1c8881 |
# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2013, 2014 Nicira Networks, Inc.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
1c8881 |
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
1c8881 |
# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
1c8881 |
# without warranty of any kind.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# If tests have to be skipped while building, specify the '--without check'
1c8881 |
# option. For example:
1c8881 |
# rpmbuild -bb --without check rhel/openvswitch-fedora.spec
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# This defines the base package name's version.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%define pkgname openvswitch2.11
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Enable PIE, bz#955181
1c8881 |
%global _hardened_build 1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# RHEL-7 doesn't define _rundir macro yet
1c8881 |
# Fedora 15 onwards uses /run as _rundir
1c8881 |
%if 0%{!?_rundir:1}
1c8881 |
%define _rundir /run
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# FIXME Test "STP - flush the fdb and mdb when topology changed" fails on s390x
1c8881 |
# FIXME 2 tests fails on ppc64le. They will be hopefully fixed before official 2.11
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
%bcond_without check
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%bcond_with check
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# option to run kernel datapath tests, requires building as root!
1c8881 |
%bcond_with check_datapath_kernel
1c8881 |
# option to build with libcap-ng, needed for running OVS as regular user
1c8881 |
%bcond_without libcapng
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Build python2 (that provides python) and python3 subpackages on Fedora
1c8881 |
# Build only python3 (that provides python) subpackage on RHEL8
1c8881 |
# Build only python subpackage on RHEL7
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora}
1c8881 |
# Use Python3
1c8881 |
%global _py python3
1c8881 |
%global _py2 python2
1c8881 |
%global with_python3 1
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?fedora}
1c8881 |
%global with_python2 1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%global with_python2 0
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# On RHEL8 Sphinx is included in buildroot
1c8881 |
%global external_sphinx 1
cda58c |
%global __python %{__python3}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Use Python2
1c8881 |
%global _py python
1c8881 |
%global _py2 python
1c8881 |
%global with_python2 1
1c8881 |
%global with_python3 0
1c8881 |
# Don't use external sphinx (RHV doesn't have optional repositories enabled)
1c8881 |
%global external_sphinx 0
cda58c |
%global __python %{__python2}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Name: %{pkgname}
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch
1c8881 |
Group: System Environment/Daemons daemon/database/utilities
1c8881 |
URL: http://www.openvswitch.org/
1c8881 |
Version: 2.11.3
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
Release: 95%{?dist}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Nearly all of openvswitch is ASL 2.0. The bugtool is LGPLv2+, and the
1c8881 |
# lib/sflow*.[ch] files are SISSL
1c8881 |
# datapath/ is GPLv2 (although not built into any of the binary packages)
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0 and LGPLv2+ and SISSL
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%define dpdkver 18.11.7
1c8881 |
%define dpdkdir dpdk
1c8881 |
%define dpdksver %(echo %{dpdkver} | cut -d. -f-2)
1c8881 |
# NOTE: DPDK does not currently build for s390x
1c8881 |
# DPDK on aarch64 is not stable enough to be enabled in FDP
1c8881 |
%define dpdkarches x86_64 ppc64le
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Source: https://github.com/openvswitch/ovs/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/openvswitch-%{version}.tar.gz
1c8881 |
Source10: https://fast.dpdk.org/rel/dpdk-%{dpdkver}.tar.xz
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%define docutilsver 0.12
1c8881 |
%define pygmentsver 1.4
1c8881 |
%define sphinxver 1.1.3
1c8881 |
Source100: https://pypi.io/packages/source/d/docutils/docutils-%{docutilsver}.tar.gz
1c8881 |
Source101: https://pypi.io/packages/source/P/Pygments/Pygments-%{pygmentsver}.tar.gz
1c8881 |
Source102: https://pypi.io/packages/source/S/Sphinx/Sphinx-%{sphinxver}.tar.gz
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Source500: configlib.sh
1c8881 |
Source502: set_config.sh
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Important: source503 is used as the actual copy file
1c8881 |
# @TODO: this causes a warning - fix it?
1c8881 |
Source504: arm64-armv8a-linuxapp-gcc-config
1c8881 |
Source505: ppc_64-power8-linuxapp-gcc-config
1c8881 |
Source506: x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc-config
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Patch: openvswitch-%{version}.patch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# The DPDK is designed to optimize througput of network traffic using, among
1c8881 |
# other techniques, carefully crafted assembly instructions. As such it
1c8881 |
# needs extensive work to port it to other architectures.
1c8881 |
ExclusiveArch: x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le s390x
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Do not enable this otherwise YUM will break on any upgrade.
1c8881 |
# Provides: openvswitch
1c8881 |
Conflicts: openvswitch < 2.11
1c8881 |
Conflicts: openvswitch-dpdk < 2.11
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# dpdk_mach_arch maps between rpm and dpdk arch name, often same as _target_cpu
1c8881 |
# dpdk_mach_tmpl is the config template dpdk_mach name, often "native"
1c8881 |
# dpdk_mach is the actual dpdk_mach name used in the dpdk make system
1c8881 |
%ifarch x86_64
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_arch x86_64
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_tmpl native
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach default
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch aarch64
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_arch arm64
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_tmpl armv8a
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach armv8a
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch ppc64le
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_arch ppc_64
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach_tmpl power8
1c8881 |
%define dpdk_mach power8
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%define dpdktarget %{dpdk_mach_arch}-%{dpdk_mach_tmpl}-linuxapp-gcc
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# FIXME Sphinx is used to generate some manpages, unfortunately, on RHEL, it's
1c8881 |
# in the -optional repository and so we can't require it directly since RHV
1c8881 |
# doesn't have the -optional repository enabled and so TPS fails
1c8881 |
%if %{external_sphinx}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-sphinx
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Sphinx dependencies
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-devel
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-setuptools
1c8881 |
#BuildRequires: %{_py}-docutils
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-jinja2
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-nose
1c8881 |
#BuildRequires: %{_py}-pygments
1c8881 |
# docutils dependencies
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-imaging
1c8881 |
# pygments dependencies
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py}-nose
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: gcc gcc-c++ make
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: autoconf automake libtool
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: systemd-units openssl openssl-devel
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python3}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: python3-devel python3-six python3-setuptools
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: %{_py2}-devel %{_py2}-six %{_py2}-setuptools
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: groff-base graphviz
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: unbound-devel
1c8881 |
# make check dependencies
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: procps-ng
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: pyOpenSSL
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: python3-pyOpenSSL
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with check_datapath_kernel}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: nmap-ncat
1c8881 |
# would be useful but not available in RHEL or EPEL
1c8881 |
#BuildRequires: pyftpdlib
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with libcapng}
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: libcap-ng libcap-ng-devel
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
# DPDK driver dependencies
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: zlib-devel numactl-devel
1c8881 |
%ifarch x86_64
1c8881 |
BuildRequires: rdma-core-devel >= 15 libmnl-devel
1c8881 |
%global __requires_exclude_from ^%{_libdir}/openvswitch/librte_pmd_mlx[45]_glue\.so.*$
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Required by packaging policy for the bundled DPDK
1c8881 |
Provides: bundled(dpdk) = %{dpdkver}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Requires: openssl iproute module-init-tools
1c8881 |
#Upstream kernel commit 4f647e0a3c37b8d5086214128614a136064110c3
1c8881 |
#Requires: kernel >= 3.15.0-0
1c8881 |
Requires: openvswitch-selinux-extra-policy
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Requires(pre): shadow-utils
1c8881 |
Requires(post): /bin/sed
1c8881 |
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/usermod
1c8881 |
Requires(post): /usr/sbin/groupadd
1c8881 |
Requires(post): systemd-units
1c8881 |
Requires(preun): systemd-units
1c8881 |
Requires(postun): systemd-units
1c8881 |
Obsoletes: openvswitch-controller <= 0:2.1.0-1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Open vSwitch provides standard network bridging functions and
1c8881 |
support for the OpenFlow protocol for remote per-flow control of
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
%package -n %{_py2}-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch %{_py2} bindings
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0
1c8881 |
Requires: %{_py2} %{_py2}-six
1c8881 |
Requires: %{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
%if "%{_py2}" == "python2"
1c8881 |
Obsoletes: python-%{pkgname} < 2.6.1-2
1c8881 |
Provides: python-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%description -n %{_py2}-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
Python bindings for the Open vSwitch database
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python3}
1c8881 |
%package -n python3-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch python3 bindings
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0
1c8881 |
Requires: python3 python3-six
1c8881 |
Requires: %{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
%if ! %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
Obsoletes: python-%{pkgname} < 2.10.0-6
1c8881 |
Provides: python-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%description -n python3-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
Python bindings for the Open vSwitch database
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%package test
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch testing utilities
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0
1c8881 |
BuildArch: noarch
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
Requires: %{_py2}-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
Requires: %{_py2} %{_py2}-twisted%{?rhel:-web}
1c8881 |
Requires: %{_py2}-netifaces
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Requires: python3-%{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
Requires: python3-netifaces
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Requires: tcpdump
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%description test
1c8881 |
Utilities that are useful to diagnose performance and connectivity
1c8881 |
issues in Open vSwitch setup.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%package devel
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch OpenFlow development package (library, headers)
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0
1c8881 |
Requires: %{pkgname} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%description devel
1c8881 |
This provides shared library, libopenswitch.so and the openvswitch header
1c8881 |
files needed to build an external application.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora} > 28
1c8881 |
%package -n network-scripts-%{name}
1c8881 |
Summary: Open vSwitch legacy network service support
1c8881 |
License: ASL 2.0
1c8881 |
Requires: network-scripts
1c8881 |
Supplements: (%{name} and network-scripts)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%description -n network-scripts-%{name}
1c8881 |
This provides the ifup and ifdown scripts for use with the legacy network
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%setup -q -n ovs-%{version} -a 10
1c8881 |
%if ! %{external_sphinx}
1c8881 |
%setup -n ovs-%{version} -q -D -T -a 100 -a 101 -a 102
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
mv dpdk-*/ %{dpdkdir}/
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%patch -p1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Build Sphinx on RHEL
1c8881 |
%if ! %{external_sphinx}
1c8881 |
export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH:+$PYTHONPATH:}%{_builddir}/pytmp/lib/python"
1c8881 |
for x in docutils-%{docutilsver} Pygments-%{pygmentsver} Sphinx-%{sphinxver}; do
1c8881 |
pushd "$x"
1c8881 |
%{_py} setup.py install --home %{_builddir}/pytmp
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export PATH="$PATH:%{_builddir}/pytmp/bin"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches} # build dpdk
1c8881 |
# Lets build DPDK first
1c8881 |
cd %{dpdkdir}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# In case dpdk-devel is installed
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Avoid appending second -Wall to everything, it breaks upstream warning
1c8881 |
# disablers in makefiles. Strip explicit -march= from optflags since they
1c8881 |
# will only guarantee build failures, DPDK is picky with that.
1c8881 |
# Note: _hardening_ldflags has to go on the extra cflags line because dpdk is
1c8881 |
# astoundingly convoluted in how it processes its linker flags. Fixing it in
1c8881 |
# dpdk is the preferred solution, but adjusting to allow a gcc option in the
1c8881 |
# ldflags, even when gcc is used as the linker, requires large tree-wide changes
1c8881 |
touch obj.o
1c8881 |
gcc -### obj.o 2>&1 | awk '/.*collect2.*/ { print $0}' | sed -e 's/\S*\.res\S*//g' -e 's/-z \S*//g' -e 's/[^ ]*\.o//g' -e 's/ /\n/g' | sort -u > ./noopts.txt
1c8881 |
gcc -### $RPM_LD_FLAGS obj.o 2>&1 | awk '/.*collect2.*/ {print $0}' | sed -e 's/\S*\.res\S*//g' -e 's/-z \S*//g' -e 's/[^ ]*\.o//g' -e 's/ /\n/g' | sort -u > ./opts.txt
1c8881 |
EXTRA_RPM_LDFLAGS=$(comm -13 ./noopts.txt ./opts.txt)
1c8881 |
rm -f obj.o
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export EXTRA_CFLAGS="$(echo %{optflags} | sed -e 's:-Wall::g' -e 's:-march=[[:alnum:]]* ::g') -Wformat -fPIC %{_hardening_ldflags}"
1c8881 |
export EXTRA_LDFLAGS=$(echo %{__global_ldflags} | sed -e's/-Wl,//g' -e's/-spec.*//')
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export EXTRA_HOST_LDFLAGS="$EXTRA_RPM_LDFLAGS $(echo %{__global_ldflags} | sed -e's/-spec.*//')"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# DPDK defaults to using builder-specific compiler flags. However,
1c8881 |
# the config has been changed by specifying CONFIG_RTE_MACHINE=default
1c8881 |
# in order to build for a more generic host. NOTE: It is possible that
1c8881 |
# the compiler flags used still won't work for all Fedora-supported
1c8881 |
# dpdk_machs, but runtime checks in DPDK will catch those situations.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
make V=1 O=%{dpdktarget} T=%{dpdktarget} %{?_smp_mflags} config
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
cp -f %{SOURCE500} %{SOURCE502} "%{_sourcedir}/%{dpdktarget}-config" .
