a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/CMakeLists.txt.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/CMakeLists.txt
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/CMakeLists.txt.oauth2-endpoints 2020-10-07 17:08:15.761562791 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/CMakeLists.txt 2020-10-07 17:08:15.762562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -195,6 +195,12 @@ if(WITH_OFFICE365_REDIRECT_URI STREQUAL
a12cfd |
set(WITH_OFFICE365_REDIRECT_URI "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient")
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+add_printable_variable(WITH_OFFICE365_ENDPOINT_HOST "Office365.com OAuth 2.0 endpoint host" "")
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ set(WITH_OFFICE365_ENDPOINT_HOST "login.microsoftonline.com")
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
# ******************************
a12cfd |
# Special directories
a12cfd |
# ******************************
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/config.h.in.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/config.h.in
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/config.h.in.oauth2-endpoints 2018-07-30 16:01:00.000000000 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/config.h.in 2020-10-07 17:08:15.762562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -29,3 +29,6 @@
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
/* Define Office365 OAuth 2.0 default Redirect URI to use */
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+/* Define Office365 OAuth 2.0 default Endpoint Host to use */
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/configuration/e-mail-config-ews-backend.c.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/configuration/e-mail-config-ews-backend.c
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/configuration/e-mail-config-ews-backend.c.oauth2-endpoints 2020-10-07 17:08:15.761562791 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/configuration/e-mail-config-ews-backend.c 2020-10-07 17:08:15.762562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
a12cfd |
#include <mail/e-mail-config-receiving-page.h>
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
#include "server/camel-ews-settings.h"
a12cfd |
+#include "server/e-oauth2-service-office365.h"
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
#include "e-mail-config-ews-autodiscover.h"
a12cfd |
#include "e-ews-config-utils.h"
a12cfd |
@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ struct _EMailConfigEwsBackendPrivate {
a12cfd |
GtkWidget *oauth2_tenant_entry;
a12cfd |
GtkWidget *oauth2_client_id_entry;
a12cfd |
GtkWidget *oauth2_redirect_uri_entry;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *oauth2_resource_uri_entry;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *oauth2_endpoint_host_entry;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
@@ -156,6 +159,11 @@ mail_config_ews_backend_insert_widgets (
a12cfd |
GtkLabel *label;
a12cfd |
GtkWidget *widget;
a12cfd |
GtkWidget *container;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *expander;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *advanced_help;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *endpoint_host_label;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *redirect_uri_label;
a12cfd |
+ GtkWidget *resource_uri_label;
a12cfd |
const gchar *extension_name;
a12cfd |
const gchar *text;
a12cfd |
gchar *markup;
a12cfd |
@@ -381,11 +389,62 @@ mail_config_ews_backend_insert_widgets (
a12cfd |
_("There is not set any default application ID"),
a12cfd |
g_strdup_printf (_("Default application ID is “%s”"), OFFICE365_CLIENT_ID));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- widget = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Redirect URI:"));
a12cfd |
+ container = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, container, 0, 3, 2, 1);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_expander_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Advanced Settings"));
a12cfd |
+ gtk_widget_set_margin_left (widget, 12);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (container), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
a12cfd |
+ expander = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
+ widget, "sensitive",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ markup = g_markup_printf_escaped ("(%s)", _("Help…"));
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_label_new (markup);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_label_set_use_markup (GTK_LABEL (widget), TRUE);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 0.0, 0.5);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (container), widget, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
a12cfd |
+ g_free (markup);
a12cfd |
+ advanced_help = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("_Endpoint host:"));
a12cfd |
+ gtk_widget_set_margin_left (widget, 12);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 1.0, 0.5);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 0, 4, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ label = GTK_LABEL (widget);
a12cfd |
+ endpoint_host_label = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
+ widget, "sensitive",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_entry_new ();
a12cfd |
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand (widget, TRUE);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, widget);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 1, 4, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_endpoint_host_entry = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
+ widget, "sensitive",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ markup = g_strdup_printf (_("Default endpoint host is “%s”"), "login.microsoftonline.com");
a12cfd |
+ mail_config_ews_backend_set_oauth2_tooltip (widget, OFFICE365_ENDPOINT_HOST,
a12cfd |
+ markup,
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf (_("Default endpoint host is “%s”"), OFFICE365_ENDPOINT_HOST));
a12cfd |
