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<meta property="og:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
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February 3, 2023 — Brussels, Belgium
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Connect with the CentOS community to learn
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about the latest developments in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
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CentOS Connect is a free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream,
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the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem. CentOS Connect at FOSDEM
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happens February 3, 2023, the day before FOSDEM.
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Connect in person
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DoubleTree Brussels City Center
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Pagoda room, eighth floor
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Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
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how_to_reg Register for in-person
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Connect online
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Live streamed on YouTube
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Virtual hallway track on Google Meet
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Questions relayed to speakers
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how_to_reg Register for online
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live_tv Live stream
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video_call Hallway track
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Code of Conduct
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CentOS is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free experience
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for participants at all of our events. All participants, whether in-person or
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virtual, are expected to follow the
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CentOS Code of Conduct.
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To report violations or for any concerns, contact either the Community Architect
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Shaun McCance or the Board President
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Amy Marrich.
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Badge Stickers
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Our badges have space for stickers so people can show what projects
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they work on. If your project is in the CentOS ecosystem, feel free
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to bring some stickers and we'll put them out. The stickers must fit
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inside a one-inch square. We used these
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sheet labels at 1"x1" from Sticker Mule, but you can use any vendor,
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as long as the stickers fit.
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<section id="schedule">
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All times are UTC+1, Brussels local time.
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Connect over coffee
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CentOS Stream: RHEL development in public
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Adam Samalik
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AlmaLinux Build System and Project Updates
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Jack Aboutboul
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Kmods SIG Update
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Peter Georg
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Hyperscale SIG update
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Davide Cavalca
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MirrorManager and CentOS Stream 9
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Adrian Reber
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Offered CentOS Infra services for SIGs
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Fabian Arrotin
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Lunch (provided free)
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From code to cloud - the journey of Openstack package
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Karolina Kula
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Introducing CentOS Stream CoreOS and OKD Streams
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Christian Glombek Alessandro Di Stefano
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Network management in Enterprise Linux: present and future
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Fernando Fernandez Mancera
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Introduction to Rocky Linux and Peridot: Maintaining a downstream fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
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Neil Hanlon
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Running Cloud Native Applications on CentOS on a Cloud Native Processor
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Aaron Williams
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c84830 |
One year on: Experiences using ebranch to bring over Fedora packages to EPEL
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Michel Salim
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A year in review 2023 - CentOS Automotive SIG
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Eric Curtin
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CentOS Board AMA
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CentOS Board
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Going to FOSDEM? Come see us Sunday in the
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Distributions Devroom.
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<section id="speakers">
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Fabian Arrotin
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hybrid clown @ centos infra
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Adrian Reber
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Adrian is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat and is migrating processes
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at least since 2010. He started to migrate processes in a high-performance computing
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environment and at some point, he migrated so many processes that he got a PhD for
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that. Most of the time he is now migrating containers but occasionally he still
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migrates single processes.
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Michel Salim
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Michel Salim is a longtime Fedora contributor, currently working for the Linux
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Userspace team at Meta, whose mission is to contribute to upstream Linux userspace
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Davide Cavalca
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Davide is one of the founding members of the Hyperscale SIG, which he currently
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co-chairs, and also serves as a director on the CentOS Board. In his day job,
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Davide is a Production Engineer on the Linux Userspace team at Meta, which is
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responsible for the CentOS deployment on the production fleet.
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Christian Glombek
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Senior Software Engineer at Red Hat; OKD Maintainer; Gnome, Fedora & CentOS Contributor
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Alessandro Di Stefano
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FOSS enthusiast since ever, and Ph.D. in distributed computing.
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Alessandro Di Stefano likes staying on the cutting edge, focusing on
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observability, software-defined networking, AIOps, and SLA management
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for PaaS clouds, in the open.
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Adam Samalik
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Adam is a principal software engineer with Red Hat mostly contributing
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to Fedora ELN, CentOS Stream, and RHEL.
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Peter Georg
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Works for the Physics Department at the University of Regensburg, Germany.
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Chair of the CentOS Kmods SIG since June 2021.
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Fernando Fernandez Mancera
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Fernando is a free software enthusiast focused on computer networking.
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He is an active contributor of several projects like the Netfilter
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subsystem, NetworkManager and Nmstate. Currently he works as a Senior
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Software Engineer at Red Hat focused on Network Management tools like
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Nispor, Nmstate or NetworkManager.
