7bc1e2 |
# what it's called on pypi
7bc1e2 |
%global srcname h11
7bc1e2 |
# what it's imported as
7bc1e2 |
%global libname h11
7bc1e2 |
# name of egg info directory
7bc1e2 |
%global eggname h11
7bc1e2 |
# package name fragment
7bc1e2 |
%global pkgname h11
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%global _description \
7bc1e2 |
This is a little HTTP/1.1 library written from scratch in Python, heavily\
7bc1e2 |
inspired by hyper-h2. It is a "bring-your-own-I/O" library; h11 contains no IO\
7bc1e2 |
code whatsoever. This means you can hook h11 up to your favorite network API,\
7bc1e2 |
and that could be anything you want: synchronous, threaded, asynchronous, or\
7bc1e2 |
your own implementation of RFC 6214 -- h11 will not judge you. This also means\
7bc1e2 |
that h11 is not immediately useful out of the box: it is a toolkit for building\
7bc1e2 |
programs that speak HTTP, not something that could directly replace requests or\
7bc1e2 |
twisted.web or whatever. But h11 makes it much easier to implement something\
7bc1e2 |
like requests or twisted.web.
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%bcond_without tests
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
Name: python-%{pkgname}
7bc1e2 |
Version: 0.12.0
7bc1e2 |
Release: 2%{?dist}
7bc1e2 |
Summary: A pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
7bc1e2 |
License: MIT
7bc1e2 |
URL: https://github.com/python-hyper/h11
7bc1e2 |
Source0: %pypi_source
7bc1e2 |
BuildArch: noarch
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%description %{_description}
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{pkgname}
7bc1e2 |
Summary: %{summary}
7bc1e2 |
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel
7bc1e2 |
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools
7bc1e2 |
%if %{with tests}
7bc1e2 |
BuildRequires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pytest
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{pkgname}}
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{pkgname} %{_description}
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%autosetup -n %{srcname}-%{version}
7bc1e2 |
rm -rf %{eggname}.egg-info
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%if %{with tests}
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
py.test-%{python3_version} --verbose
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
%files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-%{pkgname}
7bc1e2 |
%license LICENSE.txt
7bc1e2 |
%doc README.rst
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.12.0-2
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Tue Jan 05 2021 Joel Capitao <jcapitao@redhat.com> - 0.12.0-1
7bc1e2 |
- Update to 0.12.0 (#1868613)
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Wed Jul 29 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.0-7
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 0.9.0-6
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Thu Jan 30 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.0-5
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Thu Oct 03 2019 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 0.9.0-4
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for Python 3.8.0rc1 (#1748018)
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Mon Aug 19 2019 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 0.9.0-3
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for Python 3.8
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.9.0-2
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Mon May 20 2019 Carl George <carl@george.computer> - 0.9.0-1
7bc1e2 |
- Latest upstream
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Sat Feb 02 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.8.1-2
7bc1e2 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild
7bc1e2 |
7bc1e2 |
* Wed Sep 12 2018 Carl George <carl@george.computer> - 0.8.1-1
7bc1e2 |
- Initial package