diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 0d0b884..66693a5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/.nvme-stas.metadata b/.nvme-stas.metadata
index 487f8a9..7fcad34 100644
--- a/.nvme-stas.metadata
+++ b/.nvme-stas.metadata
@@ -1 +1 @@
-829d844d8ee2f797fdbf557be1815310cd37a1e3 SOURCES/nvme-stas-1.1.6.tar.gz
+cba4b6de7241d339de4aa08cdcf55c2bd2293a66 SOURCES/nvme-stas-2.1.1.tar.gz
diff --git a/SOURCES/0001-sync-with-1.1.6.patch b/SOURCES/0001-sync-with-1.1.6.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c28df7f..0000000
--- a/SOURCES/0001-sync-with-1.1.6.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3307 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
-index 93604e8..4e1b6c5 100644
---- a/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
-+++ b/.github/workflows/pylint.yml
-@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
--name: Pylint
-+name: Linters
- on: [push]
- jobs:
-- build:
-+ docker-lint:
-+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-+ steps:
-+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
-+ - uses: hadolint/hadolint-action@v2.1.0
-+ with:
-+ recursive: true
-+ ignore: DL3041
-+ python-lint:
- runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- strategy:
-diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
-index ad6742e..0ab5138 100644
---- a/Dockerfile
-+++ b/Dockerfile
-@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ FROM fedora:36
- WORKDIR /root
--# for nvme-stas
--RUN dnf install -y python3-dasbus python3-pyudev python3-systemd python3-gobject meson
--# for libnvme
--RUN dnf install -y git gcc g++ cmake openssl-devel libuuid-devel json-c-devel swig python-devel meson
-+# first line for nvme-stas
-+# second line for libnvme
-+RUN dnf install -y python3-dasbus python3-pyudev python3-systemd python3-gobject meson \
-+ git gcc g++ cmake openssl-devel libuuid-devel json-c-devel swig python-devel meson && dnf clean all
- COPY . .
--RUN meson .build && ninja -C .build && cd .build && meson install
-+RUN meson .build && ninja -C .build && meson install -C .build
- ENTRYPOINT ["python3"]
-diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
-index d1515cd..f56a7c9 100644
---- a/NEWS.md
-+++ b/NEWS.md
-@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
- - Fix issues with I/O controller connection audits
- - Eliminate pcie devices from list of I/O controller connections to audit
- - Add soaking timer to workaround race condition between kernel and user-space applications on "add" uevents. When the kernel adds a new nvme device (e.g. `/dev/nvme7`) and sends a "add" uevent to notify user-space applications, the attributes associated with that device (e.g. `/sys/class/nvme/nvme7/cntrltype`) may not be fully initialized which can lead `stacd` to dismiss a device that should get audited.
-+- Make `sticky-connections=enabled` the default (see `stacd.conf`)
- ## Changes with release 1.1.5
-@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ stacd: Bug fix. Check that self._cfg_soak_tmr is not None before dereferencing i
- ## Changes with release 1.1.1
--Make `sticky-connections-disabled` by default
-+Make `sticky-connections=disabled` the default (see `stacd.conf`)
- ## Changes with release 1.1
-diff --git a/coverage.sh.in b/coverage.sh.in
-index 96b8c53..5ba2ebe 100755
---- a/coverage.sh.in
-+++ b/coverage.sh.in
-@@ -38,14 +38,24 @@ PRIMARY_GRP=$( id -ng )
- PRIMARY_USR=$( id -nu )
- PYTHON_PATH=.:./subprojects/libnvme
-+log() {
-+ msg="$1"
-+ printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "${msg}" "\0033"
-+ sudo logger -i "@@@@@ COVERAGE -" -p 4 "${msg}"
- sd_stop() {
-- unit="$1"-cov.service
-+ app="$1"
-+ unit="${app}"-cov.service
-+ log "Stop ${app}"
- sudo systemctl stop "${unit}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- sudo systemctl reset-failed "${unit}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
- sd_restart() {
-- unit="$1"-cov.service
-+ app="$1"
-+ unit="${app}"-cov.service
-+ log "Restart ${app}"
- sudo systemctl restart "${unit}" >/dev/null 2>&1
- }
-@@ -61,7 +71,7 @@ sd_start() {
- cmd="${app} --syslog -f ${conf}"
- fi
-- printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Start ${app}" "\0033"
-+ log "Start ${app}"
-@@ -75,7 +85,7 @@ reload_cfg() {
- app="$1"
- unit="${app}"-cov.service
- pid=$( systemctl show --property MainPID --value "${unit}" )
-- printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Reload config ${app}" "\0033"
-+ log "Reload config ${app}"
- sudo kill -HUP "${pid}"
- }
-@@ -83,15 +93,24 @@ if [ ! -d coverage ]; then
- mkdir coverage
- fi
- ################################################################################
- # Load nvme kernel module
-+log "modprobe nvme-tcp"
- sudo /usr/sbin/modprobe nvme-tcp
-+log "nvme disconnect-all"
- sudo nvme disconnect-all
- ################################################################################
- # Create a dummy config file for @STAFD_PROCNAME@
--stafd_conf_fname=$(mktemp /tmp/@STAFD_PROCNAME@.conf.XXXXXX)
-+log "Create dummy config file $file"
-+stafd_conf_fname=$(mktemp $file)
- cat > "${stafd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -102,7 +121,9 @@ EOF
- ################################################################################
- # Create a dummy config file for @STACD_PROCNAME@
--stacd_conf_fname=$(mktemp /tmp/@STACD_PROCNAME@.conf.XXXXXX)
-+log "Create dummy config file $file"
-+stacd_conf_fname=$(mktemp $file)
- cat > "${stacd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -111,6 +132,7 @@ udev-rule=disabled
- sticky-connections=enabled
-+log "Stop & Mask Avahi daemon"
- sudo systemctl stop avahi-daemon.service
- sudo systemctl stop avahi-daemon.socket
- sudo systemctl mask avahi-daemon.service
-@@ -118,11 +140,11 @@ sudo systemctl mask avahi-daemon.socket
- sleep 1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status while @STAFD_PROCNAME@ is not running" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status while @STAFD_PROCNAME@ is not running"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ ls >/dev/null 2>&1
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ invalid-command >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ status while @STACD_PROCNAME@ is not running" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ status while @STACD_PROCNAME@ is not running"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls >/dev/null 2>&1
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ invalid-command >/dev/null 2>&1
-@@ -132,30 +154,33 @@ sd_start "@STAFD_PROCNAME@" "@STAFD_DBUS_NAME@" "${stafd_conf_fname}"
- sd_start "@STACD_PROCNAME@" "@STACD_DBUS_NAME@" "${stacd_conf_fname}"
- sleep 3
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status >/dev/null 2>&1
- reload_cfg "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 1
-+log "Restart Avahi daemon"
- sudo systemctl unmask avahi-daemon.socket
- sudo systemctl unmask avahi-daemon.service
- sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.socket
- sudo systemctl start avahi-daemon.service
- sleep 2
-+log "Change stafd config: tron=true, persistent-connections=false, zeroconf=enable"
- cat > "${stafd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
- persistent-connections=false
- [Service Discovery]
- reload_cfg "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 1
-+log "Change stafd config: ip-family=ipv4, kato=10, adding multiple controllers"
- cat > "${stafd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -172,11 +197,15 @@ controller=transport=tcp;traddr=abracadabra
- controller=
- controller=trsvcid
- controller=transport=rdma;traddr=!@#$
- blacklist=transport=tcp;traddr=
- blacklist=transport=tcp;traddr=1000.1000.1000.1000
- reload_cfg "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
-+log "Change stacd config: tron=true, udev-rule=disabled, sticky-connections=disabled"
- cat > "${stacd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -186,12 +215,12 @@ EOF
- reload_cfg "@STACD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 3
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status >/dev/null 2>&1
- ################################################################################
- # Fake mDNS packets from a CDC
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Start Avahi publisher" "\0033"
-+log "Start Avahi publisher"
- AVAHI_PUBLISHER=mdns_publisher.service
- sudo systemctl stop ${AVAHI_PUBLISHER} >/dev/null 2>&1
- sudo systemctl reset-failed ${AVAHI_PUBLISHER} >/dev/null 2>&1
-@@ -200,7 +229,7 @@ sleep 1
- ################################################################################
- # Start nvme target simulator
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Start nvmet" "\0033"
-+log "Start nvmet"
- sudo ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.py clean
- sudo ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.py create -f ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.conf
- sleep 2
-@@ -210,76 +239,76 @@ reload_cfg "@STACD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 3
- ################################################################################
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --version" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --version"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --version
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --idl" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --idl"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_PROCNAME@ --idl /tmp/@STAFD_PROCNAME@.idl
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_PROCNAME@ --version" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_PROCNAME@ --version"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_PROCNAME@ --version
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_PROCNAME@ --idl" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_PROCNAME@ --idl"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_PROCNAME@ --idl /tmp/@STACD_PROCNAME@.idl
- ################################################################################
- # Stimulate D-Bus activity
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ --version" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ --version"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ --version
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ with a bad command" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ with a bad command"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ blah
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ troff" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ troff"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ troff
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ status >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ tron" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ tron"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ tron
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ ls" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ ls"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ ls -d >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ adlp" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ adlp"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ adlp -d >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ dlp" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STAFD_CTLNAME@ dlp"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STAFD_CTLNAME@ dlp -t tcp -a ::1 -s 8009 >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ --version" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ --version"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ --version
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ with a bad command" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ with a bad command"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ blah
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ troff" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ troff"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ troff
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ status" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ status"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ status >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ tron" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ tron"
- sudo coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ tron
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls -d >/dev/null 2>&1
- ################################################################################
- # Stimulate AENs activity by removing/restoring namespaces
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Remove namespace: klingons" "\0033"
-+log "Remove namespace: klingons"
- sudo ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.py unlink -p 1 -s klingons
- sleep 2
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls -d >/dev/null 2>&1
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Restore namespace: klingons" "\0033"
-+log "Restore namespace: klingons"
- sudo ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.py link -p 1 -s klingons
- sleep 2
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls" "\0033"
-+log "Invoking @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls"
- coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc @STACD_CTLNAME@ ls -d >/dev/null 2>&1
- ################################################################################
- # Stop Avahi Publisher
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Stop Avahi publisher" "\0033"
-+log "Stop Avahi publisher"
- sudo systemctl stop ${AVAHI_PUBLISHER}
- sleep 1
- ################################################################################
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Restart Avahi publisher" "\0033"
-+log "Restart Avahi publisher"
- sudo systemd-run --unit=${AVAHI_PUBLISHER} --working-directory=. avahi-publish -s SFSS _nvme-disc._tcp 8009 "p=tcp"
- sleep 2
- ################################################################################
- # Make config changes for @STAFD_PROCNAME@
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Empty configuration and disable zeroconf for @STAFD_PROCNAME@" "\0033"
-+log "Empty configuration and disable zeroconf for @STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- cat > "${stafd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -293,7 +322,7 @@ sleep 1
- ################################################################################
- # Make more config changes for @STAFD_PROCNAME@
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Add single controller (::1) and re-enable zeroconf for @STAFD_PROCNAME@" "\0033"
-+log "Add single controller (::1) and re-enable zeroconf for @STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- cat > "${stafd_conf_fname}" <<'EOF'
- [Global]
- tron=true
-@@ -307,24 +336,23 @@ sleep 2
- ################################################################################
- # Stop Avahi Publisher
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Stop Avahi publisher" "\0033"
-+log "Stop Avahi publisher"
- sudo systemctl stop ${AVAHI_PUBLISHER}
- sleep 2
- ################################################################################
- # Remove one of the NVMe device's
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Remove (disconnect) nvme1" "\0033"
-+log "Remove (disconnect) nvme1"
- sudo nvme disconnect -d nvme1
- sleep 2
- ################################################################################
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Restart @STAFD_PROCNAME@ and @STACD_PROCNAME@" "\0033"
- sd_restart "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sd_restart "@STACD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 1
--printf "%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Create invalid conditions for saving/loading @STAFD_PROCNAME@'s last known config" "\0033"
-+log "Create invalid conditions for saving/loading @STAFD_PROCNAME@'s last known config"
- rm -rf "/tmp/@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sd_stop "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sd_restart "@STACD_PROCNAME@"
-@@ -334,7 +362,7 @@ sleep 2
- ################################################################################
- # Stop everything and collect coverage stats
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Stop @STAFD_PROCNAME@ and @STACD_PROCNAME@" "\0033"
- sd_stop "@STAFD_PROCNAME@"
- sd_stop "@STACD_PROCNAME@"
- sleep 1
-@@ -345,33 +373,49 @@ sudo chown -R "${PRIMARY_USR}":"${PRIMARY_GRP}" coverage >/dev/null 2>&1
- sudo chown -R "${PRIMARY_USR}":"${PRIMARY_GRP}" staslib/__pycache__ >/dev/null 2>&1
- sudo chown -R "${PRIMARY_USR}":"${PRIMARY_GRP}" subprojects/libnvme/libnvme/__pycache__ >/dev/null 2>&1
-+log "nvme disconnect-all"
- sudo nvme disconnect-all
-+log "Remove ${stafd_conf_fname} and ${stacd_conf_fname}"
- rm "${stafd_conf_fname}"
- rm "${stacd_conf_fname}"
-+log "Run unit test: test-udev"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-udev.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-avahi"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-avahi.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-gtimer"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-gtimer.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-version"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-version.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-transport_id"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-transport_id.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-config"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-config.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-controller"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-controller.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-service"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-service.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-log"
- PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-log.py
-+log "Run unit test: test-nvme_options"
- sudo PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PATH} coverage run --rcfile=.coveragerc ../test/test-nvme_options.py
- ################################################################################
- # Stop nvme target simulator
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Stop nvmet" "\0033"
-+log "Stop nvmet"
- sudo ../utils/nvmet/nvmet.py clean
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Collect all coverage data" "\0033"
-+log "Collect all coverage data"
- coverage combine --rcfile=.coveragerc
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Generating coverage report" "\0033"
-+log "Generating coverage report"
- coverage report -i --rcfile=.coveragerc
--printf "\n%b[1;36m%s%b[0m\n" "\0033" "Generating coverage report (HTML)" "\0033"
-+log "Generating coverage report (HTML)"
- coverage html -i --rcfile=.coveragerc
-+log "All done!!!"
