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February 3, 2023 — Brussels, Belgium
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Connect with the CentOS community to learn
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about the latest developments in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
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CentOS Connect is a free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream,
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the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem. CentOS Connect at FOSDEM
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happens February 3, 2023, the day before FOSDEM.
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Connect in person
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DoubleTree Brussels City Center
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Pagoda room, eighth floor
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Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Bruxelles, Belgium
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how_to_reg Register for in-person
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hotel Book hotel room
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Connect online
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CentOS Connect will be live streamed.
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Register to join virtually on Hopin.
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how_to_reg Virtual registration coming soon
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<section id="cfp">
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Call for Proposals
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The CentOS Connect call for proposals is now open until December 14.
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Accepted talks will be posted by December 21. We are interested in any
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topics around CentOS and the Enterprise Linux ecosystem, but we are
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especially interested in the following:
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Contributing to CentOS Stream and the entire CentOS project.
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Technical developments affecting the future of Enterprise Linux.
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Integrations with other projects, especially around cloud computing
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and large-scale deployments.
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Recent developments in our
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Special Interest
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Submit your talk proposal
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<section id="conduct">
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Code of Conduct
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CentOS is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free experience
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for participants at all of our events. All participants, whether in-person or
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virtual, are expected to follow the
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CentOS Code of Conduct.
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To report violations or for any concerns, contact either the Community Architect
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Shaun McCance or the Board President
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Amy Marrich.
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<section id="schedule">
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All times are UTC+1, Brussels local time.
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Connect over coffee
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Sessions (schedule TBD)
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Lunch provided
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Sessions (schedule TBD)
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Going to FOSDEM? Come see us Sunday in the
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Distributions Devroom.
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<section id="speakers">
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Speakers will be announced after the CFP closes.
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<section id="sessions">
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Sessions will be announced after the CFP closes.
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