167d2b |
#global commit c4b843473a75fb38ed5bf54e9d3cfb1cb3719efa
d0811f |
%{?commit:%global shortcommit %(c=%{commit}; echo ${c:0:7})}
d0811f |
8ddb59 |
%if 0%{?facebook}
282d1f |
%define commit 2c64dbdb6d8b40ac47382be9e8213a06aa6e566b
8ddb59 |
282d1f |
%define commit fb3a481ade99659f6c82095c7289908789146b78
8ddb59 |
8ddb59 |
d0811f |
# We ship a .pc file but don't want to have a dep on pkg-config. We
d0811f |
# strip the automatically generated dep here and instead co-own the
d0811f |
# directory.
d0811f |
%global __requires_exclude pkg-config
d0811f |
d0811f |
%global pkgdir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd
d0811f |
%global system_unit_dir %{pkgdir}/system
d0811f |
%global user_unit_dir %{pkgdir}/user
d0811f |
ae4880 |
%if 0%{?__isa_bits} == 64
ae4880 |
%global elf_bits (64bit)
ae4880 |
%global elf_suffix ()%{elf_bits}
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
%bcond bzip2 1
f2f90a |
%bcond gnutls 1
f2f90a |
%bcond lz4 1
f2f90a |
%bcond xz 1
f2f90a |
%bcond zlib 1
f2f90a |
%bcond zstd 1
f2f90a |
9e3166 |
# Bootstrap may be needed to break circular dependencies with cryptsetup,
9e3166 |
# e.g. when re-building cryptsetup on a json-c SONAME-bump.
f2f90a |
%bcond bootstrap 0
f2f90a |
%bcond tests 1
f2f90a |
%bcond lto 1
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
# Build from git main
f2f90a |
%bcond upstream 0
ae4880 |
d0811f |
Name: systemd
7172f2 |
Url: https://pagure.io/centos-sig-hyperscale/systemd
e6e171 |
# Allow users to specify the version and release when building the rpm by
615463 |
# setting the %%version_override and %%release_override macros.
e6e171 |
Version: %{?version_override}%{!?version_override:255.4}
282d1f |
Release: %{?release_override}%{!?release_override:1.5}%{?dist}
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%global stable %(c="%version"; [ "$c" = "${c#*.*}" ]; echo $?)
9e3166 |
d0811f |
# For a breakdown of the licensing, see README
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT AND GPL-2.0-or-later
d0811f |
Summary: System and Service Manager
d0811f |
d0811f |
# download tarballs with "spectool -g systemd.spec"
8ddb59 |
Source0: %{url}/archive/%{commit}/%{name}-hs%{?facebook:+fb}-%{version}.tar.gz
d0811f |
# This file must be available before %%prep.
d0811f |
# It is generated during systemd build and can be found in build/src/core/.
d0811f |
Source1: triggers.systemd
d0811f |
Source2: split-files.py
d0811f |
Source3: purge-nobody-user
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Prevent accidental removal of the systemd package
d0811f |
Source4: yum-protect-systemd.conf
d0811f |
09f814 |
Source5: inittab
09f814 |
Source6: sysctl.conf.README
09f814 |
Source7: systemd-journal-remote.xml
09f814 |
Source8: systemd-journal-gatewayd.xml
d0811f |
Source9: 20-yama-ptrace.conf
d0811f |
Source10: systemd-udev-trigger-no-reload.conf
f2f90a |
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_filter_libabigail_reports
f2f90a |
Source13: .abignore
d0811f |
04a488 |
Source14: 10-oomd-defaults.conf
09f814 |
Source15: 10-oomd-per-slice-defaults.conf
f2f90a |
Source16: 10-timeout-abort.conf
8c1b90 |
Source17: 10-map-count.conf
04a488 |
d0811f |
Source21: macros.sysusers
d0811f |
Source22: sysusers.attr
d0811f |
Source23: sysusers.prov
d0811f |
Source24: sysusers.generate-pre.sh
d0811f |
8c1b90 |
Source25: 98-default-mac-none.link
8c1b90 |
7172f2 |
# Needed for selinux subpackage
7172f2 |
Source100: Makefile.selinux
7172f2 |
Source101: systemd_hs.te
7172f2 |
d0811f |
%if 0
d0811f |
GIT_DIR=../../src/systemd/.git git format-patch-ab --no-signature -M -N v235..v235-stable
d0811f |
i=1; for j in 00*patch; do printf "Patch%04d: %s\n" $i $j; i=$((i+1));done|xclip
9e3166 |
GIT_DIR=../../src/systemd/.git git diffab -M v233..master@{2017-06-15} -- hwdb/[67]* hwdb/parse_hwdb.py >hwdb.patch
