tdawson / centos / sig-guide

Forked from centos/sig-guide 7 months ago
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# Documentation

There is a possibility to also host your documentation under, following a workflow based on [Material for MkDocs]( (an enhanced version of [mkdocs](  This SIG Guide is itself following the same workflow, built from .md files hosted in a git repository.

If you want to use the same workflow, proceed like this:

  * create a git repository somewhere (it can be hosted on centos infra - gitlab or pagure - but no limitation)
  * locally test material for mkdocs (see below)
  * create [CentOS Infra tracker issue]( that would contain the SIG name, public git url to clone/pull from
  * once you commit to your upstream git project, it will be rendered in the next minutes and pushed to dedicated folder

## How to test locally material for mkdocs

The easiest way is just to use podman and a container:

podman pull

Prepare your mkdocs.yml (see [ours]( as quick reference and your `docs` folder containing your markdown (.md) files.
Write documentation and once you have your skeleton, just test locally like this : 

podman run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 -v ${PWD}:/docs:z squidfunk/mkdocs-material

You can now open your browser to http://localhost:8000 and you'll be able to see live your edit/changes.
Once happy, you can commit to git and see the rendered result in the next minutes going live