cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; rpm-spec-mode.el --- RPM spec file editing commands for Emacs/XEmacs
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Copyright (C) 1997,1998,1999,2000,2001 Stig Bjørlykke, <stigb@tihlde.org>
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Author: Stig Bjørlykke, <stigb@tihlde.org>
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Keywords: unix, languages
cvsdist |
98a749 |
;; Version: 0.11g
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; This file is not yet part of FSF Emacs or XEmacs.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Emacs/XEmacs is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; any later version.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Emacs/XEmacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; General Public License for more details.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; along with Emacs/XEmacs; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; MA 02111-1307, USA.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; Synched up with: both in FSF Emacs and XEmacs.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; Thanx to:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Tore Olsen <toreo@tihlde.hist.no> for some general fixes.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Steve Sanbeg <sanbeg@dset.com> for navigation functions and
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; some Emacs fixes.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; ToDo:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - rewrite function names and shortcuts.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - autofill changelog entries.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - customize rpm-tags-list and rpm-group-tags-list.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - get values from `rpm --showrc'.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - ssh/rsh for compile.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - finish integrating the new navigation functions in with existing stuff.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; - use a single prefix conistently (internal)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; Commentary:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; This mode is used for editing spec files used for building RPM packages.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Most recent version is available from:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; <URL:http://www.tihlde.org/~stigb/rpm-spec-mode.el>
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Put this in your .emacs file to enable autoloading of rpm-spec-mode,
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; and auto-recognition of ".spec" files:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; (autoload 'rpm-spec-mode "rpm-spec-mode.el" "RPM spec mode." t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.spec" . rpm-spec-mode))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; auto-mode-alist))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Adapted for Red Hat and some fixes made by Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com>
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; and Trond Eivind Glomsrød <teg@redhat.com>.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; Adapted by Chmouel Boudjnah <chmouel@mandrakesoft.com> for Mandrake
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; Code:
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defgroup rpm-spec nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"RPM Spec mode with Emacs/XEmacs enhancements."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:prefix "rpm-spec"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'languages)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-add-attr nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Add %attr entry for filelistings or not."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-short-circuit nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Skip straight to specified stage.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(ie, skip all stages leading up to the specified stage). Only valid
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
in \"%build\" and \"%install\" stage."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-timecheck "0"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Set the \"timecheck\" age (0 to disable).
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
The timecheck value expresses, in seconds, the maximum age of a file
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
being packaged. Warnings will be printed for all files beyond the
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
timecheck age."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'integer
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-buildroot ""
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Override the BuildRoot tag with directory <dir>."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'string
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-target ""
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Interpret given string as `arch-vendor-os'.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
Set the macros _target, _target_arch and _target_os accordingly"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'string
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(defcustom rpm-completion-ignore-case t
cvsdist |
98a749 |
"*Non-nil means that case differences are ignored during completion.
cvsdist |
98a749 |
A value of nil means that case is significant.
cvsdist |
98a749 |
This is used during Tempo template completion."
cvsdist |
98a749 |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
98a749 |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-clean nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Remove the build tree after the packages are made."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-rmsource nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Remove the source and spec file after the packages are made."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-test nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Do not execute any build stages. Useful for testing out spec files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-spec-sign-gpg nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Embed a GPG signature in the package.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
This signature can be used to verify the integrity and the origin of
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
the package."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-initialize-sections t
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Automatically add empty section headings to new spec files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defcustom rpm-insert-version t
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Automatically add version in a new changelog entry."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:type 'boolean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defgroup rpm-spec-faces nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Font lock faces for RPM Spec mode."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; variables used by navigation functions.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defconst rpm-sections
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'("preamble" "description" "prep" "setup" "build" "install" "clean"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"changelog" "files")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Partial list of section names.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-section-list
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(("preamble") ("description") ("prep") ("setup") ("build") ("install")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("clean") ("changelog") ("files"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Partial list of section names.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defconst rpm-scripts
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'("pre" "post" "preun" "postun" "trigger" "triggerun" "triggerpostun")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"List of rpm scripts")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defconst rpm-section-seperate "^%\\(\\w+\\)\\s-")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defconst rpm-section-regexp
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Regular expression to match beginning of a section.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-tag-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "blue") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "blue") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for tags."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-macro-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "purple") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "yellow") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for macros."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-doc-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "magenta") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "magenta") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for document files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-dir-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "green") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "green") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for directories."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-package-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "red") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "red") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defface rpm-spec-ghost-face
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
'(( ((class color) (background light)) (:foreground "red") )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
( ((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "red") ))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*The face used for ghost tags."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:group 'rpm-spec-faces)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; GNU emacs font-lock needs these...
