7b3626 |
%define festivalversion 1.96
7b3626 |
# we ship the 1.4.2 docs for now.
7b3626 |
%define docversion 1.4.2
7b3626 |
%define speechtoolsversion 1.2.96
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
Name: festival
7b3626 |
Summary: Speech synthesis and text-to-speech system
7b3626 |
Version: %{festivalversion}
7d7695 |
Release: 28%{?dist}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
URL: http://www.cstr.ed.ac.uk/projects/festival/
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
# the emacs file is GPL+, there is one TCL licensed source file
7b3626 |
License: MIT and GPL+ and TCL
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Files needed for everything...
7b3626 |
%define baseURL http://festvox.org/packed/festival/%{festivalversion}
7b3626 |
Source0: %{baseURL}/festival-%{festivalversion}-beta.tar.gz
7b3626 |
Source1: %{baseURL}/speech_tools-%{speechtoolsversion}-beta.tar.gz
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Docs haven't been updated yet; here's the old ones
7b3626 |
Source2: http://festvox.org/packed/festival/%{docversion}/festdoc-%{docversion}.tar.gz
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Our local site config files.
7b3626 |
Source50: festival-1.96-0.7-fedora-siteinit.scm
7b3626 |
Source51: festival-1.96-0.7-fedora-sitevars.scm
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Generic English dictionary
7b3626 |
Source100: %{baseURL}/festlex_POSLEX.tar.gz
7b3626 |
# American English dictionary
7b3626 |
Source101: %{baseURL}/festlex_CMU.tar.gz
7b3626 |
# OALD isn't included because it's got a more restrictive (non-commercial
7b3626 |
# only) license. OALD voices not included for same reason.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Note on voice versions: I'm simply using the file date of the newest file
7b3626 |
# in each set of tarballs. It happens that the dates for all files from each
7b3626 |
# source (diphone, cmu_arctic, etc.) match, which is handy.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%define diphoneversion 0.19990610
7b3626 |
Source200: %{baseURL}/festvox_kallpc16k.tar.gz
7b3626 |
Source202: %{baseURL}/festvox_kedlpc16k.tar.gz
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
### HTS VOICES (use Nagoya Institute of Technology's HTS based synthesizer)
7b3626 |
# The Festvox site packages older versions of these as cmu_us_*_hts.
7b3626 |
# These are from <http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/>.
7b3626 |
# And, ugh, the files seem to be only served via a script, not directly.
7b3626 |
%define nitechbaseURL http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/?plugin=attach&refer=Download&openfile=
7b3626 |
%define nitechhtsversion 0.20061229
7b3626 |
Source220: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
Source221: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_bdl_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
Source222: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_clb_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
Source223: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_jmk_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
Source224: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_rms_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
Source225: %{nitechbaseURL}/festvox_nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts.tar.bz2
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
### Hispavoces Spanish voices http://forja.guadalinex.org/repositorio/projects/hispavoces/
7b3626 |
%define hispavocesversion 1.0.0
7b3626 |
Source300: http://v4.guadalinex.org/guadalinex-toro/pool-test/main/f/festival-spanish-voices/festival-spanish-voices_1.0.0.orig.tar.gz
7b3626 |
Source301: COPYING.hispavoces
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
### Multisyn voices left out because they're ~ 100MB each.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
### MBROLA voices left out, because they require MBROLA, which ain't free.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Set defaults to American English instead of British English - the OALD
7b3626 |
# dictionary (free for non-commercial use only) is needed for BE support
7b3626 |
# Additionally, prefer the smaller (and I think nicer sounding) nitech hts
7b3626 |
# voices.
7b3626 |
Patch1: festival-1.96-nitech-american.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Whack some buildroot references
7b3626 |
Patch2: festival_buildroot.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Use shared libraries
7b3626 |
Patch3: festival-1.96-speechtools-shared-build.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Fix a coding error (see bug #162137). Need to upstream.
7b3626 |
Patch5: festival-1.96-speechtools-rateconvtrivialbug.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Link libs with libm, libtermcap (see bug #198190).
7b3626 |
# Need to upstream this.
7b3626 |
Patch6: festival-1.96-speechtools-linklibswithotherlibs.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# For some reason, CXX is set to gcc on everything but Mac OS Darwin,
7b3626 |
# where it's set to g++. Yeah, well. We need it to be right too.
7b3626 |
Patch7: festival-1.96-speechtools-ohjeezcxxisnotgcc.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Look for siteinit and sitevars in /etc/festival
7b3626 |
Patch8: festival-1.96-etcsiteinit.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Alias old cmu names to new nitech ones
7b3626 |
Patch9: festival-1.96-alias_cmu_to_nitech.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Look for speech tools here, not back there.
7b3626 |
Patch10: festival-1.96-findspeechtools.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Build main library as shared, not just speech-tools
7b3626 |
Patch11: festival-1.96-main-shared-build.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# This is a hack to make the shared libraries build with actual
7b3626 |
# sonames. Should pretty much do the right thing, although note
7b3626 |
# of course that the sonames aren't official upstream.
7b3626 |
Patch12: festival-1.96-bettersonamehack.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# this updates speech_tools to a development version which fixes
7b3626 |
# a 64-bit cleanliness issue (among other changes).
7b3626 |
Patch20: festival-1.96-speechtools-1.2.96-beta+awb.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# This makes festival use /usr/lib[arch]/festival/etc for its
7b3626 |
# arch-specific "etc-path", rather than /usr/share/festival/etc/system_type.
7b3626 |
# Then I use sed to replace the token with actual arch-specific libdir.
7b3626 |
# A better way would be to actually make this a flexible makefile parameter,
7b3626 |
# but that's something to take up with upstream.
7b3626 |
Patch31: festival-1.96-kludge-etcpath-into-libarch.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# For some reason, the Nitech voices (and the previous CMU versions) fail to
