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<title>CentOS Connect</title>
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<meta property="og:description" content="Free mini-conference focusing on CentOS Stream, the CentOS SIGs, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem"></meta>
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February 1-2, 2024 — Brussels, Belgium
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Connect with the CentOS community to learn
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about the latest developments in the Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
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CentOS Connect is the contributor conference for CentOS, focusing
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on CentOS Stream, Special Interest Groups, and the entire Enterprise Linux ecosystem.
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CentOS Connect at FOSDEM happens February 1-2, 2024, as part of the
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FOSDEM Fringe.
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<section id="register">
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CentOS Connect is a free event, but we strongly encourage registration to
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help us ensure we have enough space and catering for everyone. Your registration
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includes two days of presentations and meetups, lunch on both days, and access
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to our birthday party.
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We will also live stream the event, and make every effort to include online
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participants. The live stream will be public, but registering allows us to
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keep you updated.
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<section id="venue">
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CentOS Connect 2024 will be held at the Radisson
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Collection Hotel, Grand Place Brussels in the Royal room.
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We have a room block available which includes breakfast.
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- IMPORTANT: Use the code CENTOS24.
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Book your room on the Radisson website.
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Under “Selected rates”, select “Promotional code”, then enter the code “CENTOS24”.
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You must enter the code “CENTOS24” to get our room block.
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Our room block is available from January 31 thru February 5.
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Any dates outside the room block will have to be booked separately.
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<section id="cfp">
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Call for Proposals
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Our call for proposals is open until December 18. We're interested in hearing about any topic
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around the CentOS ecosystem, including from projects built on or with CentOS. Talks may be either
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25 or 50 minutes long. We generally prefer shorter talks, but allow longer talks for more technical
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deep dives.
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We are also hosting meetups on the morning of Thursday, February 1. Meetups are designed for
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SIGs, teams, and interest groups to have either working sessions or discussions. Meetups may be
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either 2 hours (quarter day) or 4 hours (half day). All meetups are public to all attendees.
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<section id="schedule">
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The schedule is located on Sched.
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<section id="sponsors">
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Thanks to our generous sponsors for helping us put on a great event.
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Interested in sponsoring?
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Email the Promo SIG.
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var sponsorlist = document.getElementById("sponsorlist");
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var sponsors = Array.from(sponsorlist.children);
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while (sponsors.length > 0) {
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var ix = Math.floor(Math.random() * sponsors.length);
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var el = sponsors[ix];
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sponsors.splice(ix, 1);
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<section id="conduct">
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Code of Conduct
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CentOS is committed to providing an inclusive and harassment-free experience
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for participants at all of our events. All participants, whether in-person or
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virtual, are expected to follow the
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CentOS Code of Conduct. and the
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Fedora Code of Conduct.
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To report violations or for any concerns, contact the Community Architect
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Shaun McCance.
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