+ g_free (markup);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Red_irect URI:"));
a12cfd |
gtk_widget_set_margin_left (widget, 12);
a12cfd |
gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 1.0, 0.5);
a12cfd |
- gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 0, 3, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 0, 5, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
label = GTK_LABEL (widget);
a12cfd |
+ redirect_uri_label = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
@@ -395,7 +454,7 @@ mail_config_ews_backend_insert_widgets (
a12cfd |
widget = gtk_entry_new ();
a12cfd |
gtk_widget_set_hexpand (widget, TRUE);
a12cfd |
gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, widget);
a12cfd |
- gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 1, 3, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 1, 5, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
priv->oauth2_redirect_uri_entry = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
@@ -409,8 +468,77 @@ mail_config_ews_backend_insert_widgets (
a12cfd |
g_strdup_printf (_("Default redirect URI is “%s”"), OFFICE365_REDIRECT_URI));
a12cfd |
g_free (markup);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic (_("Re_source URI:"));
a12cfd |
+ gtk_widget_set_margin_left (widget, 12);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_misc_set_alignment (GTK_MISC (widget), 1.0, 0.5);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 0, 6, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ label = GTK_LABEL (widget);
a12cfd |
+ resource_uri_label = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
+ widget, "sensitive",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ widget = gtk_entry_new ();
a12cfd |
+ gtk_widget_set_hexpand (widget, TRUE);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_label_set_mnemonic_widget (label, widget);
a12cfd |
+ gtk_grid_attach (priv->oauth2_settings_grid, widget, 1, 6, 1, 1);
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_resource_uri_entry = widget;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_override_check, "active",
a12cfd |
+ widget, "sensitive",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ markup = g_strdup_printf (_("Default resource URI is derived from the Host URL, or it can eventually fall back to “%s”."), OFFICE365_FALLBACK_RESOURCE_URI);
a12cfd |
+ mail_config_ews_backend_set_oauth2_tooltip (widget, NULL,
a12cfd |
+ markup,
a12cfd |
+ NULL);
a12cfd |
+ g_free (markup);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
gtk_widget_show_all (GTK_WIDGET (priv->oauth2_settings_grid));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ gtk_expander_set_expanded (GTK_EXPANDER (expander),
a12cfd |
+ e_ews_util_strcmp0 (camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_endpoint_host (CAMEL_EWS_SETTINGS (settings)), NULL) != 0 ||
a12cfd |
+ e_ews_util_strcmp0 (camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_redirect_uri (CAMEL_EWS_SETTINGS (settings)), NULL) != 0 ||
a12cfd |
+ e_ews_util_strcmp0 (camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_resource_uri (CAMEL_EWS_SETTINGS (settings)), NULL) != 0);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ advanced_help, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ endpoint_host_label, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_endpoint_host_entry, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ redirect_uri_label, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_redirect_uri_entry, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ resource_uri_label, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_property (
a12cfd |
+ expander, "expanded",
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_resource_uri_entry, "visible",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_binding_bind_property_full (
a12cfd |
priv->auth_check, "active-mechanism",
a12cfd |
priv->oauth2_settings_grid, "visible",
a12cfd |
@@ -463,11 +591,23 @@ mail_config_ews_backend_insert_widgets (
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_binding_bind_object_text_property (
a12cfd |
- settings, "oauth2-redirect_uri",
a12cfd |
+ settings, "oauth2-redirect-uri",
a12cfd |
priv->oauth2_redirect_uri_entry, "text",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_object_text_property (
a12cfd |
+ settings, "oauth2-resource-uri",
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_resource_uri_entry, "text",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ e_binding_bind_object_text_property (
a12cfd |
+ settings, "oauth2-endpoint-host",
a12cfd |
+ priv->oauth2_endpoint_host_entry, "text",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
source = e_mail_config_service_backend_get_collection (backend);
a12cfd |
extension = e_source_get_extension (source, extension_name);
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.c.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.c
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.c.oauth2-endpoints 2018-07-30 16:01:00.000000000 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.c 2020-10-07 17:08:15.762562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ struct _CamelEwsSettingsPrivate {
a12cfd |
gchar *oauth2_tenant;
a12cfd |
gchar *oauth2_client_id;
a12cfd |
gchar *oauth2_redirect_uri;
a12cfd |
+ gchar *oauth2_resource_uri;
a12cfd |
+ gchar *oauth2_endpoint_host;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
enum {
a12cfd |
@@ -74,7 +76,9 @@ enum {
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
@@ -263,6 +267,18 @@ ews_settings_set_property (GObject *obje
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_value_get_string (value));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_resource_uri (
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_value_get_string (value));
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_endpoint_host (
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_value_get_string (value));
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
a12cfd |
@@ -442,6 +458,20 @@ ews_settings_get_property (GObject *obje
a12cfd |
camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_redirect_uri (