d0811f |
d0811f |
505ca8 |
# Backports of patches from upstream (0000–0499)
167d2b |
d2f4df |
# Any patches which are "in preparation" upstream should be listed here, rather
d2f4df |
# than in the next section. Packit CI will drop any patches in this range before
d2f4df |
# applying upstream pull requests.
d2f4df |
f2f90a |
%if %{without upstream}
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
# Work-around for dracut issue: run generators directly when we are in initrd
8c1b90 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2164404
f2f90a |
# Drop when dracut-060 is available.
8c1b90 |
Patch0001: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/26494.patch
d0811f |
f2f90a |
d2f4df |
# Those are downstream-only patches, but we don't want them in packit builds:
f2f90a |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2251843
f2f90a |
Patch0491: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/30846.patch
167d2b |
e6e171 |
e6e171 |
09f814 |
# Adjust upstream config to use our shared stack
f2f90a |
Patch0499: fedora-use-system-auth-in-pam-systemd-user.patch
f2f90a |
d0811f |
%ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64
f2f90a |
%global want_bootloader 1
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gcc
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gcc-c++
9e3166 |
BuildRequires: clang
d0811f |
BuildRequires: coreutils
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libcap-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libmount-devel
9e3166 |
BuildRequires: libfdisk-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libpwquality-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: pam-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libselinux-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: audit-libs-devel
d0811f |
%if %{without bootstrap}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: cryptsetup-devel
d0811f |
d0811f |
BuildRequires: dbus-devel
f2f90a |
BuildRequires: util-linux
d0811f |
# /usr/bin/getfacl is needed by test-acl-util
f2f90a |
BuildRequires: acl
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libacl-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gobject-introspection-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libblkid-devel
f2f90a |
%if %{with xz}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: xz-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: xz
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%if %{with lz4}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: lz4-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: lz4
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%if %{with bzip2}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: bzip2-devel
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%if %{with zstd}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libzstd-devel
f2f90a |
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libidn2-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libcurl-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: kmod-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: elfutils-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: openssl-devel
f2f90a |
%if %{with gnutls}
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gnutls-devel
f2f90a |
8c1b90 |
%if %{undefined rhel}
09f814 |
BuildRequires: qrencode-devel
8c1b90 |
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libmicrohttpd-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libxkbcommon-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: iptables-devel
09f814 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libfido2)
167d2b |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tss2-esys)
167d2b |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tss2-rc)
167d2b |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(tss2-mu)
9e3166 |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libbpf)
ae4880 |
BuildRequires: systemtap-sdt-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libxslt
d0811f |
BuildRequires: docbook-style-xsl
d0811f |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gperf
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gawk
d0811f |
BuildRequires: tree
d0811f |
BuildRequires: hostname
09f814 |
BuildRequires: python3
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3-devel
09f814 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(jinja2)
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(lxml)
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(pefile)
8c1b90 |
%if %{undefined rhel}
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(pillow)
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest-flakes)
d0811f |
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest)
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: python3dist(zstd)
f2f90a |
%if 0%{?want_bootloader}
f2f90a |
BuildRequires: python3dist(pyelftools)
23a125 |
8c1b90 |
# gzip and lzma are provided by the stdlib
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: firewalld-filesystem
d0811f |
BuildRequires: libseccomp-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: meson >= 0.43
d0811f |
BuildRequires: gettext
d0811f |
# We use RUNNING_ON_VALGRIND in tests, so the headers need to be available
d0811f |
BuildRequires: valgrind-devel
d0811f |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(bash-completion)
505ca8 |
BuildRequires: perl
505ca8 |
BuildRequires: perl(IPC::SysV)
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%if %{with upstream}
f2f90a |
BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libarchive)
e7b73e |
d0811f |
d2f4df |
%ifnarch %ix86
d2f4df |
# bpftool is not built for i368
d2f4df |
BuildRequires: bpftool
d2f4df |
%global have_bpf 1
d2f4df |
d2f4df |
8c1b90 |
%if 0%{?fedora}
8c1b90 |
%ifarch x86_64 aarch64
Yu Watanabe |
db600d |
%global have_xen 1
8c1b90 |
# That package is only built for those two architectures
8c1b90 |
BuildRequires: xen-devel
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
d0811f |
Requires(post): coreutils
d0811f |
Requires(post): grep
d0811f |
# systemd-machine-id-setup requires libssl
d0811f |
Requires(post): openssl-libs
d0811f |
Requires: dbus >= 1.9.18
f2f90a |
Requires: %{name}-pam%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
Requires(meta): (%{name}-rpm-macros = %{version}-%{release} if rpm-build)
f2f90a |
Requires: %{name}-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
167d2b |
%{?fedora:Recommends: %{name}-networkd = %{version}-%{release}}
ae4880 |
%{?fedora:Recommends: %{name}-resolved = %{version}-%{release}}
d0811f |
Recommends: diffutils
ae4880 |
Requires: (util-linux-core or util-linux)
09f814 |
Recommends: libxkbcommon%{_isa}
d0811f |
Provides: /bin/systemctl
d0811f |
Provides: /sbin/shutdown
d0811f |
Provides: syslog
d0811f |
Provides: systemd-units = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
Obsoletes: system-setup-keyboard < 0.9
d0811f |
Provides: system-setup-keyboard = 0.9
d0811f |
# systemd-sysv-convert was removed in f20: https://fedorahosted.org/fpc/ticket/308
d0811f |
Obsoletes: systemd-sysv < 206
d0811f |
# self-obsoletes so that dnf will install new subpackages on upgrade (#1260394)
ae4880 |
Obsoletes: %{name} < 249~~
7172f2 |
Provides: systemd-sysv = 206
f2f90a |
Conflicts: initscripts < 9.56.1
d0811f |
%if 0%{?fedora}
d0811f |
Conflicts: fedora-release < 23-0.12
d0811f |
f2f90a |
# Make sure that dracut supports systemd-executor and the renames done for v255
f2f90a |
Conflicts: dracut < 059-16
f2f90a |
d0811f |
Obsoletes: timedatex < 0.6-3
d0811f |
Provides: timedatex = 0.6-3
d2f4df |
Conflicts: %{name}-standalone-tmpfiles < %{version}-%{release}^
d2f4df |
Provides: %{name}-tmpfiles = %{version}-%{release}
d2f4df |
Conflicts: %{name}-standalone-sysusers < %{version}-%{release}^
d2f4df |
Provides: %{name}-sysusers = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
Conflicts: %{name}-standalone-shutdown < %{version}-%{release}^
8c1b90 |
Provides: %{name}-shutdown = %{version}-%{release}
505ca8 |
505ca8 |
# Recommends to replace normal Requires deps for stuff that is dlopen()ed
ae4880 |
Recommends: libidn2.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
ae4880 |
Recommends: libidn2.so.0(IDN2_0.0.0)%{?elf_bits}
ae4880 |
Recommends: libpcre2-8.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
ae4880 |
Recommends: libpwquality.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
ae4880 |
Recommends: libpwquality.so.1(LIBPWQUALITY_1.0)%{?elf_bits}
8c1b90 |
%if %{undefined rhel}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libqrencode.so.4%{?elf_suffix}
8c1b90 |
f2f90a |
Recommends: libbpf.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
f2f90a |
Recommends: libbpf.so.1(LIBBPF_0.4.0)%{?elf_bits}
7172f2 |
3d1810 |
%if 0%{?facebook} == 0
978f82 |
Requires: (%{name}-selinux = %{version}-%{release} if selinux-policy)
3d1810 |
7172f2 |
9e3166 |
# used by systemd-coredump and systemd-analyze
9e3166 |
Recommends: libdw.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libdw.so.1(ELFUTILS_0.186)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libelf.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libelf.so.1(ELFUTILS_1.7)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
# used by dissect, integritysetup, veritysetyp, growfs, repart, cryptenroll, home
9e3166 |
Recommends: libcryptsetup.so.12%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libcryptsetup.so.12(CRYPTSETUP_2.4)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
f2f90a |
%if %{with upstream}
e6e171 |
# Libkmod is used to load modules.
e6e171 |
Recommends: libkmod.so.2%{?elf_suffix}
e6e171 |
# kmod_list_next, kmod_load_resources, kmod_module_get_initstate,
e6e171 |
# kmod_module_get_module, kmod_module_get_name, kmod_module_new_from_lookup,
e6e171 |
# kmod_module_probe_insert_module, kmod_module_unref, kmod_module_unref_list,
e6e171 |
# kmod_new, kmod_set_log_fn, kmod_unref, kmod_validate_resources
e6e171 |
# are part of LIBKMOD_5.
e6e171 |
Recommends: libkmod.so.2(LIBKMOD_5)%{?elf_bits}
e6e171 |
f2f90a |
Recommends: libarchive.so.13%{?elf_suffix}
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
d0811f |
9e3166 |
systemd is a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest
9e3166 |
of the system. It provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket
9e3166 |
and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of
9e3166 |
daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups, maintains mount
9e3166 |
and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based
9e3166 |
service control logic. systemd supports SysV and LSB init scripts and works as a
d0811f |
replacement for sysvinit. Other parts of this package are a logging daemon,
9e3166 |
utilities to control basic system configuration like the hostname, date, locale,
9e3166 |
maintain a list of logged-in users, system accounts, runtime directories and
9e3166 |
settings, and a logging daemons.