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-macro-face 'rpm-spec-macro-face "*Face for macros")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-tag-face 'rpm-spec-tag-face "*Face for tags")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-package-face 'rpm-spec-package-face "*Face for package tag")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-dir-face 'rpm-spec-dir-face "*Face for directory entries")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-doc-face 'rpm-spec-doc-face "*Face for documentation entries")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-ghost-face 'rpm-spec-ghost-face "*Face for %ghost files")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-default-umask "-"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*Default umask for files, specified with %attr")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-default-owner "root"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*Default owner for files, specified with %attr")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-default-group "root"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"*Default group for files, specified with %attr")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-no-gpg nil "Tell rpm not to sign package.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-tags-list
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"List which elements are valid tags.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-group-tags-list
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("System Environment/Base")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("System Environment/Daemons")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("System Environment/Kernel")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("System Environment/Libraries")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("System Environment/Shells")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("User Interface/Desktops")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("User Interface/X")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("User Interface/X Hardware Support")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"List which elements is valid group tags.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Syntax table in use in RPM-Spec-mode buffers.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(unless rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table (make-syntax-table))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> " rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\f "> " rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\# "< " rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?/ "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?* "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?- "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?= "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?% "_" rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?< "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?> "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?& "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?| "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(modify-syntax-entry ?\' "." rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-mode-map nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Keymap used in RPM Spec mode.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(unless rpm-spec-mode-map
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(and (functionp 'set-keymap-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-keymap-name rpm-spec-mode-map 'rpm-spec-mode-map))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-ca" 'rpm-build-ba)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cb" 'rpm-build-bb)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cc" 'rpm-build-bc)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-ce" 'rpm-add-change-log-entry)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cg" 'rpm-goto-section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-ci" 'rpm-build-bi)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cl" 'rpm-build-bl)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cp" 'rpm-build-bp)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cr" 'rpm-increase-release-tag)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cs" 'rpm-build-bs)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxa" 'rpm-toggle-add-attr)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxb" 'rpm-change-buildroot-option)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxc" 'rpm-toggle-clean)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxg" 'rpm-toggle-sign-gpg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxi" 'rpm-change-timecheck-option)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxp" 'rpm-change-target-option)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxr" 'rpm-toggle-rmsource)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxs" 'rpm-toggle-short-circuit)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-cxt" 'rpm-toggle-test)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;May be better to have movement commands on \C-ck, and build on \C-c\C-k
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-i" 'rpm-insert-tag)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-n" 'rpm-forward-section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-p" 'rpm-backward-section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-t" 'rpm-insert-true-prefix)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-cg" 'rpm-files-group)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-co" 'rpm-files-owner)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-cu" 'rpm-files-umask)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-dd" 'rpm-insert-dir)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-do" 'rpm-insert-docdir)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-fc" 'rpm-insert-config)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-fd" 'rpm-insert-doc)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-ff" 'rpm-insert-file)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-c\C-fg" 'rpm-insert-ghost)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\C-q" 'indent-spec-exp)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;(define-key rpm-spec-mode-map "\t" 'sh-indent-line)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defconst rpm-spec-mode-menu
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(purecopy '("RPM-Spec"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Insert Tag" rpm-insert-tag t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change Tag" rpm-change-tag t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Go to section..." rpm-mouse-goto-section :keys "C-c g"]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Forward section" rpm-forward-section t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Backward sectoin" rpm-backward-section t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Add changelog entry..." rpm-add-change-log-entry t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Increase release-tag" rpm-increase-release-tag t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("Add file entry"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Regular file..." rpm-insert-file t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Config file..." rpm-insert-config t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Document file..." rpm-insert-doc t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Ghost file..." rpm-insert-ghost t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Directory..." rpm-insert-dir t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Document directory..." rpm-insert-docdir t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Insert %{prefix}" rpm-insert-true-prefix t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Default add \"%attr\" entry" rpm-toggle-add-attr
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-add-attr]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change default umask for files..." rpm-files-umask t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change default owner for files..." rpm-files-owner t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change default group for files..." rpm-files-group t])
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("Build Options"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Short Circuit" rpm-toggle-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-short-circuit]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Remove source" rpm-toggle-rmsource
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-rmsource]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Clean" rpm-toggle-clean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-clean]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Testing only" rpm-toggle-test
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-test]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["GPG Sign" rpm-toggle-sign-gpg
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
:style toggle :selected rpm-spec-sign-gpg]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change timecheck value..." rpm-change-timecheck-option t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change buildroot value..." rpm-change-buildroot-option t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Change target value..." rpm-change-target-option t])
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("RPM Build"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Execute \"%prep\" stage" rpm-build-bp t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Do a \"list check\"" rpm-build-bl t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Do the \"%build\" stage" rpm-build-bc t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Do the \"%install\" stage" rpm-build-bi t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Build binary package" rpm-build-bb t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Build source package" rpm-build-bs t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["Build binary and source" rpm-build-ba t])
