Petr Šabata f401e4
%global libmodulemd_version 2.3.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%define __cmake_in_source_build 1
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
# Bash completion (we need different approach for RHEL-6)
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
Petr Šabata f401e4
%global bash_completion %config%{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/createrepo_c.bash
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%global bash_completion %{_datadir}/bash-completion/completions/*
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_with python3
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_with drpm
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_without python3
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_without drpm
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?fedora} > 29 || 0%{?rhel} > 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_with python2
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_without python2
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} < 29
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_with zchunk
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_without zchunk
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?fedora} < 29
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_with libmodulemd
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%bcond_without libmodulemd
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Summary:        Creates a common metadata repository
Petr Šabata f401e4
Name:           createrepo_c
DistroBaker f9e174
Version:        0.16.2
Petr Šabata f401e4
Release:        1%{?dist}
Petr Šabata f401e4
License:        GPLv2+
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Source0:        %{url}/archive/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  cmake
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  gcc
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  bzip2-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  doxygen
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  file-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  glib2-devel >= 2.22.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  libcurl-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  libxml2-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  openssl-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  rpm-devel >= 4.8.0-28
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  sqlite-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  xz-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  zlib-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with zchunk}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(zck) >= 0.9.11
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  zchunk
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with libmodulemd}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  pkgconfig(modulemd-2.0) >= %{libmodulemd_version}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  libmodulemd
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires:       libmodulemd%{?_isa} >= %{libmodulemd_version}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires:       %{name}-libs =  %{version}-%{release}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} == 6
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires: rpm >= 4.8.0-28
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  bash-completion
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires: rpm >= 4.9.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with drpm}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  drpm-devel >= 0.4.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
Obsoletes:      createrepo < 0.11.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
Provides:       createrepo = %{version}-%{release}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
C implementation of Createrepo.
Petr Šabata f401e4
A set of utilities (createrepo_c, mergerepo_c, modifyrepo_c)
Petr Šabata f401e4
for generating a common metadata repository from a directory of
Petr Šabata f401e4
rpm packages and maintaining it.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%package libs
Petr Šabata f401e4
Summary:    Library for repodata manipulation
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%description libs
Petr Šabata f401e4
Libraries for applications using the createrepo_c library
Petr Šabata f401e4
for easy manipulation with a repodata.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%package devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
Summary:    Library for repodata manipulation
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires:   %{name}-libs%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%description devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
This package contains the createrepo_c C library and header files.
Petr Šabata f401e4
These development files are for easy manipulation with a repodata.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%package -n python2-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Summary:        Python bindings for the createrepo_c library
Petr Šabata f401e4
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{name}}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python2-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python2-nose
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python-sphinx
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python2-sphinx
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires:       %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%description -n python2-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Python bindings for the createrepo_c library.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%package -n python3-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Summary:        Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library
Petr Šabata f401e4
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{name}}
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python3-devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python3-nose
Petr Šabata f401e4
BuildRequires:  python3-sphinx
Petr Šabata f401e4
Requires:       %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%description -n python3-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%autosetup -p1
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
mkdir build-py2
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
mkdir build-py3
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
# Build createrepo_c with Python 2
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py2
Petr Šabata f401e4
  %cmake .. -DPYTHON_DESIRED:FILEPATH=%{__python2} %{!?with_zchunk:-DWITH_ZCHUNK=OFF} %{!?with_libmodulemd:-DWITH_LIBMODULEMD=OFF}
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make %{?_smp_mflags} RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{optflags}"
Petr Šabata f401e4
  %if %{without python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Build C documentation
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make doc-c
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
# Build createrepo_c with Pyhon 3
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py3
Petr Šabata f401e4
  %cmake .. -DPYTHON_DESIRED:FILEPATH=%{__python3} %{!?with_zchunk:-DWITH_ZCHUNK=OFF} %{!?with_libmodulemd:-DWITH_LIBMODULEMD=OFF}
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make %{?_smp_mflags} RPM_OPT_FLAGS="%{optflags}"
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Build C documentation
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make doc-c
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py2
Petr Šabata f401e4
  %if %{without python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Compile C tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Run Python 2 tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make ARGS="-V" test
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
# Run Python 3 tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py3
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Compile C tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Run Python 3 tests
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make ARGS="-V" test
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py2
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Install createrepo_c with Python 2
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
pushd build-py3
Petr Šabata f401e4
  # Install createrepo_c with Python 3
Petr Šabata f401e4
  make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/createrepo_c %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/createrepo
Petr Šabata f401e4
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/mergerepo_c %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/mergerepo
Petr Šabata f401e4
ln -sr %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/modifyrepo_c %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/modifyrepo
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
Petr Šabata f401e4
%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%ldconfig_scriptlets libs
