title: "CentOS @ Flock 2023" title_lead: "August 1, 2023 - August 4, 2023 • Cork, Ireland" talks: - title: "CentOS Alternative Images SIG status report" youtube: MDWAiDiI5qA speakers: - name: Troy Dawson desc: | The CentOS Alternative Images SIG's goal is to provide Alternative CentOS Stream images. I will report how we are doing, and what we have planned next. - title: "CentOS Stream and RHEL development in public" youtube: BrOYsOvfqig speakers: - name: Adam Samalik desc: |
CentOS Stream is where RHEL development happens in public. It's also where many SIGs build on top of an enterprise linux platform while having the ability to influence its development. You can preview content coming to RHEL, test your creations on top of it, and also participate!
We'll cover how CentOS Stream works and where you can find it. We'll compare it to Fedora ELN and how it relates to RHEL, and even mention CentOS Stream 10.
- title: "Rocky Linux: Journey to secureboot" youtube: lP4hSI8Fg3A speakers: - name: Sherif Nagy desc: |Secureboot is one of your earliest lines of defence against malware, unauthorized code execution during the boot process of the Operating System (at least in theory). It is advised to always have it enabled and most of modern PC's and servers come with secureboot enabled by default.
This presentation will be an overview of secureboot and the processes both technical and non-technical that Linux distribution has to go through to be secureboot enabled / ready. I will be talking about my understanding and experience with secureboot, how and why Rocky Linux and other Linux distribution are able to boot in secureboot environment, how to provide a chain of trust, what are the processes involved in getting distribution's shim signed by Microsoft, the technical and non-technical that Linux distributions faces during this process and the benefits to the end user of having Linux distribution supporting and running in secureboot environment.
We hope that this presentation will help the GNU/Linux community to understand how secureboot works and how Linux distributions are able to achieve secureboot.
- title: "Hyperscale SIG update"An introductory talk on how KubeVirt uses CentOS Stream as a solid base for all of its End-to-End testing. This includes:
Flock is the Fedora Project's annual contributor-focused conference. The conference provides a venue for face-to-face meetings and conversations. CentOS managed a track at Flock 2023.
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