andykimpe / rpms / 389-ds-base

Forked from rpms/389-ds-base 8 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 8b89bf22dea16956e4a21174f28ec11f32fc2db4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tbordaz <>
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 11:41:15 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Issue 3729 - (cont) RFE Extend log of operations
 statistics in access log (#5538)

Bug description:
	This is a continuation of the #3729
	The previous fix did not manage internal SRCH, so
	statistics of internal SRCH were not logged

Fix description:
	For internal operation log_op_stat uses
	connid/op_id/op_internal_id/op_nested_count that have been
	computed log_result

	For direct operation log_op_stat uses info from the
	operation itself (o_connid and o_opid)

	log_op_stat relies on operation_type rather than
	o_tag that is not available for internal operation

relates: #3729

Reviewed by: Pierre Rogier
 .../tests/suites/ds_logs/      | 90 ++++++++++++++++++-
 ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h               |  2 +-
 ldap/servers/slapd/result.c                   | 74 +++++++++------
 3 files changed, 136 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/ds_logs/ b/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/ds_logs/
index 865a6d0a3..67605438b 100644
--- a/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/ds_logs/
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/ds_logs/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import pytest
 import subprocess
 from lib389._mapped_object import DSLdapObject
 from lib389.topologies import topology_st
-from lib389.plugins import AutoMembershipPlugin, ReferentialIntegrityPlugin, AutoMembershipDefinitions
+from lib389.plugins import AutoMembershipPlugin, ReferentialIntegrityPlugin, AutoMembershipDefinitions, MemberOfPlugin
 from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts
 from import Groups
 from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits
@@ -1254,6 +1254,94 @@ def test_stat_index(topology_st, request):
+def test_stat_internal_op(topology_st, request):
+    """Check that statistics can also be collected for internal operations
+    :id: 19f393bd-5866-425a-af7a-4dade06d5c77
+    :setup: Standalone Instance
+    :steps:
+        1. Check that nsslapd-statlog-level is 0 (default)
+        2. Enable memberof plugins
+        3. Create a user
+        4. Remove access log (to only detect new records)
+        5. Enable statistic logging nsslapd-statlog-level=1
+        6. Check that on direct SRCH there is no 'Internal' Stat records
+        7. Remove access log (to only detect new records)
+        8. Add group with the user, so memberof triggers internal search
+           and check it exists 'Internal' Stat records
+    :expectedresults:
+        1. Success
+        2. Success
+        3. Success
+        4. Success
+        5. Success
+        6. Success
+        7. Success
+        8. Success
+    """
+    inst = topology_st.standalone
+    # Step 1
+"Assert nsslapd-statlog-level is by default 0")
+    assert topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_int("nsslapd-statlog-level") == 0
+    # Step 2
+    memberof = MemberOfPlugin(inst)
+    memberof.enable()
+    inst.restart()
+    # Step 3 Add setup entries
+    users = UserAccounts(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn=None)
+    user = users.create(properties={'uid': 'test_1',
+                                    'cn': 'test_1',
+                                    'sn': 'test_1',
+                                    'description': 'member',
+                                    'uidNumber': '1000',
+                                    'gidNumber': '2000',
+                                    'homeDirectory': '/home/testuser'})
+    # Step 4 reset accesslog
+    topology_st.standalone.stop()
+    lpath = topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log._get_log_path()
+    os.unlink(lpath)
+    topology_st.standalone.start()
+    # Step 5 enable statistics
+"Set nsslapd-statlog-level: 1 to enable indexing statistics")
+    topology_st.standalone.config.set("nsslapd-statlog-level", "1")
+    # Step 6 for direct SRCH only non internal STAT records
+    entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "uid=test_1")
+    topology_st.standalone.stop()
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*STAT read index.*')
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*STAT read index: attribute.*')
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*STAT read index: duration.*')
+    assert not topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*Internal.*STAT.*')
+    topology_st.standalone.start()
+    # Step 7 reset accesslog
+    topology_st.standalone.stop()
+    lpath = topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log._get_log_path()
+    os.unlink(lpath)
+    topology_st.standalone.start()
+    # Step 8 trigger internal searches and check internal stat records
+    groups = Groups(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn=None)
+    group = groups.create(properties={'cn': 'mygroup',
+                                      'member': 'uid=test_1,%s' % DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
+                                      'description': 'group'})
+    topology_st.standalone.restart()
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*Internal.*STAT read index.*')
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*Internal.*STAT read index: attribute.*')
+    assert topology_st.standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*Internal.*STAT read index: duration.*')
+    def fin():
+'Deleting user/group')
+        user.delete()
+        group.delete()
+    request.addfinalizer(fin)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     # Run isolated
     # -s for DEBUG mode
diff --git a/ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h b/ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h
index 77832797b..c63ad8e74 100644
--- a/ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h
+++ b/ldap/servers/slapd/proto-slap.h
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ long long config_get_pw_minage(void);
 long long config_get_pw_warning(void);
 int config_get_errorlog_level(void);
 int config_get_accesslog_level(void);
-int config_get_statlog_level();
+int config_get_statlog_level(void);
 int config_get_securitylog_level(void);
 int config_get_auditlog_logging_enabled(void);
 int config_get_auditfaillog_logging_enabled(void);
diff --git a/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c b/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
index c8b363cce..2ba205e04 100644
--- a/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