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if 0%{?fedora} || 0%{?rhel} > 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%files libs
Petr Šabata f401e4
%license COPYING
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%files devel
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%doc build-py3/doc/html
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%doc build-py2/doc/html
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python2}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%files -n python2-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
%if %{with python3}
Petr Šabata f401e4
%files -n python3-%{name}
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
DistroBaker f9e174
* Mon Nov 23 2020 Nicola Sella <> - 0.16.2-1
DistroBaker f9e174
- Fix various memory leaks
DistroBaker f9e174
- Add a new function to replace PyObject_ToStrOrNull()
DistroBaker f9e174
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Oct 06 2020 Nicola Sella <> - 0.16.1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.16.1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add the section number to the manual pages
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Parse xml snippet in smaller parts (RhBug:1859689)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add module metadata support to createrepo_c (RhBug:1795936)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Aug 07 2020 Nicola Sella <> - 0.15.11-4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- spec: Fix building with new cmake macros
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sat Aug 01 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.15.11-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Second attempt - Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.15.11-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jun 02 2020 Ales Matej <> - 0.15.11-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.15.11
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Switch updateinfo to explicitly include bool values (RhBug:1772466)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Enhance error handling when locating repositories (RhBug:1762697)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Make documentation for --update-md-path more specific
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Clean up temporary .repodata on sigint
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add relogin_suggested to updatecollectionpackage (Rhbug:1779751)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support issued date in epoch format in Python API (RhBug:1779751)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Allow parsing of xml repodata from string (RhBug: 1804308)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Remove expat xml library in favor of libxml2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Copy updateCollectionModule on assignment to prevent bogus data (RhBug:1821781)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add --arch-expand option to mergerepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sun May 24 2020 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.15.5-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.15.5-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Jan 08 2020 Pavel Raiskup <> - 0.15.5-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- update to upstream 0.15.5 release, per
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- new option --recycle-pkglist for --update mode
Petr Šabata f401e4
- a bit more optimal --update caching
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Dec 11 2019 Mohan Boddu <> - 0.15.4-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to upstream 0.15.4 release
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Sep 17 2019 Ales Matej <> - 0.15.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.15.1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Allow pip to see installation of python3-createrepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Imporove documentation
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Switch off timestamping of documentation to avoid file conflics for createrepo_c-devel i686/x86_64 parallel installation
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Remove dependency on deltarpm in favour of drpm
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sat Aug 17 2019 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.14.2-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.8
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.14.2-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jun 27 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.14.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.14.2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Obsolete createrepo on all Fedoras again (RhBug:1702771)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix issue with createrepo_c hanging at the end (RhBug:1714666)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Don't include packages with forbidden control chars in repodata
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jun 10 22:13:18 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.14.1-4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jun 10 15:42:00 CET 2019 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.14.1-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuild for RPM 4.15
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue May 28 2019 Stephen Gallagher <> - 0.14.1-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Depend on the appropriate minimum version of libmodulemd
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri May 24 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.14.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.14.1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add --pkgorigins mode for Koji
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Correct pkg count in headers if there were invalid pkgs (RhBug:1596211)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Prevent exiting with 0 if errors occur while finalizing repodata.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon May 20 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.13.2-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Backport patch to fix crash when dumping updateinfo and module is ommited (RhBug:1707981)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue May 07 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.13.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.13.2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add support for reading and merging module metadata
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add support for modular errata (RhBug:1656584)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update --keep-all-metadata to keep all additional metadata, not just updateinfo and groupfile (RhBug:1639287)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Add support for --koji simple mode
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix generating corrupted sqlite files (RhBug: 1696808)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- modifyrepo_c: Prevent doubling of compression suffix (test.gz.gz)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Do not obsolete createrepo on Fedora < 31
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Mar 11 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.12.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.12.2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: check if nevra is NULL and warn user about src.rpm naming
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Consistently produce valid URLs by prepending protocol. (RhBug:1632121)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Feb 13 2019 Pavla Kratochvilova <> - 0.12.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.12.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Include file timestamp in repomd.xml to allow reproducing exact metadata as produced in the past
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Enhance support of zchunk
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.12.0-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Dec 12 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <> - 0.12.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.12.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support of zchunk
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Nov 26 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.11.1-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Drop Python 2 subpackage on Fedora 30 (#1651182)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jul 31 2018 Daniel Mach <> - 0.11.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- [spec] Fix ldconfig for rhel <= 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix "CR_DELTA_RPM_SUPPORT" redefined warnings
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Set to build against Python 3 by default
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update README
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add mergerepo_c --repo-prefix-search and --repo-prefix-replace.