-diff --git a/doc/man/stacd.conf.xml b/doc/man/stacd.conf.xml
-index 60622f6..65ee71a 100644
---- a/doc/man/stacd.conf.xml
-+++ b/doc/man/stacd.conf.xml
-@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
- entries in stacd.conf have been removed.
-- With sticky-connections=disabled
-+ With sticky-connections=disabled
- stacd
immediately disconnects from
- a previously connected IOC if the response to a
-@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@
-- With sticky-connections=enabled
-+ With sticky-connections=enabled (default)
- stacd
does not disconnect from IOCs
- when a DPLE is removed or a controller=
-diff --git a/etc/stas/stacd.conf b/etc/stas/stacd.conf
-index 02e7b3e..0434671 100644
---- a/etc/stas/stacd.conf
-+++ b/etc/stas/stacd.conf
-@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@
- #
- # Type: String
- # Range: [disabled, enabled]
--# Default: disabled
-+# Default: enabled
- [Controllers]
- # controller: I/O Controllers (IOC) are specified with this keyword.
-diff --git a/stacd.py b/stacd.py
-index 708e372..28cefac 100755
---- a/stacd.py
-+++ b/stacd.py
-@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@
- ''' STorage Appliance Connector Daemon
- '''
- import sys
--import logging
- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- from staslib import defs
--# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
--DBUS_IDL = '''
-+DBUS_IDL = f'''
-@@ -34,19 +32,16 @@ DBUS_IDL = '''
--''' % (
-+# ******************************************************************************
- def parse_args(conf_file: str): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
- parser = ArgumentParser(
- description=f'{defs.STAC_DESCRIPTION} ({defs.STAC_ACRONYM}). Must be root to run this program.'
-@@ -77,6 +72,12 @@ ARGS = parse_args(defs.STACD_CONFIG_FILE)
- if ARGS.version:
- print(f'{defs.PROJECT_NAME} {defs.VERSION}')
-+ try:
-+ import libnvme
-+ print(f'libnvme {libnvme.__version__}')
-+ except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError):
-+ pass
- sys.exit(0)
- if ARGS.idl:
-@@ -85,78 +86,14 @@ if ARGS.idl:
- sys.exit(0)
--# There is a reason for having this import here and not at the top of the file.
--# We want to allow running stafd with the --version and --idl options and exit
--# without having to import stas.
--from staslib import stas # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
--# Before going any further, make sure the script is allowed to run.
--# Preliminary checks have passed. Let her rip!
--# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
--# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
--import json
--import pathlib
--import systemd.daemon
--import dasbus.error
--import dasbus.client.observer
--import dasbus.client.proxy
--from gi.repository import GLib
--from staslib import conf, log, gutil, trid, udev, ctrl, service # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
--UDEV_RULE_SUPPRESS = pathlib.Path('/run/udev/rules.d', '70-nvmf-autoconnect.rules')
--def udev_rule_ctrl(enable):
-- '''@brief We add an empty udev rule to /run/udev/rules.d to suppress
-- nvme-cli's udev rule that is used to tell udevd to automatically
-- connect to I/O controller. This is to avoid race conditions between
-- stacd and udevd. This is configurable. See "udev-rule" in stacd.conf
-- for details.
-- '''
-- if enable:
-- try:
-- except FileNotFoundError:
-- pass
-- else:
-- if not UDEV_RULE_SUPPRESS.exists():
-- pathlib.Path('/run/udev/rules.d').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-- UDEV_RULE_SUPPRESS.symlink_to('/dev/null')
- # ******************************************************************************
--class Ioc(ctrl.Controller):
-- '''@brief This object establishes a connection to one I/O Controller.'''
-- def __init__(self, root, host, tid: trid.TID):
-- super().__init__(root, host, tid)
-- def _on_udev_remove(self, udev_obj):
-- '''Called when the associated nvme device (/dev/nvmeX) is removed
-- from the system.
-- '''
-- super()._on_udev_remove(udev_obj)
-- # Defer removal of this object to the next main loop's idle period.
-- GLib.idle_add(STAC.remove_controller, self)
-- def _find_existing_connection(self):
-- return self._udev.find_nvme_ioc_device(self.tid)
--# ******************************************************************************
--class Stac(service.Service):
-- '''STorage Appliance Connector (STAC)'''
-+if __name__ == '__main__':
-+ import json
-+ import logging
-+ from staslib import log, service, stas, udev # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
-- CONF_STABILITY_LONG_SOAK_TIME_SEC = 10 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-+ # Before going any further, make sure the script is allowed to run.
-+ stas.check_if_allowed_to_continue()
- class Dbus:
- '''This is the DBus interface that external programs can use to
-@@ -205,229 +142,8 @@ class Stac(service.Service):
- for controller in STAC.get_controllers()
- ]
-- # ==========================================================================
-- def __init__(self, args):
-- super().__init__(args, self._reload_hdlr)
-- # We don't want to apply configuration changes to nvme-cli right away.
-- # Often, multiple changes will occur in a short amount of time (sub-second).
-- # We want to wait until there are no more changes before applying them
-- # to the system. The following timer acts as a "soak period". Changes
-- # will be applied by calling self._on_config_ctrls() at the end of
-- # the soak period.
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr = gutil.GTimer(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC, self._on_config_ctrls)
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- self._add_event_soak_tmr = gutil.GTimer(Stac.ADD_EVENT_SOAK_TIME_SEC, self._on_add_event_soaked)
-- self._config_connections_audit()
-- # Create the D-Bus instance.
-- self._config_dbus(Stac.Dbus(), defs.STACD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STACD_DBUS_PATH)
-- # Connect to STAF D-Bus interface
-- self._staf = None
-- self._staf_watcher = dasbus.client.observer.DBusObserver(self._sysbus, defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME)
-- self._staf_watcher.service_available.connect(self._connect_to_staf)
-- self._staf_watcher.service_unavailable.connect(self._disconnect_from_staf)
-- self._staf_watcher.connect_once_available()
-- # Suppress udev rule to auto-connect when AEN is received.
-- udev_rule_ctrl(conf.SvcConf().udev_rule_enabled)
-- def _release_resources(self):
-- logging.debug('Stac._release_resources()')
-- if self._add_event_soak_tmr:
-- self._add_event_soak_tmr.kill()
-- udev_rule_ctrl(True)
-- if self._udev:
-- self._udev.unregister_for_action_events('add')
-- self._destroy_staf_comlink(self._staf_watcher)
-- if self._staf_watcher is not None:
-- self._staf_watcher.disconnect()
-- super()._release_resources()
-- self._staf = None
-- self._staf_watcher = None
-- self._add_event_soak_tmr = None
-- def _audit_connections(self, tids):
-- '''A host should only connect to I/O controllers that have been zoned
-- for that host or a manual "controller" entry exists in stcd.conf.
-- A host should disconnect from an I/O controller when that I/O controller
-- is removed from the zone or a manual "controller" entry is removed from
-- stacd.conf. stacd will audit connections if "sticky-connections=disabled".
-- stacd will delete any connection that is not supposed to exist.
-- '''
-- logging.debug('Stac._audit_connections() - tids = %s', tids)
-- num_controllers = len(self._controllers)
-- for tid in tids:
-- if tid not in self._controllers:
-- self._controllers[tid] = Ioc(self._root, self._host, tid)
-- if num_controllers != len(self._controllers):
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- def _on_add_event(self, udev_obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-- '''@brief This function is called when a "add" event is received from
-- the kernel for an NVMe device. This is used to trigger an audit and make
-- sure that the connection to an I/O controller is allowed.
-- WARNING: There is a race condition with the "add" event from the kernel.
-- The kernel sends the "add" event a bit early and the sysfs attributes
-- associated with the nvme object are not always fully initialized.
-- To workaround this problem we use a soaking timer to give time for the
-- sysfs attributes to stabilize.
-- '''
-- self._add_event_soak_tmr.start()
-- def _on_add_event_soaked(self):
-- '''@brief After the add event has been soaking for ADD_EVENT_SOAK_TIME_SEC
-- seconds, we can audit the connections.
-- '''
-- if not conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections:
-- self._audit_connections(self._udev.get_nvme_ioc_tids())
-- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-- def _config_connections_audit(self):
-- '''This function checks the "sticky_connections" parameter to determine
-- whether audits should be performed. Audits are enabled when
-- "sticky_connections" is disabled.
-- '''
-- if not conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections:
-- if self._udev.get_registered_action_cback('add') is None:
-- self._udev.register_for_action_events('add', self._on_add_event)
-- self._audit_connections(self._udev.get_nvme_ioc_tids())
-- else:
-- self._udev.unregister_for_action_events('add')
-- def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
-- '''@brief Determine whether connections should remain when the
-- process exits.
-- '''
-- return True
-- def _reload_hdlr(self):
-- '''@brief Reload configuration file. This is triggered by the SIGHUP
-- signal, which can be sent with "systemctl reload stacd".
-- '''
-- systemd.daemon.notify('RELOADING=1')
-- service_cnf = conf.SvcConf()
-- service_cnf.reload()
-- self.tron = service_cnf.tron
-- self._config_connections_audit()
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- udev_rule_ctrl(service_cnf.udev_rule_enabled)
-- systemd.daemon.notify('READY=1')
-- def _get_log_pages_from_stafd(self):
-- if self._staf:
-- try:
-- return json.loads(self._staf.get_all_log_pages(True))
-- except dasbus.error.DBusError:
-- pass
-- return list()
-- def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-- configured_ctrl_list = [
-- ctrl_dict for ctrl_dict in configured_ctrl_list if 'traddr' in ctrl_dict and 'subsysnqn' in ctrl_dict
-- ]
-- logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - configured_ctrl_list = %s', configured_ctrl_list)
-- discovered_ctrl_list = list()
-- for staf_data in self._get_log_pages_from_stafd():
-- host_traddr = staf_data['discovery-controller']['host-traddr']
-- host_iface = staf_data['discovery-controller']['host-iface']
-- for dlpe in staf_data['log-pages']:
-- if dlpe.get('subtype') == 'nvme': # eliminate discovery controllers
-- discovered_ctrl_list.append(stas.cid_from_dlpe(dlpe, host_traddr, host_iface))
-- logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - discovered_ctrl_list = %s', discovered_ctrl_list)
-- controllers = stas.remove_blacklisted(configured_ctrl_list + discovered_ctrl_list)
-- controllers = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(controllers)
-- new_controller_ids = {trid.TID(controller) for controller in controllers}
-- cur_controller_ids = set(self._controllers.keys())
-- controllers_to_add = new_controller_ids - cur_controller_ids
-- controllers_to_del = cur_controller_ids - new_controller_ids
-- logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_add = %s', list(controllers_to_add))
-- logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_del = %s', list(controllers_to_del))
-- for tid in controllers_to_del:
-- controller = self._controllers.pop(tid, None)
-- if controller is not None:
-- controller.disconnect(self.remove_controller, conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections)
-- for tid in controllers_to_add:
-- self._controllers[tid] = Ioc(self._root, self._host, tid)
-- def _connect_to_staf(self, _):
-- '''@brief Hook up DBus signal handlers for signals from stafd.'''
-- try:
-- self._staf = self._sysbus.get_proxy(defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STAFD_DBUS_PATH)
-- self._staf.log_pages_changed.connect(self._log_pages_changed)
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- # Make sure timer is set back to its normal value.
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.set_timeout(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- logging.debug('Stac._connect_to_staf() - Connected to staf')
-- except dasbus.error.DBusError:
-- logging.error('Failed to connect to staf')
-- def _destroy_staf_comlink(self, watcher): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-- if self._staf:
-- self._staf.log_pages_changed.disconnect(self._log_pages_changed)
-- dasbus.client.proxy.disconnect_proxy(self._staf)
-- self._staf = None
-- def _disconnect_from_staf(self, watcher):
-- self._destroy_staf_comlink(watcher)
-- # When we lose connectivity with stafd, the most logical explanation
-- # is that stafd restarted. In that case, it may take some time for stafd
-- # to re-populate its log pages cache. So let's give stafd plenty of time
-- # to update its log pages cache and send log pages change notifications
-- # before triggering a stacd re-config. We do this by momentarily
-- # increasing the config soak timer to a longer period.
-- if self._cfg_soak_tmr:
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.set_timeout(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_LONG_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- logging.debug('Stac._disconnect_from_staf() - Disconnected from staf')
-- def _log_pages_changed( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-- self, transport, traddr, trsvcid, host_traddr, host_iface, subsysnqn, device
-- ):
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Stac._log_pages_changed() - transport=%s, traddr=%s, trsvcid=%s, host_traddr=%s, host_iface=%s, subsysnqn=%s, device=%s',
-- transport,
-- traddr,
-- trsvcid,
-- host_traddr,
-- host_iface,
-- subsysnqn,
-- device,
-- )
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(Stac.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- def _load_last_known_config(self):
-- return dict()
-- def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-- pass
--# ******************************************************************************
--if __name__ == '__main__':
-- STAC = Stac(ARGS)
-+ log.init(ARGS.syslog)
-+ STAC = service.Stac(ARGS, Dbus())
- STAC.run()
- STAC = None
-diff --git a/stafd.py b/stafd.py
-index aff64fd..8a77c51 100755
---- a/stafd.py
-+++ b/stafd.py
-@@ -10,14 +10,12 @@
- ''' STorage Appliance Finder Daemon
- '''
- import sys
--import logging
- from argparse import ArgumentParser
- from staslib import defs
--# pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
--DBUS_IDL = '''
-+DBUS_IDL = f'''
-@@ -34,10 +32,10 @@ DBUS_IDL = '''
-@@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ DBUS_IDL = '''
-@@ -63,12 +61,10 @@ DBUS_IDL = '''
--''' % (
-+# ******************************************************************************
- def parse_args(conf_file: str): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
- parser = ArgumentParser(
- description=f'{defs.STAF_DESCRIPTION} ({defs.STAF_ACRONYM}). Must be root to run this program.'