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
["About rpm-spec-mode" rpm-about-rpm-spec-mode t]
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-font-lock-keywords
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" 0 rpm-spec-macro-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(1 rpm-spec-tag-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(2 rpm-spec-ghost-face))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("^\\([a-zA-Z0-9]+\\):" 1 rpm-spec-tag-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%\\(define\\|files\\|package\\|description\\)[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n-]+\\)"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(2 rpm-spec-package-face))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%configure " 0 rpm-spec-macro-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%dir[ \t]+\\([^ \t\n]+\\)[ \t]*" 1 rpm-spec-dir-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%doc\\(\\|dir\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)\n" 2 rpm-spec-doc-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%\\(ghost\\|config\\)[ \t]+\\(.*\\)\n" 2 rpm-spec-ghost-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("^%.+-[a-zA-Z][ \t]+\\([a-zA-Z0-9\.-]+\\)" 1 rpm-spec-doc-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(1 rpm-spec-tag-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(2 rpm-spec-doc-face))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("^\\*\\(.*[0-9] \\)\\(.*\\)\\(<.*>\\)\\(.*\\)\n"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(1 rpm-spec-dir-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(2 rpm-spec-package-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(3 rpm-spec-tag-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(4 font-lock-warning-face))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
("%{[^{}]*}" 0 rpm-spec-macro-face)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Additional expressions to highlight in RPM Spec mode.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;Initialize font lock for xemacs
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(put 'rpm-spec-mode 'font-lock-defaults '(rpm-spec-font-lock-keywords))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defvar rpm-spec-mode-abbrev-table nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Abbrev table in use in RPM-Spec-mode buffers.")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(define-abbrev-table 'rpm-spec-mode-abbrev-table ())
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-spec-mode ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Major mode for editing spec files.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
This is much like C mode except for the syntax of comments. It uses
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
the same keymap as C mode and has the same variables for customizing
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
indentation. It has its own abbrev table and its own syntax table.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
Turning on RPM Spec mode calls the value of the variable `rpm-spec-mode-hook'
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
with no args, if that value is non-nil."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(condition-case nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(require 'shindent)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(require 'sh-script)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(require 'cc-mode)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(use-local-map rpm-spec-mode-map)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq major-mode 'rpm-spec-mode)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq mode-name "RPM-SPEC")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq local-abbrev-table rpm-spec-mode-abbrev-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-syntax-table rpm-spec-mode-syntax-table)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(require 'easymenu)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(easy-menu-define rpm-spec-call-menu rpm-spec-mode-map
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Post menu for rpm-spec-mode" rpm-spec-mode-menu)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(easy-menu-add rpm-spec-mode-menu)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (= (buffer-size) 0)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq paragraph-start (concat "$\\|" page-delimiter))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
; (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
; (setq indent-line-function 'c-indent-line)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'require-final-newline)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq require-final-newline t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'comment-start)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq comment-start "# ")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'comment-end)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq comment-end "")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'comment-column)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq comment-column 32)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq comment-start-skip "#+ *")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
; (make-local-variable 'comment-indent-function)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
; (setq comment-indent-function 'c-comment-indent)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;Initialize font lock for GNU emacs.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq font-lock-defaults '(rpm-spec-font-lock-keywords nil t))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(run-hooks 'rpm-spec-mode-hook))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-command-filter (process string)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Filter to process normal output."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-buffer (process-buffer process))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (process-mark process))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert-before-markers string)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-marker (process-mark process) (point)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-add-change-log-entry (&optional change-log-entry)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Find change log and add an entry for today."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "sChangelog entry: ")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-goto-section "changelog")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((string (concat "* " (substring (current-time-string) 0 11)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(substring (current-time-string) -4) " "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(user-full-name) " <" user-mail-address ">")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not (search-forward string nil t))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "\n" string "\n")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line 2))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "- " change-log-entry "\n"))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-f (&optional filetype filename)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert new %files entry."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(and (rpm-goto-section "files") (rpm-end-of-section))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (or (eq filename 1) (not filename))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert (read-file-name
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat filetype "filename: ") "" "" nil) "\n")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert filename "\n"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line -1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-add-attr
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((rpm-default-mode rpm-default-umask))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "%attr(" rpm-default-mode ", " rpm-default-owner ", "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
rpm-default-group ") ")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert filetype)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-file (&optional filename)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert regular file."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "" filename))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-config (&optional filename)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert config file."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "%config " filename))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-doc (&optional filename)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert doc file."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "%doc " filename))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-ghost (&optional filename)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert ghost file."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "%ghost " filename))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-dir (&optional dirname)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert directory."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "%dir " dirname))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-docdir (&optional dirname)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert doc directory."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-f "%docdir " dirname))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(defun rpm-completing-read (prompt table &optional pred require init hist)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
"Read from the minibuffer, with completion.