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix missing packages in mergerepo_c in case multiple VR exists for single pkg in repo.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Jul 25 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.11.0-4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Backport patch for multiple packages with same name for mergerepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.11.0-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jul 02 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.11.0-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Jun 27 2018 Marek Blaha <> - 0.11.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update to 0.11.0
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jun 18 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.10.0-21
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed May 16 2018 Jaroslav Mracek <> - 0.10.0-20
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Obsolete and provide createrepo
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Mar 16 2018 Miro Hrončok <> - 0.10.0-19
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Conditionalize the Python 2 subpackage
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Don't build the Python 2 subpackage on EL > 7
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Iryna Shcherbina <> - 0.10.0-18
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update Python 2 dependency declarations to new packaging standards
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-17
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sat Feb 03 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-16
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Switch to %%ldconfig_scriptlets
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Dec 22 2017 Patrick Uiterwijk <> - 0.10.0-15
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Backport PR#64 and #66
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Aug 11 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-14
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt after RPM update (№ 3)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Aug 10 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-13
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for RPM soname bump
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Aug 10 2017 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-12
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for RPM soname bump
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Aug 02 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-11
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Jul 26 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-10
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Feb 13 2017 Pavel Raiskup <> - 0.10.0-9
Petr Šabata f401e4
- backport patches for double-free in --ignore-lock (rhbz#1355720)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Feb 10 2017 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-8
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Dec 13 2016 Stratakis Charalampos <> - 0.10.0-7
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuild for Python 3.6
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jul 19 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-6
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Apr 12 2016 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-5
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Make drpm builds conditional
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sun Apr 10 2016 Igor Gnatenko <> - 0.10.0-4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Don't own python3_sitearch dir in python3 subpkg
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Use %%license macro
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Follow modern packaging guidelines
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Cleanups in spec file
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Follow packaging guidelines about SourceURL
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix license
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Feb 03 2016 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.10.0-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rebuilt for
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Jan 8 2016 Orion Poplawski <> - 0.10.0-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Remove comments causing trouble with post/postun scriptlets
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jan   5 2016 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.10.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Python 3 support (made by Ralph Bean)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Modify to indicate --sqliterepo is an option too (Neal Gompa)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Do not compress manpages at generation time (Neal Gompa)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Oct  20 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.9.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix double free during parsing broken XML metadata (Issue #33)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Tests: Add acceptance test for --general-compress-type option
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix 'CR_CW_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION cannot be used' error
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Refactoring: Fix compiler warnings
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add --general-compress-type option (RhBug 1253850)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Enable drpm support when drpm library is detected on system (RhBug: 1261031) (Issue #37)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- fix traceback on non-complete datetime information (Jarek Polok)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- parsehdr: Skip broken dependency with bad (non-numerical) epoch and print warning about that
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
- misc: cr_str_to_evr(): Return NULL instead of "0" for bad (non-numerical) epoch
Petr Šabata f401e4
- updateinfo: Fix a typo in the package release attribute (Luke Macken)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- CMake: Don't require CXX compiler
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Tests for different checksum type for RPMs and repodata files (#31)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support different checksum type for RPMs and repodata files (#31)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Jul   7 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.9.0-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add drpm as a BuildRequire
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu May  28 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.9.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Prepend protocol (file://) for URLs in pkgorigins (if --koji is used)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update bash completion
Petr Šabata f401e4
- doc: Update manpages
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Fix NVR merging method
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Fix behavior of --all param
Petr Šabata f401e4
- createrepo: Add --cut-dirs and --location-prefix options
Petr Šabata f401e4
- misc: Add cr_cut_dirs()
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Use better version comparison algorithm
Petr Šabata f401e4
- utils: Port cr_cmp_version_str() to rpm's algorithm (rpmvercmp)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- misc: Rename elements in cr_Version structure
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Fix version-release comparison for packages when --all is used
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Show warnings if some groupfile cannot be automatically used
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Exit with error code when a groupfile cannot be copied
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri May  15 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.8.3-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Do not prepend file:// if protocol is already specified
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu May  14 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.8.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- doc: Add man pages for sqliterepo and update manpages for other tools
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Work only with noarch packages if --koji is used and
Petr Šabata f401e4
  no archlist is specified
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Use file:// protocol in local baseurl
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo: Do not include baseurl for first repo if --koji is specified (RhBug: 1220082)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Support multilib arch for --koji repos
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Refactoring
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Print debug message with version in each tool when --verbose is used
Petr Šabata f401e4
- modifyrepo: Don't override file with itself (RhBug: 1215229)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed May   6 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.8.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix bash completion for RHEL 6
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue May   5 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.8.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New tool Sqliterepo_c - It generates sqlite databases into repos
Petr Šabata f401e4
  where the sqlite is missing.
