
                projectorcommon = 'common'
                releaseorcommon = 'common'

        return '-'.join(filter(None, [self.signame+self.centosversion,
                                      projectorcommon, releaseorcommon])) + '-el{0}'.format(self.centosversion)

class Commands(Commands):
        For the pyrpkg commands with centpkg behavior
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            Init the object and some configuration details.
        super(Commands, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # For MD5 we want to use the old format of source files, the BSD format
        # should only be used when configured for SHA512
        self.source_entry_type = 'bsd' if self.lookasidehash != 'md5' else 'old'
        self.branchre = 'c\d{1,}(s)?(tream)?|master'
        self.lookaside_structure = None

    def update(self, config):
        if self.lookaside_structure is None:
            self.lookaside_structure = config.get('lookaside_structure', 'hash')

    def distgitdir(self):
        return DistGitDirectory(self.branch_merge, repo_path=self.path)

    def lookasidecache(self):
        if self.distgitdir.distrobranch:
            return StreamLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,
            return SIGLookasideCache(self.lookasidehash,

    # redefined loaders
    def load_rpmdefines(self):
            Populate rpmdefines based on branch data

        if not self.distgitdir.centosversion:
            raise rpkgError('Could not get the OS version from the branch:{0}'.format(self.branch_merge))

        self._distvar = self.distgitdir.centosversion
        self._distval = self._distvar.replace('.', '_')

        self._disttag = 'el%s' % self._distval
        self._rpmdefines = ['--define', '_sourcedir %s' % self.layout.sourcedir,
                            '--define', '_specdir %s' % self.layout.specdir,
                            '--define', '_builddir %s' % self.layout.builddir,
                            '--define', '_srcrpmdir %s' % self.layout.srcrpmdir,
                            '--define', '_rpmdir %s' % self.layout.rpmdir,
                            '--define', 'dist .%s' % self._disttag,
                            # int and float this to remove the decimal
                            '--define', '%s 1' % self._disttag,
                            # This is so the rhel macro is set for spec files
                            '--define', 'rhel %s' % self._distval.split('_')[0]]
        self.log.debug("RPMDefines: %s" % self._rpmdefines)

    def construct_build_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Override build URL for CentOS/Fedora Koji build

        In CentOS/Fedora Koji, anonymous URL should have prefix "git+https://"
        url = super(Commands, self).construct_build_url(*args, **kwargs)
        return 'git+{0}'.format(url)

    def load_target(self):
        """ This sets the target attribute (used for mock and koji) """

        self._target =