699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
Version 9.2, for the PostgreSQL 9.2 RPM set.
699f87 |
Devrim Gündüz <devrim@gunduz.org>
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
1.) Introduction and QuickStart
699f87 |
2.) Upgrading an installation
699f87 |
3.) PostgreSQL RPM packages and rationale
699f87 |
4.) Starting multiple postmasters
699f87 |
5.) Regression Testing
699f87 |
6.) Starting postmaster automatically on startup
699f87 |
7.) Grand Unified Configuration(GUC) File
699f87 |
8.) Logging set up
699f87 |
9.) Rebuilding from the source RPM
699f87 |
10.) Contrib files
699f87 |
11.) Further Information Resource
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
This document exists to explain the layout of the RPMs for PostgreSQL, to
699f87 |
describe various RPM specifics, and to document special features found
699f87 |
in the RPMset.
699f87 |
699f87 |
This document is written to be applicable to version 9.2 of PostgreSQL,
699f87 |
which is the current version of the RPMs as of this writing. More to the
699f87 |
point, versions prior to 9.2 are not documented here.
699f87 |
699f87 |
This document is intended for use only with the RPMs supplied in Red Hat
699f87 |
Enterprise Linux, CentOS and Fedora. Note that there are also "PGDG"
699f87 |
RPMs available directly from the upstream PostgreSQL project. Those are
699f87 |
slightly different.
699f87 |
699f87 |
QUICKSTART (note that this requires postgresql-server installed)
699f87 |
699f87 |
For a fresh installation, you will need to initialize the cluster first. Run:
699f87 |
699f87 |
postgresql-setup initdb
699f87 |
699f87 |
as root, and it will prepare a new database cluster for you. Then you will
699f87 |
need to start PostgreSQL. Again as root, run:
699f87 |
699f87 |
systemctl start postgresql.service
699f87 |
699f87 |
This command will start a postmaster that willl listen on localhost and Unix
699f87 |
socket 5432 only. Edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf and pg_hba.conf
699f87 |
if you want to allow remote access -- see the section on Grand Unified
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
You will probably also want to do
699f87 |
699f87 |
systemctl enable postgresql.service
699f87 |
699f87 |
so that the postmaster is automatically started during future reboots.
699f87 |
699f87 |
The file /var/lib/pgsql/.bash_profile is packaged to help with the
699f87 |
setting of environment variables. You may edit this file, and it won't be
699f87 |
overwritten during an upgrade. However, enhancements and bugfixes may
699f87 |
be added to this file, so be sure to check .bash_profile.rpmnew after
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
The user 'postgres' is created during installation of the server subpackage.
699f87 |
This user by default is UID and GID 26. The user has the default shell set to
699f87 |
bash, and the home directory set to /var/lib/pgsql. This user also has no
699f87 |
default password, so the only way to become this user is to su to it from root.
699f87 |
If you want to be able to su to it from a non-root account or log in directly
699f87 |
as 'postgres' you will need to set a password using passwd.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
For a minor-version upgrade (such as 9.2.1 to 9.2.2), just install the
699f87 |
new RPMs; there's usually nothing more to it than that. Upgrading
699f87 |
across a major release of PostgreSQL (for example, from 9.1.x to 9.2.x)
699f87 |
requires more effort.
699f87 |
699f87 |
If you are upgrading across more than one major release of PostgreSQL
699f87 |
(for example, from 8.3.x to 9.0.x), you will need to follow the "traditional"
699f87 |
dump and reload process to bring your data into the new version. That is:
699f87 |
*before* upgrading, run pg_dumpall to extract all your data into a SQL file.
699f87 |
Shut down the old postmaster, upgrade to the new version RPMs, initdb,
699f87 |
and run the dump file through psql to restore your data.
699f87 |
699f87 |
In some major releases, the RPMs also support in-place upgrade from the
699f87 |
immediately previous major release. Currently, you can upgrade in-place
699f87 |
from 9.1.x to 9.2.x. This is much faster than a dump and reload.
699f87 |
To do an in-place upgrade:
699f87 |
* shut down the old postmaster ("systemctl stop postgresql.service")
699f87 |
* optionally make a backup of /var/lib/pgsql/data/ (recommended!)
