zedsm / centos / centos.org

Forked from centos/centos.org 3 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
title: "CentOS AWS AMI Cloud Images"
with_toc: false
with_datatables: true

Here is the list of current/up2date AMI images IDs that we made public.
You can search for architecture or region through search bar.

Please note that you can also directly use then the "Deploy Link" function to deploy in specific region, one click away.

<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert">
Worth knowing that starting from CentOS Stream 9 the cloud user is `ec2-user` while it was `centos` for CentOS Linux 7

<table id="DataTables_Table_0" class="table table-bordered table-hover dataTable">
<thead class="thead-dark">
    <th class="col-0 text-nowrap">Version</th>
    <th class="col-0 text-nowrap">Region</th>
    <th class="col-0 text-nowrap">Architecture</th>
    <th class="col-12 text-nowrap">AMI ID</th>
    <th class="col-0 text-nowrap">Deploy link</th>
{% for row in site.data.aws-images %}
    <td class="text-nowrap align-middle">{{ row["Version"] }}</td>
    <td class="text-nowrap align-middle">{{ row["Region"] }}</td>
    <td class="text-nowrap align-middle">{{ row["Architecture"] }}</td>
    <td class="text-nowrap align-middle">{{ row["AMI ID"] }}</td>
    <td class="text-nowrap align-middle">
        {% assign row_deploy_link = row["Deploy link"] %}
        {% include base/link.html
           name="Deploy link"
           class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"
           icon="fa-brands fa-aws"

{% endfor %}