5dffee |
# Support for documentation installation
5dffee |
# As the %%doc macro erases the target directory, namely
5dffee |
# $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%%{_docdir}/%%{name}-%%{version}, manually installed
5dffee |
# documentation must be saved into a temporary dedicated directory.
5dffee |
%define boost_docdir __tmp_docdir
5dffee |
%define boost_examplesdir __tmp_examplesdir
5dffee |
5dffee |
%ifarch %{arm}
5dffee |
%bcond_with mpich
5dffee |
5dffee |
%bcond_without mpich
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%ifarch s390 s390x %{arm}
5dffee |
# No OpenMPI support on these arches
5dffee |
%bcond_with openmpi
5dffee |
5dffee |
%bcond_without openmpi
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%ifnarch %{ix86} x86_64
5dffee |
# Avoid using Boost.Context on non-x86 arches. s390 is not
5dffee |
# supported at all and there were _syntax errors_ in PPC code. This
5dffee |
# should be enabled on a case-by-case basis as the arches are tested
5dffee |
# and fixed.
5dffee |
%bcond_with context
5dffee |
5dffee |
%bcond_without context
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%bcond_with python3
5dffee |
5dffee |
Name: boost
5dffee |
Summary: The free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
5dffee |
Version: 1.53.0
5dffee |
%define version_enc 1_53_0
2e8f72 |
Release: 18%{?dist}
5dffee |
License: Boost and MIT and Python
5dffee |
5dffee |
%define toplev_dirname %{name}_%{version_enc}
5dffee |
URL: http://www.boost.org
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Source0: http://downloads.sourceforge.net/%{name}/%{toplev_dirname}.tar.bz2
5dffee |
Source1: ver.py
5dffee |
Source2: libboost_thread-mt.so
5dffee |
5dffee |
# From the version 13 of Fedora, the Boost libraries are delivered
5dffee |
# with sonames equal to the Boost version (e.g., 1.41.0).
5dffee |
%define sonamever %{version}
5dffee |
5dffee |
# boost is an "umbrella" package that pulls in all other boost
5dffee |
# components, except for MPI and Python 3 sub-packages. Those are
5dffee |
# special in that they are rarely necessary, and it's not a big burden
5dffee |
# to have interested parties install them explicitly.
5dffee |
Requires: boost-atomic = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-chrono = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
%if %{with context}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-context = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
Requires: boost-date-time = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-filesystem = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-graph = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-iostreams = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-locale = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-math = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-program-options = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-python = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-random = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-regex = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-signals = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-test = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-thread = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-timer = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-wave = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
BuildRequires: bzip2-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
BuildRequires: zlib-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
BuildRequires: python-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
BuildRequires: python3-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
5dffee |
BuildRequires: libicu-devel%{?_isa}
5dffee |
BuildRequires: chrpath
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6150
5dffee |
Patch4: boost-1.50.0-fix-non-utf8-files.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Add a manual page for the sole executable, namely bjam, based on the
5dffee |
# on-line documentation:
5dffee |
# http://www.boost.org/boost-build2/doc/html/bbv2/overview.html
5dffee |
Patch5: boost-1.48.0-add-bjam-man-page.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=756005
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6131
5dffee |
Patch7: boost-1.50.0-foreach.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=781859
5dffee |
# The following tickets have still to be fixed by upstream.
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6408
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6410
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6413
5dffee |
Patch9: boost-1.53.0-attribute.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=783660
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/6459 fixed
5dffee |
Patch10: boost-1.50.0-long-double-1.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=828856
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=828857
5dffee |
Patch15: boost-1.50.0-pool.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=909888
5dffee |
Patch16: boost-1.53.0-context.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=984346
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/7242
5dffee |
Patch17: boost-1.53.0-static_assert-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8826
5dffee |
Patch22: boost-1.54.0-context-execstack.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8844
5dffee |
Patch23: boost-1.54.0-bind-static_assert.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8847
5dffee |
Patch24: boost-1.54.0-concept-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/5637
5dffee |
Patch25: boost-1.54.0-mpl-print.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8859
5dffee |
Patch26: boost-1.54.0-static_warning-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8855
5dffee |
Patch27: boost-1.54.0-math-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch28: boost-1.54.0-math-unused_typedef-2.patch
5dffee |
Patch29: boost-1.53.0-fpclassify-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch30: boost-1.53.0-math-unused_typedef-3.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8853
5dffee |
Patch31: boost-1.54.0-tuple-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8854
5dffee |
Patch32: boost-1.54.0-random-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8856
5dffee |
Patch33: boost-1.54.0-date_time-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch34: boost-1.54.0-date_time-unused_typedef-2.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8870
5dffee |
Patch35: boost-1.54.0-spirit-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch36: boost-1.54.0-spirit-unused_typedef-2.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8871
5dffee |
Patch37: boost-1.54.0-numeric-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8872
5dffee |
Patch38: boost-1.54.0-multiprecision-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# These are already fixed in 1.54.0+
5dffee |
Patch39: boost-1.53.0-lexical_cast-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch40: boost-1.53.0-regex-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
Patch41: boost-1.53.0-thread-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8874
5dffee |
Patch42: boost-1.54.0-unordered-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8876
5dffee |
Patch43: boost-1.54.0-algorithm-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8877
5dffee |
Patch44: boost-1.53.0-graph-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8878
5dffee |
Patch45: boost-1.54.0-locale-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8879
5dffee |
Patch46: boost-1.54.0-property_tree-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8880
5dffee |
Patch47: boost-1.54.0-xpressive-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8881
5dffee |
Patch48: boost-1.54.0-mpi-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/8888
5dffee |
Patch49: boost-1.54.0-python-unused_typedef.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9038
5dffee |
Patch51: boost-1.54.0-pool-test_linking.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9037
5dffee |
Patch52: boost-1.54.0-thread-cond_variable_shadow.patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
# This was already fixed upstream, so no tracking bug.
5dffee |
Patch53: boost-1.54.0-pool-max_chunks_shadow.patch
5dffee |
2e8f72 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1018355
2e8f72 |
Patch54: boost-1.53.0-mpi-version_type.patch
2e8f72 |
2e8f72 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1070789
2e8f72 |
Patch55: boost-1.53.0-buildflags.patch
2e8f72 |
5dffee |
%bcond_with tests
5dffee |
%bcond_with docs_generated
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The
5dffee |
emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++ Standard
5dffee |
Library, in the hopes of establishing "existing practice" for
5dffee |
extensions and providing reference implementations so that the Boost
5dffee |
libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. (Some of the
5dffee |
libraries have already been included in the C++ 2011 standard and
5dffee |
others have been proposed to the C++ Standards Committee for inclusion
5dffee |
in future standards.)
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package atomic
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost atomic library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description atomic
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.Atomic, a library that provides atomic data
5dffee |
types and operations on these data types, as well as memory ordering
5dffee |
constraints required for coordinating multiple threads through atomic
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package chrono
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost chrono library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description chrono
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.Chrono, a set of useful time utilities.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with context}
5dffee |
%package context
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost context switching library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description context
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.Context, a foundational library that
5dffee |
provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread.