699f87 |
* install the new version's RPMs (install all the ones you had before,
699f87 |
plus postgresql-upgrade)
699f87 |
* as root, run "postgresql-setup upgrade"
699f87 |
* update the configuration files /var/lib/pgsql/data/*.conf with any
699f87 |
customizations you had before (your old configuration files are in
699f87 |
699f87 |
* as root, run "systemctl start postgresql.service"
699f87 |
* the postgresql-upgrade RPM can be removed after the update is complete,
699f87 |
as can /var/lib/pgsql/data-old/
699f87 |
699f87 |
NOTE: The in-place upgrade process is new and relatively poorly tested,
699f87 |
so if your data is critical it's a really good idea to make a tarball
699f87 |
backup of /var/lib/pgsql/data/ before running the upgrade. This will
699f87 |
let you get back to where you were in case of disaster.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
PostgreSQL is split up into multiple packages so that users can 'pick and
699f87 |
choose' what pieces are needed, and what dependencies are required.
699f87 |
699f87 |
The RPMset is packaged in the following subpackages:
699f87 |
699f87 |
postgresql: Key client programs and documentation
699f87 |
postgresql-libs: Client shared libraries
699f87 |
postgresql-server: Server executables and data files
699f87 |
postgresql-devel: Development libraries and include files
699f87 |
postgresql-test: The regression tests and associated files
699f87 |
postgresql-upgrade: Support files for upgrading from previous major version
699f87 |
postgresql-docs: Extra documentation, such as the tutorial files
699f87 |
postgresql-contrib: Add-on loadable modules and programs
699f87 |
postgresql-plperl: PL/Perl procedural language
699f87 |
postgresql-plpython: PL/Python procedural language (for Python 2)
699f87 |
postgresql-plpython3: PL/Python procedural language (for Python 3)
699f87 |
postgresql-pltcl: PL/Tcl procedural language
699f87 |
699f87 |
You have to install postgresql and postgresql-libs to do anything.
699f87 |
postgresql-server is needed unless you only plan to use the clients to work
699f87 |
with a remote PostgreSQL server. The others are optional.
699f87 |
699f87 |
Note that there are no postgresql-perl, postgresql-jdbc, postgresql-odbc,
699f87 |
postgresql-python, postgresql-tcl, or postgresql-tk subpackages any longer.
699f87 |
Those programs have been split off into separate source distributions.
699f87 |
They are still available, but in some cases not under those RPM names.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
To be in compliance with the Linux FHS, the PostgreSQL RPMs install files in
699f87 |
a manner not consistent with most of the PostgreSQL documentation. According
699f87 |
to the standard PostgreSQL documentation, PostgreSQL is installed under the
699f87 |
directory /usr/local/pgsql, with executables, source, and data existing in
699f87 |
various subdirectories.
699f87 |
699f87 |
Different distributions have different ideas of some of these file locations.
699f87 |
In particular, the documentation directory can be /usr/doc, /usr/doc/packages,
699f87 |
/usr/share/doc, /usr/share/doc/packages, or some other similar path.
699f87 |
699f87 |
However, the Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora RPM's install the files like
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
Executables: /usr/bin
699f87 |
Libraries: /usr/lib (or /usr/lib64 on 64-bit machines)
699f87 |
Documentation: /usr/share/doc/postgresql-docs-x.y.z/html
699f87 |
Contrib documentation: /usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib-x.y.z
699f87 |
Source: not installed
699f87 |
Data: /var/lib/pgsql/data
699f87 |
Backup area: /var/lib/pgsql/backups
699f87 |
Templates: /usr/share/pgsql
699f87 |
Procedural Languages: /usr/lib/pgsql or /usr/lib64/pgsql
699f87 |
Development Headers: /usr/include/pgsql
699f87 |
Other shared data: /usr/share/pgsql
699f87 |
Regression tests: /usr/lib/pgsql/test/regress (in the -test package)
699f87 |
or /usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress
699f87 |
699f87 |
While it may seem gratuitous to place these files in different locations, the
699f87 |
FHS requires it -- distributions should not ever touch /usr/local. It may
699f87 |
also seem like more work to keep track of where everything is -- but, that's
699f87 |
the beauty of RPM -- you don't have to keep track of the files, RPM does it
699f87 |
for you.
699f87 |
699f87 |
These RPMs are designed to be LSB-compliant -- if you find this not to be the
699f87 |
case, please let us know by way of the pgsqlrpms-hackers@pgfoundry.org
699f87 |
mailing list.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
The postgresql-server RPM contains a systemd "unit" file, postgresql.service,
699f87 |
that is used to start the PostgreSQL postmaster. If you need to run multiple
699f87 |
postmasters on one machine, you can create additional unit files derived
699f87 |
from this one.
