Tomas Bzatek 10280e
From 26fcef727d68af97b1187d2ac3cad19acc3d97c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
From: Tomas Bzatek <>
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 18:33:59 +0200
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] iscsi: Set node parameters before the Login/Logout action
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
This allows to properly pass required arguments like the CHAP
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
auth algorithms, etc.
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
 modules/iscsi/udisksiscsiutil.c | 54 ++++++++++++++++++---------------
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
 1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
diff --git a/modules/iscsi/udisksiscsiutil.c b/modules/iscsi/udisksiscsiutil.c
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
index 78890106f0..b279442876 100644
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
--- a/modules/iscsi/udisksiscsiutil.c
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+++ b/modules/iscsi/udisksiscsiutil.c
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -186,9 +186,10 @@ iscsi_perform_login_action (UDisksLinuxModuleISCSI     *module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
 static gint
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-iscsi_node_set_parameters (struct libiscsi_context *ctx,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                           struct libiscsi_node    *node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                           GVariant                *params)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+iscsi_node_set_parameters (struct libiscsi_context  *ctx,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                           struct libiscsi_node     *node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                           GVariant                 *params,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                           gchar                   **errorstr)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   GVariantIter  iter;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   GVariant     *value;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -207,9 +208,11 @@ iscsi_node_set_parameters (struct libiscsi_context *ctx,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
       /* Update the node parameter value. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
       err = libiscsi_node_set_parameter (ctx, node, key, param_value);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+      if (errorstr && err != 0)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+        *errorstr = g_strdup (libiscsi_get_error_string (ctx));
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
       g_variant_unref (value);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-      g_free ((gpointer) key);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+      g_free (key);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   return 0;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -279,7 +282,7 @@ iscsi_login (UDisksLinuxModuleISCSI *module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   const gchar *password = NULL;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   const gchar *reverse_username = NULL;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   const gchar *reverse_password = NULL;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  gint err;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  gint err = 0;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_MODULE_ISCSI (module), 1);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -304,17 +307,18 @@ iscsi_login (UDisksLinuxModuleISCSI *module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   /* Get iscsi context. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   ctx = udisks_linux_module_iscsi_get_libiscsi_context (module);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  /* Login */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  err = iscsi_perform_login_action (module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    ACTION_LOGIN,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    &node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    &auth_info,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  /* Update node parameters. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  if (params)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+    err = iscsi_node_set_parameters (ctx, &node, params_without_chap, errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  if (err == 0 && params)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  /* Login */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  if (err == 0)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-      /* Update node parameters. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-      err = iscsi_node_set_parameters (ctx, &node, params_without_chap);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+      err = iscsi_perform_login_action (module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        ACTION_LOGIN,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        &node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        &auth_info,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   g_variant_unref (params_without_chap);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ iscsi_logout (UDisksLinuxModuleISCSI *module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   struct libiscsi_context *ctx;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   struct libiscsi_node node = {0,};
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  gint err;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  gint err = 0;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   g_return_val_if_fail (UDISKS_IS_LINUX_MODULE_ISCSI (module), 1);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -344,18 +348,18 @@ iscsi_logout (UDisksLinuxModuleISCSI *module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   /* Get iscsi context. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   ctx = udisks_linux_module_iscsi_get_libiscsi_context (module);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  /* Logout */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  err = iscsi_perform_login_action (module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    ACTION_LOGOUT,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    &node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    NULL,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-                                    errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  /* Update node parameters. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  if (params)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+    err = iscsi_node_set_parameters (ctx, &node, params, errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-  if (err == 0 && params)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  /* Logout */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+  if (err == 0)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-      /* Update node parameters. */
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
-      err = iscsi_node_set_parameters (ctx, &node, params);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+      err = iscsi_perform_login_action (module,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        ACTION_LOGOUT,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        &node,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        NULL,
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+                                        errorstr);
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
   return err;
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
From 749812784abcc4c0492bda0703bff5d3dae052f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
From: Tomas Bzatek <>
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 18:35:42 +0200
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] tests: Disallow MD5 for iscsi CHAP login
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
MD5 is unavailable in FIPS mode:
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
  iscsid[82167]: iscsid: Ignoring CHAP algorthm request for MD5 due to crypto lib configuration
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
  iscsid[82167]: iscsid: Couldn't set CHAP algorithm list
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
  kernel: rx_data returned 0, expecting 48.
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
  kernel: iSCSI Login negotiation failed.
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
 src/tests/dbus-tests/ | 3 +++
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
diff --git a/src/tests/dbus-tests/ b/src/tests/dbus-tests/
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
index 09e975f30c..02ba6c92b0 100644
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
--- a/src/tests/dbus-tests/
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+++ b/src/tests/dbus-tests/
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ def test_login_chap_auth(self):
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         self.assertEqual(port, self.port)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options = dbus.Dictionary(signature='sv')
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+        options['node.session.auth.chap_algs'] = 'SHA3-256,SHA256,SHA1'  # disallow MD5
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options['username'] = self.initiator
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         msg = 'Login failed: initiator reported error \(24 - iSCSI login failed due to authorization failure\)'
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ def test_login_mutual_auth(self):
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         self.assertEqual(port, self.port)
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options = dbus.Dictionary(signature='sv')
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+        options['node.session.auth.chap_algs'] = 'SHA3-256,SHA256,SHA1'  # disallow MD5
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options['username'] = self.initiator
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options['password'] = self.password
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options['reverse-username'] = self.mutual_iqn
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
@@ -335,6 +337,7 @@ def test_login_noauth_badauth(self):
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         # first attempt - wrong password
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options = dbus.Dictionary(signature='sv')
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
+        options['node.session.auth.chap_algs'] = 'SHA3-256,SHA256,SHA1'  # disallow MD5
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         options['username'] = self.initiator
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         msg = r'Login failed: initiator reported error \((19 - encountered non-retryable iSCSI login failure|24 - iSCSI login failed due to authorization failure)\)'
Tomas Bzatek 10280e
         with six.assertRaisesRegex(self, dbus.exceptions.DBusException, msg):