Blame 0088-dracut-logger-prefix-stderr-output-with-dracut.patch

Harald Hoyer bb31e7
From 8e1c4b354cdc01f32d7903fbd7564c2ea2a5a7a1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
From: Harald Hoyer <>
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 15:33:27 +0100
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Subject: [PATCH] dracut-logger: prefix stderr output with "dracut: "
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
dnf updates of the kernel execute dracut in %post.
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
For the user it is not possible to distinguish the dracut output from
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
other error messages.
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Harald Hoyer bb31e7 | 2 +-
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
diff --git a/ b/
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
index e5c9358..d1cee98 100755
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
--- a/
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
+++ b/
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ _do_dlog() {
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
     local msg="$*"
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
     local lmsg="$lvlc: $*"
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
-    (( $lvl <= $stdloglvl )) && echo "$msg" >&2
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
+    (( $lvl <= $stdloglvl )) && printf -- 'dracut: %s\n' "$msg" >&2
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
     if (( $lvl <= $sysloglvl )); then
Harald Hoyer bb31e7
         if [[ "$_dlogfd" ]]; then