a7ff61 |
Summary: Cloud image management utilities
a7ff61 |
Name: cloud-utils
a7ff61 |
Version: 0.27
Karanbir Singh |
20f084 |
Release: 20%{?dist}
a7ff61 |
License: GPLv3
a7ff61 |
Group: System Environment/Base
a7ff61 |
URL: https://launchpad.net/cloud-utils/trunk/0.27/+download/cloud-utils-0.27.tar.gz
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
a7ff61 |
Source1: LICENSE
a7ff61 |
Patch0: 0001-supress-partx-usage-error.patch
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Don't build the cloud-utils main package on EPEL architectures that don't
a7ff61 |
# have qemu-img. Which means we need to make it a no-noarch package for EPEL
a7ff61 |
# for this to work properly.
a7ff61 |
%define BuildMainPackage 1
a7ff61 |
%if 0%{?rhel}
a7ff61 |
# don't build debuginfo packages
a7ff61 |
%global debug_package %{nil}
a7ff61 |
%ifarch i686 ppc64
a7ff61 |
%define BuildMainPackage 0
a7ff61 |
%endif # %ifarch i386 ppc64
a7ff61 |
%else # %if 0%{?rhel}
a7ff61 |
BuildArch: noarch
a7ff61 |
%endif # %if 0%{?rhel}
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
Requires: cloud-utils-growpart
a7ff61 |
Requires: gawk
a7ff61 |
Requires: e2fsprogs
a7ff61 |
Requires: euca2ools
a7ff61 |
Requires: file
a7ff61 |
Requires: python
a7ff61 |
Requires: python-paramiko
a7ff61 |
Requires: qemu-img
a7ff61 |
Requires: util-linux
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
This package provides a useful set of utilities for managing cloud images.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
The euca2ools package (a dependency of cloud-utils) provides an Amazon EC2 API
a7ff61 |
compatible set of utilities for bundling kernels, ramdisks, and root
a7ff61 |
filesystems, and uploading them to either EC2 or UEC.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
The tasks associated with image bundling are often tedious and repetitive. The
a7ff61 |
cloud-utils package provides several scripts that wrap the complicated tasks
a7ff61 |
with a much simpler interface.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%package growpart
a7ff61 |
Summary: Script for growing a partition
a7ff61 |
Group: System Environment/Base
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
Requires: gawk
a7ff61 |
# gdisk is only required for resizing GPT partitions and depends on libicu
a7ff61 |
# (25MB). We don't make this a hard requirement to save some space in non-GPT
a7ff61 |
# systems.
a7ff61 |
#Requires: gdisk
a7ff61 |
Requires: util-linux
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%description growpart
a7ff61 |
This package provides the growpart script for growing a partition. It is
a7ff61 |
primarily used in cloud images in conjunction with the dracut-modules-growroot
a7ff61 |
package to grow the root partition on first boot.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%setup -q
a7ff61 |
%patch0 -p1
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Create the target directories
a7ff61 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}
a7ff61 |
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%if %{BuildMainPackage}
a7ff61 |
# Install binaries and manpages
a7ff61 |
cp bin/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/
a7ff61 |
cp man/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Exclude Ubuntu-specific tools
a7ff61 |
rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/*ubuntu*
a7ff61 |
%endif # %if %{BuildMainPackage}
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Install the growpart binary and man page
a7ff61 |
cp bin/growpart $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_bindir}/
a7ff61 |
cp man/growpart.* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man1/
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Files for the main package
a7ff61 |
%if %{BuildMainPackage}
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%doc ChangeLog LICENSE
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/cloud-publish-image.*
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/cloud-publish-tarball.*
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/cloud-run-instances.*
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/resize-part-image.*
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/write-mime-multipart.*
a7ff61 |
%endif # %if %{BuildMainPackage}
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
# Files for the growpart subpackage
a7ff61 |
%files growpart
a7ff61 |
%doc ChangeLog LICENSE
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/growpart.*
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
Karanbir Singh |
20f084 |
* Wed Sep 10 2014 Karanbir Singh <kbsingh@centos.org> - 0.27-20.el7.centos
Karanbir Singh |
20f084 |
- bump release to prevent flapping with EPEL content
Karanbir Singh |
20f084 |
a7ff61 |
* Fri Nov 22 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-10
a7ff61 |
- [966574] growpart spits out a non-fatal error
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Fri Aug 16 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-9
a7ff61 |
- Prevent building of debuginfo packages.
a7ff61 |
- Fix 32-bit arch type.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Fri Aug 16 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-8
a7ff61 |
- Make the package a no-noarch package on EPEL so that the build of the main
a7ff61 |
package can be prevented for the arches that don't support it [bz#986809].
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Tue Aug 06 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-7
a7ff61 |
- Build the growpart subpackage on all EPEL architectures [bz#986809].
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Sat Aug 03 2013 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.27-6
a7ff61 |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-5
a7ff61 |
- Don't make gdisk a hard requirement for cloud-utils-growpart to save some
a7ff61 |
space on systems that don't use GPT partitions.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Mon Jun 17 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-4
a7ff61 |
- Break out the growpart script into its own subpackage to prevent pulling a
a7ff61 |
boatload of unnecessary dependencies into a cloud image.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Mon Apr 8 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-3
a7ff61 |
- 3rd attempt to fix the spec file to only build on x86_64 for EPEL.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Tue Apr 5 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-2
a7ff61 |
- Yet another spec file fix to only build on x86_64 for EPEL.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Tue Apr 2 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-1
a7ff61 |
- Update to upstream release 0.27.
a7ff61 |
- Fix spec file to only build on x86_64 for EPEL.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Wed Feb 12 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-0.2.bzr216
a7ff61 |
- Add GPL-3 license.
a7ff61 |
- Exclude Ubuntu-specific tools.
a7ff61 |
- Fix some spec file issues per reviewers comments.
a7ff61 |
a7ff61 |
* Tue Feb 5 2013 Juerg Haefliger <juergh@gmail.com> - 0.27-0.1.bzr216
a7ff61 |
- Initial build based on upstream revision bzr216.