-@@ -99,6 +95,12 @@ ARGS = parse_args(defs.STAFD_CONFIG_FILE)
- if ARGS.version:
- print(f'{defs.PROJECT_NAME} {defs.VERSION}')
-+ try:
-+ import libnvme
-+ print(f'libnvme {libnvme.__version__}')
-+ except (AttributeError, ModuleNotFoundError):
-+ pass
- sys.exit(0)
- if ARGS.idl:
-@@ -107,250 +109,15 @@ if ARGS.idl:
- sys.exit(0)
--# There is a reason for having this import here and not at the top of the file.
--# We want to allow running stafd with the --version and --idl options and exit
--# without having to import stas and avahi.
--from staslib import stas, avahi # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
--# Before going any further, make sure the script is allowed to run.
--# Preliminary checks have passed. Let her rip!
--# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
--# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
--import json
--import pickle
--import dasbus.server.interface
--import systemd.daemon
--from libnvme import nvme
--from gi.repository import GLib
--from staslib import conf, log, gutil, trid, udev, ctrl, service # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
--) # 0x70f002
- # ******************************************************************************
--class Dc(ctrl.Controller):
-- '''@brief This object establishes a connection to one Discover Controller (DC).
-- It retrieves the discovery log pages and caches them.
-- It also monitors udev events associated with that DC and updates
-- the cached discovery log pages accordingly.
-- '''
-- def __init__(self, root, host, tid: trid.TID, log_pages=None):
-- super().__init__(root, host, tid, discovery_ctrl=True)
-- self._register_op = None
-- self._get_log_op = None
-- self._log_pages = log_pages if log_pages else list() # Log pages cache
-- def _release_resources(self):
-- logging.debug('Dc._release_resources() - %s | %s', self.id, self.device)
-- super()._release_resources()
-- self._log_pages = list()
-- def _kill_ops(self):
-- super()._kill_ops()
-- if self._get_log_op:
-- self._get_log_op.kill()
-- self._get_log_op = None
-- if self._register_op:
-- self._register_op.kill()
-- self._register_op = None
-- def info(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief Get the controller info for this object'''
-- info = super().info()
-- if self._get_log_op:
-- info['get log page operation'] = self._get_log_op.as_dict()
-- if self._register_op:
-- info['register operation'] = self._register_op.as_dict()
-- return info
-- def cancel(self):
-- '''@brief Used to cancel pending operations.'''
-- super().cancel()
-- if self._get_log_op:
-- self._get_log_op.cancel()
-- if self._register_op:
-- self._register_op.cancel()
-- def log_pages(self) -> list:
-- '''@brief Get the cached log pages for this object'''
-- return self._log_pages
-- def referrals(self) -> list:
-- '''@brief Return the list of referrals'''
-- return [page for page in self._log_pages if page['subtype'] == 'referral']
-- def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-- super()._on_aen(aen)
-- if aen == DLP_CHANGED and self._get_log_op:
-- self._get_log_op.run_async()
-- def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event: str):
-- super()._on_nvme_event(nvme_event)
-- if nvme_event == 'connected' and self._register_op:
-- self._register_op.run_async()
-- def _on_udev_remove(self, udev_obj):
-- super()._on_udev_remove(udev_obj)
-- if self._try_to_connect_deferred:
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-- def _find_existing_connection(self):
-- return self._udev.find_nvme_dc_device(self.tid)
-- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- def _on_connect_success(self, op_obj, data):
-- '''@brief Function called when we successfully connect to the
-- Discovery Controller.
-- '''
-- super()._on_connect_success(op_obj, data)
-- if self._alive():
-- if self._ctrl.is_registration_supported():
-- self._register_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-- self._on_registration_success,
-- self._on_registration_fail,
-- self._ctrl.registration_ctlr,
-- )
-- self._register_op.run_async()
-- else:
-- self._get_log_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-- self._on_get_log_success, self._on_get_log_fail, self._ctrl.discover
-- )
-- self._get_log_op.run_async()
-- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- def _on_registration_success(self, op_obj, data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-- '''@brief Function called when we successfully register with the
-- Discovery Controller. See self._register_op object
-- for details.
-- '''
-- if self._alive():
-- if data is not None:
-- logging.warning('%s | %s - Registration error. %s.', self.id, self.device, data)
-- else:
-- logging.debug('Dc._on_registration_success() - %s | %s', self.id, self.device)
-- self._get_log_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-- self._on_get_log_success, self._on_get_log_fail, self._ctrl.discover
-- )
-- self._get_log_op.run_async()
-- else:
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_registration_success() - %s | %s Received event on dead object.', self.id, self.device
-- )
-- def _on_registration_fail(self, op_obj, err, fail_cnt):
-- '''@brief Function called when we fail to register with the
-- Discovery Controller. See self._register_op object
-- for details.
-- '''
-- if self._alive():
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_registration_fail() - %s | %s: %s. Retry in %s sec',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- err,
-- )
-- if fail_cnt == 1: # Throttle the logs. Only print the first time we fail to connect
-- logging.error('%s | %s - Failed to register with Discovery Controller. %s', self.id, self.device, err)
-- else:
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_registration_fail() - %s | %s Received event on dead object. %s',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- err,
-- )
-- op_obj.kill()
-- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- def _on_get_log_success(self, op_obj, data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-- '''@brief Function called when we successfully retrieve the log pages
-- from the Discovery Controller. See self._get_log_op object
-- for details.
-- '''
-- if self._alive():
-- # Note that for historical reasons too long to explain, the CDC may
-- # return invalid addresses ("", "::", or ""). Those need to be
-- # filtered out.
-- referrals_before = self.referrals()
-- self._log_pages = (
-- [
-- {k: str(v) for k, v in dictionary.items()}
-- for dictionary in data
-- if dictionary.get('traddr') not in ('', '::', '')
-- ]
-- if data
-- else list()
-- )
-- logging.info(
-- '%s | %s - Received discovery log pages (num records=%s).', self.id, self.device, len(self._log_pages)
-- )
-- referrals_after = self.referrals()
-- STAF.log_pages_changed(self, self.device)
-- if referrals_after != referrals_before:
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Referrals before = %s',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- referrals_before,
-- )
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Referrals after = %s',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- referrals_after,
-- )
-- STAF.referrals_changed()
-- else:
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Received event on dead object.', self.id, self.device
-- )
-- def _on_get_log_fail(self, op_obj, err, fail_cnt):
-- '''@brief Function called when we fail to retrieve the log pages
-- from the Discovery Controller. See self._get_log_op object
-- for details.
-- '''
-- if self._alive():
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_get_log_fail() - %s | %s: %s. Retry in %s sec',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- err,
-- )
-- if fail_cnt == 1: # Throttle the logs. Only print the first time we fail to connect
-- logging.error('%s | %s - Failed to retrieve log pages. %s', self.id, self.device, err)
-- else:
-- logging.debug(
-- 'Dc._on_get_log_fail() - %s | %s Received event on dead object. %s',
-- self.id,
-- self.device,
-- err,
-- )
-- op_obj.kill()
--# ******************************************************************************
--class Staf(service.Service):
-- '''STorage Appliance Finder (STAF)'''
-+if __name__ == '__main__':
-+ import json
-+ import logging
-+ import dasbus.server.interface
-+ from staslib import log, service, stas, udev # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
-+ # Before going any further, make sure the script is allowed to run.
-+ stas.check_if_allowed_to_continue()
- class Dbus:
- '''This is the DBus interface that external programs can use to
-@@ -431,148 +198,8 @@ class Staf(service.Service):
- for controller in STAF.get_controllers()
- ]
-- # ==========================================================================
-- def __init__(self, args):
-- super().__init__(args, self._reload_hdlr)
-- self._avahi = avahi.Avahi(self._sysbus, self._avahi_change)
-- self._avahi.config_stypes(conf.SvcConf().get_stypes())
-- # We don't want to apply configuration changes to nvme-cli right away.
-- # Often, multiple changes will occur in a short amount of time (sub-second).
-- # We want to wait until there are no more changes before applying them
-- # to the system. The following timer acts as a "soak period". Changes
-- # will be applied by calling self._on_config_ctrls() at the end of
-- # the soak period.
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr = gutil.GTimer(Staf.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC, self._on_config_ctrls)
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- # Create the D-Bus instance.
-- self._config_dbus(Staf.Dbus(), defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STAFD_DBUS_PATH)
-- def info(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief Get the status info for this object (used for debug)'''
-- info = super().info()
-- info['avahi'] = self._avahi.info()
-- return info
-- def _release_resources(self):
-- logging.debug('Staf._release_resources()')
-- super()._release_resources()
-- if self._avahi:
-- self._avahi.kill()
-- self._avahi = None
-- def _load_last_known_config(self):
-- try:
-- with open(self._lkc_file, 'rb') as file:
-- config = pickle.load(file)
-- except (FileNotFoundError, AttributeError):
-- return dict()
-- logging.debug('Staf._load_last_known_config() - DC count = %s', len(config))
-- return {tid: Dc(self._root, self._host, tid, log_pages) for tid, log_pages in config.items()}
-- def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-- try:
-- with open(self._lkc_file, 'wb') as file:
-- config = {tid: dc.log_pages() for tid, dc in controllers.items()}
-- logging.debug('Staf._dump_last_known_config() - DC count = %s', len(config))
-- pickle.dump(config, file)
-- except FileNotFoundError as ex:
-- logging.error('Unable to save last known config: %s', ex)
-- def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
-- '''@brief Determine whether connections should remain when the
-- process exits.
-- '''
-- return conf.SvcConf().persistent_connections
-- def _reload_hdlr(self):
-- '''@brief Reload configuration file. This is triggered by the SIGHUP
-- signal, which can be sent with "systemctl reload stafd".
-- '''
-- systemd.daemon.notify('RELOADING=1')
-- service_cnf = conf.SvcConf()
-- service_cnf.reload()
-- self.tron = service_cnf.tron
-- self._avahi.kick_start() # Make sure Avahi is running
-- self._avahi.config_stypes(service_cnf.get_stypes())
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- systemd.daemon.notify('READY=1')
-- def log_pages_changed(self, controller, device):
-- '''@brief Function invoked when a controller's cached log pages
-- have changed. This will emit a D-Bus signal to inform
-- other applications that the cached log pages have changed.
-- '''
-- self._dbus_iface.log_pages_changed.emit(
-- controller.tid.transport,
-- controller.tid.traddr,
-- controller.tid.trsvcid,
-- controller.tid.host_traddr,
-- controller.tid.host_iface,
-- controller.tid.subsysnqn,
-- device,
-- )
-- def referrals_changed(self):
-- '''@brief Function invoked when a controller's cached referrals
-- have changed.
-- '''
-- logging.debug('Staf.referrals_changed()')
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- def _referrals(self) -> list:
-- return [
-- stas.cid_from_dlpe(dlpe, controller.tid.host_traddr, controller.tid.host_iface)
-- for controller in self.get_controllers()
-- for dlpe in controller.referrals()
-- ]
-- def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-- '''@brief Finish discovery controllers configuration after
-- hostnames (if any) have been resolved.
-- '''
-- configured_ctrl_list = [
-- ctrl_dict
-- for ctrl_dict in configured_ctrl_list
-- if 'traddr' in ctrl_dict and ctrl_dict.setdefault('subsysnqn', defs.WELL_KNOWN_DISC_NQN)
-- ]
-- discovered_ctrl_list = self._avahi.get_controllers()
-- referral_ctrl_list = self._referrals()
-- logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - configured_ctrl_list = %s', configured_ctrl_list)
-- logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - discovered_ctrl_list = %s', discovered_ctrl_list)
-- logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - referral_ctrl_list = %s', referral_ctrl_list)
-- controllers = stas.remove_blacklisted(configured_ctrl_list + discovered_ctrl_list + referral_ctrl_list)
-- controllers = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(controllers)
-- new_controller_ids = {trid.TID(controller) for controller in controllers}
-- cur_controller_ids = set(self._controllers.keys())
-- controllers_to_add = new_controller_ids - cur_controller_ids
-- controllers_to_del = cur_controller_ids - new_controller_ids
-- logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_add = %s', list(controllers_to_add))
-- logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_del = %s', list(controllers_to_del))
-- for tid in controllers_to_del:
-- controller = self._controllers.pop(tid, None)
-- if controller is not None:
-- controller.disconnect(self.remove_controller, conf.SvcConf().persistent_connections)
-- for tid in controllers_to_add:
-- self._controllers[tid] = Dc(self._root, self._host, tid)
-- def _avahi_change(self):
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
--# ******************************************************************************
--if __name__ == '__main__':
-- STAF = Staf(ARGS)
-+ log.init(ARGS.syslog)
-+ STAF = service.Staf(ARGS, Dbus())
- STAF.run()
- STAF = None
-diff --git a/staslib/avahi.py b/staslib/avahi.py
-index 768bbf4..90a67c8 100644
---- a/staslib/avahi.py
-+++ b/staslib/avahi.py
-@@ -172,9 +172,7 @@ class Avahi: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- services = dict()
- for service, obj in self._services.items():
- interface, protocol, name, stype, domain = service
-- key = '({}, {}, {}.{}, {})'.format( # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
-- socket.if_indextoname(interface), Avahi.protos.get(protocol, 'unknown'), name, domain, stype
-- )
-+ key = f'({socket.if_indextoname(interface)}, {Avahi.protos.get(protocol, "unknown")}, {name}.{domain}, {stype})'
- services[key] = obj.get('data', {})
- info = {
-@@ -316,7 +314,7 @@ class Avahi: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- _interface_name: str,
- _signal_name: str,
- args: typing.Tuple[int, int, str, str, str, int],
-- *_user_data
-+ *_user_data,
- ):
- (interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, flags) = args
- logging.debug(
-@@ -352,7 +350,7 @@ class Avahi: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- _interface_name: str,
- _signal_name: str,
- args: typing.Tuple[int, int, str, str, str, int],
-- *_user_data
-+ *_user_data,
- ):
- (interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, flags) = args
- logging.debug(
-@@ -386,7 +384,7 @@ class Avahi: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- _interface_name: str,
- _signal_name: str,
- args: typing.Tuple[int, int, str, str, str, str, int, str, int, list, int],
-- *_user_data
-+ *_user_data,
- ):
- (interface, protocol, name, stype, domain, host, aprotocol, address, port, txt, flags) = args
- txt = _txt2dict(txt)
-@@ -428,7 +426,7 @@ class Avahi: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- interface_name: str,
- _signal_name: str,
- args: typing.Tuple[str],
-- *_user_data
-+ *_user_data,
- ):
- (error,) = args
- if 'ServiceResolver' not in interface_name or 'TimeoutError' not in error:
-diff --git a/staslib/conf.py b/staslib/conf.py
-index 3f52e4f..c314a9e 100644
---- a/staslib/conf.py
-+++ b/staslib/conf.py
-@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ class SvcConf(metaclass=singleton.Singleton):
- ('Global', 'ignore-iface'): 'false',
- ('Global', 'ip-family'): 'ipv4+ipv6',
- ('Global', 'udev-rule'): 'enabled',
-- ('Global', 'sticky-connections'): 'disabled',
-+ ('Global', 'sticky-connections'): 'enabled',
- ('Service Discovery', 'zeroconf'): 'enabled',
- ('Controllers', 'controller'): list(),
- ('Controllers', 'blacklist'): list(),
-diff --git a/staslib/ctrl.py b/staslib/ctrl.py
-index 5504baa..dbc1973 100644
---- a/staslib/ctrl.py
-+++ b/staslib/ctrl.py
-@@ -10,69 +10,76 @@
- Dc (Discovery Controller) and Ioc (I/O Controller) objects are derived.'''