1c8881 |
%{SOURCE502} %{dpdktarget}-config "%{dpdktarget}/.config"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
make V=1 O=%{dpdktarget} %{?_smp_mflags}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Generate a list of supported drivers, its hard to tell otherwise.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
DPDK drivers included in this package:
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
for f in $(ls %{dpdk_mach_arch}-%{dpdk_mach_tmpl}-linuxapp-gcc/lib/lib*_pmd_*); do
1c8881 |
basename ${f} | cut -c12- | cut -d. -f1 | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
For further information about the drivers, see
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
cd -
1c8881 |
%endif # build dpdk
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# And now for OVS...
1c8881 |
mkdir build-shared build-static
1c8881 |
pushd build-shared
1c8881 |
ln -s ../configure
1c8881 |
%configure \
1c8881 |
%if %{with libcapng}
1c8881 |
--enable-libcapng \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
--disable-libcapng \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
--disable-static \
1c8881 |
--enable-shared \
1c8881 |
--enable-ssl \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
make %{?_smp_mflags}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
pushd build-static
1c8881 |
ln -s ../configure
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags} -Wl,-rpath,%{_libdir}/openvswitch" \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%configure \
1c8881 |
%if %{with libcapng}
1c8881 |
--enable-libcapng \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
--disable-libcapng \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
--enable-ssl \
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
--with-dpdk=$(pwd)/../%{dpdkdir}/%{dpdktarget} \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
make %{?_smp_mflags}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
/usr/bin/%{_py} build-aux/dpdkstrip.py \
1c8881 |
--dpdk \
1c8881 |
< rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_ovs-vswitchd.service.in \
1c8881 |
> rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_ovs-vswitchd.service
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
make -C build-shared install-libLTLIBRARIES DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
1c8881 |
make -C build-static install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_rundir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0750 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/openvswitch
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/usr_lib_udev_rules.d_91-vfio.rules \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0644 \
1c8881 |
rhel/usr_share_openvswitch_scripts_systemd_sysconfig.template \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
for service in openvswitch ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd \
1c8881 |
ovs-delete-transient-ports; do
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0644 \
1c8881 |
rhel/usr_lib_systemd_system_${service}.service \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -m 0755 rhel/etc_init.d_openvswitch \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/etc_openvswitch_default.conf \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0644 rhel/etc_logrotate.d_openvswitch \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -m 0644 vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/network-scripts/
1c8881 |
install -p -m 0755 rhel/etc_sysconfig_network-scripts_ifdown-ovs \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -m 0755 rhel/etc_sysconfig_network-scripts_ifup-ovs \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python_sitelib}
1c8881 |
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/python/ovstest \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{python3_sitelib}
1c8881 |
cp -a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/python/ovstest \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Build the JSON C extension for the Python lib (#1417738)
1c8881 |
pushd python
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export CPPFLAGS="-I ../include -I ../build-shared/include"
1c8881 |
export LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags} -L $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
[ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python2_sitearch}/ovs/_json.so" ]
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python3}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export CPPFLAGS="-I ../include -I ../build-shared/include"
1c8881 |
export LDFLAGS="%{__global_ldflags} -L $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
[ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python3_sitearch}/ovs/_json.cpython-%{python3_version_nodots}m-%{_arch}-%{_target_os}%{?_gnu}.so" ]
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/python/
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sharedstatedir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib/firewalld/services/
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
install -p -D -m 0755 \
1c8881 |
rhel/usr_share_openvswitch_scripts_ovs-systemd-reload \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/conf.db
1c8881 |
touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/system-id.conf
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch x86_64
1c8881 |
install -d -m 0755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
install -p -m 0755 %{dpdkdir}/%{dpdktarget}/lib/librte_pmd_mlx{4,5}_glue.so.* \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# remove unpackaged files
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-benchmark \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-docker \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-parse-backtrace \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/ovs-testcontroller \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_datadir}/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-monitor-ipsec \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_sbindir}/ovs-vlan-bug-workaround \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/ovs-benchmark.1* \
1c8881 |
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man8/ovs-testcontroller.* \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# remove ovn unpackages files
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man7/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man8/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openvswitch/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/openvswitch/scripts/ovn*
1c8881 |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/ovn/*
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
export MLX4_GLUE_PATH=$(pwd)/%{dpdkdir}/%{dpdktarget}/lib
1c8881 |
export MLX5_GLUE_PATH=$(pwd)/%{dpdkdir}/%{dpdktarget}/lib
1c8881 |
%if %{with check}
1c8881 |
pushd build-static
1c8881 |
touch resolv.conf
1c8881 |
export OVS_RESOLV_CONF=$(pwd)/resolv.conf
1c8881 |
if make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='%{_smp_mflags}' ||
1c8881 |
make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='--recheck'; then :;
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
cat tests/testsuite.log
1c8881 |
exit 1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with check_datapath_kernel}
1c8881 |
pushd build-static
1c8881 |
if make check-kernel RECHECK=yes; then :;
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
cat tests/system-kmod-testsuite.log
1c8881 |
exit 1
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?systemd_preun:1}
1c8881 |
%systemd_preun openvswitch.service
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
1c8881 |
# Package removal, not upgrade
1c8881 |
/bin/systemctl --no-reload disable openvswitch.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
/bin/systemctl stop openvswitch.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
getent group openvswitch >/dev/null || groupadd -r openvswitch
1c8881 |
getent passwd openvswitch >/dev/null || \
1c8881 |
useradd -r -g openvswitch -d / -s /sbin/nologin \
1c8881 |
-c "Open vSwitch Daemons" openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
getent group hugetlbfs >/dev/null || groupadd hugetlbfs
1c8881 |
usermod -a -G hugetlbfs openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
exit 0
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
1c8881 |
sed -i 's:^#OVS_USER_ID=:OVS_USER_ID=:' /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
sed -i \
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
chown -R openvswitch:openvswitch /etc/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?systemd_post:1}
1c8881 |
%systemd_post openvswitch.service
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
# Package install, not upgrade
1c8881 |
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
1c8881 |
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >dev/null || :
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?systemd_postun:1}
1c8881 |
%systemd_postun openvswitch.service
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%triggerun -- openvswitch < 2.5.0-22.git20160727%{?dist}
1c8881 |
# old rpm versions restart the service in postun, but
1c8881 |
# due to systemd some preparation is needed.
1c8881 |
if systemctl is-active openvswitch >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
1c8881 |
/usr/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
systemctl stop openvswitch ovsdb-server ovs-vswitchd >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
systemctl start openvswitch >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
exit 0
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
%files -n %{_py2}-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python3}
1c8881 |
%files -n python3-%{pkgname}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%files test
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/ovs-test.8*
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/ovs-vlan-test.8*
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/ovs-l3ping.8*
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%files devel
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_libdir}/*.a
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_libdir}/*.la
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if 0%{?rhel} > 7 || 0%{?fedora} > 28
1c8881 |
%files -n network-scripts-%{name}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%config %ghost %verify(not owner group md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/conf.db
1c8881 |
%ghost %attr(0600,-,-) %verify(not owner group md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/.conf.db.~lock~
1c8881 |
%config %ghost %{_sysconfdir}/openvswitch/system-id.conf
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 size mtime) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%config %{_datadir}/openvswitch/vswitch.ovsschema
1c8881 |
%config %{_datadir}/openvswitch/vtep.ovsschema
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch x86_64
1c8881 |
%dir %{_libdir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ifarch %{dpdkarches}
1c8881 |
%doc %{dpdkdir}/README.DPDK-PMDS
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
%attr(750,openvswitch,hugetlbfs) %verify(not owner group) /var/log/openvswitch
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
%attr(750,openvswitch,openvswitch) %verify(not owner group) /var/log/openvswitch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%ghost %attr(755,root,root) %verify(not owner group) %{_rundir}/openvswitch
1c8881 |
%if %{with_python2}
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%exclude %{_mandir}/man8/ovs-dpctl-top.8*
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
%if (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7) || (0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} < 29)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
* Tue Mar 07 2023 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-95
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: de655ff389]
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
7432750761 netdev-windows: Add checking when creating netdev with system type on Windows
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
Open vSwitch CI |
6e18bc |
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
* Thu Apr 21 2022 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-94
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
- redhat: use hugetlbfs group for /var/log/openvswitch when dpdk is enabled [RH git: 132f9642d3] (#2024728)
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
Resolves: #2024728
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
Open vSwitch CI |
52bcd6 |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
* Thu Sep 30 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-93
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 7130895ee1]
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
67adc0141f datapath-windows:adjust Offset when processing packet in POP_VLAN action
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
* Tue Aug 17 2021 Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-92
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- Migrate openvswitch to gitlab [RH gerrit: 1791ec21de]
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Signed-off-by: Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
* Mon Aug 16 2021 Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-91
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- pkgtool: Swap bugzilla id and RH git [RH gerrit: d88b628cb0]
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Having the bugzilla ID not at the end of the line breakes another script
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
that parses for said ID. This patch fixes that by putting the ID next to
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
the new line
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Fixes: 99ad8d96f6b9 ("Make changelog in spec file more informative")
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Signed-off-by: Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
* Sat Jul 17 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-ci@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-90
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: aac87adaf1]
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
40682157c9 ovsdb-server: Fix memleak when failing to read storage.
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
Open vSwitch CI |
04793d |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* Mon May 10 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-89
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 1d6f0bd658]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
75907f8a11 ofp-group: Use big-enough buffer in ofputil_format_group().
