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docbook-slides - basic distribution howto
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DocBook Slides provides customization layers of the both the
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Simplified and the full DocBook XML DTD, as well as the DocBook XSL
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Stylesheets. This package contains the XML document type definition
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and stylesheets for processing DocBook Slides XML. The slides doctype
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and stylesheets are for generating presentations, primarily in HTML.
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Information on generating HTML slides from the source XML document are
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given below.
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0. Using Processing Instructions in Your Source Document:
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In lieu of setting parameters in the xsl stylesheets, you might wish
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to set a few of them in the source document itself. You may do this
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using what are known as XML Processing Instructions, or PIs, for
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short. Parameters that you may set with this method include:
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- graphics-dir
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- css-stylesheet-dir
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- script-dir
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The 'graphics-dir' parameter refers to the 'graphics' directory
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included in the package.
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The 'css-stylesheet-dir' and the 'script-dir' both (by default)
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correspond to the 'browser' directory included in the package.
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To set these parameters using PIs, you might start your document as
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PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides XML V3.4.0//EN"
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The paths to the directories in the PIs should be specified relative
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to the location of the HTML output files.
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** Note that you should copy these directories from their installed
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locations in /usr/share/xml/docbook/slides/3.4.0/ to the location
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where you build your slide presentation.
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I. To Compose Slides That Use The (Default) Simplified Docbook DTD:
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Use the following prolog to create a source document based on a
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customization of the Simplified DocBook DTD (~100 elements), rather
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than the full DocBook XML DTD (~380 elements). This version should be
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sufficient for most presentations.
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PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides XML V3.4.0//EN"
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II. To Compose Slides Using The Full DocBook XML DTD:
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Use the following prolog to create a source document based on the full
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DocBook XML DTD. Using this DTD will give you full access to most of
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the ~380 elements in the DocBook XML V4.2 DTD. This DTD/prolog would
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be useful, e.g., if you plan to use a number of programming constructs
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in your slide presentation.
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PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides Full XML V3.4.0//EN"
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III. Generating HTML Slides From Your XML Source Document:
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First, you must choose a style for your presentation, and hence a
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stylesheet for processing your slides:
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* slides.xsl produces basic slides in HTML, one page per slide.
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* frames.xsl produces slides in HTML using frames.
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* tables.xsl produces slides in HTML using tables, one page per slide.
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* w3c.xsl produces basic slides in HTML, one page per slide, using a
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navigation style similar to that of most W3C talks.
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You will also wish to further customize your slides by setting some
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parameters for the XSL stylesheets. See the package documentation for
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the list of available parameters, or take a peek at
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To generate slides from xsltproc, with frames and setting the overlay
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logo for the ToC frame, you would issue a command like:
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xsltproc --stringparam overlay.logo http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/buttons/slides-1.png \
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/usr/share/xml/docbook/slides/3.4.0/xsl/html/frames.xsl sourcefile.xml
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In addition to the documentation included with this package, you may
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wish to download the slides-demo package, which provides examples of
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each style of slide presentation. The slides-demo package can be
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downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/projects/docbook. I may also
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package the slides-demo as an rpm, if there is sufficient demand.
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Feel free to offer comments, suggestions, or complaints.
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-- Mark Johnson <mjohnson@redhat.com>, Wed Sep 8 16:15:00 EDT 2004
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--update: Ondrej Vasik
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