cvsdist |
98a749 |
Like `completing-read', but the variable `rpm-completion-ignore-case'
cvsdist |
98a749 |
controls whether case is significant."
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(let ((completion-ignore-case rpm-completion-ignore-case))
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(completing-read prompt table pred require init hist)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert (&optional what file-completion)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert given tag. Use file-completion if argument is t."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not what)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(setq what (rpm-completing-read "Tag: " rpm-tags-list)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (string-match "^%" what)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq read-text (concat "Packagename for " what ": ")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
insert-text (concat what " "))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq read-text (concat what ": ")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
insert-text (concat what ": ")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Group")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Source")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-n "Source"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Patch")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-insert-n "Patch"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if file-completion
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert insert-text (read-file-name (concat read-text) "" "" nil) "\n")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert insert-text (read-from-minibuffer (concat read-text)) "\n")))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-topdir ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(getenv "RPM")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(getenv "rpm")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (file-directory-p "~/rpm") "~/rpm/")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (file-directory-p "~/RPM") "~/RPM/")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (file-directory-p "/usr/src/redhat/")"/usr/src/redhat/")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-n (what &optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert given tag with possible number."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-max))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (search-backward-regexp (concat "^" what "\\([0-9]*\\):") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((release (1+ (string-to-int (match-string 1)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line 1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((default-directory (concat (rpm-topdir) "/SOURCES/")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert what (int-to-string release) ": "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-file-name (concat what "file: ") "" "" nil) "\n")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert what ": " (read-from-minibuffer (concat what "file: ")) "\n"))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change (&optional what arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Update given tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not what)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(setq what (rpm-completing-read "Tag: " rpm-tags-list)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Group")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Source")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-change-n "Source"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((string-equal what "Patch")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-change-n "Patch"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (search-forward-regexp (concat "^" what ":\\s-*\\(.*\\)$") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat what ": " (read-from-minibuffer
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "New " what ": ") (match-string 1))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat what " tag not found...")))))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-n (what &optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change given tag with possible number."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((number (read-from-minibuffer (concat what " number: "))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (search-forward-regexp
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "^" what number ":\\s-*\\(.*\\)") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((default-directory (concat (rpm-topdir) "/SOURCES/")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat what number ": "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-file-name (concat "New " what number " file: ")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"" "" nil (match-string 1)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat what " number \"" number "\" not found..."))))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-group (group)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert Group tag."
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(interactive (list (rpm-completing-read "Group: " rpm-group-tags-list)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "Group: " group "\n"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-group (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Update Group tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (search-forward-regexp "^Group: \\(.*\\)$" nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "Group: "
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(insert (rpm-completing-read "Group: " rpm-group-tags-list
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
nil nil (match-string 1)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Group tag not found..."))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-tag (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
"Insert or change a tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(if current-prefix-arg
cvsdist |
98a749 |
cvsdist |
98a749 |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-tag (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change a tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-packager (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Insert Packager tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "Packager: " (user-full-name) " <" user-mail-address ">\n"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-packager (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Update Packager tag."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-change "Packager"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-current-section nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (bobp) "preamble"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-backward-section nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Move backward to the beginning of the previous section.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
Go to beginning of previous section."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(or (re-search-backward rpm-section-regexp nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-beginning-of-section nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Move backward to the beginning of the current section.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
Go to beginning of current section."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(or (and (looking-at rpm-section-regexp) (point))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(re-search-backward rpm-section-regexp nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-forward-section nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Move forward to the beginning of the next section."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (re-search-forward rpm-section-regexp nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(progn (forward-line 0) (point))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-max))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-end-of-section nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Move forward to the end of this section."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (re-search-forward rpm-section-regexp nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line -1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-max)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;; (while (or (looking-at paragraph-separate) (looking-at "^\\s-*#"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(while (looking-at "^\\s-*\\($\\|#\\)")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line -1))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line 1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-goto-section (section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Move point to the beginning of the specified section;
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
leave point at previous location."