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* Wed Apr 07 2021 Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-88
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Make changelog in spec file more informative [RH gerrit: 99ad8d96f6]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This is done by adding the body of the commit message to the changelong.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The body is indented and has extra spacing separating each entry in the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
changelog to make each one more discernible since now they could be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Michael Santana <msantana@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
04d7c3 |
* Wed Mar 17 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-87
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 560df0228c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
8710c3e5ce python: Send notifications after the transaction ends.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
bf3ef6a869 Handle refTable values with setkey()
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
04d7c3 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Tue Mar 16 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-86
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 67070c0625]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
e9ad1da4f4 Prepare for 2.11.8.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
bbc2705315 Set release date for 2.11.7.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
0f475a5cd4 ovsdb-client: Fix needs-conversion when SERVER is explicitly specified.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
46299c1c72 dpdk: Use DPDK 18.11.11 release.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
65c61b0c23 ofp-actions: Fix use-after-free while decoding RAW_ENCAP.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Wed Feb 10 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-85
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 4351a9b512]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
9b0307cf7d Prepare for 2.11.7.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
5d07b5da2e Set release date for 2.11.6.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
018d35b7d9 cirrus: Use FreeBSD 12.2.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
abd7a45765 flow: Support extra padding length.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Fri Feb 05 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-84
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: a4f1272cee]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
5a62ed8002 dist-docs: Include manpages generated from rST.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Thu Feb 04 2021 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-83
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- flow: Support extra padding length. [RH gerrit: 35a473f35c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Although not required, padding can be optionally added until
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the packet length is MTU bytes. A packet with extra padding
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
currently fails sanity checks.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: fa8d9001a624 ("miniflow_extract: Properly handle small IP packets.")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-by: Joakim Hindersson <joakim.hindersson@elastx.se>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Flavio Leitner <fbl@sysclose.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Wed Feb 03 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-82
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 2e04729b43]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1faf6f507c tc: Fix mpls bottom of stack bit mask reporting.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Tue Feb 02 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-81
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: a6fede58cb]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6747878b7a python: Add 'six' to list of install requirements.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Thu Jan 21 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-80
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: b8354bd062]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cd0f896c01 github: Fix Ubuntu package installation.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
5804c31209 odp-util: Fix abort while formatting nsh actions.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Thu Jan 14 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-79
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: f41ec7e05b]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
d9e429cc49 Prepare for 2.11.6.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
634e6e41cd Set release date for 2.11.5.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Wed Jan 13 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-78
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 68170d878c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
dc222c3cf1 lldp: do not leak memory on multiple instances of TLVs
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
569595898b ofproto-dpif: Uninitialize 'xlate_cache' to free resources
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Thu Jan 07 2021 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-77
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 10478e3802]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
008414b6f0 ovs-monitor-ipsec: Fix active connection regex.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Thu Dec 24 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-76
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: aa80d76b09]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
026339bc76 odp-util: Fix netlink message overflow with userdata.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
29077624db ovsdb-tool: Fix datum leak in the show-log command.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
041d001019 ofproto-dpif-xlate: Stop forwarding MLD reports to group ports.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
* Wed Dec 02 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-75
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 838f461d65]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
abe75f4938 datapath: ovs_ct_exit to be done under ovs_lock
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
884800683f compat: rcu: Add support for consolidated-RCU reader checking
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
090c694ac7 tests: Add overflow test for the sha1 library.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
7bcf93452e travis: Remove support for Travis CI.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
a29cda9b26 github: Add GitHub Actions workflow.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
a9748802e0 ovsdb-cluster.at: Fix infinite loop in torture tests.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
a12248 |
cda58c |
* Tue Nov 17 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-74
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 757d6ce62c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1dae577d74 ovsdb-idl: Fix *_is_new() IDL functions.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
709b548549 compat: Fix compile warning.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
8bd0dadd04 compat: Remove stale code.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
9414a66816 tests: Add parse-flow tests for MPLS fields.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
00ec8e5cb9 ofp-actions: Fix userspace support for mpls_ttl.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
655e9aa784 python: Don't raise an Exception on failure to connect via SSL.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1cf4245ace lldp: correctly increase discarded count
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
330d64d036 lldp: increase statsTLVsUnrecognizedTotal on unknown TLV
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
c00a829e45 lldp: fix a buffer overflow when handling management address TLV
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
9aed58b5f1 lldp: Fix size of PEEK_DISCARD_UINT32()
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
2c0bbbacf3 lldp: validate a bit more received LLDP frames
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
72aa3deacf sha1: Fix algorithm for data bigger than 512 megabytes.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
7d52af2228 odp-util: Fix overflow of nested netlink attributes.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
cda58c |
* Mon Nov 02 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-73
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- redhat: Explicitly define __python [RH gerrit: 045337a5c8]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/PythonMacroError
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
cda58c |
* Tue Oct 27 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-72
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: e835b37ab3]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
684e43b4d8 raft: Fix error leak on failure while saving snapshot.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
cda58c |
* Thu Oct 22 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-71
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: a11c3da9f7]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cc81b50a60 ofp-ed-props: Fix using uninitialized padding for NSH encap actions.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
cda58c |
* Fri Oct 09 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-70
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 2a26d61978]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
3cc79bbc13 system-userspace-packet-type-aware.at: Wait for ip address updates.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
2deed05096 netdev-dpdk: Don't set rx mq mode for net_virtio.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
cda58c |
* Tue Oct 06 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-69
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: e31b9384be]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
5ceafdc389 docs: Add flow control on i40e issue
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cda58c |
6dd061 |
* Wed Sep 16 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-68
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: a43432762b]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
dfcebfcc2f cirrus: Use FreeBSD 11.4.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
9e53a8a76b classifier: Fix use of uninitialized value.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
30387b61ac rhel: Fix logrotate group when dpdk is enabled.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Thu Aug 27 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-67
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: dd4802fb0c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1b842af7ad ovs-dpctl-top: Skip "eth()" element.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
9ff2a5a115 meta-flow: fix a typo in "MPLS Bottom of Stack Field" paragraph.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Tue Aug 18 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-66
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- pkgtool: Use git-branch to retrieve the name. [RH gerrit: 7240e67479]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The name-rev can return any symbolic name for ref, whether
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
it is a branch or a tag.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Use git branch --show-current instead.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Mon Aug 17 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-65
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: b16596dda3]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
05bbdfceb7 netdev-offload-dpdk: Fix for broken ethernet matching HWOL for XL710NIC.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Wed Aug 12 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-64
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 7b48e66922]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
e38b412dcb acinclude: Fix build with kernels with prandom* moved to prandom.h.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Tue Aug 11 2020 Open vSwitch CI <ovs-team@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-63
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merging upstream branch-2.11 [RH gerrit: 9ae7cb0a10]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Commit list:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
218ab4f731 Prepare for 2.11.5.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
adf1b5c390 Set release date for 2.11.4.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1210688623 datapath-windows: Update flow key in SET action
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
d04e409f39 dpctl: Fix memory leak in dpctl_dump_flows()
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
5d7a08db86 ovs-router: Fix flushing of local routes.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Sun Aug 09 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-62
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- redhat: Add support to custom RPM releases. [RH gerrit: 570434c6c2]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This commit allows the developer to specify a custom release
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
string to be appended to package NVR.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
If the custom release is 'bz123456', the final release would
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
look like -Y.bz123456.X where Y is the number of changes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
until the branch was created, and X is the number of changes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
after that.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
6dd061 |
* Sun Aug 09 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-61
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- pkgtool: Use OVS static version in package NVR. [RH gerrit: 2ed240a84c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The package NVR must coincide with the tarball version.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
6dd061 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 17 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-60
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merge branch 'fast-datapath-rhel-7' into fast-datapath-rhel-8 [RH gerrit: a2d9792f8c]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jul 16 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-59
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merge branch 'fast-datapath-rhel-7' into fast-datapath-rhel-8 [RH gerrit: c9f7a9e2d3]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jul 15 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-58
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- spec: Fix configure to use dpdkdir without version. [RH gerrit: 583acc91dd]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jul 13 2020 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-57
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- redhat: Rename OVSCI job name. [RH gerrit: cbcaa83118]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The OVSCI job's name has been renamed to follow a standard.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-56
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- This is fast-datapath-rhel-8 [RH gerrit: 98f312f126]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-55
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- bus/pci: fix VF memory access [RH git: fa4d90db57] (#1851170)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
To fix CVE-2020-12888, the linux vfio-pci module will invalidate mmaps
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and block MMIO access on disabled memory, it will send a SIGBUS to the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When the application opens the vfio PCI device, the vfio-pci module will
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
enable the bus memory space through PCI read/write access. According to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the PCIe specification, the 'Memory Space Enable' is always zero for VF:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Table 9-13 Command Register Changes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Bit Location | PF and VF Register Differences | PF | VF
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
| From Base | Attributes | Attributes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
| Memory Space Enable - Does not | |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
| apply to VFs. Must be hardwired| Base | 0b
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1 | to 0b for VFs. VF Memory Space | |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
| is controlled by the VF MSE bit| |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
| in the VF Control register. | |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Afterwards the vfio-pci will initialize its own virtual PCI config space
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
data ('vconfig') by reading the VF's physical PCI config space, then the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
'Memory Space Enable' bit in vconfig will always be 0b value. This will
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
make the vfio-pci treat the BAR memory space as disabled, and the SIGBUS
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will be triggered if access these BARs.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
By investigation, the VF PCI device *passthrough* into the Guest OS by
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
QEMU has the 'Memory Space Enable' with 1b value. That's because every
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
PCI driver will start to enable the memory space, and this action will
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
be hooked by vfio-pci virtual PCI read/write to set the 'Memory Space
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Enable' in vconfig space to 1b. So VF runs in guest OS has 'Mem+', but
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
VF runs in host OS has 'Mem-'.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Align with PCI working mode in Guest/QEMU/Host, in DPDK, enable the PCI
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
bus memory space explicitly to avoid access on disabled memory.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 33604c31354a ("vfio: refactor PCI BAR mapping")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Cc: stable@dpdk.org
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Haiyue Wang <haiyue.wang@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Harman Kalra <hkalra@marvell.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Thierry Martin <thierry.martin.public@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 54f3fb127d9c265a5724d193e5c7c6db29fb4150)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1851170
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-54
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- vhost: fix vring index check [RH git: 8e33084d85] (#1831391)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost_user_check_and_alloc_queue_pair() is used to extract
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
a vring index from a payload. This function validates the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
index and is called early on in when performing message
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
handling. Most message handlers depend on it correctly
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
validating the vring index.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Depending on the message type the vring index is in
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
different parts of the payload. The function contains a
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
switch/case for each type and copies the index. This is
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
stored in a uint16. This index is then validated. Depending
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
on the message, the source index is an unsigned int. If
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
integer truncation occurs (uint->uint16) the top 16 bits
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
of the index are never validated.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When they are used later on (e.g. in
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost_user_set_vring_num() or vhost_user_set_vring_addr())
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
it can lead to out of bound indexing. The out of bound
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
indexed data gets written to, and hence this can cause
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
memory corruption.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch fixes this vulnerability by declaring vring
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
index as an unsigned int in
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 160cbc815b41 ("vhost: remove a hack on queue allocation")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Cc: stable@dpdk.org
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This issue has been assigned CVE-2020-10723
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-by: Ilja Van Sprundel <ivansprundel@ioactive.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Xiaolong Ye <xiaolong.ye@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Ilja Van Sprundel <ivansprundel@ioactive.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit c78d94189dced04def987a17f16097fcb197a186)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1831391
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-53
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- vhost: check log mmap offset and size overflow [RH git: 753ae0cf66] (#1831391)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost_user_set_log_base() is a message handler that is
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
called to handle the VHOST_USER_SET_LOG_BASE message.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Its payload contains a 64 bit size and offset. Both are
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
added up and used as a size when calling mmap().
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
There is no integer overflow check. If an integer overflow
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
occurs a smaller memory map would be created than
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
requested. Since the returned mapping is mapped as writable
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and used for logging, a memory corruption could occur.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: fbc4d248b198 ("vhost: fix offset while mmaping log base address")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This issue has been assigned CVE-2020-10722
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-by: Ilja Van Sprundel <ivansprundel@ioactive.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Xiaolong Ye <xiaolong.ye@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Ilja Van Sprundel <ivansprundel@ioactive.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 338f5eae5de73a91ba42951bfe7d1fba898e1aab)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1831391
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-52
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- vhost: add device op when notification to guest is sent [RH git: 92715cf99c] (#1726579)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch adds an operation callback which gets called every time
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the library is waking up the guest trough an eventfd_write() call.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This can be used by 3rd party application, like OVS, to track the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
number of times interrupts where generated. This might be of
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
interest to find out system-call were called in the fast path.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 039253166a57ee660dd2fbe92ca77fa65154751c)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1726579
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-51
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- net/i40e: re-program promiscuous mode on VF interface [RH git: 0fe1f42b5f] (#1733402)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
During a kernel PF reset, this event is propagated to the VF.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The DPDK VF PMD will execute the reset task before the PF is done
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
with his. This results in the admin queue message not being responded
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
to leaving the port in "promiscuous" mode.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch makes sure the promiscuous mode is configured independently
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
of the current admin state.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Xiao Zhang <xiao.zhang@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit ddc7cb0d9453e0c0601a01eab1f388eae4c1fb65)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1733402
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-50
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- bus/pci: always check IOMMU capabilities [RH git: 0815c39d39] (#1711739)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
IOMMU capabilities won't change and must be checked even if no PCI device
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
seem to be supported yet when EAL initialised.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This is to accommodate with SPDK that registers its drivers after
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
rte_eal_init(), especially on PPC platform where the IOMMU does not
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
support VA.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 703458e19c16 ("bus/pci: consider only usable devices for IOVA mode")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: David Christensen <drc@linux.vnet.ibm.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Jerin Jacob <jerinj@marvell.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Jerin Jacob <jerinj@marvell.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Takeshi Yoshimura <tyos@jp.ibm.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 66d3724b2c87e6fcdf3851ca191683696a91b901)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1711739
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-49
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- eal: fix IOVA mode selection as VA for PCI drivers [RH git: 11fbef3c85] (#1711739)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The incriminated commit broke the use of RTE_PCI_DRV_IOVA_AS_VA which
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
was intended to mean "driver only supports VA" but had been understood
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2ee103 |
as "driver supports both PA and VA" by most net drivers and used to let
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2ee103 |
dpdk processes to run as non root (which do not have access to physical
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2ee103 |
addresses on recent kernels).
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2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The check on physical addresses actually closed the gap for those
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2ee103 |
drivers. We don't need to mark them with RTE_PCI_DRV_IOVA_AS_VA and this
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2ee103 |
flag can retain its intended meaning.
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2ee103 |
Document explicitly its meaning.
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2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
We can check that a driver requirement wrt to IOVA mode is fulfilled
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2ee103 |
before trying to probe a device.
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2ee103 |
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2ee103 |
Finally, document the heuristic used to select the IOVA mode and hope
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2ee103 |
that we won't break it again.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 703458e19c16 ("bus/pci: consider only usable devices for IOVA mode")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Jerin Jacob <jerinj@marvell.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Jerin Jacob <jerinj@marvell.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit b76fafb174d2cd5247c3573bb3d49444e195e760)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1711739
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-48
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- bus/pci: consider only usable devices for IOVA mode [RH git: 69f5cb4c56] (#1711739)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When selecting the preferred IOVA mode of the pci bus, the current
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2ee103 |
heuristic ("are devices bound?", "are devices bound to UIO?", "are pmd
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
drivers supporting IOVA as VA?" etc..) should honor the device
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2ee103 |
white/blacklist so that an unwanted device does not impact the decision.