d0811f |
%if 0%{?stable}
8c1b90 |
This package was built from the %(c=%version; echo "v${c%.*}-stable") branch of systemd.
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package libs
d0811f |
Summary: systemd libraries
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT
d0811f |
Obsoletes: libudev < 183
d0811f |
Obsoletes: systemd < 185-4
d0811f |
Conflicts: systemd < 185-4
d0811f |
Obsoletes: systemd-compat-libs < 230
d0811f |
Obsoletes: nss-myhostname < 0.4
d0811f |
Provides: nss-myhostname = 0.4
d0811f |
Provides: nss-myhostname%{_isa} = 0.4
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description libs
d0811f |
Libraries for systemd and udev.
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package pam
d0811f |
Summary: systemd PAM module
d0811f |
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description pam
d0811f |
Systemd PAM module registers the session with systemd-logind.
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package rpm-macros
d0811f |
Summary: Macros that define paths and scriptlets related to systemd
d0811f |
BuildArch: noarch
7172f2 |
# Make sure we obsolete the existing version and any possible future versions
7172f2 |
# of epel-rpm-macros-systemd in c8s and c9s.
7172f2 |
Conflicts: epel-rpm-macros-systemd < 10-0
7172f2 |
Obsoletes: epel-rpm-macros-systemd < 10-0
7172f2 |
Provides: epel-rpm-macros-systemd = 10-0
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description rpm-macros
d0811f |
Just the definitions of rpm macros.
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
for information how to use those macros.
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package devel
d0811f |
Summary: Development headers for systemd
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later AND MIT
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
Requires(meta): (%{name}-rpm-macros = %{version}-%{release} if rpm-build)
d0811f |
Provides: libudev-devel = %{version}
d0811f |
Provides: libudev-devel%{_isa} = %{version}
d0811f |
Obsoletes: libudev-devel < 183
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description devel
d0811f |
Development headers and auxiliary files for developing applications linking
d0811f |
to libudev or libsystemd.
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package udev
d0811f |
Summary: Rule-based device node and kernel event manager
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
d0811f |
09f814 |
Requires: systemd%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
Requires(post): systemd
d0811f |
Requires(preun): systemd
d0811f |
Requires(postun): systemd
d0811f |
Requires(post): grep
d0811f |
Requires: kmod >= 18-4
7172f2 |
%if 0%{?facebook} == 0
d0811f |
# https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2020-dd43dd05b1
d0811f |
Obsoletes: systemd < 245.6-1
7172f2 |
d0811f |
Provides: udev = %{version}
d0811f |
Provides: udev%{_isa} = %{version}
d0811f |
Obsoletes: udev < 183
7172f2 |
Conflicts: systemd-timesyncd < %{version}-%{release}
7172f2 |
Obsoletes: systemd-timesyncd < %{version}-%{release}
7172f2 |
Provides: systemd-timesyncd = %{version}-%{release}
505ca8 |
e6e171 |
%if %{with upstream}
e6e171 |
# Libkmod is used to load modules. Assume that if we need udevd, we certainly
e6e171 |
# want to load modules, so make this into a hard dependency here.
e6e171 |
Requires: libkmod.so.2%{?elf_suffix}
e6e171 |
Requires: libkmod.so.2(LIBKMOD_5)%{?elf_bits}
e6e171 |
e6e171 |
9e3166 |
# Recommends to replace normal Requires deps for stuff that is dlopen()ed
9e3166 |
# used by dissect, integritysetup, veritysetyp, growfs, repart, cryptenroll, home
9e3166 |
Recommends: libcryptsetup.so.12%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libcryptsetup.so.12(CRYPTSETUP_2.4)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
# used by systemd-coredump and systemd-analyze
9e3166 |
Recommends: libdw.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libdw.so.1(ELFUTILS_0.186)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libelf.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libelf.so.1(ELFUTILS_1.7)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
8c1b90 |
# used by home, cryptsetup, cryptenroll, logind
9e3166 |
Recommends: libfido2.so.1%{?elf_suffix}
8c1b90 |
Recommends: libp11-kit.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libtss2-esys.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libtss2-mu.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Recommends: libtss2-rc.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1377733#c9
d0811f |
Suggests: systemd-bootchart
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1408878
d0811f |
Requires: kbd
d0811f |
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1753381
d0811f |
Provides: u2f-hidraw-policy = 1.0.2-40
d0811f |
Obsoletes: u2f-hidraw-policy < 1.0.2-40
d0811f |
f2f90a |
# self-obsoletes to install both packages after split of systemd-boot
f2f90a |
Obsoletes: systemd-udev < 252.2^
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
Conflicts: %{name}-standalone-repart < %{version}-%{release}^
f2f90a |
Provides: %{name}-repart = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
d0811f |
%description udev
9e3166 |
This package contains systemd-udev and the rules and hardware database needed to
9e3166 |
manage device nodes. This package is necessary on physical machines and in
9e3166 |
virtual machines, but not in containers.
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
This package also provides systemd-timesyncd, a network time protocol daemon.
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
It also contains tools to manage encrypted home areas and secrets bound to the
9e3166 |
machine, and to create or grow partitions and make file systems automatically.
d0811f |
f2f90a |
%if 0%{?want_bootloader}
8c1b90 |
%package ukify
8c1b90 |
Summary: Tool to build Unified Kernel Images
8c1b90 |
Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
Requires: python3dist(pefile)
8c1b90 |
Requires: python3dist(zstd)
f2f90a |
Requires: python3dist(cryptography)
8c1b90 |
Recommends: python3dist(pillow)
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
BuildArch: noarch
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%description ukify
8c1b90 |
This package provides ukify, a script that combines a kernel image, an initrd,
8c1b90 |
with a command line, and possibly PCR measurements and other metadata, into a
8c1b90 |
Unified Kernel Image (UKI).
