Blame SOURCES/0020-trim-arp-packets-with-abnormal-size.patch
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From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
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From: Paulo Flabiano Smorigo <>
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Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 09:42:42 -0200
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Subject: [PATCH] trim arp packets with abnormal size
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GRUB uses arp request to create the arp response. If the incoming packet
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is foobared, GRUB needs to trim the arp response packet before sending it.
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grub-core/net/arp.c | 6 ++++++
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1 file changed, 6 insertions(+)
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diff --git a/grub-core/net/arp.c b/grub-core/net/arp.c
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index 54306e3b16d..d1c69ed2b55 100644
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--- a/grub-core/net/arp.c
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+++ b/grub-core/net/arp.c
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@@ -150,6 +150,12 @@ grub_net_arp_receive (struct grub_net_buff *nb, struct grub_net_card *card,
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if (grub_net_addr_cmp (&inf->address, &target_addr) == 0
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&& arp_packet->op == grub_cpu_to_be16_compile_time (ARP_REQUEST))
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+ if ((nb->tail - nb->data) > 50)
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+ {
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+ grub_dprintf ("net", "arp packet with abnormal size (%ld bytes).\n",
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+ nb->tail - nb->data);
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+ nb->tail = nb->data + 50;
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+ }
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grub_net_link_level_address_t target;
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struct grub_net_buff nb_reply;
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struct arppkt *arp_reply;