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2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
There is no reason to consider a device which has no driver available.
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2ee103 |
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2ee103 |
This applies to all OS, so implements this in common code then call a
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2ee103 |
OS specific callback.
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2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
On Linux side:
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2ee103 |
- the VFIO special considerations should be evaluated only if VFIO
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2ee103 |
support is built,
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2ee103 |
- there is no strong requirement on using VA rather than PA if a driver
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2ee103 |
supports VA, so defaulting to DC in such a case.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Walker <benjamin.walker@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 703458e19c16135143b3f30089e1af66100c82dc)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1711739
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-47
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- eal: compute IOVA mode based on PA availability [RH git: d5e1d2fa50] (#1711739)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently, if the bus selects IOVA as PA, the memory init can fail when
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2ee103 |
lacking access to physical addresses.
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2ee103 |
This can be quite hard for normal users to understand what is wrong
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2ee103 |
since this is the default behavior.
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2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Catch this situation earlier in eal init by validating physical addresses
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2ee103 |
availability, or select IOVA when no clear preferrence had been expressed.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The bus code is changed so that it reports when it does not care about
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the IOVA mode and let the eal init decide.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In Linux implementation, rework rte_eal_using_phys_addrs() so that it can
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
be called earlier but still avoid a circular dependency with
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In FreeBSD implementation, rte_eal_using_phys_addrs() always returns
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
false, so the detection part is left as is.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
If librte_kni is compiled in and the KNI kmod is loaded,
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2ee103 |
- if the buses requested VA, force to PA if physical addresses are
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2ee103 |
available as it was done before,
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2ee103 |
- else, keep iova as VA, KNI init will fail later.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Walker <benjamin.walker@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Anatoly Burakov <anatoly.burakov@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit c2361bab70c56f64e50f07946b1b20bf688d782a)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1711739
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-46
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-linux: Update LAG in all cases. [RH git: 2763511809] (#1812892)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In some cases, when processing a netlink change event, it's possible for
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
an alternate part of OvS (like the IPv6 endpoint processing) to hold an
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
active netdev interface. This creates a race-condition, where sometimes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the OvS change processing will take the normal path. This doesn't work
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
because the netdev device object won't actually be enslaved to the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ovs-system (for instance, a linux bond) and ingress qdisc entries will
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
be missing.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
To address this, we update the LAG information in ALL cases where
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2ee103 |
LAG information could come in.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: d22f8927c3c9 ("netdev-linux: monitor and offload LAG slaves to TC")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Cc: Marcelo Leitner <mleitner@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Cc: John Hurley <john.hurley@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 7a076a53716394742d0ae44652451501ae17335d)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1812892
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-45
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-offload-tc: Re-fetch block ID after probing. [RH git: 83cebd3221] (#1812892)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
It's possible that block_id could changes after the probe for block
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
support. Therefore, fetch the block_id again after the probe.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: edc2055a2bf7 ("netdev-offload-tc: Flush rules on ingress block when init tc flow api")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Cc: Dmytro Linkin <dmitrolin@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Co-authored-by: Marcelo Leitner <mleitner@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Marcelo Leitner <mleitner@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 8508a57228560e154963c542823d36d8098e6610)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1812892
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-44
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-offload-tc: Flush rules on ingress block when init tc flow api [RH git: e5d7d5ec24] (#1812892)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
OVS can fail to attach ingress block on iface when init tc flow api,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
if block already exist with rules on it and is shared with other iface.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fix by flush all existing rules on the ingress block prior to deleting
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 093c9458fb02 ("tc: allow offloading of block ids")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Dmytro Linkin <dmitrolin@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Raed Salem <raeds@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit edc2055a2bf73258d5731a8f8853397190348b04)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1812892
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-43
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-vport: Use the dst_port in tunnel netdev name [RH git: f4a6fb7574] (#1727599)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
If tunnel device dst_port is not the default one, "ovs-dpctl dump-flows"
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will fail. The error message for vxlan is:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
netdev_linux|INFO|ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) on vxlan_sys_4789 device failed: No such device
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
That's because when calling netdev_vport_construct() for netdev
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vxlan_sys_xxxx, the default dst_port is used. Actually, the dst_port
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2ee103 |
value is in the netdev name. Use it to avoid the error.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Chris Mi <chrism@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 6998788197e23c409a6b6cecaa30867ff6d40928)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1727599
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-42
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- lib/tc: Fix flow dump for tunnel id equal zero [RH git: 765ba1d1c0] (#1732305)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tunnel id 0 is not printed unless tunnel flag FLOW_TNL_F_KEY is set.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fix that by always setting FLOW_TNL_F_KEY when tunnel id is valid.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 0227bf092ee6 ("lib/tc: Support optional tunnel id")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Dmytro Linkin <dmitrolin@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 36e50679a6517ee1ec6ed9e4cc83293279a5fffc)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1732305
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-41
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- lib/tc: Support optional tunnel id [RH git: 42f09fe96f] (#1732305)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently the TC tunnel_key action is always
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
initialized with the given tunnel id value. However,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
some tunneling protocols define the tunnel id as an optional field.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch initializes the id field of tunnel_key:set and tunnel_key:unset
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
only if a value is provided.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In the case that a tunnel key value is not provided by the user
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2ee103 |
the key flag will not be set.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Adi Nissim <adin@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Paul Blakey <paulb@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 0227bf092ee6b5d18e2b79493d44769cb37ecc98)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1732305
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-40
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- tc: Set 'no_percpu' flag for compatible actions [RH git: 42f07f6bd8] (#1780690)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Recent changes in Linux kernel TC action subsystem introduced new
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
TCA_ACT_FLAGS_NO_PERCPU_STATS flag. The purpose of the flag is to request
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
action implementation to skip allocating action stats with expensive percpu
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
allocator and use regular built-in action stats instead. Such approach
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
significantly improves rule insertion rate and reduce memory usage for
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
hardware-offloaded rules that don't need benefits provided by percpu
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
allocated stats (improved software TC fast-path performance). Set the flag
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2ee103 |
for all compatible actions.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Modify acinclude.m4 to use OVS-internal pkt_cls.h implementation when
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
TCA_ACT_FLAGS is not defined by kernel headers and to manually define
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
struct nla_bitfield32 in netlink.h (new file) when it is not defined by
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
kernel headers.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Vlad Buslov <vladbu@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 292d5bd9bb344527e0da19433cf3e51f8a24058c)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1780690
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-39
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: let *-ctl handle runtime directory [RH git: c3763ec916] (#1785586)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Recent versions of systemd restores RuntimeDirectory ownership to the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
unit's User in between execution of *Exec directives (see [1]). Using
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ExecStartPre to reset RuntimeDirectory ownership to OVS_USER no longer
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
works as expected.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The ctl scripts already handle creation of the runtime directory with
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
correct ownership and permissions so we can basically remove
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
RuntimeDirectory from systemd unit file. There is still need to handle
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ownsership to cover some upgrade scenarios, but success of that will be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
optional as the directory itself wont exist at first time run.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
[1] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/12713
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Jaime Caamaño Ruiz <jcaamano@suse.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 7a65e5a9252ac06df62707a571931f501747ecfc)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1785586
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-38
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: set useropts optional for ovsdb-server [RH git: 77bed8f0e4] (#1785586)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
systemd assesses the presssence of all EnvironmentFile before execution
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
of Exec* directives, thus useropts needs to be optional even though it
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will always be created at ExecStartPre.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 94e1e8be3187 ("rhel: run ovn with the same user as ovs")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Jaime Caamaño Ruiz <jcaamano@suse.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 0186c3807cc4500c5699fcf034df3a995c34885c)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1785586
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-37
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: run ovn with the same user as ovs [RH git: 8f5f39b4af] (#1785586)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Both ovn and ovs share the same log and run directories which are owned
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
by the user running ovs so it makes sense that ovn runs under that user
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
too to diminish security concerns and possible problems with log rotation.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Jaime Caamaño Ruiz <jcaamano@suse.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 94e1e8be3187a4824ac27ed843396dde5cc02d13)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1785586
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-36
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: secure openvswitch useropts [RH git: 71154ad26f] (#1785586)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The openvswitch useropts file is being stored in a directory where the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
openvswitch user has write permissions. The openvswitch user can then
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
manipulate the file to change the user under which switchd daemon runs.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch changes the file to /var/openvswitch.useropts preventing any
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Jaime Caamaño Ruiz <jcaamano@suse.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 27e25e18c1f4cdd789d5670ab9e01dcf02a86b6f)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1785586
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-35
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- userspace: Improved packet drop statistics. [RH git: a6b7a37be8] (#1726568)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently OVS maintains explicit packet drop/error counters only on port
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
level. Packets that are dropped as part of normal OpenFlow processing
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
are counted in flow stats of “drop” flows or as table misses in table
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
stats. These can only be interpreted by controllers that know the
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2ee103 |
semantics of the configured OpenFlow pipeline. Without that knowledge,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
it is impossible for an OVS user to obtain e.g. the total number of
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
packets dropped due to OpenFlow rules.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Furthermore, there are numerous other reasons for which packets can be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
dropped by OVS slow path that are not related to the OpenFlow pipeline.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The generated datapath flow entries include a drop action to avoid
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2ee103 |
further expensive upcalls to the slow path, but subsequent packets
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
dropped by the datapath are not accounted anywhere.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Finally, the datapath itself drops packets in certain error situations.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Also, these drops are today not accounted for.This makes it difficult
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
for OVS users to monitor packet drop in an OVS instance and to alert a
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
management system in case of a unexpected increase of such drops.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Also OVS trouble-shooters face difficulties in analysing packet drops.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
With this patch we implement following changes to address the issues
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
mentioned above.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1. Identify and account all the silent packet drop scenarios
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2ee103 |
2. Display these drops in ovs-appctl coverage/show
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Co-authored-by: Rohith Basavaraja <rohith.basavaraja@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Co-authored-by: Keshav Gupta <keshugupta1@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Anju Thomas <anju.thomas@ericsson.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Rohith Basavaraja <rohith.basavaraja@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Keshav Gupta <keshugupta1@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit a13a0209750c424556189796061c40d08c689467)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1726568
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-34
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Fix sw stats perf drop. [RH git: 54f4571750] (#1790841)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Accessing the sw stats in the vhost datapath of a PVP test
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
can incur a performance drop of ~2%.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Most of the time these stats will just be getting zero added
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
to them. By checking if there is a non-zero update first, we
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2ee103 |
can avoid accessing them when they won't be updated and avoid
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the performance drop.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 2f862c712e52 ("netdev-dpdk: Detailed packet drop statistics.")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 6d77abf4f7ea5596ba8c4a7a27768e83e80a7e46)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1790841
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-33
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Detailed packet drop statistics. [RH git: 1e1b33541a] (#1790841)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
OVS may be unable to transmit packets for multiple reasons on
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the userspace datapath and today there is a single counter to
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2ee103 |
track packets dropped due to any of those reasons. This patch
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
adds custom software stats for the different reasons packets
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
may be dropped during tx/rx on the userspace datapath in OVS.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- MTU drops : drops that occur due to a too large packet size
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Qos drops : drops that occur due to egress/ingress QOS
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Tx failures: drops as returned by the DPDK PMD send function
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Note that the reason for tx failures is not specified in OVS.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In practice for vhost ports it is most common that tx failures
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2ee103 |
are because there are not enough available descriptors,
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2ee103 |
which is usually caused by misconfiguration of the guest queues
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2ee103 |
and/or because the guest is not consuming packets fast enough
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
from the queues.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
These counters are displayed along with other stats in
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
"ovs-vsctl get interface <iface> statistics" command and are
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
available for dpdk and vhostuser/vhostuserclient ports.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Also the existing "tx_retries" counter for vhost ports has been
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
renamed to "ovs_tx_retries", so that all the custom statistics
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
that OVS accumulates itself will have the prefix "ovs_". This
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will prevent any custom stats names overlapping with
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2ee103 |
driver/HW stats.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Sriram Vatala <sriram.v@altencalsoftlabs.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 2f862c712e52fe524e441ab58bb042dcb20214ee)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1790841
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-32
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Reuse vhost function for dpdk ETH custom stats. [RH git: e0d00f70c5] (#1790841)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This is yet another refactoring for upcoming detailed drop stats.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
It allows to use single function for all the software calculated
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
statistics in netdev-dpdk for both vhost and ETH ports.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
UINT64_MAX used as a marker for non-supported statistics in a
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2ee103 |
same way as it's done in bridge.c for common netdev stats.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Co-authored-by: Sriram Vatala <sriram.v@altencalsoftlabs.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Sriram Vatala <sriram.v@altencalsoftlabs.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit b99ab8aaaf9f6057ddbc332c76ab774dbfd4ccc3)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1790841
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-31
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Refactor vhost custom stats for extensibility. [RH git: b084d7a5c2] (#1790841)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vHost interfaces currently has only one custom statistic, but there
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
might be others in the near future. This refactoring makes the code
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
work in the same way as it done for dpdk and afxdp stats to keep the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
common style over the different code places and makes it easily
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