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_value_take_string (
a12cfd |
+ value,
a12cfd |
+ camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_resource_uri (
a12cfd |
+ CAMEL_EWS_SETTINGS (object)));
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_value_take_string (
a12cfd |
+ value,
a12cfd |
+ camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_endpoint_host (
a12cfd |
+ CAMEL_EWS_SETTINGS (object)));
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec);
a12cfd |
@@ -466,6 +496,8 @@ ews_settings_finalize (GObject *object)
a12cfd |
g_free (priv->oauth2_tenant);
a12cfd |
g_free (priv->oauth2_client_id);
a12cfd |
g_free (priv->oauth2_redirect_uri);
a12cfd |
+ g_free (priv->oauth2_resource_uri);
a12cfd |
+ g_free (priv->oauth2_endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
/* Chain up to parent's finalize() method. */
a12cfd |
G_OBJECT_CLASS (camel_ews_settings_parent_class)->finalize (object);
a12cfd |
@@ -740,6 +772,30 @@ camel_ews_settings_class_init (CamelEwsS
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_object_class_install_property (
a12cfd |
+ object_class,
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_param_spec_string (
a12cfd |
+ "oauth2-resource-uri",
a12cfd |
+ "OAuth2 Resource URI",
a12cfd |
+ "OAuth2 Resource URI to use, only if override-oauth2 is TRUE, otherwise the compile-time value is used",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_object_class_install_property (
a12cfd |
+ object_class,
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_param_spec_string (
a12cfd |
+ "oauth2-endpoint-host",
a12cfd |
+ "OAuth2 Endpoint Host",
a12cfd |
+ "OAuth2 endpoint host to use, only if override-oauth2 is TRUE, otherwise the compile-time value is used",
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static void
a12cfd |
@@ -1543,3 +1599,97 @@ camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_redirect_u
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (settings), "oauth2-redirect-uri");
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+const gchar *
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_resource_uri (CamelEwsSettings *settings)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings), NULL);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return settings->priv->oauth2_resource_uri;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+gchar *
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_resource_uri (CamelEwsSettings *settings)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *protected;
a12cfd |
+ gchar *duplicate;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings), NULL);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_lock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ protected = camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_resource_uri (settings);
a12cfd |
+ duplicate = g_strdup (protected);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return duplicate;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_resource_uri (CamelEwsSettings *settings,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *resource_uri)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_lock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (g_strcmp0 (settings->priv->oauth2_resource_uri, resource_uri) == 0) {
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_free (settings->priv->oauth2_resource_uri);
a12cfd |
+ settings->priv->oauth2_resource_uri = e_util_strdup_strip (resource_uri);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (settings), "oauth2-resource-uri");
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+const gchar *
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_endpoint_host (CamelEwsSettings *settings)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings), NULL);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return settings->priv->oauth2_endpoint_host;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+gchar *
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_endpoint_host (CamelEwsSettings *settings)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *protected;
a12cfd |
+ gchar *duplicate;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_val_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings), NULL);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_lock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ protected = camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_endpoint_host (settings);
a12cfd |
+ duplicate = g_strdup (protected);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return duplicate;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_endpoint_host (CamelEwsSettings *settings,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *endpoint_host)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_return_if_fail (CAMEL_IS_EWS_SETTINGS (settings));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_lock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (g_strcmp0 (settings->priv->oauth2_endpoint_host, endpoint_host) == 0) {
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
+ return;
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_free (settings->priv->oauth2_endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
+ settings->priv->oauth2_endpoint_host = e_util_strdup_strip (endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_mutex_unlock (&settings->priv->property_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (settings), "oauth2-endpoint-host");
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.h.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.h
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.h.oauth2-endpoints 2018-07-30 16:01:00.000000000 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/camel-ews-settings.h 2020-10-07 17:08:15.763562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -167,6 +167,20 @@ gchar * camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_r
a12cfd |
void camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_redirect_uri
a12cfd |
(CamelEwsSettings *settings,
a12cfd |