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package date-time
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost date-time library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description date-time
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost Date Time, set of date-time libraries based
5dffee |
on generic programming concepts.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package filesystem
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost filesystem library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description filesystem
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for the Boost Filesystem Library, which provides
5dffee |
portable facilities to query and manipulate paths, files, and
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package graph
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost graph library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-regex = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description graph
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for the BGL graph library. BGL interface and graph
5dffee |
components are generic, in the same sense as the the Standard Template
5dffee |
Library (STL).
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package iostreams
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost iostreams library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description iostreams
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.IOStreams, a framework for defining streams,
5dffee |
stream buffers and i/o filters.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package locale
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost locale library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-chrono = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-thread = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description locale
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.Locale, a set of localization and Unicode
5dffee |
handling tools.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package math
5dffee |
Summary: Math functions for boost TR1 library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description math
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for C99 and C++ TR1 C-style Functions from math
5dffee |
portion of Boost.TR1.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package program-options
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost program_options library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description program-options
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support of boost program options library, which allows program
5dffee |
developers to obtain (name, value) pairs from the user, via
5dffee |
conventional methods such as command line and configuration file.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package python
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost python library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description python
5dffee |
5dffee |
The Boost Python Library is a framework for interfacing Python and
5dffee |
C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes
5dffee |
functions and objects to Python, and vice versa, using no special
5dffee |
tools -- just your C++ compiler. This package contains run-time
5dffee |
support for Boost Python Library.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package python3
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost python library for Python 3
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description python3
5dffee |
5dffee |
The Boost Python Library is a framework for interfacing Python and
5dffee |
C++. It allows you to quickly and seamlessly expose C++ classes
5dffee |
functions and objects to Python, and vice versa, using no special
5dffee |
tools -- just your C++ compiler. This package contains run-time
5dffee |
support for Boost Python Library compiled for Python 3.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package python3-devel
5dffee |
Summary: Shared object symbolic links for Boost.Python 3
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-python3 = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description python3-devel
5dffee |
5dffee |
Shared object symbolic links for Python 3 variant of Boost.Python.
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package random
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost random library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description random
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for boost random library.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package regex
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost regular expression library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description regex
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for boost regular expression library.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package serialization
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost serialization library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description serialization
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for serialization for persistence and marshaling.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package signals
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost signals and slots library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description signals
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for managed signals & slots callback implementation.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package system
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost system support library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description system
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time component of Boost operating system support library, including
5dffee |
the diagnostics support that will be part of the C++0x standard
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package test
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost test library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description test
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for simple program testing, full unit testing, and for
5dffee |
program execution monitoring.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package thread
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost thread library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description thread
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time component Boost.Thread library, which provides classes and
5dffee |
functions for managing multiple threads of execution, and for
5dffee |
synchronizing data between the threads or providing separate copies of
5dffee |
data specific to individual threads.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package timer
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost timer library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-chrono = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description timer
5dffee |
5dffee |
"How long does my C++ code take to run?"
5dffee |
The Boost Timer library answers that question and does so portably,
5dffee |
with as little as one #include and one additional line of code.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package wave
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of boost C99/C++ pre-processing library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-chrono = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-date-time = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-filesystem = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-system = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-thread = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description wave
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for the Boost.Wave library, a Standards conforming,
5dffee |
and highly configurable implementation of the mandated C99/C++
5dffee |
pre-processor functionality.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package devel
5dffee |
Summary: The Boost C++ headers and shared development libraries
5dffee |
Group: Development/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Provides: boost-python-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description devel
5dffee |
Headers and shared object symbolic links for the Boost C++ libraries.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package static
5dffee |
Summary: The Boost C++ static development libraries
5dffee |
Group: Development/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Obsoletes: boost-devel-static < 1.34.1-14
5dffee |
Provides: boost-devel-static = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description static
5dffee |
Static Boost C++ libraries.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package doc
5dffee |
Summary: HTML documentation for the Boost C++ libraries
5dffee |
Group: Documentation
5dffee |
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 10 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
5dffee |
BuildArch: noarch
5dffee |
5dffee |
Provides: boost-python-docs = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description doc
5dffee |
This package contains the documentation in the HTML format of the Boost C++
5dffee |
libraries. The documentation provides the same content as that on the Boost
5dffee |
web page (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_40_0).
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package examples
5dffee |
Summary: Source examples for the Boost C++ libraries
5dffee |
Group: Documentation
5dffee |
%if 0%{?fedora} >= 10 || 0%{?rhel} >= 6
5dffee |
BuildArch: noarch
5dffee |
5dffee |
Requires: boost-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description examples
5dffee |
This package contains example source files distributed with boost.
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package openmpi
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of Boost.MPI library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: openmpi
5dffee |
BuildRequires: openmpi-devel
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description openmpi
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.MPI-OpenMPI, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the OpenMPI implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package openmpi-devel
5dffee |
Summary: Shared library symbolic links for Boost.MPI
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-openmpi = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-openmpi-python = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-graph-openmpi = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description openmpi-devel
5dffee |
5dffee |
Devel package for Boost.MPI-OpenMPI, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the OpenMPI implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package openmpi-python
5dffee |
Summary: Python run-time component of Boost.MPI library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-openmpi = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-python = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description openmpi-python
5dffee |
5dffee |
Python support for Boost.MPI-OpenMPI, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the OpenMPI implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package graph-openmpi
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of parallel boost graph library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-openmpi = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description graph-openmpi
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for the Parallel BGL graph library. The interface and
5dffee |
graph components are generic, in the same sense as the the Standard
5dffee |
Template Library (STL). This libraries in this package use OpenMPI
5dffee |
back-end to do the parallel work.
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with mpich}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package mpich
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of Boost.MPI library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: mpich
5dffee |
BuildRequires: mpich-devel
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description mpich
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for Boost.MPI-MPICH, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the MPICH implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package mpich-devel
5dffee |
Summary: Shared library symbolic links for Boost.MPI
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-devel = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-mpich = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-mpich-python = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-graph-mpich = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description mpich-devel
5dffee |
5dffee |
Devel package for Boost.MPI-MPICH, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the MPICH implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package mpich-python
5dffee |
Summary: Python run-time component of Boost.MPI library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-mpich = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-python = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description mpich-python
5dffee |
5dffee |
Python support for Boost.MPI-MPICH, a library providing a clean C++
5dffee |
API over the MPICH implementation of MPI.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package graph-mpich
5dffee |
Summary: Run-Time component of parallel boost graph library
5dffee |
Group: System Environment/Libraries
5dffee |
Requires: boost-mpich = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
Requires: boost-serialization = %{version}-%{release}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description graph-mpich
5dffee |
5dffee |
Run-Time support for the Parallel BGL graph library. The interface and
5dffee |
graph components are generic, in the same sense as the the Standard
5dffee |
Template Library (STL). This libraries in this package use MPICH
5dffee |
back-end to do the parallel work.
