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Forked from centos/ 3 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
title: "CentOS Showcase 2024-11"
title_lead: "November 4, 2024 • Online"
  - title: "Building EPEL 10 on CentOS Stream"
    slides: ""
    youtube: bCHDdTy7gd8
      - name: Carl George
    desc: |
      <p>EPEL has historically been built on RHEL.
      This is changing with EPEL 10, which will primarily be built on CentOS Stream.
      Join this session to learn more about this change and the benefits it will
      provide maintainers and users.
      We will also discuss the work completed so far and the timeline for the official launch.</p>
      <p>It is recommended (but not mandatory) for attendees to have already watched the
      "EPEL 10 Overview" talk from CentOS Connect earlier this year.</p>
  - title: "Hyperscale SIG Update"
    youtube: -nHy8pf0AYE
      - name: Davide Cavalca
      - name: Neal Gompa
    desc: |
      We'll present an update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on lately,
      what deliverables are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.
  - title: "CentOS Web Revamp"
    youtube: X5HXtI9rbvY
      - name: Shaun McCance
    desc: |
      The Promo, Docs, and Artwork SIGs have been working on revamping our website and our docs.
      With CentOS Stream 10 fast approaching, it's important that our web presence is clear,
      consistent, and correct. Come see the work that's been done so far and what needs to be done,
      and learn how you can help.
  - title: "Alt Uses for Alt Images"
    youtube: R8qKmkZxj6w
      - name: Troy Dawson
    desc: |
      You might have heard about CentOS Stream Alternative Images.
      But what can you really do with them?
      Troy will not only show you what images we have, but what you can do with them.
  - title: "Using Hyperscale as a staging ground for Fedora improvements"
    slides: ""
    youtube: sCvawNYcfgA
      - name: Michel Lind
    desc: |
      In general, most work in the Hyperscale SIG is situated in between CentOS Stream
      and EPEL (which we build on) and Fedora (which we often rebase on).
      This is sometimes inverted - with Fedora changes driven by something we need in Hyperscale.
      This talk will highlight some examples.
  - title: "CentOS Stream on Windows"
    youtube: cERMntyJuxc
      - name: Troy Dawson
    desc: |
      CentOS Stream is not in the official Microsoft WSL library, but that doesn't mean you can't add it.
      Join Troy as he shows you how you can run CentOS Stream on Windows.

<p class="lead mb-6">CentOS Showcase is a half-day virtual event that showcases the work
happening in the CentOS ecosystem. It features short talks focusing on CentOS Stream,
the CentOS SIGs, and various projects that build on the work done in CentOS.</p>

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