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Karanbir Singh
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Jim Perrin
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Fabian Arrotin
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Johnny Hughes
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Ralph Angenendt
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Karsten Wade
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Add a license field for every container entry
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Develop list of all licenses in the distro + per repo
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Add requirements for license field into the SIG guide
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Add verification check
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Messaging for unified git
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Write up proposal & submit to Board for discussion / approval
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Registry.centos.org containers
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Who is vetting that things match the correct rules?
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Akin to SIGs -- they can go succeed but following the guidelines
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Need guidelines for this
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Containers may be more visible than other domains
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Licensing guidelines are already in https://wiki.centos.org/SpecialInterestGroup
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What is our response?
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Containers are acting separately from what SIGs do?
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Operate within Atomic SIG
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Who is responsible for content going into registry?
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BamaChrn Kundu & Container Eng team
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Action: Need a ‘License:’ field for every container entry
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Action: Make sure it is in the SIG guide & referenced from that SIG
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What do we put in the license field?
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License field should contain the license for the app that is the ‘purpose’ of the container
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All licenses need to be included in the container viewable when examining the container
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Make it clear to the SIGs what we are happy to host/not host
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Issue of how we build containers
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LIfecycle terms
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OK to just consume content
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Can take built binaries …
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Requiring restriction to come from RPMs would be a very high barrier for the upstreams we are working from
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Licenses we approve of …
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Verification check post-build?
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If we’re not checking / don’t have a way to check, we’re responsible.
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Unified git (NDA topic)
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Discussed at FOSDEM
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Buildroot for RHEL8 likely larger than shipped OS
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All source coming into CentOS
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To make this work with need a unified git with Fedora
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Git.centos.org maintained by us, pulls from common place as git.fedoraproject.org
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No appreciable negative effects?
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Positive for certain type of maintainers
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Makes our future lives easier as stuff is changing anyway
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Modified packages
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How is this going to work if CentOS & Fedora have a common upstream git repo -- where do our changes go?
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Different branches - ‘f’ v ‘c’, so each group/hat worn pushes changes to their branches
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Some packagers may wear both hats
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How are the CentOS changes retained?
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The official branches ‘c7’ are for debranding only -- workflow stays in place.
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Johnny’s changes go through as they do currently
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We need to be better updating patches in alt-src
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E.g. c7-sig-altarch would be protected for project & SIG members via authentication, so no one from e.g. Fedora could step on something.
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Ideally this is a minimal changes to current workflow
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