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(interactive (list (rpm-completing-read "Section: " rpm-section-list)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(equal section "preamble")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(re-search-forward (concat "^%" section "\\b") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((s (cdr rpm-sections)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(while (not (equal section (car s)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(re-search-forward (concat "^%" (car s) "\\b") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq s (cdr s)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (re-search-forward rpm-section-regexp nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(forward-line -1) (goto-char (point-max)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "\n%" section "\n"))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-mouse-goto-section (&optional section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(x-popup-menu nil
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(list "sections"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(cons "Sections" (mapcar (lambda (e) (list e e)) rpm-sections))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(cons "Scripts" (mapcar (lambda (e) (list e e)) rpm-scripts))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(and section ;if user doesn't pick a section, exit quietly.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (member section rpm-sections)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-goto-section section)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(or (re-search-forward (concat "^%" section "\\b") nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(and (re-search-forward "^%files\\b" nil t) (forward-line -1))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-max))))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-insert-true-prefix ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(insert "%{prefix}"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build (buildoptions)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Build this rpm-package."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-buffer-name
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "*rpm " buildoptions " "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name) "*"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-process-check rpm-buffer-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (get-buffer rpm-buffer-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(kill-buffer rpm-buffer-name))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(create-file-buffer rpm-buffer-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(display-buffer rpm-buffer-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (list buildoptions buffer-file-name))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (or rpm-spec-short-circuit rpm-spec-test)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg t))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-rmsource
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--rmsource" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-clean
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--clean" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--short-circuit" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (and (not (equal rpm-spec-timecheck "0"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(not (equal rpm-spec-timecheck "")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--timecheck" (cons rpm-spec-timecheck
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not (equal rpm-spec-buildroot ""))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--buildroot" (cons rpm-spec-buildroot
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not (equal rpm-spec-target ""))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--target" (cons rpm-spec-target
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-test
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--test" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (and rpm-spec-sign-gpg (not rpm-no-gpg))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq buildoptions (cons "--sign" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-buffer (get-buffer rpm-buffer-name))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-max)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((process
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(apply 'start-process "rpm" rpm-buffer-name "rpm" buildoptions)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (and rpm-spec-sign-gpg (not rpm-no-gpg))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((rpm-passwd-cache (read-passwd "GPG passphrase: ")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(process-send-string process (concat rpm-passwd-cache "\n"))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(set-process-filter process 'rpm-command-filter)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bp (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bp'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Cannot run `rpm -bp' with --short-circuit")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bp")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bl (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bl'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Cannot run `rpm -bl' with --short-circuit")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bl")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bc (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bc'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bc"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bi (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bi'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bi"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bb (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bb'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Cannot run `rpm -bb' with --short-circuit")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg nil)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bb")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-bs (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -bs'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Cannot run `rpm -bs' with --short-circuit")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg nil)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-bs")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-build-ba (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Run a `rpm -ba'."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Cannot run `rpm -ba' with --short-circuit")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-no-gpg nil)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-build "-ba")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-process-check (buffer)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Check if BUFFER has a running process.
