neil / rpms / anaconda

Forked from rpms/anaconda a year ago
DistroBaker 8dd0a3
From 2efdec8ba54caff05548d8711db6a3f9523b157d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
DistroBaker 8dd0a3
From: Javier Martinez Canillas <>
DistroBaker 8dd0a3
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2021 17:42:15 +0100
DistroBaker 8dd0a3
Subject: [PATCH] Use the volume UUID to search for the GRUB config in btrfs
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For UEFI installs, a minimal GRUB config file is created in the EFI System
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Partition that is used to load the main config file that is located in the
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/boot/grub2 directory. The partition that contains the latter, is found by
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the minimal config searching a device with a given filesystem UUID.
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But for this to work the stage2 device must have a filesystem UUID set and
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blivet doesn't set this for partitions formatted with a btrfs filesystem.
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Because each btrfs volume will have its own UUID, the UUID of the volume
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that's mounted according to /etc/fstab must be used to search the device.
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Resolves: rhbz#1930567
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Signed-off-by: Javier Martinez Canillas <>
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 pyanaconda/modules/storage/bootloader/ | 8 +++++++-
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 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
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diff --git a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/bootloader/ b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/bootloader/
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index 425cb31954..82f60e4c40 100644
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--- a/pyanaconda/modules/storage/bootloader/
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+++ b/pyanaconda/modules/storage/bootloader/
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@@ -172,7 +172,13 @@ class EFIGRUB(EFIBase, GRUB2):
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         with open(config_path, "w") as fd:
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             grub_dir = self.config_dir
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-            fs_uuid = self.stage2_device.format.uuid
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+            if self.stage2_device.format.type != "btrfs":
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+                fs_uuid = self.stage2_device.format.uuid
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+            else:
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+                fs_uuid = self.stage2_device.format.vol_uuid
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+            if fs_uuid is None:
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+                raise BootLoaderError("Could not get stage2 filesystem UUID")
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             grub_dir = util.execWithCapture("grub2-mkrelpath", [grub_dir],
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