699f87 |
699f87 |
As an example, let us create a secondary postmaster called, creatively enough,
699f87 |
'secondary'. Here are the steps:
699f87 |
1.) Create a file named /etc/systemd/system/secondary.service.
699f87 |
(Note that user-created unit files must go into /etc not /lib!)
699f87 |
Put these lines in it:
699f87 |
.include /lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
Replace "nnnn" and "/path/to/data/directory" with appropriate
699f87 |
settings that don't conflict with any other postmaster.
699f87 |
2.) As root, do "/bin/systemctl daemon-reload" to ensure systemd has
699f87 |
noticed your updates to the service file.
699f87 |
3.) Create the target PGDATA directory, making sure that its parent
699f87 |
directories have appropriate ownership and permissions.
699f87 |
4.) Initdb the target PGDATA with 'postgresql-setup initdb secondary'.
699f87 |
5.) Edit postgresql.conf in the target PGDATA to change settings as needed.
699f87 |
6.) Start the new postmaster with 'systemctl start secondary.service'.
699f87 |
You will probably also want to do 'systemctl enable secondary.service'
699f87 |
so that the new postmaster is automatically started in future reboots.
699f87 |
699f87 |
When doing a major-version upgrade of a secondary postmaster, add the
699f87 |
service name to the postgresql-setup command, for example 'postgresql-setup
699f87 |
upgrade secondary'. This will let postgresql-setup find the correct data
699f87 |
directory from the service file.
699f87 |
699f87 |
If you are running SELinux in enforcing mode (which is highly recommended,
699f87 |
particularly for network-exposed services like PostgreSQL) you will need to
699f87 |
adjust SELinux policy to allow the postmaster to use non-default PGPORT or
699f87 |
PGDATA settings. To allow use of a non-default port, say 5433, do this
699f87 |
as root:
699f87 |
semanage port -a -t postgresql_port_t -p tcp 5433
699f87 |
To allow use of a non-default data directory, say /special/pgdata, do:
699f87 |
semanage fcontext -a -t postgresql_db_t "/special/pgdata(/.*)?"
699f87 |
If you already created the directory, follow that with:
699f87 |
restorecon -R /special/pgdata
699f87 |
These settings are persistent across reboots. For more information
699f87 |
see "man semanage".
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
If you install the postgresql-test RPM then you can run the PostgreSQL
699f87 |
regression tests. These tests stress your database installation and produce
699f87 |
results that give you assurances that the installation is complete, and that
699f87 |
your database machine is up to the task.
699f87 |
699f87 |
To run the regression tests under the RPM installation, make sure that the
699f87 |
postmaster has been started (if not, su to root and do "systemctl start
699f87 |
postgresql.service"), su to postgres, cd to /usr/lib/pgsql/test/regress
699f87 |
(or /usr/lib64/pgsql/test/regress on a 64-bit machine),
699f87 |
and execute "make check".
699f87 |
This command will start the regression tests and will both show the
699f87 |
results to the screen and store the results in the file regress.out.
699f87 |
699f87 |
If any tests fail, see the file regression.diffs in that directory for details,
699f87 |
and read the "Regression Tests" section of the PostgreSQL documentation to
699f87 |
find out whether the differences are actually significant. If you need help
699f87 |
interpreting the results, contact the pgsql-general list at
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
After testing, run "make clean" to remove the files generated by the test
699f87 |
script. Then you can remove the postgresql-test RPM, if you wish.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
Fedora / Red Hat / CentOS use the systemd package to manage server startup.
699f87 |
A systemd unit file for PostgreSQL is provided in the server package, as
699f87 |
/lib/systemd/system/postgresql.service. To start the postmaster manually,
699f87 |
as root run
699f87 |
systemctl start postgresql.service
699f87 |
To shut the postmaster down,
699f87 |
systemctl stop postgresql.service
699f87 |
These two commands only change the postmaster's current status. If you
699f87 |
want the postmaster to be started automatically during future system startups,
699f87 |
699f87 |
systemctl enable postgresql.service
699f87 |
To undo that again,
699f87 |
systemctl disable postgresql.service
699f87 |
See "man systemctl" for other possible subcommands.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
The PostgreSQL server has many tunable parameters -- the file
699f87 |
/var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf is the master configuration file for the
699f87 |
whole system.
