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            Olaf Bachmann <>
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<title>CentOS Artwork Repository: 3.4 trunk/Identity/Fonts</title>

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<a name="trunk-Identity-Fonts"></a>
<a name="SEC23"></a>
<h2 class="section"> 3.4 trunk/Identity/Fonts </h2>

<a name="SEC24"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.4.1 Goals </h3>

<p>This section exists to organize digital typographies used by the
CentOS project.

<a name="SEC25"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.4.2 Description </h3>

<a name="SEC26"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.4.3 Usage </h3>

<p>The CentOS corporate identity is attached to <samp>`DejaVu LGC'</samp>
font-family.  Whatever artwork you design for CentOS project, that
requires typography usage, must be done using <samp>`DejaVu LGC'</samp>
<dl compact="compact">
<dt> <strong>Recommendation-1:</strong> </dt>
<p>For screen desings (e.g., anything that final destination will never
be printed on paper or any medium outside computer screens) use
<samp>`DejaVu LGC Sans'</samp> font-family. 
<dt> <strong>Recommendation-2:</strong> </dt>
<p>For non-screen designs (e.g., anything that final desition will be
printed on paper or any other medium outside computer screens) use
<samp>`DejaVu LGC Serif'</samp> font-family. As convenction files described in
this rule are stored under <samp>`Stationery'</samp> directories.  

<p>The only execption for the two recommendations above is the typography
used inside CentOS logo. The CentOS logo is the main visual
representation of the CentOS project so the typography used in it must
be the same always, no matter where it be shown. It also has to be
clear enough to dismiss any confussion between similar typefaces
(e.g., the number one (1) sometimes is confuesed with the letter
<samp>`el'</samp> (l) or letter <samp>`ai'</samp> (i)). 
<p>As CentOS logo typography convenction, the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp> uses
<samp>`Denmark'</samp> typography as base, both for the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp> and
the phrase <samp>`Community Enterprise Operating System'</samp>. The phrase
size of CentOS logo is half the size in poits the word <samp>`CentOS'</samp>
has and it below <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and aligned with it on the left.
The distance between <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and phrase <samp>`Community
Enterprise Operating System'</samp> have the size in points the phrase has.
<p>When the CentOS release brand is built, use <samp>`Denmark'</samp> typography
for the release number. The release number size is two times larger
(in height) than default <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word. The separation between
release number and <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word is twice the size in points of
separation between <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and phrase <samp>`Community
Enterprise Operating System'</samp>.
<p>Another component inside CentOS logo is the trademark symbol (TM).
This symbol specifies that the CentOS logo must be consider a product
brand, even it is not a registered one. The trademark symbol uses
DejaVu LGC Sans Regular typography. The trademark symbol is aligned
right-top on the outter side of <samp>`CentOS'</samp> word. The trademark
symbol must not exceed haf the distance, in points, between
<samp>`CentOS'</samp> word and the release number on its right.
<p>It would be very convenient for the CentOS Project and its community
to to make a registered trademark (®) of CentOS logo. To make a
register trademark of CentOS Logo prevents legal complications in the
market place of brands. It grants the consistency, through time, of
CentOS project corporate visual identity.
<blockquote class="blue"><img src="/home/centos/artwork/trunk/Identity/Widgets/Img/icon-admonition-info.png" alt="info"><h3>Note</h3><p> The information about trademarks and corporate identity
is my personal interpretation of
<a class="www" href=""></a> and
<a class="www" href=""></a> description. If you have
practical experiences with these affairs, please serve yourself to
improve this section with your reasons.

<a name="SEC27"></a>
<h3 class="subsection"> 3.4.4 See also </h3>

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