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Internal refactoring and code cleanup
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Feb  20 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.7-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Proper directory for temporary files when --local-sqlite is used (Issue #12)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Bring bash completion install dir and filenames up to date with current bash-completion
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jan   8 2015 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.6-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Python: Add __contains__ method to Repomd() class
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Sun Dec  28 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.5-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Python repomd: Support for iteration and indexing by type - e.g. record = repomd['primary']
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Show warning if an XML parser probably parsed a bad type of medata (New XML parser warning type CR_XML_WARNING_BADMDTYPE)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- drpm library: Explicitly try to locate
Petr Šabata f401e4
- deltarpms: Don't show options for delta rpms if support is not available
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Nov  11 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.4-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- createrepo_c, mergerepo_c: Follow redirs by default while downloading remote repos
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Fix segfault when a package without sourcerpm is part of metadata and --koji option is used
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Nov  10 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.3-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- xml_parser: Add file path into error messages
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Refactor: Replace g_error() with g_critical() (RhBug: 1162102)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Nov  06 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- createrepo_c: New option --local-sqlite
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Oct  31 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Mergerepo: Fix mergerepo
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Mergerepo: Add some debugging of metadata read.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Oct  20 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.7.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- deltarpms: Update module to work with current version of drpm
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Add --omit-baseurl option
Petr Šabata f401e4
- craterepo_c: Gen empty repo if empty pkglist is used
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Docs: Output python docs to separate directory
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Several small fixes
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Aug  12 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.6.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- updateinfo: Use Python datetime objects in python bindings
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Aug   5 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.6.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support for updateinfo.xml manipulation (including Python bindings)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Jul  18 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.5.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Experimental delta rpm (DRPM) support (Disabled in Fedora build).
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jun  26 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.4.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Initialize threads correctly on old versions of GLib2 (RhBug: 1108787)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Do not print log domain (get rid off C_CREATEREPOLIB prefix in log messages)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Implements support for --cachedir
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New option --retain-old-md-by-age
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Few small API changes
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue May   6 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.4.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Change default behavior of repodata files handling. (RhBug: 1094539)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
  By default, createrepo leaves old groupfiles (comps files)
Petr Šabata f401e4
  in the repodata/ directory during update.
Petr Šabata f401e4
  Createrepo_c did the same thing but the version 0.4.0 changes this behaviour.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Apr  10 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.3.1-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support for weak and rich dependecies
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Mar  10 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.3.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Relevant only for developers using createrepo_c library: New approach for
Petr Šabata f401e4
  metadata loading in case of internal high-level parser functions (see commit
Petr Šabata f401e4
  messages for more information: d6ed327595, 0b0e75203e, ad1e8450f5)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support for changelog limit value == -1 (include all changelogs)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update debug compilation flags
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update man pages (Add synompsis with usage)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Update usage examples in help
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Feb  20 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.2.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Temporary remove deltarepo subpackages
Petr Šabata f401e4
- cmake: Do not install deltarepo stuff yet
Petr Šabata f401e4
- helper: Removed cr_remove_metadata() and cr_get_list_of_md_locations()
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add module helpers
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Sanitize strings before writting them to XML or sqlitedb (ISSUE #3)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jan  27 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.2.1-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New expert option: --ignore-lock
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jan  20 2014 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.2.1-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- More effort to avoid residual .repodata/ directory on error
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add deltarepo and python-deltarepo subpackages
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add modifyrepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add documentation for python bindings
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Refactored code & a lot of little bug fixes
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Aug  14 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.2.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- checksum: Set SHA to be the same as SHA1 (For compatibility with original
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Aug   5 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.2.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Speedup (More parallelization)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Changed C API
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add python bindings
Petr Šabata f401e4
- A lot of bugfixes
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add new make targets: tests (make tests - builds c tests) and test
Petr Šabata f401e4
  (make test - runs c and python test suits).