7b3626 |
# define proclaim_voice, which makes them not show up in the voice
7b3626 |
# descriptions, which makes gnome-speech not show them.
7b3626 |
Patch90: festival-1.96-nitech-proclaimvoice.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Cure "SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : f2b_f0_lr_start"
7b3626 |
Patch91: festival-1.96-nitech-fixmissingrequire.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# An apparent copy-paste error in these voices -- slt is referenced
7b3626 |
# in all of them.
7b3626 |
Patch92: festival-1.96-nitech-sltreferences.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
Patch93: gcc43.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Native pulseaudio support, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=471047
7b3626 |
Patch94: festival-speech-tools-pulse.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
Patch95: gcc44.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# gcc 4.7 is finnicky about ambiguous function references'
7b3626 |
Patch96: festival.gcc47.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Bring back old patch since gcc 4.7 no longer ignores unknown options
7b3626 |
Patch97: no-shared-data.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# There is a typo in the festival_server script
7b3626 |
Patch98: festival-1.96-server-script-typo.patch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
BuildRequires: pulseaudio-libs-devel
7b3626 |
BuildRequires: texi2html
7b3626 |
BuildRequires: ncurses-devel
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Requires: festival-voice
7b3626 |
# The hard dep below provides a festival-voice, no need to require it here.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# This is hard-coded as a requirement because it's the smallest voice (and,
7b3626 |
# subjectively I think the most pleasant to listen to and so a good
7b3626 |
# default).
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Ideally, this would be a "suggests" instead of a hard requirement.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Update: with the new nitech versions of the voices, slt-arctic is no
7b3626 |
# longer the smallest. But... AWB has a strong scottish accent, and JMK a
7b3626 |
# kind of odd canadian one, so they're not great candidates for inclusion.
7b3626 |
# And I find RMS a bit hard to understand. BDL isn't much smaller than SLT,
7b3626 |
# and since I like it better, I think I'm going to keep it as the default
7b3626 |
# for a price 12k. So, in case anyone later questions why this is the
7b3626 |
# default, there's the answer. :)
7b3626 |
Requires: festvox-slt-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-lib = %{version}-%{release}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-speechtools-libs = %{speechtoolsversion}-%{release}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{festivalversion}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package lib
7b3626 |
Summary: Library for the Festival speech synthesis system
7b3626 |
# this is here to make sure upgrades go cleanly. In other cases,
7b3626 |
# the auto-deps should handle this just fine.
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-speechtools-libs = %{speechtoolsversion}-%{release}
7b3626 |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
7b3626 |
Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package docs
7b3626 |
Summary: Documentation for the Festival speech synthesis system
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Version: %{docversion}
7b3626 |
Requires(post): /sbin/install-info
7b3626 |
Requires(postun): /sbin/install-info
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package speechtools-libs
7b3626 |
Summary: The Edinburgh Speech Tools libraries
7b3626 |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
7b3626 |
Version: %{speechtoolsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires(post): /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package speechtools-utils
7b3626 |
Summary: Miscellaneous utilities from the Edinburgh Speech Tools
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Version: %{speechtoolsversion}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package speechtools-devel
7b3626 |
Summary: Development files for Edinburgh Speech Tools libraries
7b3626 |
Version: %{speechtoolsversion}
7b3626 |
Group: Development/Libraries
7b3626 |
# Note: rpmlint complains incorrectly about
7b3626 |
# "no-dependency-on festival-speechtools".
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-speechtools-libs = %{speechtoolsversion}-%{release}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-kal-diphone
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: American English male speaker "Kevin" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{diphoneversion}
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
Provides: festvox-kallpc16k
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-ked-diphone
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: American English male speaker "Kurt" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{diphoneversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
Provides: festvox-kedlpc16k
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-awb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: Scottish-accent US English male speaker "AWB" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: US English male speaker "BDL" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-clb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: US English female speaker "CLB" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-jmk-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: Canadian-accent US English male speaker "JMK" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-rms-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: US English male speaker "RMS" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n festvox-slt-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: US English female speaker "SLT" for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{nitechhtsversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n hispavoces-pal-diphone
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: Male Spanish voice «PAL» for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{hispavocesversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%package -n hispavoces-sfl-diphone
7b3626 |
Group: Applications/Multimedia
7b3626 |
Summary: Female Spanish voice «SFL» for Festival
7b3626 |
Version: %{hispavocesversion}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival
7b3626 |
Provides: festival-voice
7b3626 |
BuildArch: noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# This is last as a lovely hack to make sure Version gets set back
7b3626 |
# to what it should be. Grr.
7b3626 |
%package devel
7b3626 |
Summary: Development files for the Festival speech synthesis system
7b3626 |
Version: %{festivalversion}
7b3626 |
Group: Development/Libraries
7b3626 |
# Note: rpmlint complains incorrectly about
7b3626 |
# "no-dependency-on festival"
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-speechtools-devel = %{speechtoolsversion}-%{release}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-lib = %{version}-%{release}
7b3626 |
Requires: festival-lib
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
Festival is a general multi-lingual speech synthesis system developed
7b3626 |
at CSTR. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as
7b3626 |
well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis
7b3626 |
techniques. It is written in C++ with a Scheme-based command interpreter
7b3626 |
for general control.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description lib
7b3626 |
The shared library used by the Festival text-to-speech and speech synthesis
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description docs
7b3626 |
HTML, Postscript, and Texinfo documentation for the Festival text-to-speech
7b3626 |
and speech synthesis system.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description speechtools-libs
7b3626 |
The Edinburgh Speech Tools libraries, used by the Festival text-to-speech
7b3626 |
and speech synthesis system.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description speechtools-utils
7b3626 |
Miscellaneous utilities from the Edinburgh Speech Tools. Unless you have a
7b3626 |
specific need for one of these programs, you probably don't need to install
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description speechtools-devel
7b3626 |
Development files for the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library, used by the
7b3626 |
Festival speech synthesis system.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-kal-diphone
7b3626 |
American English male speaker ("Kevin") for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This voice provides an American English male voice using a residual excited
7b3626 |
LPC diphone synthesis method. It uses the CMU Lexicon pronunciations.