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In addition, Fernando contributed a lot to the SUGUS GNU/Linux user group
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in Sevilla, Spain.
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Neil Hanlon
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Neil Hanlon is a Linux developer with over ten years of experience. He is
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the infrastructure team lead for Rocky Linux and a member of the Release
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Engineering team, where he works on the development and maintenance of
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Peridot, an open source build system. Neil has a deep understanding of
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Enterprise Linux, networking, systems administration, and architecture.
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In his free time, he contributes to open source projects such as
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OpenStack-Ansible and engages with the wider Linux community and is
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passionate about sharing his knowledge and expertise with others.
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Karolina Kula
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An open source enthusiast who is contributing to upstream RDO project
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in Red Hat (for not so very long time). Interested in security, Internet
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privacy and devopsing. Artist afterwork.
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Eric Curtin
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Red Hat Engineer working in CentOS Automotive SIG
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Aaron Williams
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Aaron is the Community Director for the Ampere Developer Community.
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He started his career as a Java developer and began his developer
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advocacy at SAP as the the Global Director of SAP's internal maker
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and community spaces program called the d-shop. And has been a
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developer advocate/community manager for projects in the ASF and
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Jack Aboutboul
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Offered CentOS Infra services for SIGs
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Fabian Arrotin
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In this talk, we'll do a quick recap about which kind of services (from git
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hosting to building and cdn delivery, as well as CI testing) the CentOS Infra
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team is offering and maintaining for the Special Interest Groups
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MirrorManager and CentOS Stream 9
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Adrian Reber
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Fedora relies on MirrorManager since 2008 and with CentOS Stream 9 CentOS
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mirrors are now also managed by the MirrorManager instance.
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For the CentOS community I want to use this session to give an overview how
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MirrorManager works. I want to give an introduction about all the different
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parts that are necessary to make MirrorManager work as well as how the Fedora
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instance is set up. I also want to highlight how MirrorManager differs from
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the traditional CentOS mirror infrastructure.
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In addition to the introduction for the CentOS community I also want to present
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what has changed in the last 6 years and how and why we rewrote core components
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in Rust.
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One year on: Experiences using ebranch to bring over Fedora packages to EPEL
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Michel Salim
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At this event last year, I described a WIP tool called ebranch
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(https://pagure.io/epel/ebranch) that is meant to simplify the workflow
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of branching a specific package for an EPEL release, together with all the
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missing dependencies needed to build it.
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One year on, this tool has been used for bringing over various sets of new
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packages to EPEL, in different programming language stacks (from Python to
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Perl to Rust); this talk discusses the current state of the tool, how features
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are added to address specific needs, the experiences gained in writing and
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using the tool, and the pros and cons of how different language stacks are
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managed in Fedora when it comes to branching to EPEL.
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Hyperscale SIG update
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Davide Cavalca
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Update on what the Hyperscale SIG has been working on, what deliverables
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are available and how to use them, and what's coming up next.
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Introducing CentOS Stream CoreOS and OKD Streams
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Christian Glombek and Alessandro Di Stefano
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CentOS Stream CoreOS (SCOS) is a Linux distribution built from CentOS
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Stream RPM packages, and focused on running container-based workloads
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with Kubernetes. It is part of the SCOS Stream of OKD, the Kubernetes
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community distribution of OpenShift, co-maintained by the CentOS Cloud
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SIG and the OKD Working Group.
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In this presentation, we'll present the technologies and methodologies
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driving the CentOS Stream CoreOS (SCOS) release engineering, and the
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Cloud-Native architecture we leverage to package the operating system
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that runs Kubernetes/OKD.
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We'll show how this framework, powered by Tekton pipelines and operated
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via GitOps, can enable, thanks to rpm-ostree, the CoreOS Assembler and the
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Layering model, delivery scenarios for different OSes beyond the Cloud-Native
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ones: IoT, multimedia, automotive, thin-client-based environments. Users can
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derive their own purpose-driven variants by maintaining a common multi-arch
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base OS, distributed as a bootable Open Container Image (OCI).
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CentOS Stream: RHEL development in public
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Adam Samalik
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CentOS Stream is where RHEL development happens in public. You can preview
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content coming to RHEL, test your things on top of it, and even participate!
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We'll show you how it works, highlight the key differences between Fedora ELN,
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CentOS Stream and RHEL, and see where it's all happening.
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Kmods SIG Update
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Peter Georg
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Update on what the Kmods SIG has been working on with a particular emphasis
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on automation of rebuilding kABI tracking kernel modules if required.