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package build
5dffee |
Summary: Cross platform build system for C++ projects
5dffee |
Group: Development/Tools
5dffee |
Requires: boost-jam
5dffee |
BuildArch: noarch
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description build
5dffee |
Boost.Build is an easy way to build C++ projects, everywhere. You name
5dffee |
your pieces of executable and libraries and list their sources. Boost.Build
5dffee |
takes care about compiling your sources with the right options,
5dffee |
creating static and shared libraries, making pieces of executable, and other
5dffee |
chores -- whether you're using GCC, MSVC, or a dozen more supported
5dffee |
C++ compilers -- on Windows, OSX, Linux and commercial UNIX systems.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%package jam
5dffee |
Summary: A low-level build tool
5dffee |
Group: Development/Tools
5dffee |
5dffee |
%description jam
5dffee |
Boost.Jam (BJam) is the low-level build engine tool for Boost.Build.
5dffee |
Historically, Boost.Jam is based on on FTJam and on Perforce Jam but has grown
5dffee |
a number of significant features and is now developed independently
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%setup -q -n %{toplev_dirname}
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Fixes
5dffee |
%patch4 -p1
5dffee |
%patch5 -p1
5dffee |
%patch7 -p2
5dffee |
%patch9 -p1
5dffee |
%patch10 -p1
5dffee |
%patch15 -p0
5dffee |
%patch16 -p1
5dffee |
%patch17 -p1
5dffee |
%patch22 -p1
5dffee |
%patch23 -p1
5dffee |
%patch24 -p1
5dffee |
%patch25 -p0
5dffee |
%patch26 -p1
5dffee |
%patch27 -p1
5dffee |
%patch28 -p0
5dffee |
%patch29 -p1
5dffee |
%patch30 -p1
5dffee |
%patch31 -p0
5dffee |
%patch32 -p0
5dffee |
%patch33 -p0
5dffee |
%patch34 -p1
5dffee |
%patch35 -p1
5dffee |
%patch36 -p1
5dffee |
%patch37 -p1
5dffee |
%patch38 -p1
5dffee |
%patch39 -p1
5dffee |
%patch40 -p1
5dffee |
%patch41 -p1
5dffee |
%patch42 -p1
5dffee |
%patch43 -p1
5dffee |
%patch44 -p1
5dffee |
%patch45 -p1
5dffee |
%patch46 -p1
5dffee |
%patch47 -p1
5dffee |
%patch48 -p1
5dffee |
%patch49 -p1
5dffee |
%patch51 -p1
5dffee |
%patch52 -p1
5dffee |
%patch53 -p1
2e8f72 |
%patch54 -p1
2e8f72 |
%patch55 -p1
5dffee |
5dffee |
# At least python2_version needs to be a macro so that it's visible in
5dffee |
# %%install as well.
5dffee |
%global python2_version %(/usr/bin/python2 %{SOURCE1})
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
%global python3_version %(/usr/bin/python3 %{SOURCE1})
5dffee |
%global python3_abiflags %(/usr/bin/python3-config --abiflags)
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
: PYTHON2_VERSION=%{python2_version}
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
: PYTHON3_VERSION=%{python3_version}
5dffee |
: PYTHON3_ABIFLAGS=%{python3_abiflags}
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
cat >> ./tools/build/v2/user-config.jam << EOF
5dffee |
# There are many strict aliasing warnings, and it's not feasible to go
5dffee |
# through them all at this time.
2e8f72 |
using gcc : : : <compileflags>"$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -fno-strict-aliasing" ;
5dffee |
using mpi ;
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
# This _adds_ extra python version. It doesn't replace whatever
5dffee |
# python 2.X is default on the system.
5dffee |
using python : %{python3_version} : /usr/bin/python3 : /usr/include/python%{python3_version}%{python3_abiflags} ;
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=gcc --with-icu
5dffee |
sed 's/%%{version}/%{version}/g' %{SOURCE2} > $(basename %{SOURCE2})
5dffee |
5dffee |
# N.B. When we build the following with PCH, parts of boost (math
5dffee |
# library in particular) end up being built second time during
5dffee |
# installation. Unsure why that is, but all sub-builds need to be
5dffee |
# built with pch=off to avoid this.
5dffee |
5dffee |
# The "python=2.*" bit tells jam that we want to _also_ build 2.*, not
5dffee |
# just 3.*. When omitted, it just builds for python 3 twice, once
5dffee |
# calling the library libboost_python and once libboost_python3. I
5dffee |
# assume this is for backward compatibility for apps that are used to
5dffee |
# linking against -lboost_python, for when 2->3 transition is
5dffee |
# eventually done.
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= build serial ==================
5dffee |
./b2 -d+2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--without-mpi --without-graph_parallel --build-dir=serial \
5dffee |
%if !%{with context}
5dffee |
--without-context \
5dffee |
5dffee |
variant=release threading=single,multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} stage
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Build MPI parts of Boost with OpenMPI support
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi} || %{with mpich}
5dffee |
# First, purge all modules so that user environment doesn't conflict
5dffee |
# with the build.
5dffee |
module purge ||:
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# N.B. python=2.* here behaves differently: it exactly selects a
5dffee |
# version that we want to build against. Boost MPI is not portable to
5dffee |
# Python 3 due to API changes in Python, so this suits us.
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi}
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= build $MPI_COMPILER ==================
5dffee |
# This doesn't seem to allow single-threaded builds anymore.
5dffee |
./b2 -d+2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--with-mpi --with-graph_parallel --build-dir=$MPI_COMPILER \
5dffee |
variant=release threading=multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} stage
5dffee |
5dffee |
export PATH=/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Build MPI parts of Boost with MPICH support
5dffee |
%if %{with mpich}
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= build $MPI_COMPILER ==================
5dffee |
./b2 -d+2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--with-mpi --with-graph_parallel --build-dir=$MPI_COMPILER \
5dffee |
variant=release threading=multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} stage
5dffee |
5dffee |
export PATH=/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= build Boost.Build ==================
5dffee |
(cd tools/build/v2
5dffee |
./bootstrap.sh --with-toolset=gcc)
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
cd %{_builddir}/%{toplev_dirname}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi} || %{with mpich}
5dffee |
# First, purge all modules so that user environment doesn't conflict
5dffee |
# with the build.
5dffee |
module purge ||:
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi}
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= install $MPI_COMPILER ==================
5dffee |
./b2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--with-mpi --with-graph_parallel --build-dir=$MPI_COMPILER \
5dffee |
--stagedir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}${MPI_HOME} \
5dffee |
variant=release threading=multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} stage
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Remove generic parts of boost that were built for dependencies.
5dffee |
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}${MPI_HOME}/lib/libboost_{python,{w,}serialization}*
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
export PATH=/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with mpich}
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= install $MPI_COMPILER ==================
5dffee |
./b2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--with-mpi --with-graph_parallel --build-dir=$MPI_COMPILER \
5dffee |
--stagedir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}${MPI_HOME} \
5dffee |
variant=release threading=multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} stage
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Remove generic parts of boost that were built for dependencies.