8c1b90 |
09f814 |
%package boot-unsigned
09f814 |
Summary: UEFI boot manager (unsigned version)
09f814 |
09f814 |
Provides: systemd-boot-unsigned-%{efi_arch} = %version-%release
09f814 |
Provides: systemd-boot = %version-%release
09f814 |
Provides: systemd-boot%{_isa} = %version-%release
8c1b90 |
# A provides with just the version, no release or dist, used to build systemd-boot
8c1b90 |
Provides: version(systemd-boot-unsigned) = %version
8c1b90 |
Provides: version(systemd-boot-unsigned)%{_isa} = %version
09f814 |
09f814 |
# self-obsoletes to install both packages after split of systemd-boot
09f814 |
Obsoletes: systemd-udev < 252.2^
09f814 |
09f814 |
%description boot-unsigned
09f814 |
systemd-boot (short: sd-boot) is a simple UEFI boot manager. It provides a
09f814 |
graphical menu to select the entry to boot and an editor for the kernel command
09f814 |
line. systemd-boot supports systems with UEFI firmware only.
09f814 |
09f814 |
This package contains the unsigned version. Install systemd-boot instead to get
09f814 |
the version that works with Secure Boot.
09f814 |
09f814 |
d0811f |
%package container
d0811f |
# Name is the same as in Debian
d0811f |
Summary: Tools for containers and VMs
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
Requires(post): systemd
d0811f |
Requires(preun): systemd
d0811f |
Requires(postun): systemd
d0811f |
# obsolete parent package so that dnf will install new subpackage on upgrade (#1260394)
d0811f |
Obsoletes: %{name} < 229-5
9e3166 |
# Bias the system towards libcurl-minimal if nothing pulls in full libcurl (#1997040)
9e3166 |
Suggests: libcurl-minimal
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description container
d0811f |
Systemd tools to spawn and manage containers and virtual machines.
d0811f |
f2f90a |
This package contains systemd-nspawn, systemd-vmspawn, machinectl,
f2f90a |
systemd-machined, and systemd-importd.
d0811f |
d0811f |
%package journal-remote
d0811f |
# Name is the same as in Debian
d0811f |
Summary: Tools to send journal events over the network
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
09f814 |
Requires: firewalld-filesystem
d0811f |
Provides: %{name}-journal-gateway = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
Provides: %{name}-journal-gateway%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
d0811f |
Obsoletes: %{name}-journal-gateway < 227-7
9e3166 |
# Bias the system towards libcurl-minimal if nothing pulls in full libcurl (#1997040)
9e3166 |
Suggests: libcurl-minimal
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description journal-remote
9e3166 |
Programs to forward journal entries over the network, using encrypted HTTP, and
9e3166 |
to write journal files from serialized journal contents.
d0811f |
9e3166 |
This package contains systemd-journal-gatewayd, systemd-journal-remote, and
9e3166 |
d0811f |
ae4880 |
%package networkd
ae4880 |
Summary: System daemon that manages network configurations
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
7172f2 |
%if 0%{?facebook} == 0
d2f4df |
# https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/systemd/pull-request/34
d2f4df |
Obsoletes: systemd < 246.6-2
7172f2 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
%description networkd
9e3166 |
systemd-networkd is a system service that manages networks. It detects and
9e3166 |
configures network devices as they appear, as well as creating virtual network
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
%package networkd-defaults
f2f90a |
Summary: Configure network interfaces with networkd by default
f2f90a |
Requires: %{name}-networkd = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
License: MIT-0
f2f90a |
BuildArch: noarch
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%description networkd-defaults
f2f90a |
This package contains a set of config files for systemd-networkd that cause it
f2f90a |
to configure network interfaces by default. Note that systemd-networkd needs to
f2f90a |
enabled for this to have any effect.
f2f90a |
ae4880 |
%package resolved
ae4880 |
Summary: Network Name Resolution manager
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
7172f2 |
%if 0%{?facebook} == 0
d2f4df |
Obsoletes: %{name} < 249~~
7172f2 |
9e3166 |
Requires: libidn2.so.0%{?elf_suffix}
9e3166 |
Requires: libidn2.so.0(IDN2_0.0.0)%{?elf_bits}
9e3166 |
Requires(posttrans): grep
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
%description resolved
9e3166 |
systemd-resolved is a system service that provides network name resolution to
9e3166 |
local applications. It implements a caching and validating DNS/DNSSEC stub
9e3166 |
resolver, as well as an LLMNR and MulticastDNS resolver and responder.
ae4880 |
04a488 |
%package oomd-defaults
04a488 |
Summary: Configuration files for systemd-oomd
f2f90a |
Requires: %{name}-udev = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
ae4880 |
BuildArch: noarch
04a488 |
04a488 |
%description oomd-defaults
04a488 |
A set of drop-in files for systemd units to enable action from systemd-oomd,
04a488 |
a userspace out-of-memory (OOM) killer.
04a488 |
d0811f |
%package tests
d0811f |
Summary: Internal unit tests for systemd
09f814 |
Requires: %{name}%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
# This dependency is provided transitively. Also add it explicitly to
f2f90a |
# appease rpminspect, https://github.com/rpminspect/rpminspect/issues/1231:
f2f90a |
Requires: %{name}-libs%{_isa} = %{version}-%{release}
f2f90a |
8c1b90 |
License: LGPL-2.1-or-later
d0811f |
d0811f |
%description tests
9e3166 |
"Installed tests" that are usually run as part of the build system. They can be
9e3166 |
useful to test systemd internals.
d0811f |
8c1b90 |
%package standalone-repart
8c1b90 |
Summary: Standalone systemd-repart binary for use on systems without systemd
8c1b90 |
Provides: %{name}-repart = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
RemovePathPostfixes: .standalone
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%description standalone-repart
8c1b90 |
Standalone systemd-repart binary with no dependencies on the systemd-shared library or
8c1b90 |
other libraries from systemd-libs. This package conflicts with the main systemd
8c1b90 |
package and is meant for use on systems without systemd.