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Changed interface of most of C modules - Better error reporting
Petr Šabata f401e4
  (Add GError ** param).
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Experimental Python bindings (Beware: The interface is not final yet!).
Petr Šabata f401e4
- package: Add cr_package_copy method.
Petr Šabata f401e4
- sqlite: Do not recreate tables and triggers while opening existing db.
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Implicitly use --all with --koji.
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Man page update.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Apr  11 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.17-3
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Add --simple-md-filenames and --unique-md-filenames
Petr Šabata f401e4
options. (RhBug: 950994)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- mergerepo_c: Always include noarch while mimic koji
Petr Šabata f401e4
mergerepos. (RhBug: 950991)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rename cr_package_parser_shutdown to cr_package_parser_cleanup()
Petr Šabata f401e4
- cr_db_info_update is now safe from sqlinjection.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Mar  25 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.17-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix double free() when old metadata parsing failed. (related to RhBug: 920795)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Convert all strings to UTF-8 while dumping XML. (related RhBug: 920795)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Mar  11 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.16-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Remove creation of own empty rpm keyring for a transaction set.
Petr Šabata f401e4
This is not necessary since rpm-4.8.0-28 (rpm commit
Petr Šabata f401e4
cad147070e5513312d851f44998012e8f0cdf1e3). Moreover, own rpm keyring
Petr Šabata f401e4
causes a race condition in threads (causing double free()) which use
Petr Šabata f401e4
rpmReadPackageFile() called from cr_package_from_rpm().
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Mar  07 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.16-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix usage of rpm keyring (RhBug:918645)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- More generic interface of repomd module
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Code refactoring
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add some usage examples into the doxygen documentation and .h files
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Rename version constants in version.h
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New function cr_package_nevra (returns package nevra string)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Feb  11 2013 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.15-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix bug in final move from .repodata/ -> repodata/
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix warnings from RPM library. RPM library is thread-unsafe. This
Petr Šabata f401e4
includes also reading headers. Use of empty keyring for rpm transaction
Petr Šabata f401e4
should work around the problem.
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Nov  27 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.14-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix filelists database generation (use '.' instead of '' for current dir)
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Nov  20 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.13-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix race-condition during task buffering in createrepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Tue Nov  20 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.12-2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix removing old repomd.xml while --update
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Nov  15 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.12-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix bug in sqlite filelists database
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix memory leak
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Fri Nov  09 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.11-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Deterministic output! Packages in output repodata are now sorted
Petr Šabata f401e4
by ASCII value
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support for Koji mergerepos behaviour in mergerepo_c
Petr Šabata f401e4
(new --koji, --groupfile and --blocked params)
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Better atomicity while finall move .repodata/ -> repodata/
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Repomd module supports pkgorigins record
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Some new functions in misc module
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Small changes in library interface
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Oct  03 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.10-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Another memory usage optimalization
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Sep  03 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.9-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Some changes in library interface
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Memory usage optimalization
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix a segfault and a race condition
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New cmd options: --read-pkgs-list and --retain-old-md param
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Few other bugfixes
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed Aug  15 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.8-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New interface of repomd module
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New cmd options: --repo --revision --distro --content --basedir
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New createrepo_c specific cmd option --keep-all-metadata
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Few bugfixes
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Thu Jul  26 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.7-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- SQLite support
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Bash completion
Petr Šabata f401e4
- createrepo_c support for --compress-type param
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Improved logging
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Subpackages -devel and -libsi
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Relicensed to GPLv2
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Doxygen documentation in devel package
Petr Šabata f401e4
- README update
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jun  11 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.5-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Support for .xz compression
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Unversioned .so excluded from installation
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon Jun   4 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.4-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- New mergerepo params: --all, --noarch-repo and --method
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Fix segfault when more than one --excludes param used
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Mon May  28 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.3-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Set RelWithDebInfo as default cmake build type
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed May  23 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.2-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add version.h header file
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed May  23 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.1-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- Add license
Petr Šabata f401e4
Petr Šabata f401e4
* Wed May  9 2012 Tomas Mlcoch <tmlcoch at> - 0.1.0-1
Petr Šabata f401e4
- First public release