- import logging
--from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
-+from gi.repository import GLib
- from libnvme import nvme
--from staslib import conf, gutil, trid, udev
-+from staslib import conf, gutil, trid, udev, stas
- DC_KATO_DEFAULT = 30 # seconds
- # ******************************************************************************
--class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
-+class Controller(stas.ControllerABC):
- '''@brief Base class used to manage the connection to a controller.'''
- def __init__(self, root, host, tid: trid.TID, discovery_ctrl=False):
-- self._root = root
-- self._host = host
-- self._udev = udev.UDEV
-- self._tid = tid
-- self._cancellable = Gio.Cancellable()
-- self._connect_op = None
-- self._connect_attempts = 0
-- self._retry_connect_tmr = gutil.GTimer(Controller.CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC, self._on_try_to_connect)
-- self._device = None
-- self._ctrl = None
-- self._discovery_ctrl = discovery_ctrl
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred = gutil.Deferred(self._try_to_connect)
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-+ self._udev = udev.UDEV
-+ self._device = None # Refers to the nvme device (e.g. /dev/nvme[n])
-+ self._ctrl = None # libnvme's nvme.ctrl object
-+ self._connect_op = None
-+ super().__init__(root, host, tid, discovery_ctrl)
- def _release_resources(self):
- logging.debug('Controller._release_resources() - %s', self.id)
-- # Remove pending deferred from main loop
-- if self._try_to_connect_deferred:
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred.cancel()
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred = None
- if self._udev:
- self._udev.unregister_for_device_events(self._on_udev_notification)
-- if self._retry_connect_tmr is not None:
-- self._retry_connect_tmr.kill()
-- if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-- self._cancellable.cancel()
- self._kill_ops()
-- self._tid = None
-+ super()._release_resources()
- self._ctrl = None
-- self._device = None
-- self._retry_connect_tmr = None
-- self._cancellable = None
- self._udev = None
-- def _alive(self):
-- '''There may be race condition where a queued event gets processed
-- after the object is no longer configured (i.e. alive). This method
-- can be used by callback functions to make sure the object is still
-- alive before processing further.
-- '''
-- return self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled()
-+ @property
-+ def device(self) -> str:
-+ '''@brief return the Linux nvme device id (e.g. nvme3) or empty
-+ string if no device is associated with this controller'''
-+ if not self._device and self._ctrl and self._ctrl.name:
-+ self._device = self._ctrl.name
-+ return self._device or 'nvme?'
-+ def controller_id_dict(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief return the controller ID as a dict.'''
-+ cid = super().controller_id_dict()
-+ cid['device'] = self.device
-+ return cid
-+ def details(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief return detailed debug info about this controller'''
-+ details = super().details()
-+ details.update(
-+ self._udev.get_attributes(self.device,
-+ ('hostid', 'hostnqn', 'model',
-+ 'serial', 'dctype', 'cntrltype'))
-+ )
-+ return details
-+ def info(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief Get the controller info for this object'''
-+ info = super().info()
-+ if self._connect_op:
-+ info['connect operation'] = self._connect_op.as_dict()
-+ return info
-+ def cancel(self):
-+ '''@brief Used to cancel pending operations.'''
-+ super().cancel()
-+ if self._connect_op:
-+ self._connect_op.cancel()
- def _kill_ops(self):
- if self._connect_op:
-@@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- self._on_nvme_event(nvme_event)
- elif udev_obj.action == 'remove':
- logging.info('%s | %s - Received "remove" event', self.id, udev_obj.sys_name)
-- self._on_udev_remove(udev_obj)
-+ self._on_ctrl_removed(udev_obj)
- else:
- logging.debug(
- 'Controller._on_udev_notification() - %s | %s - Received "%s" notification.',
-@@ -108,33 +115,12 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- udev_obj.sys_name,
- )
-- def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-- pass
-- def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event):
-- pass
-- def _on_udev_remove(self, udev_obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ def _on_ctrl_removed(self, obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
- self._udev.unregister_for_device_events(self._on_udev_notification)
- self._kill_ops() # Kill all pending operations
- self._ctrl = None
-- def _find_existing_connection(self):
-- raise NotImplementedError()
-- def _on_try_to_connect(self):
-- self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-- def _try_to_connect(self):
-- # This is a deferred function call. Make sure
-- # the source of the deferred is still good.
-- source = GLib.main_current_source()
-- if source and source.is_destroyed():
-- return
-- self._connect_attempts += 1
-+ def _do_connect(self):
- host_iface = (
- self.tid.host_iface
- if (self.tid.host_iface and not conf.SvcConf().ignore_iface and conf.NvmeOptions().host_iface_supp)
-@@ -164,7 +150,6 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- self._on_connect_success, self._on_connect_fail, self._ctrl.init, self._host, int(udev_obj.sys_number)
- )
- else:
-- self._device = None
- service_conf = conf.SvcConf()
- cfg = { 'hdr_digest': service_conf.hdr_digest,
- 'data_digest': service_conf.data_digest }
-@@ -198,11 +183,10 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- self._connect_op = None
- if self._alive():
-- if not self._device:
-- self._device = self._ctrl.name
-+ self._device = self._ctrl.name
- logging.info('%s | %s - Connection established!', self.id, self.device)
- self._connect_attempts = 0
-- self._udev.register_for_device_events(self.device, self._on_udev_notification)
-+ self._udev.register_for_device_events(self._device, self._on_udev_notification)
- else:
- logging.debug(
- 'Controller._on_connect_success() - %s | %s Received event on dead object. data=%s',
-@@ -227,11 +211,11 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- # the same time. This is perfectly fine, except that we may get a bogus
- # failed to connect error. By doing a fast re-try, stacd can quickly
- # verify that the connection was actually successful.
-- self._retry_connect_tmr.set_timeout(Controller.FAST_CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC)
-+ self._retry_connect_tmr.set_timeout(self.FAST_CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC)
- elif self._connect_attempts == 2:
- # If the fast connect re-try fails, then we can print a message to
- # indicate the failure, and start a slow re-try period.
-- self._retry_connect_tmr.set_timeout(Controller.CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC)
-+ self._retry_connect_tmr.set_timeout(self.CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC)
- logging.error('%s Failed to connect to controller. %s', self.id, getattr(err, 'message', err))
- logging.debug(
-@@ -248,53 +232,6 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- getattr(err, 'message', err),
- )
-- @property
-- def id(self) -> str: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
-- return str(self.tid)
-- @property
-- def tid(self): # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
-- return self._tid
-- @property
-- def device(self) -> str: # pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring
-- return self._device if self._device else ''
-- def controller_id_dict(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief return the controller ID as a dict.'''
-- cid = self.tid.as_dict()
-- cid['device'] = self.device
-- return cid
-- def details(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief return detailed debug info about this controller'''
-- details = self.controller_id_dict()
-- details.update(self._udev.get_attributes(self.device, ('hostid', 'hostnqn', 'model', 'serial')))
-- details['connect attempts'] = str(self._connect_attempts)
-- details['retry connect timer'] = str(self._retry_connect_tmr)
-- return details
-- def info(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief Get the controller info for this object'''
-- info = self.details()
-- if self._connect_op:
-- info['connect operation'] = self._connect_op.as_dict()
-- return info
-- def cancel(self):
-- '''@brief Used to cancel pending operations.'''
-- if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-- logging.debug('Controller.cancel() - %s', self.id)
-- self._cancellable.cancel()
-- if self._connect_op:
-- self._connect_op.cancel()
-- def kill(self):
-- '''@brief Used to release all resources associated with this object.'''
-- logging.debug('Controller.kill() - %s', self.id)
-- self._release_resources()
- def disconnect(self, disconnected_cb, keep_connection):
- '''@brief Issue an asynchronous disconnect command to a Controller.
- Once the async command has completed, the callback 'disconnected_cb'
-@@ -313,7 +250,7 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- # cannot be called directly as the current Controller object is in the
- # process of being disconnected and the callback will in fact delete
- # the object. This would invariably lead to unpredictable outcome.
-- GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self)
-+ GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self, True)
- def _on_disconn_success(self, op_obj, data, disconnected_cb): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
- logging.debug('Controller._on_disconn_success() - %s | %s', self.id, self.device)
-@@ -322,7 +259,7 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- # cannot be called directly as the current Controller object is in the
- # process of being disconnected and the callback will in fact delete
- # the object. This would invariably lead to unpredictable outcome.
-- GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self)
-+ GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self, True)
- def _on_disconn_fail(self, op_obj, err, fail_cnt, disconnected_cb): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
- logging.debug('Controller._on_disconn_fail() - %s | %s: %s', self.id, self.device, err)
-@@ -331,4 +268,249 @@ class Controller: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- # cannot be called directly as the current Controller object is in the
- # process of being disconnected and the callback will in fact delete
- # the object. This would invariably lead to unpredictable outcome.
-- GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self)
-+ GLib.idle_add(disconnected_cb, self, False)
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class Dc(Controller):
-+ '''@brief This object establishes a connection to one Discover Controller (DC).
-+ It retrieves the discovery log pages and caches them.
-+ It also monitors udev events associated with that DC and updates
-+ the cached discovery log pages accordingly.
-+ '''
-+ ) # 0x70f002
-+ def __init__(self, staf, root, host, tid: trid.TID, log_pages=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-+ super().__init__(root, host, tid, discovery_ctrl=True)
-+ self._staf = staf
-+ self._register_op = None
-+ self._get_log_op = None
-+ self._log_pages = log_pages if log_pages else list() # Log pages cache
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ logging.debug('Dc._release_resources() - %s | %s', self.id, self.device)
-+ super()._release_resources()
-+ self._log_pages = list()
-+ self._staf = None
-+ def _kill_ops(self):
-+ super()._kill_ops()
-+ if self._get_log_op:
-+ self._get_log_op.kill()
-+ self._get_log_op = None
-+ if self._register_op:
-+ self._register_op.kill()
-+ self._register_op = None
-+ def info(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief Get the controller info for this object'''
-+ info = super().info()
-+ if self._get_log_op:
-+ info['get log page operation'] = self._get_log_op.as_dict()
-+ if self._register_op:
-+ info['register operation'] = self._register_op.as_dict()
-+ return info
-+ def cancel(self):
-+ '''@brief Used to cancel pending operations.'''
-+ super().cancel()
-+ if self._get_log_op:
-+ self._get_log_op.cancel()
-+ if self._register_op:
-+ self._register_op.cancel()
-+ def log_pages(self) -> list:
-+ '''@brief Get the cached log pages for this object'''
-+ return self._log_pages
-+ def referrals(self) -> list:
-+ '''@brief Return the list of referrals'''
-+ return [page for page in self._log_pages if page['subtype'] == 'referral']
-+ def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-+ if aen == self.DLP_CHANGED and self._get_log_op:
-+ self._get_log_op.run_async()
-+ def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event: str):
-+ if nvme_event == 'connected' and self._register_op:
-+ self._register_op.run_async()
-+ def _on_ctrl_removed(self, obj):
-+ super()._on_ctrl_removed(obj)
-+ if self._try_to_connect_deferred:
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-+ def _find_existing_connection(self):
-+ return self._udev.find_nvme_dc_device(self.tid)
-+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ def _on_connect_success(self, op_obj, data):
-+ '''@brief Function called when we successfully connect to the
-+ Discovery Controller.
-+ '''
-+ super()._on_connect_success(op_obj, data)
-+ if self._alive():
-+ if self._ctrl.is_registration_supported():
-+ self._register_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-+ self._on_registration_success,
-+ self._on_registration_fail,
-+ self._ctrl.registration_ctlr,
-+ )
-+ self._register_op.run_async()
-+ else:
-+ self._get_log_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-+ self._on_get_log_success, self._on_get_log_fail, self._ctrl.discover
-+ )
-+ self._get_log_op.run_async()
-+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ def _on_registration_success(self, op_obj, data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ '''@brief Function called when we successfully register with the
-+ Discovery Controller. See self._register_op object
-+ for details.
