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From 51b1c22d025bf40e9ef488bb0faf0c8dff303ccd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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From: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
0fcb1e |
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2022 16:18:07 -0500
0fcb1e |
Subject: [PATCH] doc: Design for certificate pruning
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
This describes how the certificate pruning capability of PKI
0fcb1e |
introduced in v11.3.0 will be integrated into IPA, primarily for
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/9294
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
Signed-off-by: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
0fcb1e |
Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com>
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
doc/designs/expired_certificate_pruning.md | 297 +++++++++++++++++++++
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doc/designs/index.rst | 1 +
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2 files changed, 298 insertions(+)
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create mode 100644 doc/designs/expired_certificate_pruning.md
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diff --git a/doc/designs/expired_certificate_pruning.md b/doc/designs/expired_certificate_pruning.md
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new file mode 100644
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2c10d914020d3c12b6abb028323cd6796ec33e00
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--- /dev/null
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+++ b/doc/designs/expired_certificate_pruning.md
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+# Expired Certificate Pruning
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Overview
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+When using short-lived certs and regular issuance, the expired certs can build up in the PKI database and cause issues with replication, performance and overall database size.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+PKI has provided a new feature in 11.3.0, pruning, which is a job that can be executed on a schedule or manually to remove expired certificates and requests.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Random Serial Numbers v3 (RSNv3) is mandatory to enable pruning.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Both pruning and RSNv3 require PKI 11.3.0 or higher.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Use Cases
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+ACME certificates in particular are generally short-lived and expired certificates can build up quickly in a dynamic environment. An example is a CI system that requests one or more certificates per run. These will build up infinitely without a way to remove the expired certificates.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Another case is simply a very long-lived installation. Over time as hosts come and go certificates build up.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## How to Use
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki/wiki/Configuring-CA-Database-Pruning provides a thorough description of the capabilities of the pruning job.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The default configuration is to remove expired certificates and incomplete requests after 30 days.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Pruning is disabled by default.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Configuration is a four-step process:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+1. Configure the expiration thresholds
0fcb1e |
+2. Enable the job
0fcb1e |
+3. Schedule the job
0fcb1e |
+4. Restart the CA
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The job will be scheduled to use the PKI built-in cron-like timer. It is configured nearly identically to `crontab(5)`. On execution it will remove certificates and requests that fall outside the configured thresholds. LDAP search/time limits can be used to control how many are removed at once.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+In addition to the automated schedule it is possible to manually run the pruning job.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The tool will not restart the CA. It will be left as an exercise for the user, who will be notified as needed.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Where to use
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The pruning configuration is not replicated. It should not be necessary to enable this task on all IPA servers, or more than one.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Running the task simultaneously on multiple servers has a few downsides:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+* Additional stress on the LDAP server searching for expired certificates and requests
0fcb1e |
+* Unnecessary replication load deleting the same entries on multiple servers
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+While enabling this on a single server represents a single-point-of-failure there should be no catastrophic consequences other than expired certificates and requests potentially building up. This can be cleared by enabling pruning on a different server. Depending on the size of the backlog this could take a couple of executions to catch up.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Design
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+There are several operations, most of which act locally and one of which uses the PKI REST API.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+1. Updating the job configuration (enable, thresholds, etc). This will be done by running the `pki-server ca-config-set` command which modifies CS.cfg directly per the PKI wiki. A restart is required.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+2. Retrieving the current configuration for display. The `pki-server ca-config-find` command returns the entire configuration so the results will need to be filtered.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+3. Managing the job. This can be done using the REST API, https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki/wiki/PKI-REST-API . Operations include enabling the job and triggering it to run now.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Theoretically for operations 1 and 2 we could use existing code to manually update `CS.cfg` and retrieve values. For future-proofing purposes calling `pki-server` is probably the better long-term option given the limited number of times this will be used. Configuration is likely to be one and done.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+There are four values each that can be managed for pruning certificates and requests:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+* expired cert/incomplete request time
0fcb1e |
+* time unit
0fcb1e |
+* LDAP search size limit
0fcb1e |
+* LDAP search time limit
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The first two configure when an expired certificate or incomplete request will be deleted. The unit can be one of: minute, hour, day, year. By default it is 30 days.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The LDAP limits control how many entries are returned and how long the search can take. By default it is 1000 entries and unlimited time.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Configuration settings
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The configuration values will be set by running `pki-server ca-config-set` This will ensure best forward compatibility. The options are case-sensitive and not validated by the CA until restart. The values are not applied until the CA is restarted.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Configuring job execution time
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The CA provides a cron-like interface for scheduling jobs. To configure the job to run at midnight on the first of every month the PKI equivalent command-line is:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.cron `"0 0 1 * *"`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+This will be the default when pruning is enabled. A separate configuration option will be available for fine-tuning execution time.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The format is defined https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_certificate_system/9/html/administration_guide/setting_up_specific_jobs#Frequency_Settings_for_Automated_Jobs
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### REST Authentication and Authorization
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The REST API for pruning is documented at https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki/wiki/PKI-Start-Job-REST-API
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+A PKI job can define an owner that can manage the job over the REST API. We will automatically define the owner as `ipara` when pruning is enabled.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Manually running the job will be done using the PKI REST API. Authentication to this API for our purposes is done at the `/ca/rest/account/login` endpoint. A cookie is returned which will be used in any subsequent calls. The IPA RA agent certificate will be used for authentication and authorization.