const gchar *redirect_uri);
a12cfd |
+const gchar * camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_resource_uri
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings);
a12cfd |
+gchar * camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_resource_uri
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings);
a12cfd |
+void camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_resource_uri
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *resource_uri);
a12cfd |
+const gchar * camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_endpoint_host
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings);
a12cfd |
+gchar * camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_endpoint_host
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings);
a12cfd |
+void camel_ews_settings_set_oauth2_endpoint_host
a12cfd |
+ (CamelEwsSettings *settings,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-ews-connection.c.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-ews-connection.c
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-ews-connection.c.oauth2-endpoints 2020-10-07 17:08:43.161554484 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-ews-connection.c 2020-10-07 17:09:20.338543223 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -9914,13 +9914,7 @@ ews_connection_gather_auth_methods_cb (S
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
if (!has_bearer) {
a12cfd |
/* Special-case Office365 OAuth2, because outlook.office365.com doesn't advertise Bearer */
a12cfd |
- SoupURI *suri;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- suri = soup_message_get_uri (message);
a12cfd |
- if (suri && soup_uri_get_host (suri) &&
a12cfd |
- g_ascii_strcasecmp (soup_uri_get_host (suri), "outlook.office365.com") == 0) {
a12cfd |
- async_data->items = g_slist_prepend (async_data->items, g_strdup ("Bearer"));
a12cfd |
- }
a12cfd |
+ async_data->items = g_slist_prepend (async_data->items, g_strdup ("Bearer"));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (simple), EWS_OBJECT_KEY_AUTHS_GATHERED, GINT_TO_POINTER (1));
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.c.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.c
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.c.oauth2-endpoints 2020-10-07 17:08:15.761562791 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.c 2020-10-07 17:09:30.526540133 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
-#define OFFICE365_RESOURCE "https://outlook.office.com"
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
struct _EOAuth2ServiceOffice365Private
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
GMutex string_cache_lock;
a12cfd |
@@ -53,8 +51,10 @@ eos_office365_cache_string (EOAuth2Servi
a12cfd |
if (!str)
a12cfd |
return NULL;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- if (!*str)
a12cfd |
+ if (!*str) {
a12cfd |
+ g_free (str);
a12cfd |
return "";
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_mutex_lock (&oauth2_office365->priv->string_cache_lock);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
@@ -71,6 +71,24 @@ eos_office365_cache_string (EOAuth2Servi
a12cfd |
return cached_str;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+static const gchar *
a12cfd |
+eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (EOAuth2ServiceOffice365 *oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
+ CamelEwsSettings *ews_settings)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (ews_settings && camel_ews_settings_get_override_oauth2 (ews_settings)) {
a12cfd |
+ gchar *endpoint_host;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ endpoint_host = camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_endpoint_host (ews_settings);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (endpoint_host && *endpoint_host)
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365, endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_free (endpoint_host);
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static CamelEwsSettings *
a12cfd |
eos_office365_get_camel_settings (ESource *source)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
@@ -92,8 +110,7 @@ eos_office365_guess_can_process (EOAuth2
a12cfd |
const gchar *hostname)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
return e_oauth2_services_is_supported () &&
a12cfd |
- protocol && g_ascii_strcasecmp (protocol, "ews") == 0 &&
a12cfd |
- hostname && e_util_utf8_strstrcase (hostname, "outlook.office365.com");
a12cfd |
+ protocol && g_ascii_strcasecmp (protocol, "ews") == 0;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static const gchar *
a12cfd |
@@ -158,7 +175,8 @@ eos_office365_get_authentication_uri (EO
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
res = eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
- g_strdup_printf ("https://login.microsoftonline.com/%s/oauth2/authorize",
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/%s/oauth2/authorize",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings),
a12cfd |
tenant ? tenant : OFFICE365_TENANT));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_free (tenant);
a12cfd |
@@ -166,7 +184,10 @@ eos_office365_get_authentication_uri (EO
a12cfd |
return res;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- return "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" OFFICE365_TENANT "/oauth2/authorize";
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/%s/oauth2/authorize",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings),
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static const gchar *
a12cfd |
@@ -188,7 +209,8 @@ eos_office365_get_refresh_uri (EOAuth2Se
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
res = eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
- g_strdup_printf ("https://login.microsoftonline.com/%s/oauth2/token",
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/%s/oauth2/token",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings),
a12cfd |
tenant ? tenant : OFFICE365_TENANT));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_free (tenant);
a12cfd |