extensible for the new stats addition.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@samsung.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 5c7ba90d8189ee7b35a1723d5a76dc205720af50)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1790841
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-30
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Fix not reporting rx_oversize_errors in stats. [RH git: 26017f85c8] (#1790841)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
There is a big code duplication issue with DPDK xstats that led to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
missed "rx_oversize_errors" statistics. It's defined but not used.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fix that by actually using this stat along with code refactoring that
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will allow us to not make same mistakes in the future.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Macro definitions are perfectly suitable to automate code generation
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
in such cases and already used in a couple of places in OVS for similar
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@samsung.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Ian Stokes <ian.stokes@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 18366d165162051463fd28e9f46d1c2cbe355eb3)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1790841
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-29
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovsdb replication: Provide option to configure probe interval. [RH git: e8a669ead7] (#1788800)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When ovsdb-server is in backup mode and connects to the active
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ovsdb-server for replication, and if takes more than 5 seconds to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
get the dump of the whole database, it will drop the connection
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
soon after as the default probe interval is 5 seconds. This
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
results in a snowball effect of reconnections to the active
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch handles or mitigates this issue by setting the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
default probe interval value to 60 seconds and provide the option to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
configure this value from the unixctl command.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Other option could be increase the value of 'RECONNECT_DEFAULT_PROBE_INTERVAL'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
to a higher value.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Mark Michelson <mmichels@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Dumitru Ceara <dceara@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Numan Siddique <numans@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry-picked from commit e988b8abeec9d4be94b519c5d4ed4586ff71fde0)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1788800
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-28
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Add coverage counter to count vhost IRQs. [RH git: 3c3997eb0a] (#1726579)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When the dpdk vhost library executes an eventfd_write() call,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
i.e. waking up the guest, a new callback will be called.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch adds the callback to count the number of
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
interrupts sent to the VM to track the number of times
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
interrupts where generated.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This might be of interest to find out system-calls were
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
called in the DPDK fast path.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The coverage counter is called "vhost_notification" and
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
can be read with:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
$ ovs-appctl coverage/read-counter vhost_notification
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 3d56e4ac445d17e69484a95b319ac578e3580b65)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1726579
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-27
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: add support for the RTE_ETH_EVENT_INTR_RESET event. [RH git: ca1a1a8e1c] (#1719644)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently, OVS does not register and therefore not handle the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
interface reset event from the DPDK framework. This would cause a
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
problem in cases where a VF is used as an interface, and its
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
configuration changes.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
As an example in the following scenario the MAC change is not
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
detected/acted upon until OVS is restarted without the patch applied:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
$ echo 1 > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:05:00.1/sriov_numvfs
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
$ ovs-vsctl add-port ovs_pvp_br0 dpdk0 -- \
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
set Interface dpdk0 type=dpdk -- \
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
set Interface dpdk0 options:dpdk-devargs=0000:05:0a.0
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
$ ip link set p5p2 vf 0 mac 52:54:00:92:d3:33
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 988fd46391495e1ff92fa0d81204ae712e89ef9d)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1719644
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-26
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- bridge: Allow manual notifications about interfaces' updates. [RH git: f58b680888] (#1719644)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Sometimes interface updates could happen in a way ifnotifier is not
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
able to catch. For example some heavy operations (device reset) in
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
netdev-dpdk could require re-applying of the bridge configuration.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
For this purpose new manual notifier introduced. Its function
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
'if_notifier_manual_report()' could be called directly by the code
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
that aware about changes. This new notifier is thread-safe.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit db54e9672052db9c45f84d89454104eb2fedfb02)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1719644
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-25
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- Shutdown SSL connection before closing socket [RH git: aa97017175] (#1780745)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Without shutting down the SSL connection, log messages like:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
stream_ssl|WARN|SSL_read: unexpected SSL connection close
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
jsonrpc|WARN|ssl: receive error: Protocol error
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
reconnect|WARN|ssl: connection dropped (Protocol error)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
would occur whenever the socket is closed. This just adds an
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
SSLStream.close() that calls shutdown() and ignores SSL errors, the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
same way that lib/stream-ssl.c does in ssl_close().
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Terry Wilson <twilson@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 5fe179987d14ff38cce345dbbe57ef1ffe7853cc)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1780745
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-24
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- flake8: also check the ovs-check-dead-ifs script [RH git: ecd3a1b407] (#1751161)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit bc6f73c951af472d221985965085544e60248b03)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1751161
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-23
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovs-check-dead-ifs: unshadow pid variable [RH git: a086e76181] (#1751161)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The pid variable is being shadowed by the list comprehension in the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
os.execvp() call. This can generate flakes / warnings in some environments
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
so fix it.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 78e2a56927b5ba7e6f8808e3cf967171a2708a57)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1751161
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-22
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovs-check-dead-ifs: python3 print format [RH git: d61553f744] (#1751161)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The print call changed in python3, so update it.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit c864b82d889dc47fb88d5cdde8caeca962776871)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1751161
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-21
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovs-tcpundump: exit when getting version [RH git: ea9923af22] (#1764127)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Running 'ovs-tcpundump -V' will cause ovs-tcpundump to start processing on
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
stdin. Instead, print the version and exit.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit c691cffb03ba3a7595f364c2766fdd2ace8c3842)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1764127
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-20
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovs-tcpundump: allow multiple packet lengths [RH git: ac3b779405] (#1764125)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The tcpundump tool expects all packets to be a length which aligns to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
exactly a 4-nibble boundary. This means packets like DNS requests will be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
stripped before being correctly processed. Fix this by allowing at least
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
two nibbles (or one byte) alignment.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 1051576cf2b8a6ffddf849d984c250a8456e6144)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1764125
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-19
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- jsonrpc: increase input buffer size from 512 to 4096 [RH git: 9c93db8373] (#1776883)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Increase jsonrpc input buffer size from 512 to 4096 bytes in order to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
reduce the syscall overhead when downloading huge db size
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Mark Michelson <mmichels@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit ea5c1ba0e3b899b8b6684f23a44bbfd4331815ee)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1776883
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-18
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Track vhost tx contention. [RH git: 31112a9502] (#1740144)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Add a coverage counter to help diagnose contention on the vhost txqs.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This is seen as dropped packets on the physical ports for rates that
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
are usually handled fine by OVS.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 9ff24b9c9323652f9dc80ff7928148c4af12da9c)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1740144
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-17
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovsdb-server: Allow replication from older schema version servers. [RH git: cb53fe2282] (#1766586)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Presently, replication is not allowed if there is a schema version mismatch between
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the schema returned by the active ovsdb-server and the local db schema. This is
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
causing failures in OVN DB HA deployments during uprades.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In the case of OpenStack tripleo deployment with OVN, OVN DB ovsdb-servers are
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
deployed on a multi node controller cluster in active/standby mode. During
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
minor updates or major upgrades, the cluster is updated one at a time. If
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
a node A is running active OVN DB ovsdb-servers and when it is updated, another
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
node B becomes active. After the update when OVN DB ovsdb-servers in A are started,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
these ovsdb-servers fail to replicate from the active if there is a schema
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
version mismatch.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch addresses this issue by allowing replication even if there is a
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
schema version mismatch only if all the active db schema tables and its colums are
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
present in the local db schema.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This should not result in any data loss.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Numan Siddique <numans@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit cec7005bde4bc81de7b94a3dc4b4160800c98be7)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1766586
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-16
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovsdb-server: Don't drop all connections on read/write status change. [RH git: 5a0a77328b] (#1761572)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The commit [1] force drops all connections when the db read/write status changes.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Prior to the commit [1], when there was read/write status change, the existing
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
jsonrpc sessions with 'db_change_aware' set to true, were not updated with the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
changed 'read_only' value. If the db status was changed to 'standby', the existing
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
clients could still write to the db.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In the case of pacemaker OVN HA, OVN OCF script 'start' action starts the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ovsdb-servers in read-only state and later, it sets to read-write in the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
'promote' action. We have observed that if some ovn-controllers connect to
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the SB ovsdb-server (in read-only state) just before the 'promote' action,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the connection is not reset all the times and these ovn-controllers remain connected
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
to the SB ovsdb-server in read-only state all the time. Even though
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the commit [1] calls 'ovsdb_jsonrpc_server_reconnect()' with 'forced' flag
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
set to true when the db read/write status changes, somehow the FSM misses resetting
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the connections of these ovn-controllers.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
I think this needs to be addressed in the FSM. This patch doesn't address
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
this FSM issue. Instead it changes the behavior of 'ovsdb_jsonrpc_server_set_read_only()'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
by setting the 'read_only' flag of all the jsonrpc sessions instead of forcefully
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
resetting the connection.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
I think there is no need to reset the connection. In large scale production
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
deployements with OVN, this results in unnecessary waste of CPU cycles as ovn-controllers
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will have to connect twice - once during 'start' action and again during 'promote'.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
[1] - 2a9679e3b2c6("ovsdb-server: drop all connections on read/write status change")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Dumitru Ceara <dceara@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit a5ff4874ba4bb60ced7bda6ad97d0be38e8172eb)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1761572
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-15
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ofproto-dpif: Fix continuation with patch port [RH git: 069d4bd437] (#1761461)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch fixes the ofp_port to odp_port translation issue on patch
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
port with nxt_resume. When OVS resumes processing a packet from
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
nxt_resume, OVS does not translate the ofp in_port to odp in_port
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
correctly if the packet is originally received from a patch port.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently,OVS sets the odp in_port for this resume pakcet as ODPP_NONE
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and push the resume packet back to the datapath. Later on, if the packet
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
goes through a recirc, OVS will generate the following message since it
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
can not translate odp in_port (ODPP_NONE) back to ofp in_port during upcall,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and push down a datapath rule to drop the packet.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ofproto_dpif_upcall(handler16)|INFO|received packet on unassociated
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
datapath port 4294967295
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
When OVS revalidates the drop datapath flow with ODPP_NONE in_port, we
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will see the following warning.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
ofproto_dpif_upcall(revalidator18)|WARN|Failed to acquire udpif_key
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
corresponding to unexpected flow (Invalid argument): ufid:....
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch resolves this issue by storing the odp in_port in the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
continuation messages, and restores the odp in_port before push the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
packet back to the datapath.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
VMWare-BZ: 2364696
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Yi-Hung Wei <yihung.wei@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 88d2ac50aa4e3383e185b698a1b3a44a6f7b4f80)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1761461
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-14
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- vswitch: ratelimit the device add log [RH git: 052e541d45] (#1737146)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
It's possible that a port added to the system with certain kinds
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
of invalid parameters will cause the 'could not add' log to be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
triggered. When this happens, the vswitch run loop can continually
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
re-attempt adding the port. While the parameters remain invalid
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the vswitch run loop will re-trigger the warning, flooding the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch adds a simple rate limit to the log.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 45bd8c563273fb914ff1960a53cfdcfddb0a5588)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1737146
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-13
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Enable tx-retries-max config. [RH git: 734086f5d4] (#1747531)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost tx retries can provide some mitigation against
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
dropped packets due to a temporarily slow guest/limited queue
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
size for an interface, but on the other hand when a system
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
is fully loaded those extra cycles retrying could mean
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
packets are dropped elsewhere.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Up to now max vhost tx retries have been hardcoded, which meant
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
no tuning and no way to disable for debugging to see if extra
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
cycles spent retrying resulted in rx drops on some other
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Add an option to change the max retries, with a value of
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
0 effectively disabling vhost tx retries.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Flavio Leitner <fbl@sysclose.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Ilya Maximets <i.maximets@samsung.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ian Stokes <ian.stokes@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 080f080c3bc1e87da4affdce28a01b1a87a60364)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1747531
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-12
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-dpdk: Add custom stat for vhost tx retries. [RH git: 0c238ac414] (#1747531)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost tx retries may occur, and it can be a sign that
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the guest is not optimally configured.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Add a custom stat so a user will know if vhost tx retries are
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
occurring and hence give a hint that guest config should be
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ian Stokes <ian.stokes@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit c161357d5d96f32144f4b63ee6b06049c0cc0a09)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1747531
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-11
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- doc: Move vhost tx retry info to separate section. [RH git: 91d9e4d92b] (#1747531)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
vhost tx retry is applicable to vhost-user and vhost-user-client,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
but was in the section that compares them. Also, moved further
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
down the doc as prefer to have more fundamental info about vhost
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
nearer the top.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 6d6513bfc657 ("doc: Add info on vhost tx retries.")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ian Stokes <ian.stokes@intel.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 4e6c16db31806dfcf84d6ebdb0d708cfa39bd08f)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1747531
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-10
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-vport: Make ip6gre netdev type to use TC rules [RH git: d3315b8035] (#1725623)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The offload api functions already assigned to every tunnel class.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
For ip6gre tunnel class only need to also assign the get_ifindex
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
function, similarly as done in commit 5e63eaa969a3 ("netdev-vport: Make
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
gre netdev type to use TC rules").