5dffee |
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}${MPI_HOME}/lib/libboost_{python,{w,}serialization}*
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
export PATH=/bin${PATH:+:}$PATH
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= install serial ==================
5dffee |
./b2 -d+2 -q %{?_smp_mflags} --layout=tagged \
5dffee |
--without-mpi --without-graph_parallel --build-dir=serial \
5dffee |
%if !%{with context}
5dffee |
--without-context \
5dffee |
5dffee |
--prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} \
5dffee |
--libdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} \
5dffee |
variant=release threading=single,multi debug-symbols=on pch=off \
5dffee |
python=%{python2_version} install
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Override DSO symlink with a linker script. See the linker script
5dffee |
# itself for details of why we need to do this.
5dffee |
[ -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libboost_thread-mt.so ] # Must be present
5dffee |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libboost_thread-mt.so
5dffee |
install -p -m 644 $(basename %{SOURCE2}) $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Add symlinks libboost_{thread,locale,atomic}.so -> *-mt.so
5dffee |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=971956
5dffee |
ln -s libboost_thread-mt.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libboost_thread.so
5dffee |
ln -s libboost_locale-mt.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libboost_locale.so
5dffee |
ln -s libboost_atomic-mt.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libboost_atomic.so
5dffee |
# Check that we didn't forget about anything.
5dffee |
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} -maxdepth 1 -name libboost_\*-mt.so \
5dffee |
| while read a; do test -e ${a/-mt/} || exit 1; done
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= install Boost.Build ==================
5dffee |
(cd tools/build/v2
5dffee |
./b2 --prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix} install
5dffee |
# Fix some permissions
5dffee |
chmod -x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/boost-build/build/alias.py
5dffee |
chmod +x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/boost-build/tools/doxproc.py
5dffee |
# We don't want to distribute this
5dffee |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}/b2
5dffee |
# Not a real file
5dffee |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/boost-build/build/project.ann.py
5dffee |
# Empty file
5dffee |
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/boost-build/tools/doxygen/windows-paths-check.hpp
5dffee |
# Install the manual page
5dffee |
%{__install} -p -m 644 doc/bjam.1 -D $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/bjam.1
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Install documentation files (HTML pages) within the temporary place
5dffee |
echo ============================= install documentation ==================
5dffee |
# Prepare the place to temporary store the generated documentation
5dffee |
rm -rf %{boost_docdir} && %{__mkdir_p} %{boost_docdir}/html
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
find libs doc more -type f -regex $DOCREGEX \
5dffee |
| sed -n '/\//{s,/[^/]*$,,;p}' \
5dffee |
| sort -u > tmp-doc-directories
5dffee |
5dffee |
sed "s:^:$DOCPATH/:" tmp-doc-directories \
5dffee |
| xargs --no-run-if-empty %{__install} -d
5dffee |
5dffee |
cat tmp-doc-directories | while read tobeinstalleddocdir; do
5dffee |
find $tobeinstalleddocdir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -regex $DOCREGEX \
5dffee |
| xargs %{__install} -p -m 644 -t $DOCPATH/$tobeinstalleddocdir
5dffee |
5dffee |
rm -f tmp-doc-directories
5dffee |
%{__install} -p -m 644 -t $DOCPATH LICENSE_1_0.txt index.htm index.html boost.png rst.css boost.css
5dffee |
5dffee |
echo ============================= install examples ==================
5dffee |
# Fix a few non-standard issues (DOS and/or non-UTF8 files)
5dffee |
sed -i -e 's/\r//g' libs/geometry/example/ml02_distance_strategy.cpp
5dffee |
sed -i -e 's/\r//g' libs/geometry/example/ml02_distance_strategy.vcproj
5dffee |
for tmp_doc_file in flyweight/example/Jamfile.v2 \
5dffee |
format/example/sample_new_features.cpp multi_index/example/Jamfile.v2 \
5dffee |
multi_index/example/hashed.cpp serialization/example/demo_output.txt \
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
mv libs/${tmp_doc_file} libs/${tmp_doc_file}.iso8859
5dffee |
iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t UTF8 < libs/${tmp_doc_file}.iso8859 > libs/${tmp_doc_file}
5dffee |
touch -r libs/${tmp_doc_file}.iso8859 libs/${tmp_doc_file}
5dffee |
rm -f libs/${tmp_doc_file}.iso8859
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# Prepare the place to temporary store the examples
5dffee |
rm -rf %{boost_examplesdir} && mkdir -p %{boost_examplesdir}/html
5dffee |
5dffee |
find libs -type d -name example -exec find {} -type f \; \
5dffee |
| sed -n '/\//{s,/[^/]*$,,;p}' \
5dffee |
| sort -u > tmp-doc-directories
5dffee |
sed "s:^:$EXAMPLESPATH/:" tmp-doc-directories \
5dffee |
| xargs --no-run-if-empty %{__install} -d
5dffee |
rm -f tmp-doc-files-to-be-installed && touch tmp-doc-files-to-be-installed
5dffee |
cat tmp-doc-directories | while read tobeinstalleddocdir
5dffee |
5dffee |
find $tobeinstalleddocdir -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f \
5dffee |
>> tmp-doc-files-to-be-installed
5dffee |
5dffee |
cat tmp-doc-files-to-be-installed | while read tobeinstalledfiles
5dffee |
5dffee |
if test -s $tobeinstalledfiles
5dffee |
5dffee |
tobeinstalleddocdir=`dirname $tobeinstalledfiles`
5dffee |
%{__install} -p -m 644 -t $EXAMPLESPATH/$tobeinstalleddocdir $tobeinstalledfiles
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
rm -f tmp-doc-files-to-be-installed
5dffee |
rm -f tmp-doc-directories
5dffee |
%{__install} -p -m 644 -t $EXAMPLESPATH LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# MPI subpackages don't need the ldconfig magic. They are hidden by
5dffee |
# default, in MPI back-end-specific directory, and only show to the
5dffee |
# user after the relevant environment module has been loaded.
5dffee |
# rpmlint will report that as errors, but it is fine.
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post atomic -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun atomic -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post chrono -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun chrono -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with context}
5dffee |
%post context -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun context -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post date-time -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun date-time -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post filesystem -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun filesystem -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post graph -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun graph -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post iostreams -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun iostreams -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post locale -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun locale -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post math -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun math -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post program-options -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun program-options -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post python -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun python -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post random -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun random -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post regex -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun regex -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post serialization -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun serialization -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post signals -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun signals -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post system -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun system -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post test -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun test -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post thread -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun thread -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post timer -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun timer -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%post wave -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
%postun wave -p /sbin/ldconfig
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files atomic
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files chrono
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with context}
5dffee |
%files context
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files date-time
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files filesystem
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files graph
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files iostreams
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files locale
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files math
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files test
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files program-options
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files python
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with python3}
5dffee |
%files python3
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files python3-devel
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files random
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files regex
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files serialization
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files signals
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files system
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files thread
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files timer
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files wave
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files doc
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc %{boost_docdir}/*
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files examples
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc %{boost_examplesdir}/*
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files devel
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with context}
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
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5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files static
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with mpich}
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi}
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# OpenMPI packages
5dffee |
%if %{with openmpi}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files openmpi
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files openmpi-devel
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files openmpi-python
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files graph-openmpi
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
# MPICH packages
5dffee |
%if %{with mpich}
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files mpich
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files mpich-devel
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files mpich-python
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files graph-mpich
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files build
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
%files jam
5dffee |
%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
%doc LICENSE_1_0.txt
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
2e8f72 |
* Fri Feb 28 2014 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-18
2e8f72 |
- Turn off build flags pre-set by Boost distribution.