0fcb1e |
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+### Commands
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+This will be implemented in the ipa-acme-manage command. While strictly not completely ACME-related this is the primary driver for pruning.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+A new verb will be added, pruning, to be used for enabling and configuring pruning.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Enabling pruning
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`# ipa-acme-manage pruning --enable=TRUE`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Enabling the job will call
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`# pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.enabled true`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+This will also set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.cron to `"0 0 1 * *"` if it has not already been set.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Additionally it will set the job owner to `ipara` with:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`# pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.owner ipara`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Disabling the job will call
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`# pki-server ca-config-unset jobsScheduler.job.pruning.enabled`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Cron settings
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+To modify the cron settings:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`# ipa-acme-manage pruning --cron="Minute Hour Day_of_month Month_of_year Day_of_week"`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Validation of the value will be:
0fcb1e |
+* each of the options is an integer
0fcb1e |
+* minute is within 0-59
0fcb1e |
+* hour is within 0-23
0fcb1e |
+* day of month is within 0-31
0fcb1e |
+* month of year is within 1-12
0fcb1e |
+* day of week is within 0-6
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+No validation of setting February 31st will be done. That will be left to PKI. Buyer beware.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Disabling pruning
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ ipa-acme-manage pruning --enable=FALSE`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+This will remove the configuration option for `jobsScheduler.job.pruning.cron` just to be sure it no longer runs.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Configuration
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+#### Pruning certificates
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ ipa-acme-manage pruning --certretention=VALUE --certretentionunit=UNIT`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+will be the equivalent of:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.certRetentionTime 30`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.certRetentionUnit day`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The unit will always be required when modifying the time.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ ipa-acme-manage pruning --certsearchsizelimit=VALUE --certsearchtimelimit=VALUE`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+will be the equivalent of:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.certSearchSizeLimit 1000`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.certSearchTimeLimit 0`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+A value of 0 for searchtimelimit is unlimited.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+#### Pruning requests
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ ipa-acme-manage pruning --requestretention=VALUE --requestretentionunit=UNIT`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+will be the equivalent of:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.requestRetentionTime 30`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.requestRetentionUnit day`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The unit will always be required when modifying the time.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ ipa-acme-manage pruning --requestsearchsizelimit=VALUE --requestsearchtimelimit=VALUE`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+will be the equivalent of:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.requestSearchSizeLimit 1000`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+`$ pki-server ca-config-set jobsScheduler.job.pruning.requestSearchTimeLimit 0`
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+A value of 0 for searchtimelimit is unlimited.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+These options set the client-side limits. The server imposes its own search size and look through limits. This can be tuned for the uid=pkidbuser,ou=people,o=ipaca user via https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_directory_server/11/html/administration_guide/ldapsearch-ex-complex-range
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Showing the Configuration
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+To display the current configuration run `pki-server ca-config-find` and filter the results to only those that contain `jobsScheduler.job.pruning`.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Default values are not included so will need to be set by `ipa-acme-manage` before displaying.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Output may look something like:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+# ipa-acme-manage pruning --config-show
0fcb1e |
+Enabled: TRUE
0fcb1e |
+Certificate retention time: 30 days
0fcb1e |
+Certificate search size limit: 1000
0fcb1e |
+Certificate search time limit: 0
0fcb1e |
+Request retention time: 30 days
0fcb1e |
+Request search size limit: 1000
0fcb1e |
+Request search time limit: 0
0fcb1e |
+Cron: 0 0 1 * *
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Implementation
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+For online REST operations (login, run job) we will use the `ipaserver/plugins/dogtag.py::RestClient` class to manage the requests. This will take care of the authentication cookie, etc.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The class uses dogtag.https_request() will can take PEM cert and key files as arguments. These will be used for authentication.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+For the non-REST operations (configuration, cron settings) the tool will fork out to pki-server ca-config-set.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### UI