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Network management in Enterprise Linux: present and future
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Fernando Fernandez Mancera
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The talk will explore the current state of network management in Enterprise
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Linux systems and discuss potential future developments in the field. The
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presentation will cover topics such as network configuration and troubleshooting,
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with a focus on the NetworkManager and Nmstate tools. The aim of the talk is to
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provide a comprehensive overview of network management in Enterprise Linux and
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to discuss the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for enterprise Linux
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Introduction to Rocky Linux and Peridot: Maintaining a downstream fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux
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Neil Hanlon
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Learn about Peridot, a new open source build system created and used by
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Rocky Linux to simplify the process of maintaining a downstream fork of
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Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Discover how Peridot can be used to patch and
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rebuild RPMs, modify upstream RPMs, or package your own software, and how
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Rocky Linux uses it to manage the rebuilding of all packages in Enterprise
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Linux and help drive upstream contributions while enabling Rocky's unique
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special interests. This presentation is ideal for users of RHEL-like
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operating systems who want to improve their Linux deployment and management
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processes. Join us to learn about the benefits of Peridot and Rocky Linux
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and how you can use them to optimize your Linux system and streamline your
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development workflow.
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From code to cloud - the journey of Openstack package
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Karolina Kula
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OpenStack is a huge cloud computing project, which does not provide
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packaging for platforms – RDO does it for rpm-based Linux distros.
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Delivering packages for such project with new release every half a
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year is a challenging task. In this talk I’d like to bring closer to
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audience our continous-delivery approach to package delivery – starting
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from creating and adding new packages, through updates and managing all
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packages already delivered, share our practice in automation and tips
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how to not get drown in dependencies of dependencies. The journey will
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also have quick stop in building tools we are using in RDO and continuous
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integration to ensure stability and compatibility, to finally reach the
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point of having new OpenStack release. This talk is intended not only for
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those, whose daily duties are connected with cloud or continous-delivery
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technologies, but also for anyone interested in topic of delivering
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packages at great scale in open source cloud project, or would like to
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contribute to RDO.
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A year in review 2023 - CentOS Automotive SIG
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Eric Curtin
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A review of what's going on in our CentOS Automotive SIG, our AutoSD
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image, how to run an AutoSD VM to try AutoSD, PREEMPT_RT kernel. Similar
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in ilk to "Fedora: The Vehicle for Automotive Linux" presented by Stephen
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Smoogen and Allison King at "Nest with Fedora 2022".
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Running Cloud Native Applications on CentOS on a Cloud Native Processor; Setting up and running a Mastodon Server on Arm servers in the cloud
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Aaron Williams
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In recent months, Mastodon has garnered a lot of attention, and seen a huge
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influx of new users. Mastodon is a social network built on ActivityPub, a
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protocol for federated social media. In early December, the network broke 8
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million users, and had 2.5M active daily users in one week.
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That influx of new users and interest has led to many new Mastodon instances
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being added, some with a very broad appeal, and others targeting smaller
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groups and niche interests. It has also led to some of the more popular
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instances of Mastodon struggling to scale with the new demand.
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In this talk, we will walk you through how Mastodon’s federated architecture
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is designed for the cloud and how easy Mastodon is to set up and run on a
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CentOS instance on AArch64 cloud instances for free. And since Mastodon’s
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backend is written in Ruby on Rails, using Redis and PostgreSQL, we will
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show how easily they run on an AArch64 processor.
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In addition, we will look at how well the Ampere Altra processor handles
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cloud native workloads on CentOS. We will show you not only how to run
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Mastodon on AArch64, but how to do it for free, without having to worry
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about getting a large cloud bill. Recent events at Twitter gave us the
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fun idea of how to combine all of this: create and run a Mastodon server
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on Oracle Cloud’s (OCI) Always Free tier using Ampere A1 and CentOS.
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We will also talk about some of the scaling issues that Mastodon runs
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into, and how Ampere cores designed for cloud native workloads like
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Mastodon are uniquely able to give you predictable throughput and
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scaling as your server grows in popularity. All while doing this on a
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processor that is more efficient (i.e. greener) than other processors
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out there.
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AlmaLinux Build System and Project Updates
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Jack Aboutboul
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Since introducing ALBS at a prior Dojo event, please join the AlmaLinux
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as they discuss updates and enhancements to their build system, including
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how they are tackling supply chain security and SBOM.
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