7b3626 |
Prosodic phrasing is provided by a statistically trained model using part of
7b3626 |
speech and local distribution of breaks. Intonation is provided by a CART
7b3626 |
tree predicting ToBI accents and an F0 contour generated from a model
7b3626 |
trained from natural speech. The duration model is also trained from data
7b3626 |
using a CART tree.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-ked-diphone
7b3626 |
American English male speaker ("Kurt") for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This voice provides an American English male voice using a residual excited
7b3626 |
LPC diphone synthesis method. It uses the CMU Lexicon for pronunciations.
7b3626 |
Prosodic phrasing is provided by a statistically trained model using part of
7b3626 |
speech and local distribution of breaks. Intonation is provided by a CART
7b3626 |
tree predicting ToBI accents and an F0 contour generated from a model
7b3626 |
trained from natural speech. The duration model is also trained from data
7b3626 |
using a CART tree.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-awb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English male speaker ("AWB") for Festival. AWB is a native Scottish
7b3626 |
English speaker, but the voice uses the US English front end.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1138 utterances spoken by a Scottish English male speaker. The
7b3626 |
speaker is very experienced in building synthetic voices and matched
7b3626 |
prompted US English, though his vowels are very different from US English
7b3626 |
vowels. Scottish English speakers will probably find synthesizers based on
7b3626 |
this voice strange. Unlike the other CMU_ARCTIC databases this was recorded
7b3626 |
in 16 bit 16KHz mono without EGG, on a Dell Laptop in a quiet office. The
7b3626 |
database was automatically labelled using CMU Sphinx using the FestVox
7b3626 |
labelling scripts. No hand correction has been made.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English male speaker ("BDL") for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1132 utterances spoken by a US English male speaker. The speaker
7b3626 |
is experienced in building synthetic voices. This was recorded at 16bit
7b3626 |
32KHz, in a sound proof room, in stereo, one channel was the waveform, the
7b3626 |
other EGG. The database was automatically labelled using CMU Sphinx using
7b3626 |
the FestVox labelling scripts. No hand correction has been made.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-clb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English female speaker ("CLB") for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1132 utterances spoken by a US English female speaker. The
7b3626 |
speaker is experienced in building synthetic voices. This was recorded at
7b3626 |
16bit 32KHz, in a sound proof room, in stereo, one channel was the waveform,
7b3626 |
the other EGG. The database was automatically labelled using CMU Sphinx
7b3626 |
using the FestVox labelling scripts. No hand correction has been made.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-jmk-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English male speaker ("JMK") voice for Festival. JMK is a native Canadian
7b3626 |
English speaker, but the voice uses the US English front end.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1138 utterances spoken by a US English male speaker. The speaker
7b3626 |
is experienced in building synthetic voices. This was recorded at 16bit
7b3626 |
32KHz, in a sound proof room, in stereo, one channel was the waveform, the
7b3626 |
other EGG. The database was automatically labelled using CMU Sphinx using
7b3626 |
the FestVox labelling scripts. No hand correction has been made.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-rms-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English male speaker ("RMS") voice for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1132 utterances spoken by a US English male speaker. The speaker
7b3626 |
is experienced in building synthetic voices. This was recorded at 16bit
7b3626 |
32KHz, in a sound proof room, in stereo, one channel was the waveform, the
7b3626 |
other EGG. The database was automatically labelled using EHMM an HMM labeler
7b3626 |
that is included in the FestVox distribution. No hand correction has been
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n festvox-slt-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
US English female speaker ("SLT") voice for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) voice from the Nagoya
7b3626 |
Institute of Technology, trained using the CMU ARCTIC database. This voice
7b3626 |
is based on 1132 utterances spoken by a US English female speaker. The
7b3626 |
speaker is experienced in building synthetic voices. This was recorded at
7b3626 |
16bit 32KHz, in a sound proof room, in stereo, one channel was the waveform,
7b3626 |
the other EGG. The database was automatically labelled using CMU Sphinx
7b3626 |
using the FestVox labelling scripts. No hand correction has been made.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n hispavoces-sfl-diphone
7b3626 |
Female Castillian-Spanish (es_ES) voice «SFL» for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a diphone-based male Spanish voice for the Festival speech synthesis
7b3626 |
system. These original audio files were recorded by a professional voice
7b3626 |
talent in a recording studio.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This voice was developed by the Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa
7b3626 |
of the Junta de Andalucia on a project awarded to MP Sistemas in
7b3626 |
collaboration with Intelligent Dialogue Systems (INDISYS).
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
The primary objective was to integrate a higher-quality diphone-based
7b3626 |
Spanish voice in Guadalinex v4.0, an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution
7b3626 |
promoted by the Government of Andalusia (Spain). See
7b3626 |
http://www.guadalinex.org for more information.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description -n hispavoces-pal-diphone
7b3626 |
Male Castillian-Spanish (es_ES) voice «PAL» for Festival.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This is a diphone-based male Spanish voice for the Festival speech synthesis
7b3626 |
system. These original audio files were recorded by a professional voice
7b3626 |
talent in a recording studio.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
This voice was developed by the Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa
7b3626 |
of the Junta de Andalucia on a project awarded to MP Sistemas in
7b3626 |
collaboration with Intelligent Dialogue Systems (INDISYS).
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
The primary objective was to integrate a higher-quality diphone-based
7b3626 |
Spanish voice in Guadalinex v4.0, an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution
7b3626 |
promoted by the Government of Andalusia (Spain). See
7b3626 |
http://www.guadalinex.org for more information.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%description devel
7b3626 |
Development files for the Festival speech synthesis system. Install
7b3626 |
festival-devel if you want to use Festival's capabilities from within your
7b3626 |
own programs, or if you intend to compile other programs using it. Note that
7b3626 |
you can also interface with Festival in via the shell or with BSD sockets.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -a 1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# speech tools
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -a 2
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# exit out if they've fixed this, so we can remove this hack.
