1b9608 |
# generated by cabal-rpm-0.12.1
1b9608 |
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:Haskell
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%global pkg_name skylighting
1b9608 |
%global pkgver %{pkg_name}-%{version}
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%bcond_with tests
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
Name: ghc-%{pkg_name}
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
Release: 2%{?dist}
1b9608 |
Summary: Syntax highlighting library
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
License: GPLv2+
1b9608 |
Url: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkg_name}
1b9608 |
Source0: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/%{pkgver}/%{pkgver}.tar.gz
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-Cabal-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-rpm-macros
1b9608 |
# Begin cabal-rpm deps:
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-aeson-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-attoparsec-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-base64-bytestring-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-binary-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-blaze-html-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-bytestring-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-case-insensitive-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-containers-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-directory-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-filepath-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-hxt-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-mtl-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-regex-pcre-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-safe-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-text-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-utf8-string-devel
1b9608 |
%if %{with tests}
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-Diff-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-HUnit-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-pretty-show-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-random-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-tasty-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-tasty-golden-devel
1b9608 |
BuildRequires: ghc-tasty-hunit-devel
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
# End cabal-rpm deps
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
Skylighting is a syntax highlighting library with support for over one hundred
1b9608 |
languages. It derives its tokenizers from XML syntax definitions used by KDE's
1b9608 |
KSyntaxHighlighting framework, so any syntax supported by that framework can be
1b9608 |
added. An optional command-line program is provided. Skylighting is intended to
1b9608 |
be the successor to highlighting-kate.
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%package devel
1b9608 |
Summary: Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files
1b9608 |
Provides: %{name}-static = %{version}-%{release}
1b9608 |
Provides: %{name}-doc = %{version}-%{release}
1b9608 |
%if %{defined ghc_version}
1b9608 |
Requires: ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
1b9608 |
Requires(post): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
1b9608 |
Requires(postun): ghc-compiler = %{ghc_version}
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
Requires: %{name}%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%description devel
1b9608 |
This package provides the Haskell %{pkg_name} library development files.
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%setup -q -n %{pkgver}
1b9608 |
cabal-tweak-flag system-pcre True
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%post devel
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%postun devel
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%files -f %{name}.files
1b9608 |
%license LICENSE
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
%files devel -f %{name}-devel.files
1b9608 |
%doc README.md changelog.md
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> -
1b9608 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Wed Jan 24 2018 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> -
1b9608 |
- update to
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Tue Dec 5 2017 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> -
1b9608 |
- update to
1b9608 |
- reenable prof everywhere
1b9608 |
- use system-pcre flag
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Mon Nov 13 2017 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> -
1b9608 |
- add comment for the regex-pcre patch
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Fri Nov 10 2017 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> -
1b9608 |
- disable prof on aarch64, armv7hl, and s390
1b9608 |
- build with regex-pcre
1b9608 |
1b9608 |
* Tue Nov 7 2017 Fedora Haskell SIG <haskell@lists.fedoraproject.org> -
1b9608 |
- spec file generated by cabal-rpm-0.11.2