+++ b/ldap/servers/slapd/result.c
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static long current_conn_count;
 static PRLock *current_conn_count_mutex;
 static int flush_ber(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Connection *conn, Operation *op, BerElement *ber, int type);
 static char *notes2str(unsigned int notes, char *buf, size_t buflen);
-static void log_op_stat(Slapi_PBlock *pb);
+static void log_op_stat(Slapi_PBlock *pb, uint64_t connid, int32_t op_id, int32_t op_internal_id, int32_t op_nested_count);
 static void log_result(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Operation *op, int err, ber_tag_t tag, int nentries);
 static void log_entry(Operation *op, Slapi_Entry *e);
 static void log_referral(Operation *op);
@@ -2000,65 +2000,82 @@ notes2str(unsigned int notes, char *buf, size_t buflen)
     return (buf);
+#define STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_INT_INT "conn=Internal(%" PRIu64 ") op=%d(%d)(%d)"
+#define STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_EXT_INT "conn=%" PRIu64 " (Internal) op=%d(%d)(%d)"
 static void
-log_op_stat(Slapi_PBlock *pb)
+log_op_stat(Slapi_PBlock *pb, uint64_t connid, int32_t op_id, int32_t op_internal_id, int32_t op_nested_count)
-    Connection *conn = NULL;
     Operation *op = NULL;
     Op_stat *op_stat;
     struct timespec duration;
     char stat_etime[ETIME_BUFSIZ] = {0};
+    int internal_op;
     if (config_get_statlog_level() == 0) {
-    slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_CONNECTION, &conn);
     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &op);
+    internal_op = operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_INTERNAL);
     op_stat = op_stat_get_operation_extension(pb);
-    if (conn == NULL || op == NULL || op_stat == NULL) {
+    if (op == NULL || op_stat == NULL) {
     /* process the operation */
-    switch (op->o_tag) {
-        case LDAP_REQ_BIND:
-        case LDAP_REQ_UNBIND:
-        case LDAP_REQ_ADD:
-        case LDAP_REQ_DELETE:
-        case LDAP_REQ_MODRDN:
-        case LDAP_REQ_MODIFY:
-        case LDAP_REQ_COMPARE:
+    switch (operation_get_type(op)) {
+        case SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD:
-        case LDAP_REQ_SEARCH:
             if ((LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX & config_get_statlog_level()) &&
                 op_stat->search_stat) {
                 struct component_keys_lookup *key_info;
                 for (key_info = op_stat->search_stat->keys_lookup; key_info; key_info = key_info->next) {
-                    slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
-                                   "conn=%" PRIu64 " op=%d STAT read index: attribute=%s key(%s)=%s --> count %d\n",
-                                   op->o_connid, op->o_opid,
-                                   key_info->attribute_type, key_info->index_type, key_info->key,
-                                   key_info->id_lookup_cnt);
+                    if (internal_op) {
+                        slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
+                                       connid == 0 ? STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_INT_INT "STAT read index: attribute=%s key(%s)=%s --> count %d\n":
+                                                     STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_EXT_INT "STAT read index: attribute=%s key(%s)=%s --> count %d\n",
+                                       connid, op_id, op_internal_id, op_nested_count,
+                                       key_info->attribute_type, key_info->index_type, key_info->key,
+                                       key_info->id_lookup_cnt);
+                    } else {
+                        slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
+                                       "conn=%" PRIu64 " op=%d STAT read index: attribute=%s key(%s)=%s --> count %d\n",
+                                       connid, op_id,
+                                       key_info->attribute_type, key_info->index_type, key_info->key,
+                                       key_info->id_lookup_cnt);
+                    }
                 /* total elapsed time */
                 slapi_timespec_diff(&op_stat->search_stat->keys_lookup_end, &op_stat->search_stat->keys_lookup_start, &duration);
                 snprintf(stat_etime, ETIME_BUFSIZ, "%" PRId64 ".%.09" PRId64 "", (int64_t)duration.tv_sec, (int64_t)duration.tv_nsec);
-                slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
-                               "conn=%" PRIu64 " op=%d STAT read index: duration %s\n",
-                               op->o_connid, op->o_opid, stat_etime); 
+                if (internal_op) {
+                    slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
+                                   connid == 0 ? STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_INT_INT "STAT read index: duration %s\n":
+                                                 STAT_LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_EXT_INT "STAT read index: duration %s\n",
+                                   connid, op_id, op_internal_id, op_nested_count, stat_etime);
+                } else {
+                    slapi_log_stat(LDAP_STAT_READ_INDEX,
+                                   "conn=%" PRIu64 " op=%d STAT read index: duration %s\n",
+                                   op->o_connid, op->o_opid, stat_etime);
+                }
-        case LDAP_REQ_ABANDON_30:
-        case LDAP_REQ_ABANDON:
-                          "log_op_stat", "Ignoring unknown LDAP request (conn=%" PRIu64 ", tag=0x%lx)\n",
-                          conn->c_connid, op->o_tag);
+                          "log_op_stat", "Ignoring unknown LDAP request (conn=%" PRIu64 ", op_type=0x%lx)\n",
+                          connid, operation_get_type(op));
@@ -2218,7 +2235,7 @@ log_result(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Operation *op, int err, ber_tag_t tag, int nentries
             } else {
                 ext_str = "";
-            log_op_stat(pb);
+            log_op_stat(pb, op->o_connid, op->o_opid, 0, 0);
                              "conn=%" PRIu64 " op=%d RESULT err=%d"
                              " tag=%" BERTAG_T " nentries=%d wtime=%s optime=%s etime=%s%s%s%s\n",
@@ -2233,6 +2250,7 @@ log_result(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Operation *op, int err, ber_tag_t tag, int nentries
         } else {
             int optype;
+            log_op_stat(pb, connid, op_id, op_internal_id, op_nested_count);
 #define LOG_MSG_FMT " tag=%" BERTAG_T " nentries=%d wtime=%s optime=%s etime=%s%s%s\n"
                              connid == 0 ? LOG_CONN_OP_FMT_INT_INT LOG_MSG_FMT :