7b3626 |
[ -x speech_tools/base_class/string/EST_strcasecmp.c ] || exit 1
7b3626 |
chmod -x speech_tools/base_class/string/EST_strcasecmp.c
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# dictionaries
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 100
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 101
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# voices
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 200
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 202
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 220
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 221
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 222
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 223
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 224
7b3626 |
%setup -q -n festival -D -T -b 225
7b3626 |
%setup -c -q -n festival -D -T -b 300
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%patch1 -p1 -b .nitech
7b3626 |
%patch2 -p1 -b .buildrootrefs
7b3626 |
%patch3 -p1 -b .shared
7b3626 |
%patch5 -p1 -b .bugfix
7b3626 |
%patch6 -p1 -b .liblinking
7b3626 |
%patch7 -p1 -b .cxx
7b3626 |
%patch8 -p1 -b .etc
7b3626 |
%patch9 -p1 -b .cmu2nitech
7b3626 |
# patch9 creates a new file; patch helpfully makes a "backup" of the
7b3626 |
# non-existent "original", which then has bad permissions. zap.
7b3626 |
rm -f lib/alias_cmu_to_nitech.scm.cmu2nitech
7b3626 |
%patch10 -p1 -b .findspeechtools
7b3626 |
%patch11 -p1 -b .shared
7b3626 |
%patch12 -p1 -b .soname
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%patch20 -p1 -b .awb
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%patch31 -p1 -b .libarch
7b3626 |
# finish the kludge for arch-specific "etc" (misc. binaries)
7b3626 |
for f in speech_tools/main/siod_main.cc src/arch/festival/festival.cc; do
7b3626 |
sed -i -e 's,{{HORRIBLELIBARCHKLUDGE}},"%{_libdir}",' $f
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# no backups for these patches because
7b3626 |
# the voice directories are copied wholesale
7b3626 |
%patch90 -p1
7b3626 |
%patch91 -p1
7b3626 |
%patch92 -p1
7b3626 |
%patch93 -p1 -b .gcc43
7b3626 |
%patch94 -p1 -b .pulse
7b3626 |
%patch95 -p1 -b .gcc44
7b3626 |
%patch96 -p0 -b .gcc47
7b3626 |
%patch97 -p1 -b .no-share
7b3626 |
%patch98 -b .typo
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# zero length
7b3626 |
rm festdoc-%{docversion}/speech_tools/doc/index_html.jade
7b3626 |
rm festdoc-%{docversion}/speech_tools/doc/examples_gen/error_example_section.sgml
7b3626 |
rm festdoc-%{docversion}/speech_tools/doc/tex_stuff.jade
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# build speech tools (and libraries)
7b3626 |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/speech_tools/lib
7b3626 |
pushd speech_tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# -fPIC 'cause we're building shared libraries and it doesn't hurt
7b3626 |
# -fno-strict-aliasing because of a couple of warnings about code
7b3626 |
# problems; if $RPM_OPT_FLAGS contains -O2 or above, this puts
7b3626 |
# it back. Once that problem is gone upstream, remove this for
7b3626 |
# better optimization.
7b3626 |
make \
7b3626 |
CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing" \
7b3626 |
CXXFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fPIC -fno-strict-aliasing"
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# build the main program
7b3626 |
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$(pwd)/src/lib
7b3626 |
# instead of doing this, maybe we should patch the make process
7b3626 |
# so it looks in the right place explicitly:
7b3626 |
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
make \
7b3626 |
FTLIBDIR="%{_datadir}/festival/lib" \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# build the patched CMU dictionary
7b3626 |
pushd lib/dicts/cmu
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# "make install" for this package is, um, "interesting". It seems geared for
7b3626 |
# local user-level builds. So, rather than doing that and then patching it
7b3626 |
# up, do the right parts by hand as necessary.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# install speech tools libs, binaries, and include files
7b3626 |
pushd speech_tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
make INSTALLED_LIB=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} make_installed_lib_shared
7b3626 |
# no thanks, static libs.
7b3626 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.a
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
make INSTALLED_BIN=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/speech-tools make_installed_bin_static
7b3626 |
# this list of the useful programs in speech_tools comes from
7b3626 |
# upstream developer Alan W. Black; the other stuff is to be removed.
7b3626 |
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libexecdir}/speech-tools
7b3626 |
ls |
7b3626 |
grep -Evw "ch_wave|ch_track|na_play|na_record|wagon|wagon_test" |
7b3626 |
grep -Evw "make_wagon_desc|pitchmark|pm|sig2fv|wfst_build" |
7b3626 |
grep -Evw "wfst_run|wfst_run" |
7b3626 |
xargs rm
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
pushd include
7b3626 |
for d in $( find . -type d | grep -v win32 ); do
7b3626 |
make -w -C $d INCDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/$d install_incs
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Um, yeah, so, "EST" is not a very meaningful name for the include dir.
7b3626 |
# The Red Hat / Fedora package has traditionally put this stuff under
7b3626 |
# "speech_tools", and that's what we're gonna do here too.
7b3626 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/EST/*.h \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/EST
7b3626 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/unix/EST/EST_* \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/unix/EST
7b3626 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/instantiate/EST/instantiate/EST_* \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/instantiate/EST
7b3626 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/sigpr/EST/EST_* \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/sigpr/EST
7b3626 |
mv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/ling_class/EST/EST_* \
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
rmdir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/speech_tools/ling_class/EST
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
cp README ../README.speechtools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# install the dictionaries
7b3626 |
TOPDIR=$( pwd )
7b3626 |
pushd lib/dicts
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/dicts
7b3626 |
# we want to put the licenses in the docs...
7b3626 |
cp COPYING.poslex $OLDPWD/COPYING.poslex
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
for f in wsj.wp39.poslexR wsj.wp39.tri.ngrambin ; do
7b3626 |
install -m 644 $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/dicts/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/dicts/cmu
7b3626 |
pushd cmu
7b3626 |
# note I'm keeping cmudict-0.4.diff and cmudict_extensions.scm to
7b3626 |
# satisfy the "all changes clearly marked" part of the license -- these
7b3626 |
# are the changes. And yes, the ".out" file is the one actually used.
7b3626 |
# Sigh.
7b3626 |
for f in allowables.scm cmudict-0.4.diff cmudict-0.4.out \
7b3626 |
cmudict_extensions.scm cmulex.scm cmu_lts_rules.scm; do
7b3626 |
install -m 644 $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/dicts/cmu/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# install the voices
7b3626 |
pushd lib/voices
7b3626 |
# get the licenses. This is probably too clever by half, but oh well.
7b3626 |
for f in $( find . -name COPYING ); do
7b3626 |
n=$( echo $f | sed 's/.*\/\(.*\)\/COPYING/COPYING.\1/' )
7b3626 |
mv $f $OLDPWD/$n
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# ditch the readme files -- these aren't very useful.