2e8f72 |
2e8f72 |
- Pass RPM_OPT_FLAGS through user-config.jam.
2e8f72 |
2e8f72 |
* Wed Feb 19 2014 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-15
2e8f72 |
- Fix misunderstanding of Boost.MPI about widths of some
2e8f72 |
Boost.Serialization types. (boost-1.53.0-mpi-version_type.patch)
2e8f72 |
2e8f72 |
* Fri Jan 24 2014 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-16
2e8f72 |
- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24
2e8f72 |
2e8f72 |
* Fri Dec 27 2013 Daniel Mach <dmach@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-15
2e8f72 |
- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27
2e8f72 |
5dffee |
* Wed Oct 2 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-14
5dffee |
- MPICH2 became MPICH -- rename subpackages, dependencies and
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Resolves: #1014480
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Aug 23 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-13
5dffee |
- Fix compilation of Boost.Pool test cases
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Fix -Wshadow warnings in Boost.Pool
5dffee |
5dffee |
-Wshadow warnings in Boost.Thread
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jul 24 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-9
5dffee |
- Add explicit dependencies between some of the boost sub-packages
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jul 19 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-8
5dffee |
- Install supporting files (images etc.) for documentation
5dffee |
(courtesy Marcel Metz, bug 985593)
5dffee |
- Add many patches for silencing unused local typedef warnings
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Add a patch to turn off execstack in Boost.Context
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Fix boost::mpl::print on GCC (boost-1.54.0-mpl-print.patch)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jun 27 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-7
5dffee |
- Add symlinks for /usr/lib/libboost_{thread,locale}.so -> *-mt.so
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Mar 6 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-6
5dffee |
- libboost_context.so must be guarded by conditional in the expanded
5dffee |
filelist at boost-devel.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Mar 5 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-5
5dffee |
- Split off Python 3 DSO symlink to a separate subpackage
5dffee |
boost-python3-devel. This makes it possible to install
5dffee |
boost-devel separately, without Python 3 support.
5dffee |
- Build with -fno-strict-aliasing
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Feb 27 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-4
5dffee |
- Make Boost.Context support conditional
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 11 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-3
5dffee |
- Fix Boost.Context on ppc64
5dffee |
- Future-proof the linker script boost_thread-mt.so
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sun Feb 10 2013 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.53.0-2
5dffee |
- Fixed the libboost_thread-mt.so script (which wrongly referred to Boost-1.50)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Feb 8 2013 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.53.0-1
5dffee |
- Upstream 1.53.0 beta1
5dffee |
- Drop boost-1.50.0-signals-erase.patch
5dffee |
- Port boost-1.50.0-attribute.patch
5dffee |
- Drop boost-1.50.0-polygon.patch
5dffee |
- New sub-packages boost-atomic and boost-context
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Jan 26 2013 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 1.50.0-7
5dffee |
- Rebuild for icu soname bump
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Nov 03 2012 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.50.0-6
5dffee |
- Rebuild for the new MPICH2 (and libmpich2 soname bump)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Aug 16 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.50.0-5
5dffee |
- Update %%description to reflect current state of C++
5dffee |
standardization. Courtesy of Jonathan Wakely. (#837813)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Aug 15 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.50.0-4
5dffee |
- Override boost_thread-mt.so with a linker script that brings in
5dffee |
Boost.System DSO as well.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Aug 8 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.50.0-3
5dffee |
- boost-python3 shouldn't be under the overall boost umbrella
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Aug 7 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.50.0-2
5dffee |
- Enable Python 3 builds. This is still disabled in Boost MPI, which
5dffee |
doesn't seem to support Python 3
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jul 26 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.50.0-1
5dffee |
- Upstream 1.50
5dffee |
- boost-cmake-soname.patch drop, upstream handles soname well, and
5dffee |
we haven't been doing manual numbering for several years now
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-cmakeify-full.patch drop, not necessary for bjam
5dffee |
- Rebase many patches, port others, courtesy of Denis Arnaud:
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-exceptions.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-lexical_cast-incomplete.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-gcc47-pthreads.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-long-double.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-xtime.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-locale.patch drop
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-signals-erase.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-fix-non-utf8-files.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-foreach.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-attribute.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-long-double-1.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-polygon.patch port
5dffee |
- boost-1.48.0-pool.patch port
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.48.0-17
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jun 21 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-16
5dffee |
- Build Boost.Locale backends
5dffee |
- Resolves: #832265
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jun 6 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-15
5dffee |
- In Boost.Pool, be careful not to overflow allocated chunk size.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #828857
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu May 24 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-14
5dffee |
- Don't attempt to install Python 3 portions of boost when given
5dffee |
--without python3
5dffee |
- glibc newly defines a macro TIME_UTC, which collides with
5dffee |
boost::TIME_UTC. We can't avoid expanding that macro, but the value
5dffee |
happens to be the same as that of boost::TIME_UTC. So drop enum
5dffee |
xtime_clock_types. Update boost to use macro TIME_UTC instead of
5dffee |
the scoped enum value. External clients will have to do the same.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #824810
5dffee |
- BR on hwloc-devel shouldn't be required anymore (see #814798)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 2 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-13
5dffee |
- Support building boost-python against Python 3
5dffee |
- Resolves: #807780
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sun Apr 22 2012 Robert Scheck <robert@fedoraproject.org> - 1.48.0-12
5dffee |
- Included -math subpackage into umbrella package
5dffee |
- Added missing /sbin/ldconfig for -math subpackage
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Apr 20 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-11
5dffee |
- Add hwloc-devel BR to work around a probable bug in openmpi-devel
5dffee |
which fails to pull it in
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Feb 28 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.48.0-10
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jan 25 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-9
5dffee |
- Only build the long double math libraries on arches that support
5dffee |
long double.
5dffee |
- ARM was considered unsupporting, because libc defines
5dffee |
__NO_LONG_DOUBLE_MATH. Ignore this setting, ARM has perfectly
5dffee |
working long double that just happens to be only as long as double.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #783660
5dffee |
- Add a missing sort adaptor include to boost polygon
5dffee |
- Resolves: #784654
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 16 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-8
5dffee |
- Add underscores around several uses of __attribute__((X)) to prevent
5dffee |
interactions with user-defined macro X
5dffee |
- Resolves: #781859
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Jan 14 2012 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.48.0-7
5dffee |
- Added source source files for mingw cross-compilation of Boost.Locale.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #781751
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Jan 7 2012 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.48.0-6
5dffee |
- Added the Boost.Timer sub-package. Resolves: #772397
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jan 4 2012 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.48.0-5
5dffee |
- Integrated into "upstream" (CMake-ified Boost) the Boost.TR1/Math patch.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jan 4 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-4
5dffee |
- Build math portion of Boost.TR1, package DSOs in boost-math.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #771370
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jan 3 2012 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-3
5dffee |
- Add an upstream patch for BOOST_ENABLE_THREADS
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Nov 29 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.48.0-2
5dffee |
- Add an upstream patch for BOOST_FOREACH declaration issue #756005
5dffee |
- Add a proposed patch for error in boost lexical_cast #757385
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Nov 19 2011 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.48.0-1
5dffee |
- Upgrade to Boost-1.48.0, adding two new header-only components
5dffee |
(Container and Move) and a new library (Locale).
