414aa7 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
import sys
e7a395 |
import os
e7a395 |
import re
e7a395 |
import shutil
e7a395 |
import getopt
e7a395 |
from stat import *
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Command Line Args
e7a395 |
doit = True
e7a395 |
verbose = False
e7a395 |
quiet = False
e7a395 |
warn = False
e7a395 |
force = False
e7a395 |
print_mapping = False
e7a395 |
remove_files = False
e7a395 |
remove_installation = False
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Scan Results
e7a395 |
existing_files = {}
e7a395 |
non_existing_files = {}
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Directory and File mappings
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# This is the complete directory map, it includes both data files
e7a395 |
# and run-time files
e7a395 |
dir_map = {
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman' : '/var/lib/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/Mailman' : '/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/archives' : '/var/lib/mailman/archives',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/bin' : '/usr/lib/mailman/bin',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/cgi-bin' : '/usr/lib/mailman/cgi-bin',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/cron' : '/usr/lib/mailman/cron',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data' : '/var/lib/mailman/data',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/lists' : '/var/lib/mailman/lists',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/locks' : '/var/lock/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/logs' : '/var/log/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/mail' : '/usr/lib/mailman/mail',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/messages' : '/usr/lib/mailman/messages',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/pythonlib' : '/usr/lib/mailman/pythonlib',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/qfiles' : '/var/spool/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/spool/mailman/qfiles' : '/var/spool/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/scripts' : '/usr/lib/mailman/scripts',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/spam' : '/var/lib/mailman/spam',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/templates' : '/usr/lib/mailman/templates',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/tests' : '/usr/lib/mailman/tests'
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# These are directories that contain data files the user may
e7a395 |
# want to preserve from an old installation and should be copied
e7a395 |
# into the new directory location.
e7a395 |
data_dir_map = {
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/archives' : '/var/lib/mailman/archives',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data' : '/var/lib/mailman/data',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/lists' : '/var/lib/mailman/lists',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/logs' : '/var/log/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/qfiles' : '/var/spool/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/spool/mailman/qfiles' : '/var/spool/mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/spam' : '/var/lib/mailman/spam',
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# These are mappings for individual files. They represent files that
e7a395 |
# cannot be mapped via their parent dirctories, they must be treated
e7a395 |
# individually.
e7a395 |
file_map = {
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/adm.pw' : '/etc/mailman/adm.pw',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/creator.pw' : '/etc/mailman/creator.pw',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/aliases' : '/etc/mailman/aliases',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/virtual-mailman' : '/etc/mailman/virtual-mailman',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/sitelist.cfg' : '/etc/mailman/sitelist.cfg',
e7a395 |
'/var/mailman/data/master-qrunner.pid' : '/var/run/mailman/master-qrunner.pid'
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def DumpMapping():
e7a395 |
'''Print out the directory and file mappings'''
e7a395 |
print "Directory Mapping:"
e7a395 |
for key in dir_map.keys():
e7a395 |
print "%s --> %s" %(key, dir_map[key])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
print "\nFile Mapping:"
e7a395 |
for key in file_map.keys():
e7a395 |
print "%s --> %s" %(key, file_map[key])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def RecordFile(src, dst):
e7a395 |
'''If the src files (old) exists record this as a potential
e7a395 |
file operation. File operations are grouped into two sets,
e7a395 |
those where the dst (new) files exists and those where it does not
e7a395 |
exist. This is done to prevent overwriting files'''
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
global existing_files, non_existing_files
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not os.path.exists(src):
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if existing_files.has_key(src):
e7a395 |
if warn:
e7a395 |
print "WARNING: src file already seen (%s) and has dst match: (%s)" % (src, dst)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if non_existing_files.has_key(src):
e7a395 |
if warn:
e7a395 |
print "WARNING: src file already seen (%s) does not have dst match" % (src)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if os.path.exists(dst):
e7a395 |
existing_files[src] = dst
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
non_existing_files[src] = dst
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def GetCopyFiles(old_root, new_root):
e7a395 |
'''Recursively generate a list of src files (old) in the old_root
e7a395 |
and pair each of them with their new dst path name'''
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
prefix_re = re.compile("^(%s)/*(.*)" % re.escape(old_root))
e7a395 |
dst_files_existing = []
e7a395 |
dst_files_non_existing = []
