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# Board minutes 2014-04-09
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## Attendees
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* Mike
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* Carl
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* Karsten
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* Jim
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* Fabian
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* Johnny
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* Karanbir
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## Agenda
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* Linux Foundation Press release
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* Centos CN forum request
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## Actions
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* Carl: provide link to ASF publicity policy/rules
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* http://apache.org/press/#releases
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* Carl: next iteration of versioning document
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## Notes
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### Karsten brings up the Linux Foundation press release
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* KB: why is Stephanie involved?
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* Karsten: why is LF involved?
b1f77a |
* Karsten: Stephanie is simply a help resource we can use
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* KB: LF is not running the virt sig, rh is not running the virt sig
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* Carl: Press release needs to come to the board. Do we even want one?
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* Carl: notes how Apache Foundation handles such things
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* KB: Press release from their end vs. from our end
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* Karsten: none of us are pr experts. it’s good to have help.
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* Jim: just learned about this today. I want to see the release. Doesn’t matter that it’s for summit. Help from Stephanie is fine, but she is not a blocker.
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* Carl: If the release makes any representation about the project, then they need our approval
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* Carl: we should establish a press list and develop some expertise and rules
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* KB: haven’t had a chance to look. only had it for five minutes
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* KB: no need for this to block for weeks
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* Carl: need to formalize how we handle issuing our press releases.
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* through RH?
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* through another company that employs one of us?
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* Jim: can we view/crib the ASF policy?
b1f77a |
* Carl: yes
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* KB: let’s get this particular release handled in the next day for so and try to formalize the process later
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## Chinese language forum request
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* KB: relates previous attempt at a CN language forum - no activity
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* KB: Let’s do something more general, rather than specifically target one language
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* folks in Japan are interested, as well as...
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* indonesia
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* malaysia
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* brazil
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* every language group gets <langcode>.centos.org and a mailing list
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* set up a language moderators group
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* document how this process works
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* at least one member needs to: speak english, join moderators list
b1f77a |
* KB: this particular CN request comes from someone who might be problematic
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* may want too much autonomy
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* Mike: wonders if we should use hyperkitty
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* https://fedorahosted.org/hyperkitty/
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* demo: https://lists.stg.fedoraproject.org/archives/
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* KB: who is will to take ownership of delivering this?
b1f77a |
* KB: not it!
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* Perhaps someone in the community?
b1f77a |
* Johnny: I can create mailing lists and stand up forums pretty easily
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* Fabian: phpbb might not be that trivial
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* Fabian: no centralized auth
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* Fabian: we’ll have to retool heavily in the future
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* Carl: should we have a vote?
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* Statement : The board will allow the development of forums, lists, and content in other languages managed on CentOS infra and by the CentOS project open to contribution by all. The project will not delegate the running of CentOS branding infra, forums and such to 3rd parties.
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* Vote:
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* yes: KB, Jim, Karsten,Carl, Fabian, Mike, Johnny
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* Carl review the versioning proposal
b1f77a |
* [see slide deck] -> where ? in google drive ?
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* (attached to “Numbering” thread on board mailing list)
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* (lots of discussion)
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* Johnny/Fabian are concerned that if we find it confusing, then the community will find it even more so and react negatively
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* Carl expresses willingness to spend more time to get it right
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### Dojos
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* KB: Lyon is sold out
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* Karsten: what is happening with Denver?
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