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Attending 1
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Agenda 1
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Comms out from end of meeting 3
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Q&A back to RH stakeholders 4
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1. RH Stakeholder responses to CentOS BOD Feedback
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2. New Blog post being proposed
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Recap response doc
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JH: need to understand the biz constraints that are causing RHT to implement this.
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JP: Spoke to Mike McGrath and Stephanie, infra revenue, representing RHEL income has a marked decline, and there is understanding that the biz impact is there.
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CT: there may be some way to get some privileged info to Board
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KW: Spoke to Chris Wright last week around time to action
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Chris is working on a ver of data that can be shared
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MM: question if this change will impact/change the numbers ( re: material harm )
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MM: is there any counter proposal that will ‘fly’ - it feels like there is very little compromise here.
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KW: depends on the msg they want to deliver
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Variations on ‘asking for more time’ - allow us to message the change.
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KW: if the problem is that the rebuild needs distance from RHT, then maybe Software Freedom Conservancy umbrella or something can be used to create distance.
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putting it under a foundation is not ideal but it may be less distasteful than the immediate killing of the clone
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KW: we be open and transparent, communicate what RHT asked for and our agreement
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KB: can we provide solutions for use cases that people we care about actually do?
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KW: one trick is that out of the gate, people think of their use case as "it's like RHEL" in terms of the instant fear/flight response to news if you can get them to look at their real use case, then we can address those
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Shrink main CentOS with Stream as a SIG?
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Why shrink core? Reasons reasons reasons
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Leave PHP alone but change Java, etc.
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JP: could use some breathing room to release what is & start time line to figure out technical change - should, can, etc.
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KW: then we don’t try to ship a broken thing
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JP: fedora server goes away and the story unifies between fedora -> rhel -> centos
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JH: how does redhat get a respite from the ‘clones’
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Noone trusts Oracle ( ~ seen as a smaller threat )
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We are not trying to compete with the clones, because we can take a path and build the onramp through here
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Dynamic is driven by supply and demand; hosting / sci / etc where CentOS built the user base; RHEL user minimal overlap with CentOS; but the brand is being used by the enterprise to threat RHEL. The user base, eg, hosters, will never be in that place.
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OKD has a potential working model
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Can we satisfy the existing CentOS user base - without a direct association and linkage with RHEL ( focusing the demographics that RHEL does not productise, keeping the footprint away from where RHEL is going to want to renegotiate )
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Oracle doing this not going to matter
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There might be segments beyond hosting / web-services that we may miss, so in the announcement open the doors, make it inclusive for them to come engage.
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JH: how close to RHEL we can keep CentOS
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JP: short term, drop CentOS8 with 8 kernel, 8.1 user space
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Longer term: CentOS would be -devel branch
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JP: There is internal push to have RH Layered Projects to use CentOS Streams
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KW: Strong msg from internal projects is pretty strong ( and will support the initiative )
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Tru: SL, is trusted - unlike Oracle, to do this work in the public
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JP: RHT will engage with SL, to make sure they are fine with things
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They are asking for time to transition, given that, they would be willing to work with us.
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CERN / FERMI : identified people to talk with.
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Tru: what about hardware vendors
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The KABI / Whitelist would be ahead of CentOS
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Nvidia drivers as an example, are specified against specific RHEL kernel versions
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KW: Should we be saying, as a project, that the brand is being mis-used, and use that argument to setup the change coming down
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JH: cve’s etc still need to be included in the content / code. It might land earlier (?)
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JP: the bugfix work happens with us, and that means the content lands ahead.
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CVE work is embargoed - and should land with us in source at roughly the same sort of time as it lands in product, or soon after
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For Karsten to take back to RH stakeholders
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board understands the problem
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wants to make sure the community comes along, doesn't create a bad response for RH and individuals involved, once done can never come back - new coke, classic coke --
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TH + CT- no matter how well planned, if it goes wrong, do we have any idea how we’re going to respond
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board is working through this as a collaboration for solving the problem
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few concerns talking through, tweaks/suggestions, clarifications we need to work through, we'll come back
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Comms out from end of meeting
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Hi Chris, Mike:
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As promised earlier with Mike et al, here is a quick update from our continued CentOS BOD discussions today. Carl was able to join us and get his perspective into the conversation.
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The BOD understands the problem being presented by Red Hat stakeholders. The Directors want to make sure the community comes along with project changes, and that it doesn't create a bad response for Red Hat and the individuals involved, which -- once done -- can never be undone.
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Basically the Directors are thinking of the story of New Coke.[1] We want to introduce “New CentOS” and are concerned that how we treat “Classic CentOS” may end up with a negative backlash that undermines “New CentOS” before people even give it a taste.
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The Board is working this as a collaboration for solving the problem. We have a few concerns we're talking through, and will have some tweaks and suggestions to the make, as well as clarifications to work through.
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We're meeting again on Wednesday after a few days of async collaboration (time TBD) and I'll contact you following that.
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[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Coke
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Best regards,
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Q&A back to RH stakeholders
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How do we know the plan is successful?
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What happens if CentOS Stream is too successful and customers start preferring it to CentOS?
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