699f87 |
699f87 |
The RPM ships with a mostly-default file -- you will need to tune the
699f87 |
parameters for your installation. In particular, you might want to allow
699f87 |
nonlocal TCP/IP socket connections -- in order to allow these, you will need
699f87 |
to edit the postgresql.conf file. The line in question contains the string
699f87 |
'listen_addresses' -- you need to both uncomment the line and set the value
699f87 |
to '*' to get the postmaster to accept nonlocal connections. You'll also need
699f87 |
to adjust pg_hba.conf appropriately.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
By default, the postmaster's stderr log is directed into files placed in a
699f87 |
pg_log subdirectory of the data directory (ie, /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_log).
699f87 |
The out-of-the-box configuration rotates among seven files, one for each
699f87 |
day of the week. You can adjust this by changing postgresql.conf settings.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
If your distribution is not supported by the binary RPMs from PostgreSQL.org,
699f87 |
you will need to rebuild from the source RPM.
699f87 |
699f87 |
If you have not previously rebuilt any RPMs, set up the required environment:
699f87 |
make a work directory, say ~/rpmwork, then cd into it and do
699f87 |
699f87 |
Then make a file ~/.rpmmacros containing
699f87 |
%_topdir <full path to work directory here>
699f87 |
699f87 |
Download the postgresql .src.rpm for the release you want and place it in
699f87 |
the SRPMS subdirectory, then cd there and execute
699f87 |
rpmbuild --rebuild postgresql-nnn.src.rpm
699f87 |
The results will appear under the RPMS subdirectory.
699f87 |
699f87 |
You will have to have a full development environment to rebuild the RPM set.
699f87 |
If rpmbuild complains of lack of certain packages, install them and try
699f87 |
again. In some cases, you can disable features to avoid needing some
699f87 |
development packages, as detailed next.
699f87 |
699f87 |
This release of the RPMset includes the ability to conditionally build
699f87 |
sets of packages. The parameters, their defaults, and the meanings are:
699f87 |
699f87 |
beta 0 #build with cassert and do not strip the binaries
699f87 |
runselftest 1 #do "make check" during the build
699f87 |
test 1 #build the postgresql-test package
699f87 |
upgrade 1 #build the postgresql-upgrade package
699f87 |
plpython 1 #build the PL/Python procedural language package
699f87 |
plpython3 1 #build the PL/Python3 procedural language package
699f87 |
pltcl 1 #build the PL/Tcl procedural language package
699f87 |
plperl 1 #build the PL/Perl procedural language package
699f87 |
ssl 1 #build with OpenSSL support
699f87 |
kerberos 1 #build with Kerberos 5 support
699f87 |
ldap 1 #build with LDAP support
699f87 |
nls 1 #build with national language support
699f87 |
pam 1 #build with PAM support
699f87 |
sdt 1 #build with SystemTap support
699f87 |
xml 1 #build with XML support
699f87 |
pgfts 1 #build with --enable-thread-safety
699f87 |
selinux 1 #build contrib/selinux
699f87 |
uuid 1 #build contrib/uuid-ossp
699f87 |
699f87 |
To use these defines, invoke a rebuild like this:
699f87 |
rpmbuild --rebuild --define 'plpython 0' --define 'pltcl 0' \
699f87 |
--define 'test 0' --define 'runselftest 0' --define 'kerberos 0' \
699f87 |
699f87 |
This line would disable the plpython, pltcl, and test subpackages, disable
699f87 |
the regression test run during build, and disable kerberos support.
699f87 |
699f87 |
You might need to disable runselftest if there is an installed version of
699f87 |
PostgreSQL that is a different major version from what you are trying to
699f87 |
build. The self test tends to pick up the installed libpq.so shared library
699f87 |
in place of the one being built :-(, so if that isn't compatible the test will
699f87 |
fail. Also, you can't use runselftest when doing the build as root.
699f87 |
699f87 |
More of these conditionals will be added in the future.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
The contents of the contrib tree are packaged into the -contrib subpackage
699f87 |
and are processed with make and make install. There is documentation in
699f87 |
/usr/share/doc/postgresql-contrib-VERSION for these modules. Most of the
699f87 |
modules are in /usr/lib/pgsql (or /usr/lib64/pgsql) for loadable
699f87 |
modules, and binaries are in /usr/bin. In the future these files may be
699f87 |
split out, depending upon function and dependencies.
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
You can get more information at http://www.postgresql.org and
699f87 |
699f87 |
699f87 |
Please help make this packaging better -- let us know if you find problems, or
699f87 |
better ways of doing things. You can reach us by e-mail at
699f87 |
699f87 |