-+ '''
-+ if self._alive():
-+ if data is not None:
-+ logging.warning('%s | %s - Registration error. %s.', self.id, self.device, data)
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug('Dc._on_registration_success() - %s | %s', self.id, self.device)
-+ self._get_log_op = gutil.AsyncOperationWithRetry(
-+ self._on_get_log_success, self._on_get_log_fail, self._ctrl.discover
-+ )
-+ self._get_log_op.run_async()
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_registration_success() - %s | %s Received event on dead object.', self.id, self.device
-+ )
-+ def _on_registration_fail(self, op_obj, err, fail_cnt):
-+ '''@brief Function called when we fail to register with the
-+ Discovery Controller. See self._register_op object
-+ for details.
-+ '''
-+ if self._alive():
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_registration_fail() - %s | %s: %s. Retry in %s sec',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ err,
-+ )
-+ if fail_cnt == 1: # Throttle the logs. Only print the first time we fail to connect
-+ logging.error('%s | %s - Failed to register with Discovery Controller. %s', self.id, self.device, err)
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_registration_fail() - %s | %s Received event on dead object. %s',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ err,
-+ )
-+ op_obj.kill()
-+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ def _on_get_log_success(self, op_obj, data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ '''@brief Function called when we successfully retrieve the log pages
-+ from the Discovery Controller. See self._get_log_op object
-+ for details.
-+ '''
-+ if self._alive():
-+ # Note that for historical reasons too long to explain, the CDC may
-+ # return invalid addresses ("", "::", or ""). Those need to be
-+ # filtered out.
-+ referrals_before = self.referrals()
-+ self._log_pages = (
-+ [
-+ {k: str(v) for k, v in dictionary.items()}
-+ for dictionary in data
-+ if dictionary.get('traddr') not in ('', '::', '')
-+ ]
-+ if data
-+ else list()
-+ )
-+ logging.info(
-+ '%s | %s - Received discovery log pages (num records=%s).', self.id, self.device, len(self._log_pages)
-+ )
-+ referrals_after = self.referrals()
-+ self._staf.log_pages_changed(self, self.device)
-+ if referrals_after != referrals_before:
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Referrals before = %s',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ referrals_before,
-+ )
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Referrals after = %s',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ referrals_after,
-+ )
-+ self._staf.referrals_changed()
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_get_log_success() - %s | %s Received event on dead object.', self.id, self.device
-+ )
-+ def _on_get_log_fail(self, op_obj, err, fail_cnt):
-+ '''@brief Function called when we fail to retrieve the log pages
-+ from the Discovery Controller. See self._get_log_op object
-+ for details.
-+ '''
-+ if self._alive():
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_get_log_fail() - %s | %s: %s. Retry in %s sec',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ err,
-+ )
-+ if fail_cnt == 1: # Throttle the logs. Only print the first time we fail to connect
-+ logging.error('%s | %s - Failed to retrieve log pages. %s', self.id, self.device, err)
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Dc._on_get_log_fail() - %s | %s Received event on dead object. %s',
-+ self.id,
-+ self.device,
-+ err,
-+ )
-+ op_obj.kill()
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class Ioc(Controller):
-+ '''@brief This object establishes a connection to one I/O Controller.'''
-+ def __init__(self, stac, root, host, tid: trid.TID):
-+ self._stac = stac
-+ super().__init__(root, host, tid)
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ super()._release_resources()
-+ self._stac = None
-+ def _on_ctrl_removed(self, obj):
-+ '''Called when the associated nvme device (/dev/nvmeX) is removed
-+ from the system.
-+ '''
-+ super()._on_ctrl_removed(obj)
-+ # Defer removal of this object to the next main loop's idle period.
-+ GLib.idle_add(self._stac.remove_controller, self, True)
-+ def _find_existing_connection(self):
-+ return self._udev.find_nvme_ioc_device(self.tid)
-+ def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-+ pass
-+ def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event):
-+ pass
-diff --git a/staslib/gutil.py b/staslib/gutil.py
-index b302f3a..36ce2c7 100644
---- a/staslib/gutil.py
-+++ b/staslib/gutil.py
-@@ -104,8 +104,7 @@ class GTimer:
- # ******************************************************************************
--class NameResolver:
-- # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
-+class NameResolver: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
- '''@brief DNS resolver to convert host names to IP addresses.'''
- def __init__(self):
-@@ -133,8 +132,10 @@ class NameResolver:
- else:
- logging.error('Cannot resolve traddr: %s', hostname)
-- except GLib.GError:
-- logging.error('Cannot resolve traddr: %s', hostname)
-+ except GLib.GError as err:
-+ # We don't need to report "cancellation" errors.
-+ if not err.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED):
-+ logging.error('Cannot resolve traddr: %s. %s', hostname, err.message) # pylint: disable=no-member
- logging.debug('NameResolver.resolve_ctrl_async() - resolved \'%s\' -> %s', hostname, traddr)
- controllers[indx]['traddr'] = traddr
-diff --git a/staslib/log.py b/staslib/log.py
-index c624978..9622e98 100644
---- a/staslib/log.py
-+++ b/staslib/log.py
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ def init(syslog: bool):
- if syslog:
- try:
- # Try journal logger first
-- import systemd.journal # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name,import-outside-toplevel
-+ import systemd.journal # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
- handler = systemd.journal.JournalHandler(SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=defs.PROG_NAME)
- except ModuleNotFoundError:
-@@ -32,9 +32,7 @@ def init(syslog: bool):
- from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
- handler = SysLogHandler(address="/dev/log")
-- handler.setFormatter(
-- logging.Formatter('{}: %(message)s'.format(defs.PROG_NAME)) # pylint: disable=consider-using-f-string
-- )
-+ handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(f'{defs.PROG_NAME}: %(message)s'))
- else:
- # Log to stdout
- handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
-diff --git a/staslib/service.py b/staslib/service.py
-index 556a9f9..a48e66d 100644
---- a/staslib/service.py
-+++ b/staslib/service.py
-@@ -9,248 +9,416 @@
- '''This module defines the base Service object from
- which the Staf and the Stac objects are derived.'''
--import os
--import signal
-+import json
-+import pickle
- import logging
-+import pathlib
- import systemd.daemon
--import dasbus.connection
-+import dasbus.error
-+import dasbus.client.observer
-+import dasbus.client.proxy
--from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
-+from gi.repository import GLib
- from libnvme import nvme
--from staslib import conf, ctrl, defs, gutil, log, stas, trid, udev
-+from staslib import avahi, conf, ctrl, defs, gutil, stas, trid, udev
- # ******************************************************************************
--class Service: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
-+class Service(stas.ServiceABC):
- '''@brief Base class used to manage a STorage Appliance Service'''
- def __init__(self, args, reload_hdlr):
- sysconf = conf.SysConf()
- self._root = nvme.root()
- self._host = nvme.host(self._root, sysconf.hostnqn, sysconf.hostid, sysconf.hostsymname)
-- service_conf = conf.SvcConf()
-- service_conf.set_conf_file(args.conf_file) # reload configuration
-- self._tron = args.tron or service_conf.tron
-- log.set_level_from_tron(self._tron)
-- self._root.log_level("debug" if self._tron else "err")
-+ super().__init__(args, reload_hdlr)
-- self._lkc_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('RUNTIME_DIRECTORY', os.path.join('/run', defs.PROG_NAME)), 'last-known-config.pickle')
-- self._loop = GLib.MainLoop()
-- self._udev = udev.UDEV
-- self._cancellable = Gio.Cancellable()
-- self._resolver = gutil.NameResolver()
-- self._controllers = self._load_last_known_config()
-- self._dbus_iface = None
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr = None
-- self._sysbus = dasbus.connection.SystemMessageBus()
-- GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGINT, self._stop_hdlr) # CTRL-C
-- GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGTERM, self._stop_hdlr) # systemctl stop stafd
-- GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGHUP, reload_hdlr) # systemctl reload stafd
-- nvme_options = conf.NvmeOptions()
-- if not nvme_options.host_iface_supp or not nvme_options.discovery_supp:
-- logging.warning(
-- 'Kernel does not appear to support all the options needed to run this program. Consider updating to a later kernel version.'
-- )
-+ self._root.log_level("debug" if self._tron else "err")
- def _release_resources(self):
- logging.debug('Service._release_resources()')
-+ super()._release_resources()
-- if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-- self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ self._host = None
-+ self._root = None
-- if self._cfg_soak_tmr is not None:
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.kill()
-+ @stas.ServiceABC.tron.setter
-+ def tron(self, value):
-+ '''@brief Set Trace ON property'''
-+ super(__class__, self.__class__).tron.__set__(self, value)
-+ self._root.log_level("debug" if self._tron else "err")
-- self._controllers.clear()
-- if self._sysbus:
-- self._sysbus.disconnect()
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+def udev_rule_ctrl(enable):
-+ '''@brief We add an empty udev rule to /run/udev/rules.d to suppress
-+ nvme-cli's udev rule that is used to tell udevd to automatically
-+ connect to I/O controller. This is to avoid race conditions between
-+ stacd and udevd. This is configurable. See "udev-rule" in stacd.conf
-+ for details.
-+ '''
-+ udev_rule_suppress = pathlib.Path('/run/udev/rules.d', '70-nvmf-autoconnect.rules')
-+ if enable:
-+ try:
-+ udev_rule_suppress.unlink()
-+ except FileNotFoundError:
-+ pass
-+ else:
-+ if not udev_rule_suppress.exists():
-+ pathlib.Path('/run/udev/rules.d').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-+ udev_rule_suppress.symlink_to('/dev/null')
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr = None
-- self._cancellable = None
-- self._resolver = None
-- self._lkc_file = None
-- self._sysbus = None
-- self._udev = None
-- def _config_dbus(self, iface_obj, bus_name: str, obj_name: str):
-- self._dbus_iface = iface_obj
-- self._sysbus.publish_object(obj_name, iface_obj)
-- self._sysbus.register_service(bus_name)
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class Stac(Service):
-+ '''STorage Appliance Connector (STAC)'''
-- @property
-- def tron(self):
-- '''@brief Get Trace ON property'''
-- return self._tron
-+ CONF_STABILITY_LONG_SOAK_TIME_SEC = 10 # pylint: disable=invalid-name
-- @tron.setter
-- def tron(self, value): # pylint: disable=no-self-use
-- '''@brief Set Trace ON property'''
-- self._tron = value
-- log.set_level_from_tron(self._tron)
-- self._root.log_level("debug" if self._tron else "err")
-+ def __init__(self, args, dbus):
-+ super().__init__(args, self._reload_hdlr)
-- def run(self):
-- '''@brief Start the main loop execution'''
-- try:
-- self._loop.run()
-- except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-- logging.critical('exception: %s', ex)
-+ self._udev = udev.UDEV
-- self._loop = None
-+ self._add_event_soak_tmr = gutil.GTimer(self.ADD_EVENT_SOAK_TIME_SEC, self._on_add_event_soaked)
-- def info(self) -> dict:
-- '''@brief Get the status info for this object (used for debug)'''
-- nvme_options = conf.NvmeOptions()
-- return {
-- 'last known config file': self._lkc_file,
-- 'config soak timer': str(self._cfg_soak_tmr),
-- 'kernel support': {
-- 'TP8013': nvme_options.discovery_supp,
-- 'host_iface': nvme_options.host_iface_supp,
-- },
-- 'system config': conf.SysConf().as_dict(),
-- }
-- def get_controllers(self):
-- '''@brief return the list of controller objects'''
-- return self._controllers.values()
-- def get_controller(
-- self, transport: str, traddr: str, trsvcid: str, host_traddr: str, host_iface: str, subsysnqn: str
-- ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-- '''@brief get the specified controller object from the list of controllers'''
-- cid = {
-- 'transport': transport,
-- 'traddr': traddr,
-- 'trsvcid': trsvcid,
-- 'host-traddr': host_traddr,
-- 'host-iface': host_iface,
-- 'subsysnqn': subsysnqn,
-- }
-- return self._controllers.get(trid.TID(cid))
-- def _remove_ctrl_from_dict(self, controller):
-- tid_to_pop = controller.tid
-- if not tid_to_pop:
-- # Being paranoid. This should not happen, but let's say the
-- # controller object has been purged, but it is somehow still
-- # listed in self._controllers.
-- for tid, _controller in self._controllers.items():
-- if _controller is controller:
-- tid_to_pop = tid
-- break
-- if tid_to_pop:
-- logging.debug('Service._remove_ctrl_from_dict() - %s | %s', tid_to_pop, controller.device)
-- self._controllers.pop(tid_to_pop, None)
-- else:
-- logging.debug('Service._remove_ctrl_from_dict() - already removed')
-+ self._config_connections_audit()
-- def remove_controller(self, controller):
-- '''@brief remove the specified controller object from the list of controllers'''
-- logging.debug('Service.remove_controller()')
-- if isinstance(controller, ctrl.Controller):
-- self._remove_ctrl_from_dict(controller)
-+ # Create the D-Bus instance.
-+ self._config_dbus(dbus, defs.STACD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STACD_DBUS_PATH)
-- controller.kill()
-+ # Connect to STAF D-Bus interface
-+ self._staf = None
-+ self._staf_watcher = dasbus.client.observer.DBusObserver(self._sysbus, defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME)
-+ self._staf_watcher.service_available.connect(self._connect_to_staf)
-+ self._staf_watcher.service_unavailable.connect(self._disconnect_from_staf)
-+ self._staf_watcher.connect_once_available()
-- if self._cfg_soak_tmr:
-- self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-+ # Suppress udev rule to auto-connect when AEN is received.
-+ udev_rule_ctrl(conf.SvcConf().udev_rule_enabled)
-- def _cancel(self):
-- logging.debug('Service._cancel()')
-- if not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-- self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ logging.debug('Stac._release_resources()')
-+ if self._add_event_soak_tmr:
-+ self._add_event_soak_tmr.kill()
-+ udev_rule_ctrl(True)
-+ if self._udev:
-+ self._udev.unregister_for_action_events('add')
-+ self._destroy_staf_comlink(self._staf_watcher)
-+ if self._staf_watcher is not None:
-+ self._staf_watcher.disconnect()
-- for controller in self._controllers.values():
-- controller.cancel()
-+ super()._release_resources()
-+ self._udev = None
-+ self._staf = None
-+ self._staf_watcher = None
-+ self._add_event_soak_tmr = None
-+ def _audit_connections(self, tids):
-+ '''A host should only connect to I/O controllers that have been zoned
-+ for that host or a manual "controller" entry exists in stcd.conf.