8c1b90 |
d2f4df |
%package standalone-tmpfiles
8c1b90 |
Summary: Standalone systemd-tmpfiles binary for use on systems without systemd
d2f4df |
Provides: %{name}-tmpfiles = %{version}-%{release}
d2f4df |
RemovePathPostfixes: .standalone
36c356 |
d2f4df |
%description standalone-tmpfiles
8c1b90 |
Standalone systemd-tmpfiles binary with no dependencies on the systemd-shared library or
d2f4df |
other libraries from systemd-libs. This package conflicts with the main systemd
8c1b90 |
package and is meant for use on systems without systemd.
d0811f |
d2f4df |
%package standalone-sysusers
8c1b90 |
Summary: Standalone systemd-sysusers binary for use on systems without systemd
d2f4df |
Provides: %{name}-sysusers = %{version}-%{release}
d2f4df |
RemovePathPostfixes: .standalone
d2f4df |
d2f4df |
%description standalone-sysusers
8c1b90 |
Standalone systemd-sysusers binary with no dependencies on the systemd-shared library or
d2f4df |
other libraries from systemd-libs. This package conflicts with the main systemd
8c1b90 |
package and is meant for use on systems without systemd.
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%package standalone-shutdown
8c1b90 |
Summary: Standalone systemd-shutdown binary for use on systems without systemd
8c1b90 |
Provides: %{name}-shutdown = %{version}-%{release}
8c1b90 |
RemovePathPostfixes: .standalone
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%description standalone-shutdown
8c1b90 |
Standalone systemd-shutdown binary with no dependencies on the systemd-shared library or
8c1b90 |
other libraries from systemd-libs. This package conflicts with the main systemd
8c1b90 |
package and is meant for use in exitrds.
d2f4df |
7172f2 |
%package selinux
7172f2 |
Summary: SELinux module for systemd
7172f2 |
BuildArch: noarch
7172f2 |
BuildRequires: bzip2
7172f2 |
BuildRequires: make
7172f2 |
BuildRequires: selinux-policy
7172f2 |
BuildRequires: selinux-policy-devel
a5252a |
%if 0%{?facebook}
a5252a |
Requires(post): selinux-policy-base
a5252a |
7172f2 |
Requires(post): selinux-policy-base >= %{_selinux_policy_version}
a5252a |
7172f2 |
Requires(post): policycoreutils
7172f2 |
Requires(pre): libselinux-utils
7172f2 |
Requires(post): libselinux-utils
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
%description selinux
7172f2 |
This package provides the SELinux policy module to ensure systemd
7172f2 |
runs properly under an environment with SELinux enabled.
7172f2 |
d2f4df |
7172f2 |
# pagure strips the '+' from 'hs+fb' for the top directory in the tar archive so
7172f2 |
# the top directory is hsfb-250.3 instead of hs+fb-250.3.
7172f2 |
%autosetup -n %{name}-hs%{?facebook:fb}-%{version} -p1
7172f2 |
2693e6 |
mkdir -p /tmp/selinux
813ede |
cp %SOURCE100 %SOURCE101 /tmp/selinux
5cdaa6 |
d0811f |
9e3166 |
%global ntpvendor %(source /etc/os-release; echo ${ID})
d0811f |
%{!?ntpvendor: echo 'NTP vendor zone is not set!'; exit 1}
d0811f |
d0811f |
505ca8 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
-Dntp-servers='0.%{ntpvendor}.pool.ntp.org 1.%{ntpvendor}.pool.ntp.org 2.%{ntpvendor}.pool.ntp.org 3.%{ntpvendor}.pool.ntp.org'
505ca8 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
-Dxz=%[%{with xz}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
-Dzlib=%[%{with zlib}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
-Dbzip2=%[%{with bzip2}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
-Dlz4=%[%{with lz4}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
-Dzstd=%[%{with zstd}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
9e3166 |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
-Dlibcryptsetup=%[%{with bootstrap}?"disabled":"enabled"]
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
-Dqrencode=%[%{defined rhel}?"disabled":"enabled"]
f2f90a |
-Dgnutls=%[%{with gnutls}?"enabled":"disabled"]
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
d0811f |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
d0811f |
d0811f |
09f814 |
d0811f |
09f814 |
27adc3 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
505ca8 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
7172f2 |
# there is stuff that relies on the "v" prefix
f2f90a |
-Dversion-tag=v%{version}%[%{without upstream}?"-%{release}":""]
d2f4df |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1906010
f2f90a |
-Dshared-lib-tag=%{version_no_tilde}%[%{without upstream}?"-%{release}":""]
09f814 |
505ca8 |
d2f4df |
505ca8 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1867830
505ca8 |
505ca8 |
9e3166 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2028169
9e3166 |
f2f90a |
167d2b |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
# -Dsystemd-timesync-uid=, not set yet
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
# For now, let's build the bootloader in the same places where we
f2f90a |
# built with gnu-efi. Later on, we might want to extend coverage, but
f2f90a |
# considering that that support is untested, let's not do this now.
f2f90a |
# Note, ukify requires bootloader, let's also explicitly enable/disable it
f2f90a |
# here for https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/24175.
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
%if 0%{?facebook}
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
-Dntp-servers='1.ntp.vip.facebook.com 2.ntp.vip.facebook.com 3.ntp.vip.facebook.com 4.ntp.vip.facebook.com'
7172f2 |
-Ddns-servers=' 2401:db00:eef0:a53:: 2401:db00:eef0:b53::'
66b4a7 |
7172f2 |
d0811f |
7172f2 |
d0811f |
505ca8 |
%if %{without lto}
505ca8 |
%global _lto_cflags %nil
505ca8 |
505ca8 |
0fda4b |
%global build_cflags %{build_cflags} -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer
0fda4b |
e6e171 |
{ %meson "${CONFIGURE_OPTS[@]}" %{?meson_extra_configure_options} ; }
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
167d2b |
167d2b |
167d2b |
if ! diff -u %{SOURCE1} ${new_triggers}; then
167d2b |
echo -e "\n\n\nWARNING: triggers.systemd in Source1 is different!"
167d2b |
echo -e " cp $PWD/${new_triggers} %{SOURCE1}\n\n\n"
167d2b |
sleep 5
167d2b |
167d2b |
f2f90a |
sed -r 's|/system/|/user/|g' %{SOURCE16} >10-timeout-abort.conf.user
f2f90a |
2693e6 |
cd /tmp/selinux
7172f2 |
%{__make} -f Makefile.selinux SHARE="%{_datadir}" TARGETS="systemd_hs"
7172f2 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
# udev links
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}
d0811f |
ln -sf ../bin/udevadm %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/udevadm
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Compatiblity and documentation files