7b3626 |
# Except keep a README.htsvoice, because it contains license information.
7b3626 |
cp us/nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts/hts/README.htsvoice $OLDPWD/README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
find . -name 'README*' -exec rm {} \;
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# kludge! nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts is missing its COPYING file. It should
7b3626 |
# be the same as the other nitech files, though, so just copy one.
7b3626 |
cp COPYING.nitech_us_bdl_arctic_hts COPYING.nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts
7b3626 |
cp -a lib/voices $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es/
7b3626 |
cp -a festival-spanish-voices-1.0.0/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es/
7b3626 |
cp %{SOURCE301} .
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# okay, now install the main festival program.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# binaries:
7b3626 |
make INSTALLED_BIN=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir} make_installed_bin_static
7b3626 |
install -m 755 bin/text2wave $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# install the shared library
7b3626 |
cp -a src/lib/libFestival.so* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# this is just nifty. and it's small.
7b3626 |
install -m 755 examples/saytime $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# man pages
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
7b3626 |
cp -a doc/*.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# lib: the bulk of the program -- the scheme stuff and so on
7b3626 |
pushd lib
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib
7b3626 |
for f in *.scm festival.el *.ent *.gram *.dtd *.ngrambin speech.properties ; do
7b3626 |
install -m 644 $f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/multisyn/
7b3626 |
install -m 644 multisyn/*.scm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/multisyn/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# "etc" -- not in the configuration sense, but in the sense of "extra helper
7b3626 |
# binaries".
7b3626 |
pushd lib/etc
7b3626 |
# not arch-specific
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/etc
7b3626 |
install -m 755 email_filter $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/etc
7b3626 |
# arch-specific
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/festival/etc
7b3626 |
install -m 755 */audsp $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/festival/etc
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# the actual /etc. :)
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/festival
7b3626 |
# use our version of this file
7b3626 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/lib/siteinit.scm
7b3626 |
install -m 644 %{SOURCE50} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/festival/siteinit.scm
7b3626 |
install -m 644 %{SOURCE51} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/festival/sitevars.scm
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# copy in the intro.text. It's small and makes (intro) work. in the future,
7b3626 |
# we may want include more examples in an examples subpackage
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/examples/
7b3626 |
install -m 644 examples/intro.text $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/festival/examples
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# header files
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/festival
7b3626 |
cp -a src/include/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}/festival
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# Clean up some junk from the docs tarball.
7b3626 |
pushd festdoc-%{docversion}/speech_tools/doc
7b3626 |
rm -fr CVS arch_doc/CVS man/CVS speechtools/arch_doc/CVS
7b3626 |
rm -f .*_made .speechtools_html .tex_done
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
# info pages
7b3626 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}
7b3626 |
cp -p festdoc-%{docversion}/festival/info/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_infodir}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%post docs
7b3626 |
/sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/festival.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir --section "Accessibility" > /dev/null 2>&1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%post lib -p /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%post speechtools-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%postun docs
7b3626 |
if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
7b3626 |
/sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/festival.info.gz %{_infodir}/dir --section "Accessibility" > /dev/null 2>&1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%postun lib -p /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%postun speechtools-libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.poslex COPYING.cmudict
7b3626 |
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/festival
7b3626 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/festival/siteinit.scm
7b3626 |
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/festival/sitevars.scm
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/multisyn
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/examples
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_libdir}/festival
7b3626 |
%dir %{_libdir}/festival/etc
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files lib
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files docs
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc festdoc-%{docversion}/festival/html/*html
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files speechtools-libs
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc README.speechtools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files speechtools-utils
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc README.speechtools
7b3626 |
%dir %{_libexecdir}/speech-tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files speechtools-devel
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc festdoc-%{docversion}/speech_tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_includedir}/speech_tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-kal-diphone
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.kal_diphone
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/english
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-ked-diphone
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.ked_diphone
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/english
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-awb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_awb_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-bdl-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_bdl_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-clb-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_clb_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-jmk-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_jmk_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-rms-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_rms_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n festvox-slt-arctic-hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.nitech_us_slt_arctic_hts COPYING.hts README.htsvoice
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/us
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n hispavoces-pal-diphone
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.hispavoces
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es/JuntaDeAndalucia_es_pa_diphone/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files -n hispavoces-sfl-diphone
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%doc COPYING.hispavoces
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es
7b3626 |
%dir %{_datadir}/festival/lib/voices/es/JuntaDeAndalucia_es_sf_diphone/
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%files devel
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
%dir %{_includedir}/festival
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7d7695 |
* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.96-28
7d7695 |
- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
7d7695 |
7d7695 |
* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.96-27
7d7695 |
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