-+ A host should disconnect from an I/O controller when that I/O controller
-+ is removed from the zone or a manual "controller" entry is removed from
-+ stacd.conf. stacd will audit connections if "sticky-connections=disabled".
-+ stacd will delete any connection that is not supposed to exist.
-+ '''
-+ logging.debug('Stac._audit_connections() - tids = %s', tids)
-+ num_controllers = len(self._controllers)
-+ for tid in tids:
-+ if tid not in self._controllers:
-+ self._controllers[tid] = ctrl.Ioc(self, self._root, self._host, tid)
-+ if num_controllers != len(self._controllers):
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(self.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-+ def _on_add_event(self, udev_obj): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ '''@brief This function is called when a "add" event is received from
-+ the kernel for an NVMe device. This is used to trigger an audit and make
-+ sure that the connection to an I/O controller is allowed.
-+ WARNING: There is a race condition with the "add" event from the kernel.
-+ The kernel sends the "add" event a bit early and the sysfs attributes
-+ associated with the nvme object are not always fully initialized.
-+ To workaround this problem we use a soaking timer to give time for the
-+ sysfs attributes to stabilize.
-+ '''
-+ self._add_event_soak_tmr.start()
-+ def _on_add_event_soaked(self):
-+ '''@brief After the add event has been soaking for ADD_EVENT_SOAK_TIME_SEC
-+ seconds, we can audit the connections.
-+ '''
-+ if not conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections:
-+ self._audit_connections(self._udev.get_nvme_ioc_tids())
-+ return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ def _config_connections_audit(self):
-+ '''This function checks the "sticky_connections" parameter to determine
-+ whether audits should be performed. Audits are enabled when
-+ "sticky_connections" is disabled.
-+ '''
-+ if not conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections:
-+ if self._udev.get_registered_action_cback('add') is None:
-+ self._udev.register_for_action_events('add', self._on_add_event)
-+ self._audit_connections(self._udev.get_nvme_ioc_tids())
-+ else:
-+ self._udev.unregister_for_action_events('add')
- def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
- '''@brief Determine whether connections should remain when the
- process exits.
-- NOTE) This is the base class method used to define the interface.
-- It must be overloaded by a child class.
- '''
-- raise NotImplementedError()
-+ return True
-- def _stop_hdlr(self):
-- systemd.daemon.notify('STOPPING=1')
-+ def _reload_hdlr(self):
-+ '''@brief Reload configuration file. This is triggered by the SIGHUP
-+ signal, which can be sent with "systemctl reload stacd".
-+ '''
-+ systemd.daemon.notify('RELOADING=1')
-+ service_cnf = conf.SvcConf()
-+ service_cnf.reload()
-+ self.tron = service_cnf.tron
-+ self._config_connections_audit()
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(self.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-+ udev_rule_ctrl(service_cnf.udev_rule_enabled)
-+ systemd.daemon.notify('READY=1')
-+ def _get_log_pages_from_stafd(self):
-+ if self._staf:
-+ try:
-+ return json.loads(self._staf.get_all_log_pages(True))
-+ except dasbus.error.DBusError:
-+ pass
-+ return list()
-- self._cancel() # Cancel pending operations
-+ def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-+ configured_ctrl_list = [
-+ ctrl_dict for ctrl_dict in configured_ctrl_list if 'traddr' in ctrl_dict and 'subsysnqn' in ctrl_dict
-+ ]
-+ logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - configured_ctrl_list = %s', configured_ctrl_list)
-+ discovered_ctrl_list = list()
-+ for staf_data in self._get_log_pages_from_stafd():
-+ host_traddr = staf_data['discovery-controller']['host-traddr']
-+ host_iface = staf_data['discovery-controller']['host-iface']
-+ for dlpe in staf_data['log-pages']:
-+ if dlpe.get('subtype') == 'nvme': # eliminate discovery controllers
-+ discovered_ctrl_list.append(stas.cid_from_dlpe(dlpe, host_traddr, host_iface))
-+ logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - discovered_ctrl_list = %s', discovered_ctrl_list)
-+ controllers = stas.remove_blacklisted(configured_ctrl_list + discovered_ctrl_list)
-+ controllers = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(controllers)
-+ new_controller_ids = {trid.TID(controller) for controller in controllers}
-+ cur_controller_ids = set(self._controllers.keys())
-+ controllers_to_add = new_controller_ids - cur_controller_ids
-+ controllers_to_del = cur_controller_ids - new_controller_ids
-+ logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_add = %s', list(controllers_to_add))
-+ logging.debug('Stac._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_del = %s', list(controllers_to_del))
-+ for tid in controllers_to_del:
-+ controller = self._controllers.pop(tid, None)
-+ if controller is not None:
-+ controller.disconnect(self.remove_controller, conf.SvcConf().sticky_connections)
-+ for tid in controllers_to_add:
-+ self._controllers[tid] = ctrl.Ioc(self, self._root, self._host, tid)
-+ def _connect_to_staf(self, _):
-+ '''@brief Hook up DBus signal handlers for signals from stafd.'''
-+ try:
-+ self._staf = self._sysbus.get_proxy(defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STAFD_DBUS_PATH)
-+ self._staf.log_pages_changed.connect(self._log_pages_changed)
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-- self._dump_last_known_config(self._controllers)
-+ # Make sure timer is set back to its normal value.
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.set_timeout(self.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-+ logging.debug('Stac._connect_to_staf() - Connected to staf')
-+ except dasbus.error.DBusError:
-+ logging.error('Failed to connect to staf')
-+ def _destroy_staf_comlink(self, watcher): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ if self._staf:
-+ self._staf.log_pages_changed.disconnect(self._log_pages_changed)
-+ dasbus.client.proxy.disconnect_proxy(self._staf)
-+ self._staf = None
-+ def _disconnect_from_staf(self, watcher):
-+ self._destroy_staf_comlink(watcher)
-+ # When we lose connectivity with stafd, the most logical explanation
-+ # is that stafd restarted. In that case, it may take some time for stafd
-+ # to re-populate its log pages cache. So let's give stafd plenty of time
-+ # to update its log pages cache and send log pages change notifications
-+ # before triggering a stacd re-config. We do this by momentarily
-+ # increasing the config soak timer to a longer period.
-+ if self._cfg_soak_tmr:
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.set_timeout(self.CONF_STABILITY_LONG_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-+ logging.debug('Stac._disconnect_from_staf() - Disconnected from staf')
-+ def _log_pages_changed( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-+ self, transport, traddr, trsvcid, host_traddr, host_iface, subsysnqn, device
-+ ):
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'Stac._log_pages_changed() - transport=%s, traddr=%s, trsvcid=%s, host_traddr=%s, host_iface=%s, subsysnqn=%s, device=%s',
-+ transport,
-+ traddr,
-+ trsvcid,
-+ host_traddr,
-+ host_iface,
-+ subsysnqn,
-+ device,
-+ )
-+ if self._cfg_soak_tmr:
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start(self.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC)
-- if len(self._controllers) == 0:
-- GLib.idle_add(self._exit)
-- else:
-- # Tell all controller objects to disconnect
-- keep_connections = self._keep_connections_on_exit()
-- controllers = self._controllers.values()
-- for controller in controllers:
-- controller.disconnect(self._on_final_disconnect, keep_connections)
-+ def _load_last_known_config(self):
-+ return dict()
-- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-+ pass
-- def _on_final_disconnect(self, controller):
-- '''Callback invoked after a controller is disconnected.
-- '''
-- logging.debug('Service._on_final_disconnect()')
-- self._remove_ctrl_from_dict(controller)
-- controller.kill()
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class Staf(Service):
-+ '''STorage Appliance Finder (STAF)'''
-- # When all controllers have disconnected, we can finish the clean up
-- if len(self._controllers) == 0:
-- # Defer exit to the next main loop's idle period.
-- GLib.idle_add(self._exit)
-+ def __init__(self, args, dbus):
-+ super().__init__(args, self._reload_hdlr)
-- def _exit(self):
-- logging.debug('Service._exit()')
-- self._release_resources()
-- self._loop.quit()
-+ self._avahi = avahi.Avahi(self._sysbus, self._avahi_change)
-+ self._avahi.config_stypes(conf.SvcConf().get_stypes())
-- def _on_config_ctrls(self, *_user_data):
-- self._config_ctrls()
-- return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ # Create the D-Bus instance.
-+ self._config_dbus(dbus, defs.STAFD_DBUS_NAME, defs.STAFD_DBUS_PATH)
-- def _config_ctrls(self):
-- '''@brief Start controllers configuration.'''
-- # The configuration file may contain controllers and/or blacklist
-- # elements with traddr specified as hostname instead of IP address.
-- # Because of this, we need to remove those blacklisted elements before
-- # running name resolution. And we will need to remove blacklisted
-- # elements after name resolution is complete (i.e. in the calback
-- # function _config_ctrls_finish)
-- logging.debug('Service._config_ctrls()')
-- configured_controllers = stas.remove_blacklisted(conf.SvcConf().get_controllers())
-- self._resolver.resolve_ctrl_async(self._cancellable, configured_controllers, self._config_ctrls_finish)
-+ def info(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief Get the status info for this object (used for debug)'''
-+ info = super().info()
-+ info['avahi'] = self._avahi.info()
-+ return info
-- def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-- '''@brief Finish controllers configuration after hostnames (if any)
-- have been resolved.
-- Configuring controllers must be done asynchronously in 2 steps.
-- In the first step, host names get resolved to find their IP addresses.
-- Name resolution can take a while, especially when an external name
-- resolution server is used. Once that step completed, the callback
-- method _config_ctrls_finish() (i.e. this method), gets invoked to
-- complete the controller configuration.
-- NOTE) This is the base class method used to define the interface.
-- It must be overloaded by a child class.
-- '''
-- raise NotImplementedError()
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ logging.debug('Staf._release_resources()')
-+ super()._release_resources()
-+ if self._avahi:
-+ self._avahi.kill()
-+ self._avahi = None
- def _load_last_known_config(self):
-- raise NotImplementedError()
-+ try:
-+ with open(self._lkc_file, 'rb') as file:
-+ config = pickle.load(file)
-+ except (FileNotFoundError, AttributeError):
-+ return dict()
-+ logging.debug('Staf._load_last_known_config() - DC count = %s', len(config))
-+ return {tid: ctrl.Dc(self, self._root, self._host, tid, log_pages) for tid, log_pages in config.items()}
- def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-- raise NotImplementedError()
-+ try:
-+ with open(self._lkc_file, 'wb') as file:
-+ config = {tid: dc.log_pages() for tid, dc in controllers.items()}
-+ logging.debug('Staf._dump_last_known_config() - DC count = %s', len(config))
-+ pickle.dump(config, file)
-+ except FileNotFoundError as ex:
-+ logging.error('Unable to save last known config: %s', ex)
-+ def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
-+ '''@brief Determine whether connections should remain when the
-+ process exits.
-+ '''
-+ return conf.SvcConf().persistent_connections
-+ def _reload_hdlr(self):
-+ '''@brief Reload configuration file. This is triggered by the SIGHUP
-+ signal, which can be sent with "systemctl reload stafd".
-+ '''
-+ systemd.daemon.notify('RELOADING=1')
-+ service_cnf = conf.SvcConf()
-+ service_cnf.reload()
-+ self.tron = service_cnf.tron
-+ self._avahi.kick_start() # Make sure Avahi is running
-+ self._avahi.config_stypes(service_cnf.get_stypes())
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-+ systemd.daemon.notify('READY=1')
-+ def log_pages_changed(self, controller, device):
-+ '''@brief Function invoked when a controller's cached log pages
-+ have changed. This will emit a D-Bus signal to inform
-+ other applications that the cached log pages have changed.
-+ '''
-+ self._dbus_iface.log_pages_changed.emit(
-+ controller.tid.transport,
-+ controller.tid.traddr,
-+ controller.tid.trsvcid,
-+ controller.tid.host_traddr,
-+ controller.tid.host_iface,
-+ controller.tid.subsysnqn,
-+ device,
-+ )
-+ def referrals_changed(self):
-+ '''@brief Function invoked when a controller's cached referrals
-+ have changed.
-+ '''
-+ logging.debug('Staf.referrals_changed()')
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-+ def _referrals(self) -> list:
-+ return [
-+ stas.cid_from_dlpe(dlpe, controller.tid.host_traddr, controller.tid.host_iface)
-+ for controller in self.get_controllers()
-+ for dlpe in controller.referrals()
-+ ]
-+ def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-+ '''@brief Finish discovery controllers configuration after
-+ hostnames (if any) have been resolved.