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eli Britstein <elibr@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 8732450c2ee76410c7fbebaebe5f9cf27252208f)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1725623
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-9
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- tunnel: Add layer 2 IPv6 GRE encapsulation support. [RH git: 0c20e7e83d] (#1725623)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The patch adds ip6gre support. Tunnel type 'ip6gre' with packet_type=
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
legacy_l2 is a layer 2 GRE tunnel over IPv6, carrying inner ethernet packets
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and encap with GRE header with outer IPv6 header. Encapsulation of layer 3
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
packet over IPv6 GRE, ip6gre, is not supported yet. I tested it by running:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
# make check-kernel TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ip6gre'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
under kernel 5.2 and for userspace:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
# make check TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k ip6gre'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-by: Greg Rose <gvrose8192@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-at: https://travis-ci.org/gvrose8192/ovs-experimental/builds/552977116
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Greg Rose <gvrose8192@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Eli Britstein <elibr@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: William Tu <u9012063@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit a3173ee1476840aaa6d90640169bd276568ff4c1)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1725623
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-8
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovsdb-server: drop all connections on read/write status change [RH git: 0f0be40ee0] (#1720947)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Prior to this patch, only db change aware connections were dropped
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
on a read/write status change. However, current schema in OVN does
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
not allow clients to monitor whether a particular DB changes this
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
status. In order to accomplish this, we'd need to change the schema
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and adapting ovsdb-server and existing clients.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Before tackling that, this patch is changing ovsdb-server to drop
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
*all* the existing connections upon a read/write status change. This
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
will force clients to reconnect and honor the change.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-at: https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-discuss/2019-July/048981.html
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Daniel Alvarez <dalvarez@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 2a9679e3b2c6fde74ddae362d88ba16db7fbfc38)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1720947
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-7
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netdev-tc-offloads: Support match on priority tags [RH git: 895735b382] (#1725623)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The logic by which a TC rule has a VLAN match is by the VLAN TCI field,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
either the VID, PCP or CFI are non-zero. For priority-tag packets
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
there is a VLAN tag header with a zero VLAN TCI. Match on existence of
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
VLAN header (TPID) regardless of TCI matching.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Eli Britstein <elibr@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reviewed-by: Roi Dayan <roid@mellanox.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Simon Horman <simon.horman@netronome.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 0b0a84783cd6048ca3d35af0f5b4652cecd34358)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1725623
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-6
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: limit stack size to 2M. [RH git: 79c6209e71] (#1720315)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The default stack size in Fedora/RHEL is 8M, which means when ovs-vswitchd
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
daemon starts and uses --mlockall (default), it will dirty all memory
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
regions for all threads which is proportionally to the number of CPUs.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
On a big host this increases memory usage to many hundreds of megabytes
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
while OVS actually requires much less.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch relies on systemd to limit to 2M/thread. That is much more
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
than the minimum documented at function ovs_thread_create():
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
/* Some small systems use a default stack size as small as 80 kB, but OVS
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* requires approximately 384 kB according to the following analysis:
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-dev/2016-January/308592.html
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* We use 512 kB to give us some margin of error. */
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-By: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Tested-By: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Flavio Leitner <fbl@sysclose.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit b82a90e266e1246fe2973db97c95df22558174ea)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1720315
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-5
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- Add a new OVS action check_pkt_larger [RH git: c899ac5788] (#1702564)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch adds a new action 'check_pkt_larger' which checks if the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
packet is larger than the given size and stores the result in the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
destination register.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Usage: check_pkt_larger(len)->REGISTER
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Eg. match=...,actions=check_pkt_larger(1442)->NXM_NX_REG0[0],next;
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch makes use of the new datapath action - 'check_pkt_len'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
which was recently added in the commit [1].
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
At the start of ovs-vswitchd, datapath is probed for this action.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
If the datapath action is present, then 'check_pkt_larger'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
makes use of this datapath action.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Datapath action 'check_pkt_len' takes these nlattrs
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* OVS_CHECK_PKT_LEN_ATTR_PKT_LEN - 'pkt_len' to check for
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
* OVS_CHECK_PKT_LEN_ATTR_ACTIONS_IF_GREATER (optional) - Nested actions
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
to apply if the packet length is greater than the specified 'pkt_len'
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
actions to apply if the packet length is lesser or equal to the
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
specified 'pkt_len'.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Let's say we have these flows added to an OVS bridge br-int
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
table=0, priority=100 in_port=1,ip,actions=check_pkt_larger:100->NXM_NX_REG0[0],resubmit(,1)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
table=1, priority=200,in_port=1,ip,reg0=0x1/0x1 actions=output:3
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
table=1, priority=100,in_port=1,ip,actions=output:4
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Then the action 'check_pkt_larger' will be translated as
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- check_pkt_len(size=100,gt(3),le(4))
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
datapath will check the packet length and if the packet length is greater than 100,
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
it will output to port 3, else it will output to port 4.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In case, datapath doesn't support 'check_pkt_len' action, the OVS action
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
'check_pkt_larger' sets SLOW_ACTION so that datapath flow is not added.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This OVS action is intended to be used by OVN to check the packet length
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
and generate an ICMP packet with type 3, code 4 and next hop mtu
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
in the logical router pipeline if the MTU of the physical interface
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
is lesser than the packet length. More information can be found here [2]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
[1] - https://kernel.googlesource.com/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/davem/net-next/+/4d5ec89fc8d14dcdab7214a0c13a1c7321dc6ea9
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
[2] - https://mail.openvswitch.org/pipermail/ovs-discuss/2018-July/047039.html
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Suggested-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
CC: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
CC: Gregory Rose <gvrose8192@gmail.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Mark Michelson <mmichels@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 5b34f8fc3b38b430c05ee39a0c84f8e9da24cd3a)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
tests/ofprot-dpif.at +L10571 - Not really a conflict. Had to fix the test case because we
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
don't have the commit - dbf4a92800d0365cc3ec3c0e99df56e2ba676cb7
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1702564
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-4
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- netlink linux: account for the netnsid netlink attr. [RH git: ce14b518b7] (#1692812)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
The buffer needs to be reallocated and data copied when
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
the netnsid netlink attribute is included, so avoid that
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
by accounting the attribute when the buffer is initially
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Fixes: 756819ddd788 ("netdev-linux: use netlink to update netdev.")
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Acked-by: Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Flavio Leitner <fbl@sysclose.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit b43762a5ad3343d28e61ed518c97802c5bd8f380)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1692812
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-3
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- rhel: Add an example to specify custom options [RH git: a7dd6b6eb5] (#1687775)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Add an example to specify custom options of ovs-vswitchd and
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
In the example, the log level for file and console destinations is set to dbg.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit 175b9a6401da76994bac955ebc9f440634e63d55)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1687775
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-2
Open vSwitch CI |
82292d |
- ovs-ctl: Permit to specify additional options [RH git: b8a874b82e] (#1687775)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Currently using ovs-ctl is not possible to specify additional options
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
for ovs-vswitchd and ovsdb-server (for example to specify a different
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
loglevel during daemon startup).
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
This patch adds --ovs-vswitchd-options and --ovsdb-server-options
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
options to ovs-ctl in order to specify the additional options.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Due to word splitting it may not be possible to specify an option that
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
includes whitespaces.
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-at: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1664794
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Reported-by: Matt Flusche <mflusche@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Signed-off-by: Ben Pfaff <blp@ovn.org>
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
(cherry picked from commit fce20b8b73b1c08bc0f51a04a2109d80e4bc8b51)
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
Resolves: #1687775
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.3-1
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
- Merge commit 'a4efc599e0244e43fd417b2fb38b7f120eb1ebd4' into fast-datapath-rhel-7 [RH gerrit: 8da1428afe]
Open vSwitch CI |
2ee103 |
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jun 25 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-56.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Backport "bus/pci: fix VF memory access" (#1851170)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 27 2020 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-55.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Backport the upstreammed fixes for HWOL (#1812892)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon May 11 2020 Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-54.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Backport fixes for CVE-2020-10722 & CVE-2020-10723 (#1831391 & #1831394)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Apr 21 2020 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-53.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Backport HWOL fixes for ingress qdisc (#1812892)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Apr 17 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-52.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Update to DPDK 18.11.7 (#1822653)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 09 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-51.20200327gita4efc59
1c8881 |
- Rebase to last branch-2.11 commit and DPDK 18.11.6 (#1822653)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Mar 11 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-50
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: fix packed virtqueue ready condition" (#1793068)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 10 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-49
1c8881 |
- Revert Backport "ovs-tc: support OvS internal port offload" and deps (#1737982)
1c8881 |
- Revert Backport "netdev-tc-offloads: Use correct hook qdisc at init tc flow" (#1737982)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Feb 25 2020 Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-48
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: fix vring memory partially mapped" (#1798996)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: protect log address translation in IOTLB update" (#1798996)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jan 16 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-47
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-vport: Use the dst_port in tunnel netdev name" (#1727599)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jan 16 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-46
1c8881 |
- Backport "dpif-netlink: Allow offloading of flows with dl_type 0x1234." (#1722337)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jan 16 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-45
1c8881 |
- Backport "lib/tc: Support optional tunnel id" (#1732305)
1c8881 |
Backport "lib/tc: Fix flow dump for tunnel id equal zero" (#1732305)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-44
1c8881 |
- Backport "tc: implement support for action flags" (#1780690)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 15 2020 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-43
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: secure openvswitch useropts" (#1785586)
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: run ovn with the same user as ovs" (#1785586)
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: set useropts optional for ovsdb-server" (#1785586)
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: let *-ctl handle runtime directory" (#1785586)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-42
1c8881 |
- Backport "userspace: Improved packet drop statistics" (#1726568)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jan 14 2020 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-41
1c8881 |
- Detailed packet drop statistics and related patches (#1790841)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Fix not reporting rx_oversize_errors in stats." (#1790841)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Refactor vhost custom stats for extensibility." (#1790841)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Reuse vhost function for dpdk ETH custom stats." (#1790841)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Detailed packet drop statistics." (#1790841)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Fix sw stats perf drop." (#1790841)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jan 10 2020 Adrián Moreno <amorenoz@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-40
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: fix virtqueue not accessible" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: prevent zero copy mode if IOMMU is on" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: convert buffer addresses to GPA for logging" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: translate incoming log address to GPA" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: fix vring address handling during live migration" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: add external message handling to the API" (#1792399)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-39
