pengqianheng / rpms / kernel

Forked from rpms/kernel 2 years ago
Justin Vreeland 794d92
Justin Vreeland 794d92
# This script allows for the generation of a git snapshot between the upstream
Justin Vreeland 794d92
# git tree and the current tree.
Justin Vreeland 794d92
Justin Vreeland 794d92
# Prerequisites:
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#     Set LINUX_GIT to point to an upstream Linux git tree in your .bashrc
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#     or wherever.
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
# Look to see if LINUX_GIT is set in local .bashrc
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if [ -f ~/.bashrc  ]; then
Justin Vreeland 794d92
    source ~/.bashrc
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if [ ! -d "$LINUX_GIT" ]; then
Justin Vreeland 794d92
    echo "error: set \$LINUX_GIT to point at upstream git tree"
Justin Vreeland 794d92
    exit 1
Justin Vreeland 794d92
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
VER=$(grep patch sources | head -n1 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed s/patch-// | sed s/-git.*// | sed s/.xz// | sed s/[\(\)]//g)
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
if [ -z "$VER" ] ;
Justin Vreeland 794d92
Justin Vreeland 794d92
    VER=$(grep linux sources | head -1 | awk '{ print $2 }' | sed s/linux-// | sed s/.tar.xz// | sed s/[\(\)]//g)
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
OLDGIT=$(grep gitrev kernel.spec | head -n1 | sed s/%define\ gitrev\ //)
Justin Vreeland 794d92
export NEWGIT=$(($OLDGIT+1))
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
pushd $LINUX_GIT
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
git diff v$VER.. > /tmp/patch-$VER-git$NEWGIT
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xz -9 /tmp/patch-$VER-git$NEWGIT
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DESC=$(git describe)
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git rev-list --max-count=1 HEAD > /tmp/gitrev
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mv /tmp/patch-$VER-git$NEWGIT.xz .
Justin Vreeland 794d92
mv /tmp/gitrev .
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
perl -p -i -e 's|%global baserelease.*|%global baserelease 0|' kernel.spec
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
perl -p -i -e 's|%define gitrev.*|%define gitrev $ENV{'NEWGIT'}|' kernel.spec
Justin Vreeland 794d92
Justin Vreeland 794d92
rpmdev-bumpspec -c "Linux $DESC" kernel.spec