Blob Blame History Raw
centos-release-nfs-ganesha5 provides the YUM repository file for packages
of the CentOS Storage SIG that are used with NFS-Ganesha 5.

This package needs to be built against the following targets so that the
packages land at the right tag for inclusion in CentOS Extras:

 - core9-extras-common-el9.centos (tag: core9-extras-common-candidate)

Build the package ike this:

1. $ rpmbuild -bs \
               --define "_sourcedir $PWD"/SOURCES --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" \
               --define "dist .el8s.centos" \

2. commit and push SPECS/centos-release-ceph.spec
    $ git add SPECS/centos-release-nfs-ganesha5.spec
    $ git push origin c8s-sig-storage-5

3. retrieve the commit for step 3:
    $ git log|head -n 1
commit 29f19456be12986e86392652331e3a56ff0a88a0

4. build
    $ cbs build core8s-extras-common-el8s.centos git+

Sanity check
    $ cbs build --scratch storage8s-nfsganesha-5-el8s \