7d7695 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jun 20 2013 Than Ngo <than@redhat.com> - 1.96-26
7b3626 |
- add BR on texi2html instead tetex, minimal tex BR
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sat Mar 02 2013 Bruno Wolff III <bruno@wolff.to> - 1.96-25
7b3626 |
- Fix typo in server script - bz 614200
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Feb 07 2013 Jon Ciesla <limburgher@gmail.com> - 1.96-24
7b3626 |
- Minor Merge review fixes, BZ 225748.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jan 7 2013 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-23
7b3626 |
- Add tighter inter-subpackage deps (recommended by rpmdiff)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jan 7 2013 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-22
7b3626 |
- Fix directory ownership for /usr/share/festival/lib/voices/es
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jul 19 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-21
7b3626 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sat Feb 25 2012 Bruno Wolff III <bruno@wolff.to> - 1.96-20
7b3626 |
- Fix to build with gcc 4.7
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-19
7b3626 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Feb 22 2011 Tim Niemueller <tim@niemueller.de> - 1.96-18
7b3626 |
- Fix install paths of speech_tools includes (rhbz #242607)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-17
7b3626 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Sep 29 2009 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-16
7b3626 |
- Add native pulseaudio support (#471047)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Sep 10 2009 Bernie Innocenti <bernie@codewiz.org> - 1.96-15
7b3626 |
- Disable esd support (resolves: rhbz#492982)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jul 29 2009 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-14
7b3626 |
- Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-13
7b3626 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sat Apr 18 2009 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-12
7b3626 |
- Add Spanish voices from the guadalinex project, in the
7b3626 |
hispavoces-pal-diphone and hispavoces-sfl-diphone subpackages
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Mar 24 2009 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.96-11
7b3626 |
- Drop the explicit dep on festival-voice, as it is redundant and
7b3626 |
causes problems with multiple providers
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Feb 26 2009 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 1.96-10
7b3626 |
- Fix build with gcc 4.4
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> 1.96-9
7b3626 |
- Make -docs and all the festvox subpackages noarch
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-8
7b3626 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sun Nov 23 2008 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-7
7b3626 |
- Tweak summaries
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Oct 27 2008 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 1.96-6
7b3626 |
- interoperate with other apps by using pacat for audio output
7b3626 |
(bug 467531)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Jul 18 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> - 1.96-5
7b3626 |
- fix license tag
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Feb 22 2008 Matthias Clasen <mclasen@redhat.com> - 1.96-4
7b3626 |
- Fix the build with gcc 4.3
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Feb 18 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@fedoraproject.org> - 1.96-3
7b3626 |
- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Nov 7 2007 Stepan Kasal <skasal@redhat.com>1.96-2
7b3626 |
- fix a typo in a summary and in festival-1.96-nitech-proclaimvoice.patch
7b3626 |
- Resolves: #239216
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Mar 20 2007 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> 1.96-1
7b3626 |
- rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Mar 19 2007 David Zeuthen <davidz@redhat.com> 1.96-0.11
7b3626 |
- Forgot to add the .scm files
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Mar 19 2007 David Zeuthen <davidz@redhat.com> 1.96-0.10
7b3626 |
- Update to Matthew Miller's much improved package (#232105)
7b3626 |
- Move the buildroot patch around
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sun Mar 18 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.9
7b3626 |
- fix the library link patch to use -lncurses instead of -ltinfo --
7b3626 |
the later is all that's really needed, but the former works on older
7b3626 |
distros too.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Mar 16 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.8
7b3626 |
- festival-devel depends on the libraries package, not base festival. this
7b3626 |
raises an multilib question: need to obsolete festival.i386 on x86_64.
7b3626 |
Right now, there's no mechanism for doing that. Fortunately, all the
7b3626 |
changes in packaging happen to make it so that the current version doesn't
7b3626 |
conflict with the old release, so one will get unused cruft but not
7b3626 |
breakage when upgrading.
7b3626 |
- Bite teh proverbial bullet and make libFestival build shared.
7b3626 |
- update speech-tools soname patch to work in the more general case needed
7b3626 |
by the festival main build
7b3626 |
- make said shared-lib a subpackage to avoid multiarching the whole thing
7b3626 |
- split festival-devel and speechutils-devel in anticipation of future
7b3626 |
plan of actually decoupling these packages.
7b3626 |
- note that rpmlint complains about "missing" deps on the devel packages. it
7b3626 |
should be fixed to recognize requiring a -lib/libs package is sufficent or
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
- add saytime script. Because, really, what else is this package *for*?
7b3626 |
- add the intro.text so (intro) works. 196 more bytes won't kill us. :)
7b3626 |
- remove $PATH from LD_LIBRARY_PATH used in build. (What the heck?)
7b3626 |
- add defattr to all subpackages. I don't think it's strictly necessary
7b3626 |
since putting it in the first package seems sufficient, but that's
7b3626 |
probably not behavior to count on.
7b3626 |
- make descriptions and summaries use more consistant language
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Mar 15 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.7
7b3626 |
- Upstream baseurl now includes version. (Thanks Alan Black @ cmu)
7b3626 |
- Update siteinit patch to also incorporate sitevars
7b3626 |
- Add sitevars as a config file
7b3626 |
- Ship our own siteinit and sitevars as sources
7b3626 |
- In default sitevars, reference /usr/local/share/festival/lib as another
7b3626 |
place to look for voices (it's okay if that doesn't exist). Hopefully,
7b3626 |
this will encourage people who want to install non-RPM-packaged voices to
7b3626 |
keep from doing it in /usr/share.
7b3626 |
- Fix wrong references to slt voice in other nitech voices
7b3626 |
- Fix wrongly commented-out (require 'f2bf0lr) in awb, clb, and rms voices.
7b3626 |
- Stop untarring source files and use the setup macro properly.
7b3626 |
- Get rid of silly DATA.TMP directories for installing voices and
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
- Stop making ../speechtools link. Currently solved by patching to look
7b3626 |
in the current directory; could also do this by moving everything up
7b3626 |
a directory.
7b3626 |
- TODO: festival-buildroot.patch could stand to be updated. May not
7b3626 |
even be needed anymore.
7b3626 |
- Drop the 8k versions of the diphone voices, since there's not really
7b3626 |
any point. If you want smaller, use one of the arctic_hts voices
7b3626 |
instead. And overall, this saves us about 4.5M.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Mar 14 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.6
7b3626 |
- Fix copy-paste error in JMK description (thanks Matthias Clasen)
7b3626 |
- Remove "nitech-us-" from the names of those voice packages to make the
7b3626 |
package names shorter. (This will also be more convenient if we switch to
7b3626 |
the cmu versions in the future.)
7b3626 |
- made aliases so old cmu_us_*_arctic_hts voice names still work.
7b3626 |
- Look for /etc/festival/siteinit.scm (and move siteinit.scm there!)
7b3626 |
- Mark siteinit.scm as a config file
7b3626 |
- Remove some non-useful stuff from speech-tools-utils.