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovsdb replication: Provide option to configure probe interval" (#1788800)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jan 07 2020 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-38
1c8881 |
- Backport DPDK interrupt fixes for qede (#1738789)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Dec 23 2019 Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-37
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: add device op when notification to guest is sent" (#1726579)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Add coverage counter to count vhost IRQs" (#1726579)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Dec 23 2019 Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-36
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/i40e: downgrade error log" (#1719644)
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/i40e: re-program promiscuous mode on VF interface" (#1733402)
1c8881 |
- Backport "bridge: Allow manual notifications about interfaces' updates" (#1719644)
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: add support for the RTE_ETH_EVENT_INTR_RESET" (#1719644)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Dec 10 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-35
1c8881 |
- Fix librte_pmd_mlx{4,5}_glue.so error in Execshield part of RPMDiff
1c8881 |
by backporting the DPDK flags from dpdk spec file.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Dec 06 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-34
1c8881 |
- Backport "Shutdown SSL connection before closing socket" (#1780745)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-33
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-check-dead-ifs: python3 print format" (#1751161)
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-check-dead-ifs: unshadow pid variable" (#1751161)
1c8881 |
- Backport "flake8: also check the ovs-check-dead-ifs script" (#1751161)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-32
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-tcpundump: exit when getting version" (#1764127)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Dec 05 2019 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-31
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-tcpundump: allow multiple packet lengths" (#1764125)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Dec 03 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-30
1c8881 |
- Rebase internal DPDK to 18.11.5 (#1760246) (CVE-2019-14818)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 26 2019 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-29
1c8881 |
- Backport "jsonrpc: increase input buffer size from 512 to 4096" (#1776883)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 12 2019 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-28
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: Track vhost tx contention." (#1740144)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 29 2019 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-27
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovsdb-server: Allow replication from older schema version servers" (#1766586)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 14 2019 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-26
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovsdb-server: Don't drop all connections on read/write status change" (#1761572)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 14 2019 Dumitru Ceara <dceara@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-25
1c8881 |
- Backport "ofproto-dpif: Fix continuation with patch port" (#1761461)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 07 2019 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-24
1c8881 |
- Backport "vswitch: ratelimit the device add log" (#1737146)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Sep 13 2019 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-23
1c8881 |
- Backport "Add custom stat for vhost tx retries." (#1747531)
1c8881 |
- Backport "Enable tx-retries-max config." (#1747531)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Sep 03 2019 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-22
1c8881 |
- tnl-neigh: Use outgoing ofproto version (#1685642)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 27 2019 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-21
1c8881 |
- Bump release
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 06 2019 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-20
1c8881 |
- Renumbered dpdk patches
1c8881 |
- Backport IOVA fixes (#1711739)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 23 2019 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-19
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovsdb-server: drop all connections on read/write status change" (#1720947)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 16 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-18
1c8881 |
- Increase CONFIG_RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS to 128 (#1730421)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 16 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-17
1c8881 |
- Backport "tunnel: Add layer 2 IPv6 GRE encapsulation support." and
1c8881 |
"netdev-vport: Make ip6gre netdev type to use TC rules" (#1725623)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 12 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-16
1c8881 |
- Rebase internal DPDK to 18.11.2 (#1713698)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 09 2019 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-15
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/i40e: fix dropped packets statistics name" (#1728610)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 02 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-14
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-tc-offloads: Use correct hook qdisc at init tc flow" (#1721219)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jun 21 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-13
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-tc-offloads: Support match on priority tags" (#1722249)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jun 13 2019 Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-12
1c8881 |
- Backport Vhost performance regression fixes (#1672538)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jun 13 2019 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-11
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: limit stack size to 2M." (#1720315)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu May 16 2019 Pablo Cascón <pablo.cascon@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-10
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-tc: support OvS internal port offload" and deps (#1702334)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Apr 24 2019 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-9
1c8881 |
- Backport "[OVN] Fragmentation support - check_pkt_larger action" (#1702564)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 11 2019 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-8
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/qede: support IOVA VA mode" (#1684605)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Apr 10 2019 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-7
1c8881 |
- Backport cpu affinity fixes (#1687320)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Apr 09 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-6
1c8881 |
- Add missing dependencies for ovs-tcpdump (#1697978)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 26 2019 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-5
1c8881 |
- fixed netlink msg corruption when updating netdev. (#1692812)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 12 2019 Davide Caratti <dcaratti@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-4
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/bnxt: support IOVA VA mode" (#1645523)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 12 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-3
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-ctl: Permit to specify additional options" (#1687775)
1c8881 |
- Remove useless -fPIC from DPDK
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 01 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-2
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: Use PIDFile on forking systemd service files" (#1684477)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Feb 28 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-1
1c8881 |
- Update to official 2.11 release
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-0.20190129gitd3a10db
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch-2.11 d3a10db4fd38
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Sun Jan 27 2019 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-0.20190126gitd4ff5b2
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch-2.11 d4ff5b2be7fc
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jan 14 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.11.0-0.20190114gitadb3f0b
1c8881 |
- Update to a snapshot of OVS 2.11 from master
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jan 7 2019 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-42
1c8881 |
- Backport "OVN: add static IP support to IPAM" (#1664028)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jan 03 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-41
1c8881 |
- Backport some patches to improve offload indications (#1655990)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 02 2019 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-40
1c8881 |
- Add "Requires: openvswitch = %%{version}-%%{release}" to python-openvswitch2.10 (#1662944)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 2 2019 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-39
1c8881 |
- Backport "OVN: add mac address only support to IPAM/MACAM" (#1662905)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Dec 20 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-38
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn-controller: Inject GARPs to logical switch pipeline to update neighbors" (#1643902)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Dec 18 2018 David Marchand <david.marchand@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-37
1c8881 |
- Backport 'ovs-ctl: fix system-id.conf owner' (#1659391)
1c8881 |
- Do not check /var/log/openvswitch owner/group (#1659391)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Dec 18 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-36
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Fix the invalid eth.dst and ip6.dst set by nd_ns action for certain cases." (#1656018)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Dec 10 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-35
1c8881 |
- Backport "dpif-netdev: Add vlan to mask for flow_put operation" (#1649516)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 27 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-34
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Avoid tunneling for VLAN packets redirected to a gateway chassis" (#1561880)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Nov 23 2018 Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-33
1c8881 |
- Backport "mem: fix memory initialization time" (#1647498)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Nov 22 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-32
1c8881 |
- Backport "tests: Use the default key length when generating RSA keys"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Nov 14 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-31
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/qede: fix crash when configure fails" (#1648183)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 13 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-30
1c8881 |
- Backport 'pinctrl: Fix dp_packet structure leak' and 'pinctrl: Fix crash on
1c8881 |
buffered packets hmap double remove'. Moreover align 'ovn -- 3 HVs, 3 LS, 3
1c8881 |
lports/LS, 1 LR' test to upstream one (#1649008)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 13 2018 Eelco Chaudron <echaudro@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-29
1c8881 |
- Backup "netdev-dpdk: Bring link down when NETDEV_UP is not set" (#1645288)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Nov 09 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-28
1c8881 |
- OVN: configure L2 address according to the used IP address (#1648272)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Nov 08 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-27
1c8881 |
- Backport "bond: Honor updelay and downdelay when LACP is in use" (#1646923)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Nov 08 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-26
1c8881 |
- OVN: introduce mac_prefix support to IPAM (#1647750)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 06 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-25
1c8881 |
- Backport "ofproto-dpif-xlate: Avoid deadlock on multicast snooping recursion" (#1643065)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 06 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-24
1c8881 |
- Re-enable "make check"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Nov 02 2018 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-23
1c8881 |
- Update to DPDK 17.11.4 (#1566069)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Oct 25 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-22
1c8881 |
- Ship statically linked OVS binaries (#1643478)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 23 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-21
1c8881 |
- Backport connmgr: Fix vswitchd abort when a port is added and the controller is down (#1637926)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 22 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-20
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Add DHCP support for option 252" (#1641740)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Oct 17 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-19
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/i40e: fix VLAN offload setting issue" (#1637893)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Oct 17 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-18
1c8881 |
- Backport "Python: Make Row's __getattr__ less error prone" (#1639963)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-17
1c8881 |
- OVN: ovn-ctl: Fix the wrong pidfile argument passed to ovsdb-servers (#1636714)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-16
1c8881 |
- OVN: Support processing DHCPv6 information request message type (#1636874)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Oct 12 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-15
1c8881 |
- OVN: Fix IPv6 DAD failure for container ports (#1616129)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Oct 11 2018 Numan Siddique <nusiddiq@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-14
1c8881 |
- OVN: Fix the issue in IPv6 Neigh Solicitation responder for router IPs (#1567735)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 09 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-13
1c8881 |
- OVN: add buffering support for ip packets (#1637466)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 08 2018 Matteo Croce <mcroce@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-12
1c8881 |
- Fix null pointer (#1634015)
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 02 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-11
1c8881 |
- OVN: add CT_LB action to ovn-trace (#1635344)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Oct 01 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-10
1c8881 |
- Backport NFP PMD's non-root related commits for > 1TB of RAM (#1634820):
1c8881 |
- net/nfp: support IOVA VA mode
1c8881 |
- bus/pci: forbid IOVA mode if IOMMU address width too small
1c8881 |
- net/nfp: check hugepages IOVAs based on DMA mask
1c8881 |
- mem: use address hint for mapping hugepages
1c8881 |
- bus/pci: use IOVAs check when setting IOVA mode
1c8881 |
- mem: add function for checking memsegs IOVAs addresses
1c8881 |
- mem: fix max DMA maskbit size
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Sep 27 2018 Matteo Croce <mcroce@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-9
1c8881 |
- Backport "Remove support for multiple queues per port" (#1634015)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Matteo Croce <mcroce@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-8
1c8881 |
- Backport EMC reorder fix (#1565205)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Sep 26 2018 Matteo Croce <mcroce@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-7
1c8881 |
- Backport per-port socket netlink creation with EPOLLEXCLUSIVE (#1634015)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Sep 21 2018 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-6
1c8881 |
- Backport roundrobin rxq to pmd assignment (#1631797)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Sep 14 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-5
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovs-save: Don't always include the default flow during restore" (#1628905)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-4
1c8881 |
- applied Fix translation of groups with no buckets (#1626488)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Sep 13 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-3
1c8881 |
- Removed provides and obsoletes for openvswitch-dpdk (#1628603)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Sep 11 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.10.0-2
1c8881 |
- Backported "net/mlx{4,5}: avoid stripping the glue library" (#1627700)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 21 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-1
1c8881 |
- Updated with 2.10.0 official tarball (#1618551)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Aug 17 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Sync'ed with fd-next (4452afaa58)
1c8881 |
- vhost: flush IOTLB cache on new mem table handling (#1609643)
1c8881 |
- OVN: introduce ovs-appctl command to monitor HVs sb (#1593804)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Aug 16 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch-2.10 6bced903bb50
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Aug 10 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch-2.10 58a7ce60b9f7
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Aug 08 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch-2.10 faf64fb8861f
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 07 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 7a78d1c1ad73
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 31 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Sync'ed spec file with fd-next-57 (shared linking).