5dffee |
- Resolves: #754865
5dffee |
- Added a patch with a manual page for the bjam executable.
5dffee |
- Added a patch to fix the non-UTF8-encoded example source file.
5dffee |
- Re-worked a little bit the example section, so as to fix the
5dffee |
DOS-formatted and the ISO-8859-encoded files.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Nov 3 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.47.0-7
5dffee |
- Use <boost/tr1/tuple> instead of C++11 header <tuple> in boost math.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #751210
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Sep 9 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.47.0-6
5dffee |
- Rebuild for libicu soname bump
5dffee |
- Hack /bin back to PATH after MPI module unload
5dffee |
- Resolves: #736890
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Aug 30 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.47.0-4
5dffee |
- Drop BR bzip2-libs, which is brought it via bzip2-devel
5dffee |
- Source->Source0
5dffee |
- Drop unnecessary BuildRoot tag
5dffee |
- Update License tag to include all licenses that are found in
5dffee |
sources. Python license is at the main package, not to the python
5dffee |
sub-package, because python22_fixed.h is in -devel.
5dffee |
- Related: #673839
5dffee |
- Resolves: #225622
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jul 26 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.47.0-3
5dffee |
- Package examples
5dffee |
- Resolves: #722844
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jul 22 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.47.0-2
5dffee |
- Convert two throws in boost/numeric/conversion to
5dffee |
boost::throw_exception to allow compilation with -fno-exception
5dffee |
- Resolves: #724015
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jul 14 2011 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.47.0-1
5dffee |
- Upgrade to Boost-1.47.0, adding three new header-only components
5dffee |
(Geometry, Phoenix, Ratio) and a new library (Chrono).
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Jun 18 2011 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@gmail.com> - 1.46.1-4
5dffee |
- Fix compile on ARM platforms
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Apr 4 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.46.1-3
5dffee |
- Yet another way to pass -DBOOST_LIB_INSTALL_DIR to cmake. Passing
5dffee |
via CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS for some reason breaks when rpm re-quotes the
5dffee |
expression as a result of %%{optflags} expansion.
5dffee |
- Related: #667294
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Mar 30 2011 Deji Akingunola <dakingun@gmail.com> - 1.46.1-2
5dffee |
- Rebuild for mpich2 soname bump
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sun Mar 13 2011 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.46.1-1
5dffee |
- Merged the latest changes from the bug-fix release of Boost-1.46
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Mar 07 2011 Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com> - 1.46.0-0.5
5dffee |
- rebuild for icu 4.6
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Feb 24 2011 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.46.0-0.4
5dffee |
- Merged the latest changes from the now final release of Boost-1.46
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Feb 8 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.46.0-0.3.beta1
5dffee |
- spirit.patch: Fix a problem in using boost::spirit with utf-8
5dffee |
strings. Thanks to Hicham HAOUARI for digging up the fix.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 07 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.46.0-0.2.beta1
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Feb 3 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.46.0-0.1.beta1
5dffee |
- Package 1.46.0-beta1
5dffee |
- Reintroduce the soname patch
5dffee |
- unordered-cctor.patch: Add copy constructors and assignment
5dffee |
operators when using rvalue references
5dffee |
- signals-erase.patch: Pass const_iterator to map::erase to avoid
5dffee |
ambigous overload vs. templatized value_type ctor
5dffee |
- Related: #656410
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 10 2011 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-7
5dffee |
- Integrated Petr's work to fix missing Boost.Filesystem V3 issue
5dffee |
- Resolves: #667740
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jan 6 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.44.0-6
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Resolves: #667294
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 3 2011 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.44.0-5
5dffee |
- Add boost-random DSOs
5dffee |
- Resolves: #665679
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Dec 8 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.44.0-4
5dffee |
- Build with support for iostreams deprecated functions
5dffee |
- Resolves: #654480
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Dec 3 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 1.44.0-3
5dffee |
- also package build-system.jam in boost-build
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Nov 30 2010 Tom "spot" Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> - 1.44.0-2
5dffee |
- add boost-build, boost-jam subpackages
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Oct 23 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-1.1
5dffee |
- Rebuild.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Aug 21 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-1
5dffee |
- Split the CMake-buildable tar-ball into pristine upstream tar-ball
5dffee |
and CMake framework patch
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Aug 16 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-0.6
5dffee |
- Merged the latest changes from the now final release of Boost-1.44
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Aug 6 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-0.5
5dffee |
- Patched header file in boost/random/detail. Resolves: #621631
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Jul 31 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-0.4
5dffee |
- Added missing header files in boost/random/detail. Resolves: #619869
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Orcan Ogetbil <oget[dot]fedora[at]gmail[dot]com> - 1.44.0-0.3
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jul 27 2010 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.44.0-0.2
5dffee |
- Rebuild.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jul 23 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.44.0-0.1
5dffee |
- Upstream update: Boost-1.44 with CMake enabled
5dffee |
- Resolves: #607615
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jul 22 2010 David Malcolm <dmalcolm@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-13
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jun 4 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-12
5dffee |
- Turn on mpich2 on s390. Add arm to the list of arches that openmpi
5dffee |
doesn't support.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jun 4 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-12
5dffee |
- Don't distribute cmake support files.
5dffee |
- Related: #597020
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jun 2 2010 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 1.41.0-11
5dffee |
- don't build with mpich2/openmpi on s390/s390x
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon May 10 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-10
5dffee |
- Add an upstream patch that fixes computation of CRC in zlib streams.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #590205
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 05 2010 Rex Dieter <rdieter@fedoraproject.org> - 1.41.0-9
5dffee |
- -devel: own %%{_datadir}/cmake/%%{name}/
5dffee |
- -devel: Requires: cmake (for %%{_datadir}/cmake ownership)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Apr 02 2010 Caolán McNamara <caolanm@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-8
5dffee |
- rebuild for icu
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 22 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-7
5dffee |
- Add a patch for serialization of shared pointers to non polymorphic
5dffee |
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Feb 2 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-6
5dffee |
- More subpackage interdependency adjustments
5dffee |
- boost doesn't bring in the MPI stuff. Instead, $MPI-devel does.
5dffee |
It needs to, so that the symbolic links don't dangle.
5dffee |
- boost-graph-$MPI depends on boost-$MPI so that boost-mpich2
5dffee |
doesn't satisfy the SONAME dependency of boost-graph-openmpi.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #559009
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 1 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.41.0-5
5dffee |
- Various fixes on the specification
5dffee |
- Resolves: #559009
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jan 29 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-5
5dffee |
- Introduce support for both OpenMPI and MPICH2
5dffee |
- Resolves: #559009
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 25 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-4
5dffee |
- Add a patch to build mapnik
5dffee |
- Resolves: #558383
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jan 19 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-3
5dffee |
- Generalize the soname selection
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 18 2010 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.41.0-2.2
5dffee |
- Further split the Boost.MPI sub-package into boost-mpi and
5dffee |
5dffee |
- Changed the description of Boost.MPI according to the actual
5dffee |
dependency (MPICH2 rather than OpenMPI)
5dffee |
- Added a few details on the generation of the mpi.so library
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jan 14 2010 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-2
5dffee |
- Replace a boost-math subpackage with a stub
5dffee |
- Drop _cmake_lib_suffix and CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX magic, the rpm macro
5dffee |
does that for us
5dffee |
- Drop LICENSE from the umbrella package
5dffee |
- Drop obsolete Obsoletes: boost-python and boost-doc <= 1.30.2
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jan 12 2010 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-1
5dffee |
- Don't package generated debug libs, even with
5dffee |
(-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo | Release).
