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docbook-simple - basic distribution howto
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The Simplified DocBook XML DTD is a small subset of the DocBook XML
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DTD having only ~100 elements. The full version has ~380 elements.
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Online documentation of the content models for this dtd is here:
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This DTD only supports simple documents, e.g. 'article' or 'refentry',
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rather than the more complex documents like 'book' or 'set' which is
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supported by the full docbook DTD.
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Simplified DocBook documents can be viewed in a browser (w/o requiring
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XSLT processing) and can be styled with a CSS stylesheet, which can be
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specified in the document itself with an XML Processing Instruction
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(PI) of the form:
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The default stylesheet generates quite plain output and should likely
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be customized. Section III below gives an example of how to reference
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the CSS stylesheet in your source document.
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I. How To Write An Article That Uses The Simplified Docbook DTD:
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Use the following prolog in your XML file to use the Simplified
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DocBook Document Type in your document:
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PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V1.1//EN"
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II. How To Write A Manual Page That Uses The Simplified DocBook DTD:
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The sdocbookref.dtd provides a simplified subset of DocBook to support
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writing manual pages.
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Use the following prolog in your XML file to use the Simplified
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DocBook Document Type in your document:
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PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook RefEntry XML V1.1//EN"
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III. How To Associate A CSS Stylesheet To Your Simplified Docbook Document:
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Simply place the xml-stylesheet PI in the prolog of the doc as follows:
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PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD Simplified DocBook XML V1.1//EN"
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You may place the stylesheet wherever you please, as long as the path
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to the stylesheet in the PI is correct with respect to the HTML output
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IV. Generating HTML From Your XML Source Document:
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Before processing your document, you might wish to take a look at some
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of the HTML stylesheet parameters you can set to customize the output
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HTML. These parameters are all explained in the reference
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documentation included with the docbook-style-xsl package. In
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addition, you may wish to take a peek at the
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/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/param.xsl file, which
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lists the defaults for the HTML parameters.
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For example, to generate a bunch of linked HTML pages (aka chunked)
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from your XML source document while setting the parameter
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'toc.section.depth' to a value of '2', you can issue an xsltproc
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command like the following:1
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xsltproc --stringparam toc.section.depth 2 \
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/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/chunk.xsl \
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*Note: I do not cover the conversion to print output in this README,
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as the print toolchains are slightly more complicated.
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Feel free to offer comments, suggestions, or complaints.
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-- Mark Johnson <mjohnson@redhat.com>, Tue Sep 7 15:51:51 EDT 2004
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--changes for 1.1 by Ondrej Vasik <ovasik@redhat.com>, Thu May 24 2007