neil / rpms / anaconda

Forked from rpms/anaconda 2 years ago

e11a51 - Hide the help button on the progress spoke (vponcova)

Authored and Committed by Vladimír Slávik 3 years ago
            - Hide the help button on the progress spoke (vponcova)
              Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Enable the built-in help content (vponcova)
    	  Resolves: rhbz#1995945
    	- Remove the provides_web_browser property (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Cache the parsed content of the help mapping files (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Remove the default_help_pages configuration option (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Remove the helpFile attribute (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Implement the unified help support (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Define a unique id in the main spokes and hubs (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Add the Screen class (vponcova)
    	  Related: rhbz#1995945
    	- Enable Closest mirror on CentOS Stream 9 (jkonecny)
    	  Related: rhbz#1955331
    	- Do not modify boot order on UEFI if asked (vslavik)
    	  Resolves: rhbz#2025953
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