1c8881 |
(DPDK patches not included)
1c8881 |
- Fixed package dependencies (#1610603)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master b1ca64f020f7
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jul 27 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Replace macro %%{name} with 'openvswitch'.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 24 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 1ac690899592
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 24 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Versioned conflict to be less than 2.10.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jul 19 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 3c921cc2b6b7
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jul 18 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Fixed unbound requires and buildrequires.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 10 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 93c0ef12039c
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 03 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 79d0dfa4e99a
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jun 27 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master e46148133067
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jun 27 2018 Open vSwitch Bot <null@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- Snapshot of branch master 61677bf976e9
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jun 26 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.10-0
1c8881 |
- snapshot of branch master
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jun 11 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-47
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/mlx5: fix memory region cache lookup" (#1581230)
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/mlx5: fix memory region boundary checks" (#1581230)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jun 11 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-46
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/qede: fix memory alloc for multiple port reconfig" (#1589866)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jun 07 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-45
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/qede: fix unicast filter routine return code" (#1578590)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jun 07 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-44
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/qede: fix L2-handles used for RSS hash update" (#1578981)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue May 29 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-43
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/nfp: fix lock file usage" (#1583670)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon May 28 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-42
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/nfp: configure default RSS reta table" (#1583161)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon May 28 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-41
1c8881 |
- Backport "netdev-dpdk: don't enable scatter for jumbo RX support for nfp" (#1578324)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon May 28 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-40
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn pacemaker: Fix promotion issue when the master node is reset" (#1579025)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu May 24 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-39
1c8881 |
- Backport spec file modfications from "rhel: Use openvswitch user/group for
1c8881 |
the log directory"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 23 2018 Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-38
1c8881 |
- Backport "vhost: improve dirty pages logging performance" (#1552465)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 16 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-37
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Set proper Neighbour Adv flag when replying for NS request for
1c8881 |
router IP" (#1567735)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon May 14 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-36
1c8881 |
- Enable QEDE PMDs (only on x86_64) (#1578003)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu May 10 2018 Lorenzo Bianconi <lorenzo.bianconi@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-35
1c8881 |
- ovn-nbctl: Show gw chassis in decreasing prio order (#1576725)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 09 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-34
1c8881 |
- Fix hugetlbfs group when DPDK is enabled
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 09 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-33
1c8881 |
- Backport "eal: abstract away the auxiliary vector" (#1560728)
1c8881 |
- Re-enable DPDK on ppc64le
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 09 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-32
1c8881 |
- Require the selinux policy module (#1555440)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue May 08 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-31
1c8881 |
- Backport fix QEDE PMD (#1494616)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue May 08 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-30
1c8881 |
- Backport "net/nfp: fix mbufs releasing when stop or close" (#1575067)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Sun May 06 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-29
1c8881 |
- Backport net/mlx4: fix broadcast Rx (#1568908)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri May 04 2018 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-28
1c8881 |
- Backport mempool use after free fix and debug (#1575016)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri May 04 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-27
1c8881 |
- Fix the email address in the changelog.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed May 02 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-26
1c8881 |
- Backport fix for missing user during install/upgrade (#1559374)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Apr 30 2018 Jakub Sitnicki <jkbs@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-25
1c8881 |
- Backport fix for Unicode encoding in Python IDL (#1547065)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-24
1c8881 |
- Backport the cisco enic patches
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-23
1c8881 |
- Backport a fix for "Offload of Fragment Matching in OvS Userspace" (#1559111)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-22
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn-controller: Handle Port_Binding's "requested-chassis" option" (#1559222)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-21
1c8881 |
- Backport "python: avoid useless JSON conversion to enhance performance" (#1551016)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Apr 26 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-20
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Set router lifetime value for IPv6 periodic RA" (#1567735)
1c8881 |
- Remove useless libpcap-devel dependency
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Apr 23 2018 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-19
1c8881 |
- Backport DPDK CVE-2018-1059 (#1544298)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Apr 20 2018 Davide Caratti <dcaratti@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-18
1c8881 |
- Backport fix for PMD segfault when BNXT receives tunneled traffic (#1567634)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Apr 16 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-17
1c8881 |
- Backport patches to make NFP detect the correct firmware (#1566712)
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: Fix literal dollar sign usage in systemd service files"
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 30 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-16
1c8881 |
- Backport "rhel: don't drop capabilities when running as root"
1c8881 |
- Change owner of /etc/openvswitch during upgrade
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 27 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-14
1c8881 |
- Disable DPDK on ppc64le
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Sun Mar 25 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-13
1c8881 |
- Disable DPDK on aarch64
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 22 2018 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-12
1c8881 |
- fixes i40e link status timeout trough direct register access (#1559612)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 22 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-11
1c8881 |
- Enable BNXT, MLX4, MLX5 and NFP (aligned from FDB)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 22 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-10
1c8881 |
- Backport "Offload of Fragment Matching in OvS Userspace" (#1559111)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 15 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-9
1c8881 |
- Avoid to unpack openvswitch 2 times and to overwrite all the patched files
1c8881 |
Fixes 2.9.0-4
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 08 2018 Eric Garver <egarver@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-8
1c8881 |
- Backport "ofproto-dpif-xlate: translate action_set in clone action" (#1544892)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 08 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-7
1c8881 |
- Backport "ovn: Calculate UDP checksum for DNS over IPv6" (#1553023)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Mar 06 2018 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-6
1c8881 |
- Require the latest rhel selinux policy (#1549673)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 02 2018 Matteo Croce <mcroce@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-5
1c8881 |
- Backport vhost patches (#1541881)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 02 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-4
1c8881 |
- Don't require python-sphinx directly, but built it since python-sphinx is in
1c8881 |
the optional repository that is not available on RHEV and TPS test fails.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Feb 20 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-3
1c8881 |
- Don't verify the user and group of /etc/openvswitch and /etc/sysconfig/openvswitch
1c8881 |
This is needed since we cannot change the user and group if you upgrade from
1c8881 |
an old version that still uses root:root.
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Feb 20 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.9.0-1
1c8881 |
- Update to OVS 2.9.0 + DPDK 17.11 (#1475436)
1c8881 |
- Backport of ofproto-dpif: Delete system tunnel interface when remove ovs bridge (#1505776)
1c8881 |
- Backport DPDK patches from FDB (vhost user async fix and enic fixes)
1c8881 |
- Backport 94cd8383e297 and 951d79e638ec to fix permissions (#1489465)
1c8881 |
- Use a static configuration file for DPDK
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Jan 12 2018 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-3.git20180112
1c8881 |
- Rebase to latest OVS branch-2.7 fixes + DPDK 16.11.4 (#1533872)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Oct 18 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-2.git20171010
1c8881 |
- Remove ovs-test and ovs-vlan-test from openvswitch-test package
1c8881 |
- Add an option to enable openvswitch-ovn-docker package (disabled by default)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 10 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.3-1.git20171010
1c8881 |
- Update to OVS 2.7.3 + branch-2.7 bugfixes (#1502742)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Sep 18 2017 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-10.git20170914
1c8881 |
- Backport of fix for i40e flow control get (#1491791)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Sep 14 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-9.git20170914
1c8881 |
- Rebase to latest OVS branch fixes + DPDK 16.11.3
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Sep 06 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-8.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Backport of enic driver crash fix to dpdk-16.11 (#1489010)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 22 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-7.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Re-enable Cisco enic PMD (#1482675)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 22 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-6.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Update based on multi-arch
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Aug 22 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-5.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Disable unsupported PMDs (#1482675)
1c8881 |
- software and hardware PMDs audited by the team
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Aug 03 2017 John W. Linville <linville@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-4.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Backport mmap fix for memory initialization on ppc64le to dpdk-16.11
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Aug 03 2017 John W. Linville <linville@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-3.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Backport support for vfio-pci based PMD in ppc64le to dpdk-16.11
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Aug 03 2017 John W. Linville <linville@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-2.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Backport support for Intel XL710 (i40e) pmd in ppc64le to dpdk-16.11
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jul 19 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.2-1.git20170719
1c8881 |
- Update to OVS 2.7.2 + branch-2.7 bugfixes (#1472854)
1c8881 |
- Add a symlink of the OCF script in the OCF resources folder (#1472729)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Jul 10 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.7.1-1.git20170710
1c8881 |
- Align to FDB openvswitch-2.7.1-1.git20170710.el7fdb (#1459286)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jun 07 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-20.git20161206
1c8881 |
- backport "mcast-snooping: Avoid segfault for vswitchd" (#1456356)
1c8881 |
- backport "mcast-snooping: Flush ports mdb when VLAN cfg changed." (#1456358)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Sun May 21 2017 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-19.git20161206
1c8881 |
- backport patch to not automatically restard ovn svcs after upgrade (#1438901)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue May 09 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-18.git20161206
1c8881 |
- rconn: Avoid abort for ill-behaved remote (#1449109)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri May 05 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-17.git20161206
1c8881 |
- Fix race in "PMD - change numa node" test (#1447714)
1c8881 |
- Report only un-deleted groups in group stats replies. (#1447724)
1c8881 |
- Workaround some races in "ofproto - asynchronous message control" tests (#1448536)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Apr 10 2017 Eric Garver <egarver@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-16.git20161206
1c8881 |
- Fix an issue using set_field action on nw_ecn (#1410715)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 31 2017 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-15.git20161206
1c8881 |
- backport patch to fix uni-dir vhost perf drop (#1414919)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Mar 29 2017 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-14.git20161206
1c8881 |
- backport patch to correct port number in firewalld service file (#1390938)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Mar 10 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-13.git20161206
1c8881 |
- backport patch to enable/disable libcap-ng support (--with libcapng)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 09 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-12.git20161206
1c8881 |
- Fix an MTU issue with ovs mirror ports (#1426342)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Mar 08 2017 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-11.git20161206
1c8881 |
- update spec file to install firewalld service files (#1390938)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-10.git20161206
1c8881 |
- vhostuser client mode support for ifup/ifdown (#1418957)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-9.git20161206
1c8881 |
- OVN-DHCP is not sending DHCP responses after a MAC change in north db (#1418261)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Feb 16 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-8.git20161206
1c8881 |
- systemd service starts too fast (#1422227)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-7.git20161206
1c8881 |
- iptables should be easily configurable for OVN hosts and OVN central server (#1390938)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Feb 09 2017 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-6.git20161206
1c8881 |
- ovn: IPAM has no reply to DHCP request for renewal (#1415449)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Feb 07 2017 Timothy Redaelli <tredaelli@redhat.com> - 2.6.1-5.git20161206
1c8881 |
- ovn-controller: Provide the option to set Encap.options:csum (#1418742)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Feb 06 2017 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> 2.5.0-23.git20160727
1c8881 |
- fixed broken service after a package upgrade (#1403958)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Dec 21 2016 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> 2.6.1-3.git20161206
1c8881 |
- ovsdb-idlc: Initialize nonnull string columns for inserted rows. (#1405094)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Dec 09 2016 Lance Richardson <lrichard@redhat.com> 2.6.1-2.git20161206
1c8881 |
- OVN: Support IPAM with externally specified MAC (#1368043)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Dec 06 2016 Kevin Traynor <ktraynor@redhat.com> 2.6.1-1.git20161206
1c8881 |
- Update to OVS 2.6.1 + branch-2.6 bugfixes (#1335865)
1c8881 |
- Update to use DPDK 16.11 (#1335865)
1c8881 |
- Enable OVN
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 22 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> 2.5.0-22.git20160727
1c8881 |
- ifnotifier: do not wake up when there is no db connection (#1397504)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Nov 22 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> 2.5.0-21.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Use instant sending instead of queue (#1397481)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Nov 21 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> 2.5.0-20.git20160727
1c8881 |
- dpdk vhost: workaround stale vring base (#1376217)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Oct 20 2016 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-19.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Applied tnl fix (#1346232)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 18 2016 Aaron Conole <aconole@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-18.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Applied the systemd backports
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 18 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-17.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Fixed OVS to not require SSSE3 if DPDK is not used (#1378501)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 18 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-16.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Fixed a typo (#1385096)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Oct 18 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-15.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Do not restart the service after a package upgrade (#1385096)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Sep 26 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-14.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Permit running just the kernel datapath tests (#1375660)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Sep 14 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-13.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Obsolete openvswitch-dpdk < 2.6.0 to provide migration path
1c8881 |
- Add spec option to run kernel datapath tests (#1375660)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Sep 09 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-12.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Backport ovs-tcpdump support (#1335560)
1c8881 |
- Add ovs-pcap, ovs-tcpdump and ovs-tcpundump to -test package
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Sep 08 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-11.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Add openvswitch-dpdk provide for testing and depending on dpdk-enablement
1c8881 |
- Disable bnx2x driver, it's not stable
1c8881 |
- Build dpdk with -Wno-error to permit for newer compilers
1c8881 |
- Drop subpkgs conditional from spec, its not useful anymore
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Aug 26 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-10.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Fix adding ukeys for same flow by different pmds (#1364898)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jul 28 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-9.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Fixed ifup-ovs to support DPDK Bond (#1360426)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jul 28 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-8.git20160727
1c8881 |
- Fixed ifup-ovs to delete the ports first (#1359890)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jul 27 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-7.git20160727
1c8881 |
- pull bugfixes from upstream 2.5 branch (#1360431)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jul 26 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-6.git20160628
1c8881 |
- Removed redundant provides for openvswitch
1c8881 |
- Added epoch to the provides for -static package
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Jul 21 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-5.git20160628
1c8881 |
- Renamed to openvswitch (dpdk enabled)
1c8881 |
- Enabled sub-packages
1c8881 |
- Removed conflicts to openvswitch
1c8881 |
- Increased epoch to give this package preference over stable
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Tue Jun 28 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-4.git20160628
1c8881 |
- pull bugfixes from upstream 2.5 branch (#1346313)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Apr 27 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-4
1c8881 |
- Enable DPDK bnx2x driver (#1330589)
1c8881 |
- Add README.DPDK-PMDS document listing drivers included in this package
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 17 2016 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-3
1c8881 |
- Run testsuite by default on x86 arches (#1318786)
1c8881 |
(this sync the spec with non-dpdk version though the testsuite
1c8881 |
was already enabled here)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 17 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-2
1c8881 |
- eliminate debuginfo-artifacts (#1281913)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Mar 17 2016 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com> - 2.5.0-1
1c8881 |
- Update to OVS to 2.5.0 and bundled DPDK to 2.2.0 (#1317889)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Mon Nov 23 2015 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com>
1c8881 |
- Provide openvswitch ver-rel (#1281894)
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Thu Aug 13 2015 Flavio Leitner <fbl@redhat.com>
1c8881 |
- ExclusiveArch to x86_64 (dpdk)
1c8881 |
- Provides bundled(dpdk)
1c8881 |
- Re-enable testsuite
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Fri Aug 07 2015 Panu Matilainen <pmatilai@redhat.com>
1c8881 |
- Enable building from pre-release snapshots, update to pre 2.4 version
1c8881 |
- Bundle a minimal, private build of DPDK 2.0 and link statically
1c8881 |
- Rename package to openvswitch-dpdk, conflict with regular openvswitch
1c8881 |
- Disable all sub-packages
1c8881 |
1c8881 |
* Wed Jan 12 2011 Ralf Spenneberg <ralf@os-s.net>
1c8881 |
- First build on F14