5dffee |
- Update and include boost-cmake-soname.patch.
5dffee |
- Uncomment ctest.
5dffee |
- Fix up --with tests to run tests.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sat Dec 19 2009 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.41.0-0.7
5dffee |
- Switched off the delivery into a versioned sub-directory
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Dec 17 2009 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.41.0-0.6
5dffee |
- Boost-CMake upstream integration
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Dec 16 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.41.0-0.5
5dffee |
- Rebase to 1.41.0
5dffee |
- Set build type to RelWithDebInfo
5dffee |
- Resolves: #533922
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Denis Arnaud <denis.arnaud_fedora@m4x.org> - 1.40.0-1
5dffee |
- Add support for the Boost.MPI sub-package
5dffee |
- Build with CMake (https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/wiki/CMake)
5dffee |
- Resolves: #529563
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-11
5dffee |
- Move comment in Patch13 out of line
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 16 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-10
5dffee |
- translate_exception.hpp misses a include
5dffee |
- Related: #537612
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Oct 15 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-9
5dffee |
- Package index.html in the -doc subpackage
5dffee |
- Resolves: #529030
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Oct 14 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-8
5dffee |
- Several fixes to support PySide
5dffee |
- Resolves: #520087
5dffee |
- GCC 4.4 name resolution fixes for GIL
5dffee |
- Resolves: #526834
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Sun Oct 11 2009 Jitesh Shah <jiteshs@marvell.com> 1.39.0-7
5dffee |
- Disable long double support for ARM
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Sep 08 2009 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 1.39.0-6
5dffee |
- bump release and rebuild as the package was linked with an old libicu
5dffee |
during the mass rebuild on s390x
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Aug 26 2009 Tomas Mraz <tmraz@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-5
5dffee |
- Make it to be usable with openssl-1.0
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Jul 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.39.0-4
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jul 2 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-3
5dffee |
- Drop file list for main "boost" package, which was inadvertently left in.
5dffee |
- Add thread sub-package to capture omitted boost_thread.
5dffee |
- Add upstream patch to make boost_filesystem compatible with C++0x.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #496188
5dffee |
- Resolves: #509250
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon May 11 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-2
5dffee |
- Apply patch from Caolan McNamara
5dffee |
- Resolves: #500030 function_template bug is back...
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu May 07 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-1
5dffee |
- Update release.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 06 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-0.3
5dffee |
- Fixes for rpmlint.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 06 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-0.2
5dffee |
- Split up boost package to sub-packages per library
5dffee |
- Resolves: #496188
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 06 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.39.0-0.1
5dffee |
- Rebase to 1.39.0.
5dffee |
- Add --with docs_generated.
5dffee |
- #225622: Substitute optflags at prep time instead of RPM_OPT_FLAGS.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon May 04 2009 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-7
5dffee |
- Rebuild for libicu bump.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Mar 23 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-6
5dffee |
- Apply a SMP patch from Stefan Ring
5dffee |
- Apply a workaround for "cannot appear in a constant-expression" in
5dffee |
dynamic_bitset library.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #491537
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 23 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 1.37.0-4
5dffee |
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 12 2009 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-3
5dffee |
- Apply a unneccessary_iostreams patch from Caolan McNamara
5dffee |
- Fix soname patch so that it applies with fuzz=0. Use fuzz=0 option
5dffee |
in spec file just like ordinary patches do.
5dffee |
- Resolves: #479409
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Dec 19 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-2
5dffee |
- Apply a function_template patch from Caolan McNamara
5dffee |
- Resolves: #477131
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Dec 16 2008 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-1
5dffee |
- Fix rpmlint rpath errors.
5dffee |
- Fix rpmlint warnings on tabs and spaces.
5dffee |
- Bump SONAME to 4
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 17 2008 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.37.0-0.1
5dffee |
- Rebase to 1.37.0.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Oct 21 2008 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> - 1.36.0-1
5dffee |
- Rebase to 1.36.0.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Oct 6 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-17
5dffee |
- Fix gcc43 patch to apply cleanly under --fuzz=0
5dffee |
- Resolves: #465003
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Aug 11 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.36.0-0.1.beta1
5dffee |
- Rebase to 1.36.0.beta1
5dffee |
- Drop boost-regex.patch and portions of boost-gcc43.patch, port the rest
5dffee |
- Automate SONAME tracking and bump SONAME to 4
5dffee |
- Adjust boost-configure.patch to include threading=single,multi explicitly
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jun 12 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-16
5dffee |
- Fix "changes meaning of keywords" in boost date_time
5dffee |
- Related: #450718
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu May 29 2008 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-15
5dffee |
- fix license tag
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Mar 27 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-14
5dffee |
- Change devel-static back to static.
5dffee |
- Related: #225622
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Mar 26 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-13
5dffee |
- Install library doc files
5dffee |
- Revamp %%install phase to speed up overall build time
5dffee |
- Some cleanups per merge review
5dffee |
- Resolves: #437032
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Feb 14 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-12
5dffee |
- Fix "changes meaning of keywords" in boost python
5dffee |
- Resolves: #432694
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Feb 13 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-11
5dffee |
- Fix "changes meaning of special_values_parser" in boost date_time
5dffee |
- Resolves: #432433
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Feb 6 2008 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 1.34.1-10
5dffee |
- Fixes for GCC 4.3
5dffee |
- Resolves: #431609
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 14 2008 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-7
5dffee |
- Fixes for boost.regex (rev 42674).
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Sep 19 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-5
5dffee |
- (#283771: Linking against boost libraries fails).
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Aug 21 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-4
5dffee |
- Rebuild.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Aug 08 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-3
5dffee |
- Rebuild for icu 3.8 bump.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Aug 02 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-2
5dffee |
- SONAME to 3.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jul 31 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1-1
5dffee |
- Update to boost_1_34_1.
5dffee |
- Source via http.
5dffee |
- Philipp Thomas <pth.suse.de> fix for RPM_OPT_FLAGS
5dffee |
- Philipp Thomas <pth.suse.de> fix for .so sym links.
5dffee |
- (#225622) Patrice Dumas review comments.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jun 26 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.1.rc1-0.1
5dffee |
- Update to boost_1_34_1_RC1.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Apr 02 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-13
5dffee |
- (#225622: Merge Review: boost)
5dffee |
Change static to devel-static.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-12
5dffee |
- (#233523: libboost_python needs rebuild against python 2.5)
5dffee |
Use patch.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Mar 26 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-11
5dffee |
- (#225622: Merge Review: boost)
5dffee |
Source to http.
5dffee |
BuildRoot to preferred value.