-+ '''
-+ configured_ctrl_list = [
-+ ctrl_dict
-+ for ctrl_dict in configured_ctrl_list
-+ if 'traddr' in ctrl_dict and ctrl_dict.setdefault('subsysnqn', defs.WELL_KNOWN_DISC_NQN)
-+ ]
-+ discovered_ctrl_list = self._avahi.get_controllers()
-+ referral_ctrl_list = self._referrals()
-+ logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - configured_ctrl_list = %s', configured_ctrl_list)
-+ logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - discovered_ctrl_list = %s', discovered_ctrl_list)
-+ logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - referral_ctrl_list = %s', referral_ctrl_list)
-+ controllers = stas.remove_blacklisted(configured_ctrl_list + discovered_ctrl_list + referral_ctrl_list)
-+ controllers = stas.remove_invalid_addresses(controllers)
-+ new_controller_ids = {trid.TID(controller) for controller in controllers}
-+ cur_controller_ids = set(self._controllers.keys())
-+ controllers_to_add = new_controller_ids - cur_controller_ids
-+ controllers_to_del = cur_controller_ids - new_controller_ids
-+ logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_add = %s', list(controllers_to_add))
-+ logging.debug('Staf._config_ctrls_finish() - controllers_to_del = %s', list(controllers_to_del))
-+ for tid in controllers_to_del:
-+ controller = self._controllers.pop(tid, None)
-+ if controller is not None:
-+ controller.disconnect(self.remove_controller, conf.SvcConf().persistent_connections)
-+ for tid in controllers_to_add:
-+ self._controllers[tid] = ctrl.Dc(self, self._root, self._host, tid)
-+ def _avahi_change(self):
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-diff --git a/staslib/stas.py b/staslib/stas.py
-index 7bf91e0..496f063 100644
---- a/staslib/stas.py
-+++ b/staslib/stas.py
-@@ -6,14 +6,19 @@
- #
- # Authors: Martin Belanger
- #
--'''Library for staf/stac'''
-+'''Library for staf/stac. You will find here common code for stafd and stacd
-+including the Abstract Base Classes (ABC) for Controllers and Services'''
- import os
- import sys
--import ipaddress
-+import abc
-+import signal
- import logging
--from staslib import conf, defs, trid
-+import ipaddress
-+import systemd.daemon
-+import dasbus.connection
-+from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
-+from staslib import conf, defs, gutil, log, trid
- # ******************************************************************************
-@@ -108,3 +113,379 @@ def remove_invalid_addresses(controllers: list):
- logging.warning('Invalid transport %s', transport)
- return valid_controllers
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class ControllerABC(abc.ABC): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
-+ '''@brief Base class used to manage the connection to a controller.'''
-+ def __init__(self, root, host, tid: trid.TID, discovery_ctrl=False):
-+ self._root = root
-+ self._host = host
-+ self._tid = tid
-+ self._cancellable = Gio.Cancellable()
-+ self._connect_attempts = 0
-+ self._retry_connect_tmr = gutil.GTimer(self.CONNECT_RETRY_PERIOD_SEC, self._on_try_to_connect)
-+ self._discovery_ctrl = discovery_ctrl
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred = gutil.Deferred(self._try_to_connect)
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ # Remove pending deferred from main loop
-+ if self._try_to_connect_deferred:
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred.cancel()
-+ if self._retry_connect_tmr is not None:
-+ self._retry_connect_tmr.kill()
-+ if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-+ self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ self._tid = None
-+ self._cancellable = None
-+ self._retry_connect_tmr = None
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred = None
-+ @property
-+ def id(self) -> str:
-+ '''@brief Return the Transport ID as a printable string'''
-+ return str(self.tid)
-+ @property
-+ def tid(self):
-+ '''@brief Return the Transport ID object'''
-+ return self._tid
-+ def controller_id_dict(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief return the controller ID as a dict.'''
-+ return self.tid.as_dict()
-+ def details(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief return detailed debug info about this controller'''
-+ details = self.controller_id_dict()
-+ details['connect attempts'] = str(self._connect_attempts)
-+ details['retry connect timer'] = str(self._retry_connect_tmr)
-+ return details
-+ def info(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief Get the controller info for this object'''
-+ return self.details()
-+ def cancel(self):
-+ '''@brief Used to cancel pending operations.'''
-+ if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-+ logging.debug('ControllerABC.cancel() - %s', self.id)
-+ self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ def kill(self):
-+ '''@brief Used to release all resources associated with this object.'''
-+ logging.debug('ControllerABC.kill() - %s', self.id)
-+ self._release_resources()
-+ def _alive(self):
-+ '''There may be race condition where a queued event gets processed
-+ after the object is no longer configured (i.e. alive). This method
-+ can be used by callback functions to make sure the object is still
-+ alive before processing further.
-+ '''
-+ return self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled()
-+ def _on_try_to_connect(self):
-+ self._try_to_connect_deferred.schedule()
-+ return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ def _try_to_connect(self):
-+ # This is a deferred function call. Make sure
-+ # the source of the deferred is still good.
-+ source = GLib.main_current_source()
-+ if source and source.is_destroyed():
-+ return
-+ self._connect_attempts += 1
-+ self._do_connect()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _do_connect(self):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _on_ctrl_removed(self, obj):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _find_existing_connection(self):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def disconnect(self, disconnected_cb, keep_connection):
-+ '''@brief Issue an asynchronous disconnect command to a Controller.
-+ Once the async command has completed, the callback 'disconnected_cb'
-+ will be invoked. If a controller is already disconnected, then the
-+ callback will be added to the main loop's next idle slot to be executed
-+ ASAP.
-+ '''
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+# ******************************************************************************
-+class ServiceABC(abc.ABC): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
-+ '''@brief Base class used to manage a STorage Appliance Service'''
-+ def __init__(self, args, reload_hdlr):
-+ service_conf = conf.SvcConf()
-+ service_conf.set_conf_file(args.conf_file) # reload configuration
-+ self._tron = args.tron or service_conf.tron
-+ log.set_level_from_tron(self._tron)
-+ self._lkc_file = os.path.join(os.environ.get('RUNTIME_DIRECTORY', os.path.join('/run', defs.PROG_NAME)), 'last-known-config.pickle')
-+ self._loop = GLib.MainLoop()
-+ self._cancellable = Gio.Cancellable()
-+ self._resolver = gutil.NameResolver()
-+ self._controllers = self._load_last_known_config()
-+ self._dbus_iface = None
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr = gutil.GTimer(self.CONF_STABILITY_SOAK_TIME_SEC, self._on_config_ctrls)
-+ self._sysbus = dasbus.connection.SystemMessageBus()
-+ GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGINT, self._stop_hdlr) # CTRL-C
-+ GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGTERM, self._stop_hdlr) # systemctl stop stafd
-+ GLib.unix_signal_add(GLib.PRIORITY_HIGH, signal.SIGHUP, reload_hdlr) # systemctl reload stafd
-+ nvme_options = conf.NvmeOptions()
-+ if not nvme_options.host_iface_supp or not nvme_options.discovery_supp:
-+ logging.warning(
-+ 'Kernel does not appear to support all the options needed to run this program. Consider updating to a later kernel version.'
-+ )
-+ # We don't want to apply configuration changes to nvme-cli right away.
-+ # Often, multiple changes will occur in a short amount of time (sub-second).
-+ # We want to wait until there are no more changes before applying them
-+ # to the system. The following timer acts as a "soak period". Changes
-+ # will be applied by calling self._on_config_ctrls() at the end of
-+ # the soak period.
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-+ def _release_resources(self):
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._release_resources()')
-+ if self._cancellable and not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-+ self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ if self._cfg_soak_tmr is not None:
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.kill()
-+ self._controllers.clear()
-+ if self._sysbus:
-+ self._sysbus.disconnect()
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr = None
-+ self._cancellable = None
-+ self._resolver = None
-+ self._lkc_file = None
-+ self._sysbus = None
-+ def _config_dbus(self, iface_obj, bus_name: str, obj_name: str):
-+ self._dbus_iface = iface_obj
-+ self._sysbus.publish_object(obj_name, iface_obj)
-+ self._sysbus.register_service(bus_name)
-+ @property
-+ def tron(self):
-+ '''@brief Get Trace ON property'''
-+ return self._tron
-+ @tron.setter
-+ def tron(self, value):
-+ '''@brief Set Trace ON property'''
-+ self._tron = value
-+ log.set_level_from_tron(self._tron)
-+ def run(self):
-+ '''@brief Start the main loop execution'''
-+ try:
-+ self._loop.run()
-+ except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=broad-except
-+ logging.critical('exception: %s', ex)
-+ self._loop = None
-+ def info(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief Get the status info for this object (used for debug)'''
-+ nvme_options = conf.NvmeOptions()
-+ return {
-+ 'last known config file': self._lkc_file,
-+ 'config soak timer': str(self._cfg_soak_tmr),
-+ 'kernel support': {
-+ 'TP8013': nvme_options.discovery_supp,
-+ 'host_iface': nvme_options.host_iface_supp,
-+ },
-+ 'system config': conf.SysConf().as_dict(),
-+ }
-+ def get_controllers(self) -> dict:
-+ '''@brief return the list of controller objects'''
-+ return self._controllers.values()
-+ def get_controller(
-+ self, transport: str, traddr: str, trsvcid: str, host_traddr: str, host_iface: str, subsysnqn: str
-+ ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
-+ '''@brief get the specified controller object from the list of controllers'''
-+ cid = {
-+ 'transport': transport,
-+ 'traddr': traddr,
-+ 'trsvcid': trsvcid,
-+ 'host-traddr': host_traddr,
-+ 'host-iface': host_iface,
-+ 'subsysnqn': subsysnqn,
-+ }
-+ return self._controllers.get(trid.TID(cid))
-+ def _remove_ctrl_from_dict(self, controller):
-+ tid_to_pop = controller.tid
-+ if not tid_to_pop:
-+ # Being paranoid. This should not happen, but let's say the
-+ # controller object has been purged, but it is somehow still
-+ # listed in self._controllers.
-+ for tid, _controller in self._controllers.items():
-+ if _controller is controller:
-+ tid_to_pop = tid
-+ break
-+ if tid_to_pop:
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._remove_ctrl_from_dict()- %s | %s', tid_to_pop, controller.device)
-+ self._controllers.pop(tid_to_pop, None)
-+ else:
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._remove_ctrl_from_dict()- already removed')
-+ def remove_controller(self, controller, success): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-+ '''@brief remove the specified controller object from the list of controllers
-+ @param controller: the controller object
-+ @param success: whether the disconnect was successful'''
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC.remove_controller()')
-+ if isinstance(controller, ControllerABC):
-+ self._remove_ctrl_from_dict(controller)
-+ controller.kill()
-+ if self._cfg_soak_tmr:
-+ self._cfg_soak_tmr.start()
-+ def _cancel(self):
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._cancel()')
-+ if not self._cancellable.is_cancelled():
-+ self._cancellable.cancel()
-+ for controller in self._controllers.values():
-+ controller.cancel()
-+ def _stop_hdlr(self):
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._stop_hdlr()')
-+ systemd.daemon.notify('STOPPING=1')
-+ self._cancel() # Cancel pending operations
-+ self._dump_last_known_config(self._controllers)
-+ if len(self._controllers) == 0:
-+ GLib.idle_add(self._exit)
-+ else:
-+ # Tell all controller objects to disconnect
-+ keep_connections = self._keep_connections_on_exit()
-+ controllers = self._controllers.values()
-+ logging.debug(
-+ 'ServiceABC._stop_hdlr() - Controller count = %s, keep_connections = %s',
-+ len(controllers), keep_connections
-+ )
-+ for controller in controllers:
-+ controller.disconnect(self._on_final_disconnect, keep_connections)
-+ return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ def _on_final_disconnect(self, controller, success):
-+ '''Callback invoked after a controller is disconnected.
-+ @param controller: the controller object
-+ @param success: whether the disconnect operation was successful
-+ '''
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._on_final_disconnect() - %s | %s disconnect %s',
-+ controller.id, controller.device, 'succeeded' if success else 'failed')
-+ self._remove_ctrl_from_dict(controller)
-+ controller.kill()
-+ # When all controllers have disconnected, we can finish the clean up
-+ if len(self._controllers) == 0:
-+ # Defer exit to the next main loop's idle period.
-+ GLib.idle_add(self._exit)
-+ def _exit(self):
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._exit()')
-+ self._release_resources()
-+ self._loop.quit()
-+ def _on_config_ctrls(self, *_user_data):
-+ self._config_ctrls()
-+ return GLib.SOURCE_REMOVE
-+ def _config_ctrls(self):
-+ '''@brief Start controllers configuration.'''
-+ # The configuration file may contain controllers and/or blacklist
-+ # elements with traddr specified as hostname instead of IP address.
-+ # Because of this, we need to remove those blacklisted elements before
-+ # running name resolution. And we will need to remove blacklisted
-+ # elements after name resolution is complete (i.e. in the calback
-+ # function _config_ctrls_finish)
-+ logging.debug('ServiceABC._config_ctrls()')
-+ configured_controllers = remove_blacklisted(conf.SvcConf().get_controllers())
-+ self._resolver.resolve_ctrl_async(self._cancellable, configured_controllers, self._config_ctrls_finish)
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
-+ '''@brief Determine whether connections should remain when the
-+ process exits.
-+ NOTE) This is the base class method used to define the interface.
-+ It must be overloaded by a child class.
-+ '''
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-+ '''@brief Finish controllers configuration after hostnames (if any)
-+ have been resolved.
-+ Configuring controllers must be done asynchronously in 2 steps.
-+ In the first step, host names get resolved to find their IP addresses.
-+ Name resolution can take a while, especially when an external name
-+ resolution server is used. Once that step completed, the callback
-+ method _config_ctrls_finish() (i.e. this method), gets invoked to
-+ complete the controller configuration.
-+ NOTE) This is the base class method used to define the interface.
-+ It must be overloaded by a child class.