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}/etc/crypttab
d0811f |
chmod 600 %{buildroot}/etc/crypttab
d0811f |
f2f90a |
# Config files that were moved under /usr.
f2f90a |
# We need to %ghost them so that they are not removed on upgrades.
f2f90a |
touch %{buildroot}/etc/systemd/coredump.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/homed.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/journald.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/journal-remote.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/journal-upload.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/logind.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/networkd.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/oomd.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/pstore.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/resolved.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/sleep.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/system.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/systemd/user.conf \
f2f90a |
%{buildroot}/etc/udev/udev.conf \
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
09f814 |
# /etc/initab
09f814 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}/etc/ %{SOURCE5}
09f814 |
d0811f |
# /etc/sysctl.conf compat
09f814 |
install -Dm0644 %{SOURCE6} %{buildroot}/etc/sysctl.conf
d0811f |
ln -s ../sysctl.conf %{buildroot}/etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Make sure these directories are properly owned
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/basic.target.wants
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/default.target.wants
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/dbus.target.wants
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/syslog.target.wants
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/run
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log
9e3166 |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/lastlog
9e3166 |
chmod 0664 %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/lastlog
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}/run/utmp
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/{w,b}tmp
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Make sure the user generators dir exists too
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/system-generators
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/user-generators
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Create new-style configuration files so that we can ghost-own them
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/hostname
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/vconsole.conf
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/locale.conf
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/machine-id
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/machine-info
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/localtime
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Make sure the shutdown/sleep drop-in dirs exist
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/system-shutdown/
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{pkgdir}/system-sleep/
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Make sure directories in /var exist
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/coredump
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/catalog
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/backlight
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/rfkill
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/linger
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/private
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/private
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/cache/private
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/private/systemd/journal-upload
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync
d0811f |
ln -s ../private/systemd/journal-upload %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/journal-upload
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/log/journal
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/catalog/database
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/udev/hwdb.bin
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/random-seed
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync/clock
d0811f |
touch %{buildroot}%{_localstatedir}/lib/private/systemd/journal-upload/state
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Install yum protection fragment
d0811f |
install -Dm0644 %{SOURCE4} %{buildroot}/etc/dnf/protected.d/systemd.conf
d0811f |
09f814 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}/usr/lib/firewalld/services/ %{SOURCE7} %{SOURCE8}
09f814 |
d0811f |
# Install additional docs
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1234951
d0811f |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_pkgdocdir}/ %{SOURCE9}
d0811f |
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1378974
d0811f |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/systemd-udev-trigger.service.d/ %{SOURCE10}
d0811f |
ae4880 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/ %{SOURCE13}
ae4880 |
d0811f |
install -D -t %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/ %{SOURCE3}
d0811f |
04a488 |
# systemd-oomd default configuration
04a488 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/oomd.conf.d/ %{SOURCE14}
09f814 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{system_unit_dir}/system.slice.d/ %{SOURCE15}
09f814 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{user_unit_dir}/slice.d/ %{SOURCE15}
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/IncreaseVmMaxMapCount
8c1b90 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/sysctl.d/ %{SOURCE17}
04a488 |
d0811f |
sed -i 's|#!/usr/bin/env python3|#!%{__python3}|' %{buildroot}/usr/lib/systemd/tests/run-unit-tests.py
d0811f |
d0811f |
install -m 0644 -D -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d/ %{SOURCE21}
f2f90a |
# Use rpm's own sysusers provides where available
f2f90a |
%if ! (0%{?fedora} >= 39 || 0%{?rhel} >= 10)
d0811f |
install -m 0644 -D -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/fileattrs/ %{SOURCE22}
d0811f |
install -m 0755 -D -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/ %{SOURCE23}
f2f90a |
d0811f |
install -m 0755 -D -t %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/ %{SOURCE24}
d0811f |
8c1b90 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2107754
8c1b90 |
install -Dm0644 -t %{buildroot}%{_prefix}/lib/systemd/network/ %{SOURCE25}
8c1b90 |
d0811f |
%find_lang %{name}
d0811f |
f2f90a |
# Split files in build root into rpms
f2f90a |
python3 %{SOURCE2} %buildroot %{!?want_bootloader:--no-bootloader}
d0811f |
7172f2 |
install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/contrib
2693e6 |
install -p -m 0644 /tmp/selinux/systemd_hs.if %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/devel/include/contrib
7172f2 |
install -d -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/packages
2693e6 |
install -p -m 0644 /tmp/selinux/systemd_hs.pp.bz2 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/selinux/packages
7172f2 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
%if %{with tests}
f2f90a |
meson test -C %{_vpath_builddir} -t 6 --print-errorlogs
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
%include %{SOURCE1}
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
systemd-machine-id-setup &>/dev/null || :
d0811f |
ae4880 |
# FIXME: move to %postun. We want to restart systemd *after* removing
ae4880 |
# files from the old rpm. Right now we may still have bits the old
ae4880 |
# setup if the files are not present in the new version. But before
ae4880 |
# implement restarting of *other* services after the transaction, moving
ae4880 |
# this would make things worse, increasing the number of warnings we get
ae4880 |
# about needed daemon-reload.
ae4880 |
d0811f |
systemctl daemon-reexec &>/dev/null || {
d0811f |
# systemd v239 had bug #9553 in D-Bus authentication of the private socket,
d0811f |
# which was later fixed in v240 by #9625.
d0811f |
d0811f |
# The end result is that a `systemctl daemon-reexec` call as root will fail
d0811f |
# when upgrading from systemd v239, which means the system will not start
d0811f |
# running the new version of systemd after this post install script runs.
d0811f |
d0811f |
# To work around this issue, let's fall back to using a `kill -TERM 1` to
d0811f |
# re-execute the daemon when the `systemctl daemon-reexec` call fails.
d0811f |
d0811f |
# In order to prevent issues when the reason why the daemon-reexec failed is
d0811f |
# not the aforementioned bug, let's only use this fallback when:
d0811f |
# - we're upgrading this RPM package; and
d0811f |
# - we confirm that systemd is running as PID1 on this system.
d0811f |
if [ $1 -gt 1 ] && [ -d /run/systemd/system ] ; then
d0811f |
kill -TERM 1 &>/dev/null || :
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
ae4880 |
[ $1 -eq 1 ] || exit 0
d0811f |
ae4880 |
# create /var/log/journal only on initial installation,
ae4880 |
# and only if it's writable (it won't be in rpm-ostree).
ae4880 |
[ -w %{_localstatedir} ] && mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/log/journal
d0811f |
ae4880 |
[ -w %{_localstatedir} ] && journalctl --update-catalog || :
ae4880 |
systemd-sysusers || :
ae4880 |
systemd-tmpfiles --create &>/dev/null || :
505ca8 |
d0811f |
# We reset the enablement of all services upon initial installation
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1118740#c23
d0811f |
# This will fix up enablement of any preset services that got installed
d0811f |
# before systemd due to rpm ordering problems:
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647172.
