# Description: call this function whenever you need to log output (preferred to calling echo)
# Arguments: log string to display
function t_Log
printf "[+] `date` -> $*\n"
# Description: call this at the end of your script to assess the exit status
# Arguments: the exit status from whatever you want checked (ie, '$?')
function t_CheckExitStatus
[ $1 -eq 0 ] && { t_Log "PASS"; return $PASS; }
t_Log "FAIL"
exit $FAIL
# Description: call this to perform yum-based installs of packages
# Arguments: a space separated list of package names to install.
function t_InstallPackage
t_Log "Attempting yum install: $*"
/usr/bin/yum -y -d0 install "$@"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to perform a yum-based removal of packages
# Arguments: a space separated list of package names to remove.
function t_RemovePackage
t_Log "Attempting yum remove: $*"
/usr/bin/yum -y -d0 remove "$@"
t_CheckExitStatus $?
# Description: call this to process a list of folders containing test scripts
# Arguments: a list of folder paths to process (see example in runtests.sh)
function t_ProcessFolder
while read f
# skip files named readme or those that start with an _
[[ "${f}" =~ readme|^_ ]] && continue;
# handy tip: chmod ug-x to disable individual test scripts.
[ -x ${f} ] && ${f}
done < $@
return 0
# Description: check to see if one or more packages are installed
# return true if they're all installed, false if not.
# Arguments: one or more package names to check for.
function t_CheckDeps
# success, all packages are installed
return 0
export -f t_Log
export -f t_CheckExitStatus
export -f t_InstallPackage
export -f t_RemovePackage
export -f t_ProcessFolder
export -f t_CheckDeps