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
If so, give the user the choice of aborting the process or the current
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((process (get-buffer-process (get-buffer buffer))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (and process (eq (process-status process) 'run))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (yes-or-no-p (concat "Process `" (process-name process)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"' running. Kill it? "))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(delete-process process)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(error "Cannot run two simultaneous processes ...")))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-short-circuit (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-short-circuit."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-short-circuit (not rpm-spec-short-circuit))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Turned `--short-circuit' "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-rmsource (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-rmsource."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-rmsource (not rpm-spec-rmsource))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Turned `--rmsource' "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-rmsource "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-clean (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-clean."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-clean (not rpm-spec-clean))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Turned `--clean' "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-clean "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-test (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-test."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-test (not rpm-spec-test))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Turned `--test' "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-test "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-sign-gpg (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-sign-gpg."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-sign-gpg (not rpm-spec-sign-gpg))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Turned `--sign' "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-sign-gpg "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-toggle-add-attr (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Toggle rpm-spec-add-attr."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-add-attr (not rpm-spec-add-attr))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Default add \"attr\" entry turned "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-add-attr "on" "off") ".")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-update-mode-name ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Update mode-name according to values set."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq mode-name "RPM-SPEC")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq modes (concat (if rpm-spec-add-attr "A")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-clean "C")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-sign-gpg "G")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-rmsource "R")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-short-circuit "S")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if rpm-spec-test "T")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (not (equal modes ""))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq mode-name (concat mode-name ":" modes))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-timecheck-option (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the value for timecheck."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-timecheck
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "New timecheck: " rpm-spec-timecheck)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-buildroot-option (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the value for buildroot."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-buildroot
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "New buildroot: " rpm-spec-buildroot)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-change-target-option (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the value for target."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-spec-target
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "New target: " rpm-spec-target)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-files-umask (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the default umask for files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-default-umask
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "Default file umask: " rpm-default-umask)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-files-owner (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the default owner for files."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-default-owner
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "Default file owner: " rpm-default-owner)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-files-group (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Change the source directory."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq rpm-default-group
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(read-from-minibuffer "Default file group: " rpm-default-group)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-increase-release-tag (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Increase the release tag by 1."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (search-forward-regexp "^Release:[ \t]*\\([0-9]+\\)\\(.*\\)" nil t)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((release (1+ (string-to-int (match-string 1)))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq release (concat (int-to-string release) (match-string 2)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(replace-match (concat "Release: " release))
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(message (concat "Release tag changed to " release ".")))
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(if (search-forward-regexp "^Release:[ \t]*%{?\\([^}]*\\)}?$" nil t)
cvsdist |
98a749 |
cvsdist |
98a749 |
(message "No Release tag found...")))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-spec-field-value (field max)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((str
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(search-forward-regexp (concat field ":[ \t]*\\(.+\\).*$") max)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-string 1))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (string-match "%{?\\([^}]*\\)}?$" str)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "%define[ \t]+" (substring str (match-beginning 1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-end 1))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"[ \t]+\\(.*\\)"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-string 1))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-find-spec-version ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let* ((max (search-forward-regexp rpm-section-regexp))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(version (rpm-spec-field-value "Version" max))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(release (rpm-spec-field-value "Release" max)) )
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat version "-" release))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-increase-release-with-macros ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((str
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(search-forward-regexp (concat "Release:[ \t]*\\(.+\\).*$") nil)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-string 1))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let ((inrel
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(if (string-match "%{?\\([^}]*\\)}?$" str)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(goto-char (point-min))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq macros (substring str (match-beginning 1)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-end 1)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat "%define[ \t]+" macros
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"[ \t]+\\(\\([0-9]\\|\\.\\)+\\)\\(.*\\)"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(concat macros " " (int-to-string (1+ (string-to-int
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-string 1))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(match-string 3)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq dinrel inrel)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(replace-match (concat "%define " dinrel))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message (concat "Release tag changed to " dinrel "."))))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-spec-initialize ()
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Create a default spec file if one does not exist or is empty."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(let (file name version (release "1"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq file (if (buffer-file-name)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((eq (string-match "\\(.*\\)-\\([^-]*\\)-\\([^-]*\\).spec" file) 0)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq name (match-string 1 file))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq version (match-string 2 file))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq release (match-string 3 file)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((eq (string-match "\\(.*\\)-\\([^-]*\\).spec" file) 0)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq name (match-string 1 file))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq version (match-string 2 file)))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
((eq (string-match "\\(.*\\).spec" file) 0)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(setq name (match-string 1 file))))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"Summary: "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nName: " (or name "")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nVersion: " (or version "")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nRelease: " (or release "")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nURL: "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nSource0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nLicense: \nGroup: "
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nBuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-root"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\n%setup -q"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nrm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"\nrm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(rpm-add-change-log-entry "Initial build.\n")))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(defun rpm-about-rpm-spec-mode (&optional arg)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
"About rpm-spec-mode."
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(interactive "p")
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(message "Made by Stig Bjørlykke, <stigb@tihlde.org>"))
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
(provide 'rpm-spec-mode)
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
cvsdist |
a8bb5f |
;;; rpm-spec-mode.el ends here