d0811f |
# We also do this for user units, see
d0811f |
# https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Systemd_presets_for_user_units.
505ca8 |
systemctl preset-all &>/dev/null || :
505ca8 |
systemctl --global preset-all &>/dev/null || :
505ca8 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
if [ $1 -eq 1 ]; then
ae4880 |
[ -w %{_localstatedir} ] && journalctl --update-catalog || :
ae4880 |
systemd-tmpfiles --create &>/dev/null || :
d0811f |
d0811f |
f2f90a |
%systemd_postun_with_restart systemd-timedated.service systemd-hostnamed.service systemd-journald.service systemd-localed.service systemd-userdbd.service
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
# FIXME: systemd-logind.service is excluded (https://github.com/systemd/systemd/pull/17558)
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
# This is the explanded form of %%systemd_user_daemon_reexec. We
f2f90a |
# can't use the macro because we define it ourselves.
f2f90a |
if [ $1 -ge 1 ] && [ -x "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper" ]; then
f2f90a |
# Package upgrade, not uninstall
f2f90a |
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-update-helper user-reexec || :
f2f90a |
ae4880 |
09f814 |
%triggerun resolved -- systemd < 246.1-1
09f814 |
# This is for upgrades from previous versions before systemd-resolved became the default.
09f814 |
systemctl --no-reload preset systemd-resolved.service &>/dev/null || :
09f814 |
09f814 |
if systemctl -q is-enabled systemd-resolved.service &>/dev/null; then
09f814 |
systemctl -q is-enabled NetworkManager.service 2>/dev/null && \
09f814 |
! test -L /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null && \
09f814 |
! mountpoint /etc/resolv.conf &>/dev/null && \
09f814 |
grep -q 'Generated by NetworkManager' /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null && \
09f814 |
echo -e '/etc/resolv.conf was generated by NetworkManager.\nRemoving it to let systemd-resolved manage this file.' && \
09f814 |
mv -v /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.orig-with-nm && \
09f814 |
ln -sv ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null || :
09f814 |
09f814 |
systemctl start systemd-resolved.service &>/dev/null || :
09f814 |
09f814 |
8c1b90 |
%triggerun -- systemd < 247.3-2
ae4880 |
# This is for upgrades from previous versions before oomd-defaults is available.
8c1b90 |
systemctl --no-reload preset systemd-oomd.service &>/dev/null || :
8c1b90 |
8c1b90 |
%triggerpostun -- systemd < 253~rc1-2
8c1b90 |
# This is for upgrades from previous versions where systemd-journald-audit.socket
8c1b90 |
# had a static enablement symlink.
ae4880 |
# We use %%triggerpostun here because rpm doesn't allow a second %%triggerun with
ae4880 |
# a different package version.
8c1b90 |
systemctl --no-reload preset systemd-journald-audit.socket &>/dev/null || :
8c1b90 |
f2f90a |
%global udev_services systemd-udev{d,-settle,-trigger}.service systemd-udevd-{control,kernel}.socket systemd-homed.service %{?want_bootloader:systemd-boot-update.service} systemd-oomd.service systemd-portabled.service systemd-pstore.service systemd-timesyncd.service remote-cryptsetup.target
d0811f |
d0811f |
%post udev
d0811f |
# Move old stuff around in /var/lib
d0811f |
mv %{_localstatedir}/lib/random-seed %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/random-seed &>/dev/null
d0811f |
mv %{_localstatedir}/lib/backlight %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/backlight &>/dev/null
d0811f |
if [ -L %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync ]; then
d0811f |
rm %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync
d0811f |
mv %{_localstatedir}/lib/private/systemd/timesync %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync
d0811f |
d0811f |
if [ -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/clock ] ; then
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync
d0811f |
mv %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/clock %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/timesync/.
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
udevadm hwdb --update &>/dev/null
505ca8 |
d0811f |
%systemd_post %udev_services
505ca8 |
505ca8 |
# Try to save the random seed, but don't complain if /dev/urandom is unavailable
505ca8 |
/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-random-seed save 2>&1 | \
505ca8 |
grep -v 'Failed to open /dev/urandom' || :
d0811f |
d0811f |
# Replace obsolete keymaps
d0811f |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1151958
d0811f |
grep -q -E '^KEYMAP="?fi-latin[19]"?' /etc/vconsole.conf 2>/dev/null &&
d0811f |
sed -i.rpm.bak -r 's/^KEYMAP="?fi-latin[19]"?/KEYMAP="fi"/' /etc/vconsole.conf || :
d0811f |
d0811f |
%preun udev
d0811f |
%systemd_preun %udev_services
d0811f |
d0811f |
%postun udev
167d2b |
# Restart some services.
d0811f |
# Others are either oneshot services, or sockets, and restarting them causes issues (#1378974)
167d2b |
%systemd_postun_with_restart systemd-udevd.service systemd-timesyncd.service
d0811f |
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
%global journal_remote_units_restart systemd-journal-gatewayd.service systemd-journal-remote.service systemd-journal-upload.service
ae4880 |
%global journal_remote_units_norestart systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket systemd-journal-remote.socket
d0811f |
%post journal-remote
ae4880 |
%systemd_post %journal_remote_units_restart %journal_remote_units_norestart
09f814 |
d0811f |
d0811f |
%preun journal-remote
ae4880 |
%systemd_preun %journal_remote_units_restart %journal_remote_units_norestart
d0811f |
if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then
d0811f |
if [ -f %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/journal-upload/state -a ! -L %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/journal-upload ] ; then
d0811f |
mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/lib/private/systemd/journal-upload
d0811f |
mv %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/journal-upload/state %{_localstatedir}/lib/private/systemd/journal-upload/.
d0811f |
rmdir %{_localstatedir}/lib/systemd/journal-upload || :
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
d0811f |
%postun journal-remote
ae4880 |
%systemd_postun_with_restart %journal_remote_units_restart
09f814 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
%post networkd
ae4880 |
# systemd-networkd was split out in systemd-246.6-2.
ae4880 |
# Ideally, we would have a trigger scriptlet to record enablement
ae4880 |
# state when upgrading from systemd <= systemd-246.6-1. But, AFAICS,
ae4880 |
# rpm doesn't allow us to trigger on another package, short of
ae4880 |
# querying the rpm database ourselves, which seems risky. For rpm,
ae4880 |
# systemd and systemd-networkd are completely unrelated. So let's use
ae4880 |
# a hack to detect if an old systemd version is currently present in
ae4880 |
# the file system.
ae4880 |
# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1943263
ae4880 |
if [ $1 -eq 1 ] && ls /usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-24[0-6].so &>/dev/null; then
ae4880 |
echo "Skipping presets for systemd-networkd.service, seems we are upgrading from old systemd."