-+ '''
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _load_last_known_config(self):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-+ @abc.abstractmethod
-+ def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-+ raise NotImplementedError()
-diff --git a/staslib/trid.py b/staslib/trid.py
-index def6ab2..38619e7 100644
---- a/staslib/trid.py
-+++ b/staslib/trid.py
-@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ throughout nvme-stas to uniquely identify a Controller'''
- import hashlib
- from staslib import conf
--class TID:
-- # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
-+class TID: # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
- '''Transport Identifier'''
- RDMA_IP_PORT = '4420'
- DISC_IP_PORT = '8009'
-diff --git a/staslib/udev.py b/staslib/udev.py
-index 29370b8..37b63cc 100644
---- a/staslib/udev.py
-+++ b/staslib/udev.py
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from staslib import defs, trid
- try:
- from pyudev.glib import MonitorObserver
- except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError):
-- from staslib.glibudev import MonitorObserver # pylint: disable=relative-beyond-top-level,ungrouped-imports
-+ from staslib.glibudev import MonitorObserver # pylint: disable=ungrouped-imports
- # ******************************************************************************
- class Udev:
-@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class Udev:
- def get_attributes(self, sys_name: str, attr_ids) -> dict:
- '''@brief Get all the attributes associated with device @sys_name'''
- attrs = {attr_id: '' for attr_id in attr_ids}
-- if sys_name:
-+ if sys_name and sys_name != 'nvme?':
- udev = self.get_nvme_device(sys_name)
- if udev is not None:
- for attr_id in attr_ids:
-diff --git a/test/test-config.py b/test/test-config.py
-index dad0ebd..db58883 100755
---- a/test/test-config.py
-+++ b/test/test-config.py
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ class StasProcessConfUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
- self.assertFalse(service_conf.data_digest)
- self.assertTrue(service_conf.persistent_connections)
- self.assertTrue(service_conf.udev_rule_enabled)
-- self.assertFalse(service_conf.sticky_connections)
-+ self.assertTrue(service_conf.sticky_connections)
- self.assertFalse(service_conf.ignore_iface)
- self.assertIn(6, service_conf.ip_family)
- self.assertNotIn(4, service_conf.ip_family)
-diff --git a/test/test-controller.py b/test/test-controller.py
-index f23125e..f55781a 100755
---- a/test/test-controller.py
-+++ b/test/test-controller.py
-@@ -8,24 +8,43 @@ from pyfakefs.fake_filesystem_unittest import TestCase
- LOOP = GLib.MainLoop()
-+class TestController(ctrl.Controller):
-+ def _find_existing_connection(self):
-+ pass
-+ def _on_aen(self, aen: int):
-+ pass
-+ def _on_nvme_event(self, nvme_event):
-+ pass
- class Test(TestCase):
- '''Unit tests for class Controller'''
- def setUp(self):
- self.setUpPyfakefs()
-- self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostnqn', contents='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab\n')
-- self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostid', contents='01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef\n')
-- self.fs.create_file('/dev/nvme-fabrics', contents='instance=-1,cntlid=-1,transport=%s,traddr=%s,trsvcid=%s,nqn=%s,queue_size=%d,nr_io_queues=%d,reconnect_delay=%d,ctrl_loss_tmo=%d,keep_alive_tmo=%d,hostnqn=%s,host_traddr=%s,host_iface=%s,hostid=%s,duplicate_connect,disable_sqflow,hdr_digest,data_digest,nr_write_queues=%d,nr_poll_queues=%d,tos=%d,fast_io_fail_tmo=%d,discovery,dhchap_secret=%s,dhchap_ctrl_secret=%s\n')
-+ self.fs.create_file(
-+ '/etc/nvme/hostnqn', contents='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab\n'
-+ )
-+ self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostid', contents='01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef\n')
-+ self.fs.create_file(
-+ '/dev/nvme-fabrics',
-+ contents='instance=-1,cntlid=-1,transport=%s,traddr=%s,trsvcid=%s,nqn=%s,queue_size=%d,nr_io_queues=%d,reconnect_delay=%d,ctrl_loss_tmo=%d,keep_alive_tmo=%d,hostnqn=%s,host_traddr=%s,host_iface=%s,hostid=%s,duplicate_connect,disable_sqflow,hdr_digest,data_digest,nr_write_queues=%d,nr_poll_queues=%d,tos=%d,fast_io_fail_tmo=%d,discovery,dhchap_secret=%s,dhchap_ctrl_secret=%s\n',
-+ )
-- self.NVME_TID = trid.TID({
-- 'transport': 'tcp',
-- 'traddr': '',
-- 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8',
-- 'trsvcid': '8009',
-- 'host-traddr': '',
-- 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3',
-- })
-+ self.NVME_TID = trid.TID(
-+ {
-+ 'transport': 'tcp',
-+ 'traddr': '',
-+ 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8',
-+ 'trsvcid': '8009',
-+ 'host-traddr': '',
-+ 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3',
-+ }
-+ )
- sysconf = conf.SysConf()
- self.root = nvme.root()
-@@ -34,32 +53,92 @@ class Test(TestCase):
- def tearDown(self):
- LOOP.quit()
-+ def test_cannot_instantiate_concrete_classes_if_abstract_method_are_not_implemented(self):
-+ # Make sure we can't instantiate the ABC directly (Abstract Base Class).
-+ class Controller(ctrl.Controller):
-+ pass
-+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: ctrl.Controller(root=self.root, host=self.host, tid=self.NVME_TID))
- def test_get_device(self):
-- controller = ctrl.Controller(root=self.root, host=self.host, tid=self.NVME_TID)
-+ controller = TestController(root=self.root, host=self.host, tid=self.NVME_TID)
- self.assertEqual(controller._connect_attempts, 0)
-- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, controller._try_to_connect)
-+ controller._try_to_connect()
- self.assertEqual(controller._connect_attempts, 1)
-- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, controller._find_existing_connection)
-- self.assertEqual(controller.id, "(tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3,")
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ controller.id, "(tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3,"
-+ )
- # raise Exception(controller._connect_op)
-- self.assertEqual(str(controller.tid), "(tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3,")
-- self.assertEqual(controller.device, '')
-- self.assertEqual(str(controller.controller_id_dict()), "{'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'host-traddr': '', 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3', 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8', 'device': ''}")
-- # self.assertEqual(controller.details(), "{'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '10.10.10.[265 chars]ff]'}")
-- self.assertEqual(controller.info(), {'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'host-traddr': '', 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3', 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8', 'device': '', 'hostid': '', 'hostnqn': '', 'model': '', 'serial': '', 'connect attempts': '1', 'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]'})
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ str(controller.tid),
-+ "(tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3,",
-+ )
-+ self.assertEqual(controller.device, 'nvme?')
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ str(controller.controller_id_dict()),
-+ "{'transport': 'tcp', 'traddr': '', 'trsvcid': '8009', 'host-traddr': '', 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3', 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8', 'device': 'nvme?'}",
-+ )
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ controller.details(),
-+ {
-+ 'dctype': '',
-+ 'cntrltype': '',
-+ 'transport': 'tcp',
-+ 'traddr': '',
-+ 'trsvcid': '8009',
-+ 'host-traddr': '',
-+ 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3',
-+ 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8',
-+ 'device': 'nvme?',
-+ 'connect attempts': '1',
-+ 'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
-+ 'hostid': '',
-+ 'hostnqn': '',
-+ 'model': '',
-+ 'serial': '',
-+ },
-+ )
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ controller.info(),
-+ {
-+ 'dctype': '',
-+ 'cntrltype': '',
-+ 'transport': 'tcp',
-+ 'traddr': '',
-+ 'trsvcid': '8009',
-+ 'host-traddr': '',
-+ 'host-iface': 'wlp0s20f3',
-+ 'subsysnqn': 'nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8',
-+ 'device': 'nvme?',
-+ 'connect attempts': '1',
-+ 'retry connect timer': '60.0s [off]',
-+ 'hostid': '',
-+ 'hostnqn': '',
-+ 'model': '',
-+ 'serial': '',
-+ 'connect operation': {'fail count': 0},
-+ },
-+ )
- # print(controller._connect_op)
- self.assertEqual(controller.cancel(), None)
- self.assertEqual(controller.kill(), None)
- # self.assertEqual(controller.disconnect(), 0)
- def test_connect(self):
-- controller = ctrl.Controller(root=self.root, host=self.host, tid=self.NVME_TID)
-+ controller = TestController(root=self.root, host=self.host, tid=self.NVME_TID)
- self.assertEqual(controller._connect_attempts, 0)
-- controller._find_existing_connection = lambda : None
-+ controller._find_existing_connection = lambda: None
- with self.assertLogs(logger=logging.getLogger(), level='DEBUG') as captured:
- controller._try_to_connect()
- self.assertEqual(len(captured.records), 1)
-- self.assertTrue(captured.records[0].getMessage().startswith("Controller._try_to_connect() - (tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3, Connecting to nvme control with cfg={'hdr_digest': False, 'data_digest': False"))
-+ self.assertTrue(
-+ captured.records[0]
-+ .getMessage()
-+ .startswith(
-+ "Controller._try_to_connect() - (tcp,, 8009, nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8, wlp0s20f3, Connecting to nvme control with cfg={'hdr_digest': False, 'data_digest': False"
-+ )
-+ )
- self.assertEqual(controller._connect_attempts, 1)
-diff --git a/test/test-service.py b/test/test-service.py
-index 19f9b0c..4ce37be 100755
---- a/test/test-service.py
-+++ b/test/test-service.py
-@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import unittest
- from staslib import service
- from pyfakefs.fake_filesystem_unittest import TestCase
- class Args:
- def __init__(self):
- self.tron = True
-@@ -11,6 +12,20 @@ class Args:
- self.conf_file = '/dev/null'
-+class TestService(service.Service):
-+ def _config_ctrls_finish(self, configured_ctrl_list):
-+ pass
-+ def _dump_last_known_config(self, controllers):
-+ pass
-+ def _keep_connections_on_exit(self):
-+ pass
-+ def _load_last_known_config(self):
-+ return dict()
- class Test(TestCase):
- '''Unit tests for class Service'''
-@@ -18,22 +33,39 @@ class Test(TestCase):
- self.setUpPyfakefs()
- os.environ['RUNTIME_DIRECTORY'] = "/run"
-- self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostnqn', contents='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab\n')
-- self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostid', contents='01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef\n')
-- self.fs.create_file('/dev/nvme-fabrics', contents='instance=-1,cntlid=-1,transport=%s,traddr=%s,trsvcid=%s,nqn=%s,queue_size=%d,nr_io_queues=%d,reconnect_delay=%d,ctrl_loss_tmo=%d,keep_alive_tmo=%d,hostnqn=%s,host_traddr=%s,host_iface=%s,hostid=%s,duplicate_connect,disable_sqflow,hdr_digest,data_digest,nr_write_queues=%d,nr_poll_queues=%d,tos=%d,fast_io_fail_tmo=%d,discovery,dhchap_secret=%s,dhchap_ctrl_secret=%s\n')
-+ self.fs.create_file(
-+ '/etc/nvme/hostnqn', contents='nqn.2014-08.org.nvmexpress:uuid:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789ab\n'
-+ )
-+ self.fs.create_file('/etc/nvme/hostid', contents='01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef\n')
-+ self.fs.create_file(
-+ '/dev/nvme-fabrics',
-+ contents='instance=-1,cntlid=-1,transport=%s,traddr=%s,trsvcid=%s,nqn=%s,queue_size=%d,nr_io_queues=%d,reconnect_delay=%d,ctrl_loss_tmo=%d,keep_alive_tmo=%d,hostnqn=%s,host_traddr=%s,host_iface=%s,hostid=%s,duplicate_connect,disable_sqflow,hdr_digest,data_digest,nr_write_queues=%d,nr_poll_queues=%d,tos=%d,fast_io_fail_tmo=%d,discovery,dhchap_secret=%s,dhchap_ctrl_secret=%s\n',
-+ )
-+ def test_cannot_instantiate_concrete_classes_if_abstract_method_are_not_implemented(self):
-+ # Make sure we can't instantiate the ABC directly (Abstract Base Class).
-+ class Service(service.Service):
-+ pass
-+ self.assertRaises(TypeError, lambda: Service(Args(), reload_hdlr=lambda x: x))
- def test_get_controller(self):
-- # FIXME: this is hack, fix it later
-- service.Service._load_last_known_config = lambda x : dict()
-- # start the test
-- srv = service.Service(Args(), reload_hdlr=lambda x : x)
-- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, srv._keep_connections_on_exit)
-- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, srv._dump_last_known_config, [])
-- self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError, srv._on_config_ctrls)
-- #self.assertEqual(srv.get_controllers(), dict())
-- self.assertEqual(srv.get_controller(transport='tcp', traddr='', trsvcid='8009', host_traddr='', host_iface='wlp0s20f3', subsysnqn='nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8'), None)
-- self.assertEqual(srv.remove_controller(controller=None), None)
-+ srv = TestService(Args(), reload_hdlr=lambda x: x)
-+ self.assertEqual(list(srv.get_controllers()), list())
-+ self.assertEqual(
-+ srv.get_controller(
-+ transport='tcp',
-+ traddr='',
-+ trsvcid='8009',
-+ host_traddr='',
-+ host_iface='wlp0s20f3',
-+ subsysnqn='nqn.1988-11.com.dell:SFSS:2:20220208134025e8',
-+ ),
-+ None,
-+ )
-+ self.assertEqual(srv.remove_controller(controller=None, success=True), None)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/SPECS/nvme-stas.spec b/SPECS/nvme-stas.spec
index f8175ea..ace9b74 100644
--- a/SPECS/nvme-stas.spec
+++ b/SPECS/nvme-stas.spec
@@ -3,18 +3,17 @@
Name: nvme-stas
Summary: NVMe STorage Appliance Services
-Version: 1.1.6
-Release: 3%{?dist}
+Version: 2.1.1
+Release: 1%{?dist}
License: ASL 2.0
URL: https://github.com/linux-nvme/nvme-stas
Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version_no_tilde}/%{name}-%{version_no_tilde}.tar.gz
-Patch0: 0001-sync-with-1.1.6.patch
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: meson >= 0.57.0
BuildRequires: glib2-devel
-BuildRequires: libnvme-devel
+BuildRequires: libnvme-devel >= 1.2
BuildRequires: libxslt
BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
BuildRequires: systemd-devel
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ BuildRequires: python3-gobject-devel
BuildRequires: python3-lxml
Requires: avahi
-Requires: python3-libnvme
+Requires: python3-libnvme >= 1.2
Requires: python3-dasbus
Requires: python3-pyudev
Requires: python3-systemd
@@ -48,6 +47,7 @@ stafd (STorage Appliance Finder) and stacd (STorage Appliance Connector).
%autosetup -p1 -n %{name}-%{version_no_tilde}
+sed -i meson.build -e "s/subdir('test')//"
%meson -Dman=true -Dhtml=true
@@ -94,8 +94,13 @@ mv %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/stas/sys.conf.doc %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/sta
+* Fri Jan 13 2023 John Meneghini - 2.1.1-1
+ - Update to the v2.1.1 package
+* Tue Nov 08 2022 Maurizio Lombardi - 2.0-1
+- Update to the latest v2.0 package
* Thu Aug 04 2022 Maurizio Lombardi - 1.1.6-3
- Sync with the official 1.1.6 version