5dffee |
PreReq to post/postun -p
5dffee |
Clarified BSL as GPL-Compatible, Free Software License.
5dffee |
Remove Obsoletes.
5dffee |
Add Provides boost-python.
5dffee |
Remove mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%%{_docdir}
5dffee |
Added periods for decription text.
5dffee |
Fix Group field.
5dffee |
Remove doc Requires boost.
5dffee |
Preserve timestamps on install.
5dffee |
Use %%defattr(-, root, root, -)
5dffee |
Added static package for .a libs.
5dffee |
Install static libs with 0644 permissions.
5dffee |
Use %%doc for doc files.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Jan 22 2007 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.34.0-0.5
5dffee |
- Update to boost.RC_1_34_0 snapshot as of 2007-01-19.
5dffee |
- Modify build procedures for boost build v2.
5dffee |
- Add *-mt variants for libraries, or at least variants that use
5dffee |
threads (regex and thread).
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Nov 23 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-10
5dffee |
- (#182414: boost: put tests in %%check section) via Rex Dieter
5dffee |
- Fix EVR with %%{?dist} tag via Gianluca Sforna
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Nov 15 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-9
5dffee |
- (#154784: boost-debuginfo package is empty)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Nov 14 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-8
5dffee |
- (#205866: Revert scanner.hpp change.)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 13 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-7
5dffee |
- (#205866: boost::spirit generates warnings with -Wshadow)
5dffee |
- (#205863: serialization lib generates warnings)
5dffee |
- (#204326: boost RPM missing dependencies)
5dffee |
- (#193465: [SIGNAL/BIND] Regressions with GCC 4.1)
5dffee |
- BUILD_FLAGS, add, to see actual compile line.
5dffee |
- REGEX_FLAGS, add, to compile regex with ICU support.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jul 12 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.33.1-6.1
5dffee |
- rebuild
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue May 16 2006 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.de> 1.33.1-6
5dffee |
- buildrequire python-devel for Python.h
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Feb 16 2006 Florian La Roche <laroche@redhat.com> - 1.33.1-5
5dffee |
- use the real version number to point to the shared libs
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.33.1-4.2
5dffee |
- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> - 1.33.1-4.1
5dffee |
- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jan 05 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-4
5dffee |
- Fix symbolic links.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jan 04 2006 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-3
5dffee |
- Update to boost-1.33.1.
5dffee |
- (#176485: Missing BuildRequires)
5dffee |
- (#169271: /usr/lib/libboost*.so.? links missing in package)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Dec 22 2005 Jesse Keating <jkeating@redhat.com> 1.33.1-2
5dffee |
- rebuilt
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 14 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.1-1
5dffee |
- Update to boost-1.33.1 beta.
5dffee |
- Run testsuite, gather results.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Oct 11 2005 Nils Philippsen <nphilipp@redhat.com> 1.33.0-4
5dffee |
- build require bzip2-devel and zlib-devel
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Aug 23 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.0-3
5dffee |
- Create doc package again.
5dffee |
- Parts of the above by Neal Becker <ndbecker2@gmail.com>.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Aug 12 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.33.0-1
5dffee |
- Update to boost-1.33.0, update SONAME to 2 due to ABI changes.
5dffee |
- Simplified PYTHON_VERSION by Philipp Thomas <pth@suse.de>
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue May 24 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-6
5dffee |
- (#153093: boost warns that gcc 4.0.0 is an unknown compiler)
5dffee |
- (#152205: development .so symbolic links should be in -devel subpackage)
5dffee |
- (#154783: linker .so symbolic links missing from boost-devel package)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Mar 18 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-5
5dffee |
- Revert boost-base.patch to old behavior.
5dffee |
- Use SONAMEVERSION instead of dllversion.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Mar 16 2005 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-4
5dffee |
- (#142612: Compiling Boost 1.32.0 Failed in RHEL 3.0 on Itanium2)
5dffee |
- (#150069: libboost_python.so is missing)
5dffee |
- (#141617: bad patch boost-base.patch)
5dffee |
- (#122817: libboost_*.so symbolic links missing)
5dffee |
- Re-add boost-thread.patch.
5dffee |
- Change boost-base.patch to show thread tags.
5dffee |
- Change boost-gcc-tools.patch to use SOTAG, compile with dllversion.
5dffee |
- Add symbolic links to files.
5dffee |
- Sanity check can compile with gcc-3.3.x, gcc-3.4.2, gcc-4.0.x., gcc-4.1.x.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Dec 02 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-3
5dffee |
- (#122817: libboost_*.so symbolic links missing)
5dffee |
- (#141574: half of the package is missing)
5dffee |
- (#141617: bad patch boost-base.patch)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Dec 01 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-2
5dffee |
- Remove bogus Obsoletes.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Nov 29 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.32.0-1
5dffee |
- Update to 1.32.0
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Sep 22 2004 Than Ngo <than@redhat.com> 1.31.0-9
5dffee |
- cleanup specfile
5dffee |
- fix multiarch problem
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Jun 15 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- rebuilt
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed May 05 2004 Warren Togami <wtogami@redhat.com> 1.31.0-7
5dffee |
- missing Obsoletes boost-python
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon May 03 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- (#121630: gcc34 patch needed)
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Apr 21 2004 Warren Togami <wtogami@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- #121415 FC2 BLOCKER: Obsoletes boost-python-devel, boost-doc
5dffee |
- other cleanups
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Mar 30 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- Remove bjam dependency. (via Graydon).
5dffee |
- Fix installed library names.
5dffee |
- Fix SONAMEs in shared libraries.
5dffee |
- Fix installed header location.
5dffee |
- Fix installed permissions.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Fri Feb 13 2004 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- rebuilt
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Feb 09 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.31.0-2
5dffee |
- Update to boost-1.31.0
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Thu Jan 22 2004 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.31.0-1
5dffee |
- Update to boost-1.31.0.rc2
5dffee |
- (#109307: Compile Failure with boost libraries)
5dffee |
- (#104831: Compile errors in apps using Boost.Python...)
5dffee |
- Unify into boost, boost-devel rpms.
5dffee |
- Simplify installation using bjam and prefix install.
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue Sep 09 2003 Nalin Dahyabhai <nalin@redhat.com> 1.30.2-2
5dffee |
- require boost-devel instead of devel in subpackages which require boost-devel
5dffee |
- remove stray Prefix: tag
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Mon Sep 08 2003 Benjamin Kosnik <bkoz@redhat.com> 1.30.2-1
5dffee |
- change license to Freely distributable
5dffee |
- verify installation of libboost_thread
5dffee |
- more boost-devel removals
5dffee |
- deal with lack of _REENTRANT on ia64/s390
5dffee |
- (#99458) rpm -e fixed via explict dir additions
5dffee |
- (#103293) update to 1.30.2
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Wed Jun 04 2003 Elliot Lee <sopwith@redhat.com>
5dffee |
- rebuilt
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue May 13 2003 Florian La Roche <Florian.LaRoche@redhat.de>
5dffee |
- remove packager, change to new Group:
5dffee |
5dffee |
* Tue May 06 2003 Tim Powers <timp@redhat.com> 1.30.0-3
5dffee |
- add deffattr's so we don't have unknown users owning files