7b3626 |
- Move main dir from /usr/share/festival to /usr/share/festival/lib at
7b3626 |
request of upstream. Also, we can drop the FHS (well, "fsstnd" -- it's
7b3626 |
old) patch and just pass FTLIBDIR to make. Which, hey, we were already
7b3626 |
doing. Yay redundancy.
7b3626 |
- clean up CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS. "-fpermissive" was hiding bad stuff.
7b3626 |
- update speech tools with patch from AWB to fix 64-bit build issue
7b3626 |
with EST_DProbDist
7b3626 |
- there's still some compiler warnings which should be addressed upstream.
7b3626 |
- The nitech hts voices don't properly proclaim_voice, making them not
7b3626 |
show up for gnome-speech and thus making orca crash. See details in the
7b3626 |
comments in bug #232105.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.5
7b3626 |
- use festvox- instead of festival-voice for voice packages -- matches
7b3626 |
upstream tarballs, and is shorter. Also, use shorter form of
7b3626 |
the date-based version.
7b3626 |
- get the README.htsvoice from the nitech voices -- it contains
7b3626 |
license info.
7b3626 |
- build (but don't enable by default) ESD support in speech-tools (bug
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
- fix coding error noted in bug #162137 -- need to push this upstream.
7b3626 |
- link speech tools libraries with -lm, -ltermcap, -lesd and with themselves
7b3626 |
(bug #198190, partially)
7b3626 |
- holy sheesh. Use g++ for CXX, not gcc. Fixes bug #198190 completely.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.4
7b3626 |
- subpackages! Split out speech-tools, docs, voices.
7b3626 |
- long descriptions for the individual voices, carefully gathered from
7b3626 |
readmes and web sites.
7b3626 |
- ooh. replace cmu_hts voices with the updated versions from upstream
7b3626 |
<http://hts.sp.nitech.ac.jp/>. Two new voices, and updated versions of
7b3626 |
the others. (The voices packaged at festvox.org are apparently based on
7b3626 |
older versions of these, which in turn are from the CMU upstream.)
7b3626 |
- TODO: make aliases for the cmu voices.
7b3626 |
- arguably, voices should be made in to their own src.rpms. They don't need
7b3626 |
anything from here to build. That's for a future version. (At that time,
7b3626 |
the gigantic multisyn voices could be added.) The CMU dict needs festival
7b3626 |
installed to build, but I don't think it needs the source, so dicts could
7b3626 |
be subpackages too. And the docs are also a good candidate for separation.
7b3626 |
speech-tools, though, is incestuously used in the festival build process
7b3626 |
and I think it makes sense to keep that bundled.
7b3626 |
- TODO: check through the speechtools-utils for what should actually be
7b3626 |
packaged; fix the include path for siod (and anything else that needs it).
7b3626 |
- TODO: package festival.el so it just works with emacs.
7b3626 |
- TODO: reinvent festival_server_control as a proper init script
7b3626 |
- TODO: put the festival server in sbin, maybe?
7b3626 |
- Another question: should we drop the 8k diphone voices? Any point?
7b3626 |
- Changed "X11-like" to "MIT-style" (which is what X11 is) to make rpmlint
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
- make %%{festivalversion} macro to deal with all of the changes to version
7b3626 |
in subpackages. Kludgy, but there's RPM for you.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Mar 13 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.3
7b3626 |
- oh! The "etc-path" is important after all. Map that into
7b3626 |
/usr/lib[arch]/festival via a kludge.
7b3626 |
- make cmu_us_slt_arctic_hts the default voice, in preparation for
7b3626 |
splitting the voice packages. (thankfully, there's already a fallback
7b3626 |
mechanism -- cool!)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Mar 12 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.2
7b3626 |
- clean up accidental backup file left in updated awb_arctic_hts
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
- remove /usr/share/festival/etc (see bug #228315)
7b3626 |
- move unpackage voices to the prep section where it belongs
7b3626 |
- other minor spec file readability changes
7b3626 |
- "make install" for this package is, um, "interesting". It seems
7b3626 |
geared for local user-level builds. So, rather than doing that and
7b3626 |
then patching it up, do the right parts by hand as necessary. (The
7b3626 |
previous version of the spec file did a convoluted mix of both.)
7b3626 |
- don't install static libs.
7b3626 |
- took out the massive hack that munges EST_*.h to speech_tools/EST_*.h in
7b3626 |
the installed header files -- programs should instead use
7b3626 |
-I/usr/include/speech_tools, shouldn't they? Put this back if I'm wrong.
7b3626 |
- TODO -- autogenerated speech_tools docs
7b3626 |
- festvox_ellpc11k.tar.gz, the spanish voice, wasn't getting installed anyway
7b3626 |
due to a license question. Since it's also gone upstream, removing.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Mar 09 2007 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.96-0.1
7b3626 |
- Preliminary update to 1.96
7b3626 |
- Update to new cmu_us_*_arctic files -- they're changed upstream,
7b3626 |
although they don't appear to be versioned. Awesome. The current
7b3626 |
versions are those found in the same directory with the 1.96 files.
7b3626 |
- ditto festlex_CMU.tar.gz
7b3626 |
- add macro for speechtoolsversion
7b3626 |
- minor update to festival-1.96-american.patch.
7b3626 |
- update shared build patch and rename to make more obvious that
7b3626 |
it applies to the speechtools portion of the package.
7b3626 |
- gcc 4 build patches now upstream.
7b3626 |
- localhost-connections patch now upstream.
7b3626 |
- note that festvox_ellpc11k.tar.gz and festvox_kallpc8k.tar.gz are no longer
7b3626 |
in the directory tree upstream; drop?
