a029eb |
diff --git a/omapip/connection.c b/omapip/connection.c
a029eb |
index a74becc..56826a5 100644
a029eb |
--- a/omapip/connection.c
a029eb |
+++ b/omapip/connection.c
a029eb |
@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ extern omapi_array_t *trace_listeners;
a029eb |
a029eb |
static isc_result_t omapi_connection_connect_internal (omapi_object_t *);
a029eb |
a029eb |
+static isc_result_t ctring_from_attribute(omapi_object_t *obj, char *attr_name,
a029eb |
+ char **cstr);
a029eb |
a029eb |
OMAPI_OBJECT_ALLOC (omapi_connection,
a029eb |
omapi_connection_object_t, omapi_type_connection)
a029eb |
a029eb |
@@ -765,64 +768,41 @@ isc_result_t omapi_connection_reaper (omapi_object_t *h)
a029eb |
a029eb |
a029eb |
static isc_result_t make_dst_key (dst_key_t **dst_key, omapi_object_t *a) {
a029eb |
- omapi_value_t *name = (omapi_value_t *)0;
a029eb |
- omapi_value_t *algorithm = (omapi_value_t *)0;
a029eb |
- omapi_value_t *key = (omapi_value_t *)0;
a029eb |
- char *name_str = NULL;
a029eb |
+ omapi_value_t *key = 0;
a029eb |
+ char *name_str = 0;
a029eb |
+ char *algorithm_str = 0;
a029eb |
isc_result_t status = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
a029eb |
- status = omapi_get_value_str
a029eb |
- (a, (omapi_object_t *)0, "name", &name);
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
a029eb |
- status = omapi_get_value_str
a029eb |
- (a, (omapi_object_t *)0, "algorithm", &algorithm);
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS)
a029eb |
- status = omapi_get_value_str
a029eb |
- (a, (omapi_object_t *)0, "key", &key);
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Get the key name as a C string. */
a029eb |
+ status = ctring_from_attribute(a, "name", &name_str);
a029eb |
if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
- if ((algorithm->value->type != omapi_datatype_data &&
a029eb |
- algorithm->value->type != omapi_datatype_string) ||
a029eb |
- strncasecmp((char *)algorithm->value->u.buffer.value,
a029eb |
a029eb |
- algorithm->value->u.buffer.len) != 0) {
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Get the algorithm name as a C string. */
a029eb |
+ status = ctring_from_attribute(a, "algorithm", &algorithm_str);
a029eb |
+ if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
+ /* Get the key secret value */
a029eb |
+ status = omapi_get_value_str(a, 0, "key", &key);
a029eb |
+ if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
+ /* Now let's try and create the key */
a029eb |
+ status = isclib_make_dst_key(
a029eb |
+ name_str,
a029eb |
+ algorithm_str,
a029eb |
+ key->value->u.buffer.value,
a029eb |
+ key->value->u.buffer.len,
a029eb |
+ dst_key);
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ if (*dst_key == NULL) {
a029eb |
+ status = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
a029eb |
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
- name_str = dmalloc (name -> value -> u.buffer.len + 1, MDL);
a029eb |
- if (!name_str)
a029eb |
- status = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
a029eb |
- }
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (status == ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
- memcpy (name_str,
a029eb |
- name -> value -> u.buffer.value,
a029eb |
- name -> value -> u.buffer.len);
a029eb |
- name_str [name -> value -> u.buffer.len] = 0;
a029eb |
a029eb |
- status = isclib_make_dst_key(name_str,
a029eb |
a029eb |
- key->value->u.buffer.value,
a029eb |
- key->value->u.buffer.len,
a029eb |
- dst_key);
a029eb |
a029eb |
- if (*dst_key == NULL)
a029eb |
- status = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
a029eb |
- }
a029eb |
a029eb |
if (name_str)
a029eb |
dfree (name_str, MDL);
a029eb |
+ if (algorithm_str)
a029eb |
+ dfree (algorithm_str, MDL);
a029eb |
if (key)
a029eb |
omapi_value_dereference (&key, MDL);
a029eb |
- if (algorithm)
a029eb |
- omapi_value_dereference (&algorithm, MDL);
a029eb |
- if (name)
a029eb |
- omapi_value_dereference (&name, MDL);
a029eb |
a029eb |
return status;
a029eb |
a029eb |
@@ -1105,3 +1085,50 @@ isc_result_t omapi_connection_stuff_values (omapi_object_t *c,
a029eb |
m -> inner);
a029eb |
a029eb |
a029eb |
a029eb |
+/* @brief Fetches the value of an attribute in an object as an allocated
a029eb |
+ * C string
a029eb |
+ *
a029eb |
+ * @param obj ompapi object containing the desire attribute
a029eb |
+ * @param attr_name name of the desired attribute
a029eb |
+ * @param[out] cstr pointer in which to place the allocated C string's address
a029eb |
+ *
a029eb |
+ * Caller is responsible for freeing (via dfree) the allocated string.
a029eb |
+ *
a029eb |
+ * @return ISC_R_SUCCESS if successful, otherwise indicates the type of failure
a029eb |
a029eb |
+static isc_result_t ctring_from_attribute(omapi_object_t *obj, char *attr_name,
a029eb |
+ char **cstr) {
a029eb |
+ isc_result_t status = ISC_R_SUCCESS;
a029eb |
+ omapi_value_t *attr = 0;
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Find the attribute in the object. */
a029eb |
+ status = omapi_get_value_str(obj, (omapi_object_t *)0, attr_name,
a029eb |
+ &attr);
a029eb |
+ if (status != ISC_R_SUCCESS) {
a029eb |
+ return (status);
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Got it, let's make sure it's either data or string type. */
a029eb |
+ if (attr->value->type != omapi_datatype_data &&
a029eb |
+ attr->value->type != omapi_datatype_string) {
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Make a C string from the attribute value. */
a029eb |
+ *cstr = dmalloc (attr->value->u.buffer.len + 1, MDL);
a029eb |
+ if (!(*cstr)) {
a029eb |
+ status = ISC_R_NOMEMORY;
a029eb |
+ } else {
a029eb |
+ memcpy (*cstr, attr->value->u.buffer.value,
a029eb |
+ attr->value->u.buffer.len);
a029eb |
+ (*cstr)[attr->value->u.buffer.len] = 0;
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ /* Get rid of the attribute reference */
a029eb |
+ if (attr) {
a029eb |
+ omapi_value_dereference (&attr, MDL);
a029eb |
+ }
a029eb |
a029eb |
+ return (status);
a029eb |