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
%systemd_post systemd-networkd.service systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
%preun networkd
ae4880 |
%systemd_preun systemd-networkd.service systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
%postun networkd
f2f90a |
%systemd_postun_with_restart systemd-networkd.service
f2f90a |
%systemd_postun systemd-networkd-wait-online.service
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%post resolved
f2f90a |
[ $1 -eq 1 ] || exit 0
f2f90a |
# Initial installation
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
touch %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/systemd-resolved.initial-installation
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
# Related to https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1943263
f2f90a |
if ls /usr/lib/systemd/libsystemd-shared-24[0-8].so &>/dev/null; then
f2f90a |
echo "Skipping presets for systemd-resolved.service, seems we are upgrading from old systemd."
f2f90a |
exit 0
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
f2f90a |
%systemd_post systemd-resolved.service
f2f90a |
ae4880 |
%preun resolved
ae4880 |
if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then
ae4880 |
systemctl disable --quiet \
ae4880 |
systemd-resolved.service \
ae4880 |
>/dev/null || :
9e3166 |
if [ -L /etc/resolv.conf ] && \
9e3166 |
realpath /etc/resolv.conf | grep ^/run/systemd/resolve/; then
9e3166 |
rm -f /etc/resolv.conf # no longer useful
9e3166 |
# if network manager is enabled, move to it instead
9e3166 |
[ -f /run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf ] && \
9e3166 |
systemctl -q is-enabled NetworkManager.service &>/dev/null && \
9e3166 |
ln -fsv ../run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
%postun resolved
f2f90a |
%systemd_postun_with_restart systemd-resolved.service
ae4880 |
9e3166 |
%posttrans resolved
09f814 |
[ -e %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/systemd-resolved.initial-installation ] || exit 0
09f814 |
rm %{_localstatedir}/lib/rpm-state/systemd-resolved.initial-installation
d2f4df |
# Initial installation
d2f4df |
ae4880 |
# Create /etc/resolv.conf symlink.
09f814 |
# (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1873856)
09f814 |
09f814 |
# We would also create it using tmpfiles, but let's do this here too
09f814 |
# before NetworkManager gets a chance. (systemd-tmpfiles invocation
09f814 |
# above does not do this, because the line is marked with ! and
09f814 |
# tmpfiles is invoked without --boot in the scriptlet.)
ae4880 |
9e3166 |
# *Create* the symlink if nothing is present yet.
9e3166 |
# (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2032085)
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
# *Override* the symlink if systemd is running. Don't do it if systemd
9e3166 |
# is not running, because that will immediately break DNS resolution,
9e3166 |
# since systemd-resolved is also not running
9e3166 |
# (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1891847).
ae4880 |
ae4880 |
# Also don't create the symlink to the stub when the stub is disabled (#1891847 again).
9e3166 |
if systemctl -q is-enabled systemd-resolved.service &>/dev/null &&
9e3166 |
! systemd-analyze cat-config systemd/resolved.conf 2>/dev/null |
9e3166 |
grep -iqE '^DNSStubListener\s*=\s*(no?|false|0|off)\s*$'; then
9e3166 |
9e3166 |
if ! test -e /etc/resolv.conf && ! test -L /etc/resolv.conf; then
9e3166 |
ln -sv ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf || :
9e3166 |
elif test -d /run/systemd/system/ &&
9e3166 |
! mountpoint /etc/resolv.conf &>/dev/null; then
9e3166 |
ln -fsv ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf || :
9e3166 |
ae4880 |
d0811f |
7172f2 |
%pre selinux
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
%post selinux
7172f2 |
%selinux_modules_install %{_datadir}/selinux/packages/systemd_hs.pp.bz2
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
%posttrans selinux
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
%postun selinux
7172f2 |
%selinux_modules_uninstall systemd_hs
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
d0811f |
%global _docdir_fmt %{name}
d0811f |
d2f4df |
%files -f %{name}.lang -f .file-list-main
d0811f |
%doc %{_pkgdocdir}
9e3166 |
%exclude %{_pkgdocdir}/LICENSE*
9e3166 |
# Only the licenses texts for the licenses in License line are included.
f2f90a |
%license LICENSE.GPL2
9e3166 |
%license LICENSES/MIT.txt
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/basic.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/default.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/graphical.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/local-fs.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/machines.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/printer.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/remote-fs.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/sockets.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/system-update.target.wants
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /etc/systemd/system/timers.target.wants
9e3166 |
%ghost %dir %attr(0700,-,-) /var/lib/portables
d0811f |
%ghost %dir %attr(0755,-,-) /var/lib/rpm-state/systemd
d0811f |
d0811f |
%files libs -f .file-list-libs
d0811f |
%license LICENSE.LGPL2.1
d0811f |
d0811f |
%files pam -f .file-list-pam
d0811f |
d0811f |
%files rpm-macros -f .file-list-rpm-macros
d0811f |
ae4880 |
%files resolved -f .file-list-resolve
ae4880 |
d0811f |
%files devel -f .file-list-devel
d0811f |
d0811f |
%files udev -f .file-list-udev
d0811f |
f2f90a |
%if 0%{?want_bootloader}
8c1b90 |
%files ukify -f .file-list-ukify
09f814 |
%files boot-unsigned -f .file-list-boot
09f814 |
09f814 |
d0811f |
%files container -f .file-list-container
9e3166 |
%ghost %dir %attr(0700,-,-) /var/lib/machines
d0811f |
d0811f |
%files journal-remote -f .file-list-remote
d0811f |
ae4880 |
%files networkd -f .file-list-networkd
ae4880 |
f2f90a |
%files networkd-defaults -f .file-list-networkd-defaults
f2f90a |
04a488 |
%files oomd-defaults -f .file-list-oomd-defaults
04a488 |
d0811f |
%files tests -f .file-list-tests
d0811f |
8c1b90 |
%files standalone-repart -f .file-list-standalone-repart
8c1b90 |
09f814 |
%files standalone-tmpfiles -f .file-list-standalone-tmpfiles
09f814 |
09f814 |
%files standalone-sysusers -f .file-list-standalone-sysusers
09f814 |
8c1b90 |
%files standalone-shutdown -f .file-list-standalone-shutdown
8c1b90 |
7172f2 |
%files selinux
7172f2 |
7172f2 |
36c356 |
b81998 |
b81998 |
b81998 |
rm -f 10-timeout-abort.conf.user
b81998 |
rm -f .file-list-*
b81998 |
rm -f %{name}.lang
b81998 |
d0811f |
f2f90a |