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Jan 19 2007 Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@redhat.com> - 1.95-6
7b3626 |
- link with ncurses
7b3626 |
- add dist tag
7b3626 |
- make scriptlets safer
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.95-5.2.1
7b3626 |
- rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.95-5.2
7b3626 |
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.95-5.1
7b3626 |
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sun Jan 22 2006 Ray Strode <rstrode@redhat.com> - 1.95-5
7b3626 |
- get gnopernicus working again. Patch from
7b3626 |
Fernando Herrera <fherrera@gmail.com> (bug 178312)
7b3626 |
- add a lot of compiler flags and random cruft to get
7b3626 |
festival to build with gcc 4.1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Dec 09 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- rebuilt
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Oct 10 2005 Florian La Roche <laroche@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- another try to get it to compile again
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Apr 28 2005 <johnp@redhat.com> - 1.95-3
7b3626 |
- require info packages so the post does not fail
7b3626 |
- remove /usr/bin/VCLocalRule from buildroot since it is
7b3626 |
an extranious file that does not need to be installed
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Apr 27 2005 Miloslav Trmac <mitr@redhat.com> - 1.95-2
7b3626 |
- Fix build with gcc 4 (#156132)
7b3626 |
- Require /sbin/install-info for scriptlets (#155698)
7b3626 |
- Don't ship %%{_bindir}/VCLocalRules (#75645)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Feb 25 2005 <jrb@redhat.com> - 1.95-1
7b3626 |
- patch from Matthew Miller to update to 1.95. Full changelog below
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Feb 7 2005 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.95-0.mattdm8
7b3626 |
- put speech-tools binaries in /usr/libexec/speech-tools so as to not
7b3626 |
clutter /usr/bin. Another approach would be to make speech-tools a
7b3626 |
separate package and to make these utilities a subpackage of that.
7b3626 |
- macro-ize /usr/bin, /usr/lib, /usr/include
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sun Feb 6 2005 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.95-0.mattdm6
7b3626 |
- worked on this some more
7b3626 |
- made actually work -- put back rest of fsstnd patch which I had broken
7b3626 |
- made kludge for lack of sonames in shared libraries -- I think I did the
7b3626 |
right thing
7b3626 |
- put back american as the default -- british dicts are non-free.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jan 5 2005 Matthew Miller <mattdm@mattdm.org> 1.95-0.mattdm1
7b3626 |
- preliminary update to 1.95 beta
7b3626 |
- add really nice CMU_ARCTIC HTS voices, which is the whole point of wanting
7b3626 |
to do this. (They have a free license.)
7b3626 |
- switch to festvox.org north american upstream urls
7b3626 |
- keep old doc files -- there's no new ones yet.
7b3626 |
- add comment to specfile about reason for lack of OALD (British) voices --
7b3626 |
they've got a more restrictive license.
7b3626 |
- change license to "X11-style", because that's how they describe it.
7b3626 |
- remove exclusivearch. I dunno if this builds on other archs, but I
7b3626 |
also don't know why it wouldn't.
7b3626 |
- fancier buildroot string, 'cause hey, why not.
7b3626 |
- more "datadir" macros
7b3626 |
- remove most of Patch0 (fsstnd) -- can be done by setting variables instead.
7b3626 |
there's some bits in speechtools still, though
7b3626 |
- update Patch3 (shared-build)
7b3626 |
- don't apply patches 20 and 21 -- no longer needed.
7b3626 |
- disable adding "FreeBSD" and "OpenBSD" to the dictionary for now. Probably
7b3626 |
a whole list of geek words should be added. Also, the patch was applied
7b3626 |
in an icky kludgy way.
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jul 29 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr@redhat.com> - 1.4.2-25
7b3626 |
- Update for gcc 3.4
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jul 28 2004 Miloslav Trmac <mitr@redhat.com> - 1.4.2-24
7b3626 |
- Use shared libraries to reduce package size
7b3626 |
- Don't ship patch backup files
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- rebuilt
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue May 4 2004 Jonathan Blandford <jrb@redhat.com> 1.4.2-21
7b3626 |
- Remove the spanish voices until we get clarification on the license
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sat Apr 10 2004 Warren Togami <wtogami@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- BR libtermcap-devel #104722
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- rebuilt
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Aug 25 2003 Bill Nottingham <notting@redhat.com> 1.4.2-19
7b3626 |
- clean up buildroot references (#75643, #77908, #102985)
7b3626 |
- remove some extraneous scripts
7b3626 |
- fix build with gcc-3.3
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jun 12 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com> 1.4.2-17
7b3626 |
- Rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jan 22 2003 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- rebuilt
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jan 9 2003 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.4.2-15
7b3626 |
- redirect install-info spewage
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Jan 7 2003 Jens Petersen <petersen@redhat.com> 1.4.2-14
7b3626 |
- put info files in infodir
7b3626 |
- add post and postun script to install and uninstall info dir file entry
7b3626 |
- drop postscript and info files from docs
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Dec 11 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.4.2-13
7b3626 |
- rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Aug 15 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com> 1.4.2-12
7b3626 |
- Adapt to current libstdc++
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Jul 23 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.4.2-10
7b3626 |
- build using gcc-3.2-0.1
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Jul 3 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com> 1.4.2-9
7b3626 |
- Add some missing helpprograms (# 67698)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Fri Jun 21 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- automated rebuild
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jun 10 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com> 1.4.2-7
7b3626 |
- Fix some rpmlint errors
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jun 10 2002 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com> 1.4.2-6
7b3626 |
- Fix ISO C++ compliance
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Mar 18 2002 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- rebuilt
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Mar 14 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com> 1.4.2-2
7b3626 |
- Get rid of CVS directiories in doc dir
7b3626 |
- Fix broken symlinks for components from speech_tools
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Mar 6 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- 1.4.2
7b3626 |
- Lots of fixes to make it build, more needed
7b3626 |
- Cleanups
7b3626 |
- Update URL
7b3626 |
- Fix docs inclusion
7b3626 |
- Drop prefix
7b3626 |
- Use %%{_tmppath}
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Wed Aug 2 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- Add defattr (Bug #15033)
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Tue Jul 25 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- fix build on current 7.0
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jul 17 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- fix build on current 7.0
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Thu Jul 6 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- FHSify
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Mon Jun 19 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- Fix build on non-x86
7b3626 |
7b3626 |
* Sun Apr 22 2000 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@redhat.com>
7b3626 |
- initial packaging