e7a395 |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(old_root):
e7a395 |
match = prefix_re.match(root)
e7a395 |
subdir = match.group(2)
e7a395 |
for name in files:
e7a395 |
oldpath = os.path.join(root, name)
e7a395 |
newpath = os.path.join(new_root, subdir, name)
e7a395 |
RecordFile(oldpath, newpath)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def CopyFile(src_path, dst_path):
e7a395 |
'''Copy file, preserve its mode and ownership. If the dst directory
e7a395 |
does not exist, create it preserving the mode and ownership of the
e7a395 |
src direcotry'''
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not doit:
e7a395 |
print "cp %s %s" % (src_path, dst_path)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
src_dir = os.path.dirname(src_path)
e7a395 |
dst_dir = os.path.dirname(dst_path)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not os.path.isdir(dst_dir):
e7a395 |
if os.path.exists(dst_dir):
e7a395 |
print "ERROR: dst dir exists, but is not directory (%s)" % dst_dir
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
st = os.stat(src_dir)
e7a395 |
os.makedirs(dst_dir, st[ST_MODE])
e7a395 |
os.chown(dst_dir, st[ST_UID], st[ST_GID])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
shutil.copy2(src_path, dst_path)
e7a395 |
st = os.stat(src_path)
e7a395 |
os.chown(dst_path, st[ST_UID], st[ST_GID])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def RemoveFile(path):
e7a395 |
'''Remove the file'''
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not os.path.exists(path):
e7a395 |
if warn:
e7a395 |
print "WARNING: attempt to remove non-existent file (%s)" % path
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not os.path.isfile(path):
e7a395 |
if warn:
e7a395 |
print "WARNING: attempt to remove non-plain file (%s)" % path
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if not doit:
e7a395 |
print "rm %s" % (path)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def RemoveDirs(top):
e7a395 |
'''Delete everything reachable from the directory named in 'top',
e7a395 |
assuming there are no symbolic links.
e7a395 |
CAUTION: This is dangerous! For example, if top == '/', it
e7a395 |
could delete all your disk files.'''
e7a395 |
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
e7a395 |
for name in files:
e7a395 |
path = os.path.join(root, name)
e7a395 |
if not doit:
e7a395 |
print "rm %s" % (path)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
for name in dirs:
e7a395 |
path = os.path.join(root, name)
e7a395 |
if not doit:
e7a395 |
print "rmdir %s" % (path)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
def Usage():
e7a395 |
print """
e7a395 |
This script will help you copy mailman data files from the old
e7a395 |
directory structure to the new FHS directory structure.
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
Mailman should not be running when you perform this!
e7a395 |
/sbin/service mailman stop
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
This script is conservative, by default it will not overwrite
e7a395 |
any file in the new directory on the assumption it is most recent
e7a395 |
and most correct. If you want to force overwrites use -f.
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
Files are copied to the new directories, if you want to remove the
e7a395 |
old data files use -r. Hint: copy first and test, once everything is
e7a395 |
working remove the old files with -r. If you want to remove the entire
e7a395 |
old installation use -R
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
migrate [-f] [-n] [-q] [-v] [-w] [-m] [-r] [-R]
e7a395 |
-n don't execute, but show what would be done
e7a395 |
-f force destination overwrites
e7a395 |
-m print mapping
e7a395 |
-r remove old data files
e7a395 |
-R remove entire old installation
e7a395 |
-q be quiet
e7a395 |
-v be verbose
e7a395 |
-w print warnings
e7a395 |
-h help
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "nfvmqwhrR")
e7a395 |
for o, a in opts:
e7a395 |
if o == "-n":
e7a395 |
doit = False
e7a395 |
elif o == "-f":
e7a395 |
force = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-v":
e7a395 |
verbose = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-m":
e7a395 |
print_mapping = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-q":
e7a395 |
quiet = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-w":
e7a395 |
warn = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-r":
e7a395 |
remove_files = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-R":
e7a395 |
remove_installation = True
e7a395 |
elif o == "-h":
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
e7a395 |
print err
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if print_mapping:
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Generate file list
e7a395 |
for src_dir in data_dir_map.keys():
e7a395 |
GetCopyFiles(src_dir, dir_map[src_dir])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
for src_file in file_map.keys():
e7a395 |
RecordFile(src_file, file_map[src_file])
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Copy files
e7a395 |
for src in non_existing_files:
e7a395 |
dst = non_existing_files[src]
e7a395 |
CopyFile(src, dst)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if force:
e7a395 |
for src in existing_files:
e7a395 |
dst = existing_files[src]
e7a395 |
CopyFile(src, dst)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if len(existing_files) > 0 and not quiet:
e7a395 |
print "\nThe following files already exist in the destination, they will NOT be copied"
e7a395 |
print "To force overwriting invoke with -f\n"
e7a395 |
for src in existing_files:
e7a395 |
dst = existing_files[src]
e7a395 |
print "# cp %s %s" %(src, dst)
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
# Remove old files
e7a395 |
if remove_files:
e7a395 |
for src in existing_files:
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
for src in non_existing_files:
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
if remove_installation:
e7a395 |
for old_dir in dir_map.keys():
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |
e7a395 |