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+This will only be configurable on the command-line.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### CLI
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Overview of the CLI commands. Example:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+| Command | Options |
0fcb1e |
+| --- | ----- |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --enable=TRUE |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --enable=FALSE |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --cron=`"0 0 1 * *"` |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --certretention=30 --certretentionunit=day |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --certsearchsizelimit=1000 --certsearchtimelimit=0 |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --requestretention=30 --requestretentionunit=day |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --requestsearchsizelimit=1000 --requestsearchtimelimit=0 |
0fcb1e |
+| ipa-acme-manage pruning | --config-show |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+ipa-acme-manage can only be run as root.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+### Configuration
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Configuration changes will be made to /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/ca/CS.cfg
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Upgrade
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+No expected impact on upgrades.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Test plan
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+Testing will consist of:
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+* Use the default configuration
0fcb1e |
+* enabling the pruning job
0fcb1e |
+* issue one or more certificates
0fcb1e |
+* move time forward +1 days after expiration
0fcb1e |
+* manually running the job
0fcb1e |
+* validating that the certificates are removed
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+For size/time limit testing, create a large number of certificates/requests and set the search limit to a low value, then ensure that the number of deleted certs is equal to the search limit. Testing timelimit in this way may be less predictable as it may require a massive number of entries to find to timeout on a non-busy server.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+## Troubleshooting and debugging
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+The PKI debug log will contain job information.
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:14:25 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-8] INFO: JobService: Starting job pruning
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:14:25 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-8] INFO: JobService: - principal: null
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:14:51 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-10] INFO: JobService: Starting job pruning 2022-12-08 21:14:51 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-10] INFO: JobService: - principal: null
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: Authenticating certificate chain:
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - CN=IPA RA,O=EXAMPLE.TEST
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.TEST
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: LDAPSession: Retrieving cn=19072098145751813471503860299601579276,ou=certificateRepository, ou=ca,o=ipaca
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: CertUserDBAuthentication: UID ipara authenticated.
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: User ipara authenticated
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: UGSubsystem: Retrieving user uid=ipara,ou=People,o=ipaca
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: User DN: uid=ipara,ou=people,o=ipaca
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: Roles:
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - Certificate Manager Agents
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - Registration Manager Agents
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - Security Domain Administrators
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:11 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-11] INFO: PKIRealm: - Enterprise ACME Administrators
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-12] INFO: JobService: Starting job pruning
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-12] INFO: JobService: - principal: GenericPrincipal[ipara(Certificate Manager Agents,Enterprise ACME Administrators,Registration Manager Agents,Security Domain Administrators,)]
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [https-jsse-nio-8443-exec-12] INFO: JobsScheduler: Starting job pruning
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: PruningJob: Running pruning job at Thu Dec 08 21:15:24 UTC 2022
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: PruningJob: Pruning certs expired before Tue Nov 08 21:15:24 UTC 2022
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: PruningJob: - filter: (&(x509Cert.notAfter<=1667942124527)(!(x509Cert.notAfter=1667942124527)))
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: LDAPSession: Searching ou=certificateRepository, ou=ca,o=ipaca for (&(notAfter<=20221108211524Z)(!(notAfter=20221108211524Z)))
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: PruningJob: Pruning incomplete requests last modified before Tue Nov 08 21:15:24 UTC 2022
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: PruningJob: - filter: (&(!(requestState=complete))(requestModifyTime<=1667942124527)(!(requestModifyTime=1667942124527)))
0fcb1e |
+2022-12-08 21:15:24 [pruning] INFO: LDAPSession: Searching ou=ca, ou=requests,o=ipaca for (&(!(requestState=complete))(dateOfModify<=20221108211524Z)(!(dateOfModify=20221108211524Z)))
0fcb1e |
0fcb1e |
diff --git a/doc/designs/index.rst b/doc/designs/index.rst
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index 570e526fe35d510feeac62a44dd59224289e0506..1d41c0f84f0d7d3d5f184a47e31b4e71a890805d 100644
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--- a/doc/designs/index.rst
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+++ b/doc/designs/index.rst
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@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ FreeIPA design documentation
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+ expired_certificate_pruning.md
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