@@ -196,7 +218,10 @@ eos_office365_get_refresh_uri (EOAuth2Se
a12cfd |
return res;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- return "https://login.microsoftonline.com/" OFFICE365_TENANT "/oauth2/token";
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/%s/oauth2/token",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings),
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static const gchar *
a12cfd |
@@ -220,13 +245,67 @@ eos_office365_get_redirect_uri (EOAuth2S
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
if (redirect_uri)
a12cfd |
return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365, redirect_uri);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (e_ews_util_strcmp0 (camel_ews_settings_get_oauth2_endpoint_host (ews_settings), NULL) != 0) {
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/common/oauth2/nativeclient",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings)));
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
if (res && *res)
a12cfd |
return res;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- return "https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/nativeclient";
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365,
a12cfd |
+ g_strdup_printf ("https://%s/common/oauth2/nativeclient",
a12cfd |
+ eos_office365_get_endpoint_host (oauth2_office365, ews_settings)));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+static const gchar *
a12cfd |
+eos_office365_get_resource_uri (EOAuth2Service *service,
a12cfd |
+ ESource *source)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ EOAuth2ServiceOffice365 *oauth2_office365 = E_OAUTH2_SERVICE_OFFICE365 (service);
a12cfd |
+ CamelEwsSettings *ews_settings;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ ews_settings = eos_office365_get_camel_settings (source);
a12cfd |
+ if (ews_settings && camel_ews_settings_get_override_oauth2 (ews_settings)) {
a12cfd |
+ gchar *resource_uri;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ resource_uri = camel_ews_settings_dup_oauth2_resource_uri (ews_settings);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (resource_uri && !*resource_uri) {
a12cfd |
+ g_free (resource_uri);
a12cfd |
+ resource_uri = NULL;
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (resource_uri)
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365, resource_uri);
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (ews_settings) {
a12cfd |
+ gchar *host_url;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ host_url = camel_ews_settings_dup_hosturl (ews_settings);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (host_url && *host_url) {
a12cfd |
+ gchar *ptr;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ ptr = strstr (host_url, "://");
a12cfd |
+ ptr = ptr ? strchr (ptr + 3, '/') : NULL;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (ptr) {
a12cfd |
+ *ptr = '\0';
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return eos_office365_cache_string (oauth2_office365, host_url);
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ g_free (host_url);
a12cfd |
+ }
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static void
a12cfd |
@@ -238,7 +317,7 @@ eos_office365_prepare_authentication_uri
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (uri_query, "response_mode", "query");
a12cfd |
e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (uri_query, "prompt", "login");
a12cfd |
- e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (uri_query, "resource", OFFICE365_RESOURCE);
a12cfd |
+ e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (uri_query, "resource", eos_office365_get_resource_uri (service, source));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
static gboolean
a12cfd |
@@ -305,7 +384,7 @@ eos_office365_prepare_refresh_token_form
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
g_return_if_fail (form != NULL);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
- e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (form, "resource", OFFICE365_RESOURCE);
a12cfd |
+ e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (form, "resource", eos_office365_get_resource_uri (service, source));
a12cfd |
e_oauth2_service_util_set_to_form (form, "redirect_uri", e_oauth2_service_get_redirect_uri (service, source));
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
@@ -369,3 +448,16 @@ e_oauth2_service_office365_type_register
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
e_oauth2_service_office365_register_type (type_module);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+e_ews_util_strcmp0 (const gchar *str1,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *str2)
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (str1 && !*str1)
a12cfd |
+ str1 = NULL;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ if (str2 && !*str2)
a12cfd |
+ str2 = NULL;
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+ return g_strcmp0 (str1, str2);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
diff -up evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.h.oauth2-endpoints evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.h
a12cfd |
--- evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.h.oauth2-endpoints 2018-07-30 16:01:00.000000000 +0200
a12cfd |
+++ evolution-ews-3.28.5/src/server/e-oauth2-service-office365.h 2020-10-07 17:08:15.763562790 +0200
a12cfd |
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
((obj), E_TYPE_OAUTH2_SERVICE_OFFICE365, EOAuth2ServiceOffice365Class))
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+#define OFFICE365_FALLBACK_RESOURCE_URI "https://outlook.office365.com"
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
typedef struct _EOAuth2ServiceOffice365 EOAuth2ServiceOffice365;
a12cfd |
@@ -59,6 +61,9 @@ GType e_oauth2_service_office365_get_ty
a12cfd |
void e_oauth2_service_office365_type_register
a12cfd |
(GTypeModule *type_module);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
+gint e_ews_util_strcmp0 (const gchar *str1,
a12cfd |
+ const gchar *str2);
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
a12cfd |
#endif /* E_OAUTH2_SERVICE_OFFICE365_H */