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CentOS Board - meeting minutes - 2020-05-11
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CentOS Board - meeting minutes - 2020-05-11
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Decisions, resolutions, and agreements
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Agenda + Minutes
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Public minutes
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ACTION: All Read through the Public notes
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(Carry all actions from notes below up to this section)
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Decisions, resolutions, and agreements
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Agenda + Minutes
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Time commitment from Directors for Board business - 1 hour/week, ticket system
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Git.centos.org vs. pagure.io
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If use GitHub, talk with Freshman Gady for sec review
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Using our own tool is straightforward, without a deeper analysis
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Pagure.io would be hosted for us, moving way eventually
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Way for us to engage with the community
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Way for us to work through things
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Decision: git.centos.org, revisit in a few months
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RH membership/seats
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No doc yet
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ACTION: We recognize that there is an issue here we need to work through, and we do not identify a high risk at this time while we work through it. KB writing a statement here for the public notes.
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ACTION: Bring Rich Bowen to Board calls, how? Do it by the next meeting.
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Vision and strategy == “open goals update” for centos.org/about
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KB’s points about vision from here -- what do we want the Project to look like in 3 to 5 years?
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Heavily invested in success above the platform - RDO, etc. SIGs is where the action was, distro was nice and boring. C6 -> C8 early model
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Stream as the new vision has to make a usable thing.
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It may not be the only thing we do
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We need to reach out to get participation from various groups that aren’t on -devel.
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Open goals refresh (doc)
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ACTION: Need timeline commitment from Board -- be ready to close and announce next meeting
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What do we need to announce?
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The completed doc above;
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Announce email that includes the non-Board co-authors & why they are there;
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The clear, milestone-based open decision process we are going to follow to bring this thing to a conclusion.
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Who are the known stakeholders
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Invitation to step up, define as stakeholder, and do the work/bring voice for that view; good faith requirement
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List who are the deciders - Board only, or plus Red Hat in some way
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CentOS Stream success criteria doc
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This is our lever in protecting the community we care about.
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What deadline can we commit to?
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Liaison role draft
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Our progress, the status
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Bex doing RH side to present to the Board
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Role’s we’ve historically had in the Liaison bucket may be in the actual purview of an RH staffer e.g. Bex, Director, community manager e.g. Rich, or a more-clarified Liaison.
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Redesign discussions updated
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Logo redesign
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Website redesign -- ongoing process, Thomas to tell Alain
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Need to get on this one after the open goals review
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Or sooner
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Lots of RH stakeholder work to do here
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Adding Secretary role to existing governance
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Any other changes to existing?
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How does this roll into Bylaws?
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Rolling (last from 2020-02-11):
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Keep eye on git.centos.org usage for Board
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(Private) Trademark Guidelines review:
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What works & what does not.
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What do we want to get fixed; who wants to work on that.
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(Private) Advisory Council - discussion toward a proposal - discussion draft
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On hold while goals discussion is held, which includes a review and update of governance. We’ll figure out what model we want from that and how this idea might fit.
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Any other topics aka What other things do you want on our master initiatives list?
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Stepping-up our meeting norms
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Transparency initiatives
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Public minutes
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On YYYY-MM-DD the CentOS Board of Directors met …
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Narrative summary of what was discussed.
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In support of these efforts, the Board came to the following decisions, resolutions, and agreements:
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Item 1
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Item N
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Present at the meeting:
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