Blob Blame History Raw

### Base repository

# Base repository command for kickstart

#base_repo_command: "url --url="

# If base_repo_command is not defined, look for base repo url
# in [base_repo_from_runner.repo] repository of
# /etc/yum.repos.d/base_repo_from_runner.file on test runner

  file: rhel.repo
  repo: rhel

### Additional repositories

# Additional repo commands for kickstart:
# - undefine to allow detecting of repos from test runner by
#   repos_from_runner variable
# - set to [] for no additional repositories

#repo_commands: []
#  - "repo --baseurl="

# If repo_commands is not defined, look for additinal repositories
# in [repo] repository of /etc/yum.repos.d/file of test runner.
# Multiple repositories can be defined here.

  - file: rhel.repo
    repo: rhel
  - file: rhel.repo
    repo: rhel-AppStream

# Additional repo commands to be used in any case,
# ie even in case additional repos are detected by repos_from_runner

additional_repo_commands: []