--- document: modulemd version: 2 data: name: perl-DBD-MySQL-devel stream: 4.046 version: 8030020200716171139 context: 3a70019f arch: ppc64le summary: A MySQL interface for Perl description: > DBD::mysql is the Perl5 Database Interface driver for the MySQL database. In other words: DBD::mysql is an interface between the Perl programming language and the MySQL programming API that comes with the MySQL relational database management system. license: module: - MIT dependencies: - buildrequires: perl: [5.26] perl-DBI: [1.641] platform: [el8.3.0] requires: perl: [5.26] perl-DBD-MySQL: [4.046] perl-DBI: [1.641] platform: [el8] references: community: http://search.cpan.org/dist/DBD-mysql/ components: rpms: perl-DBD-MySQL: rationale: The API. ref: 019d70a98735cce2a0eb4f4bec0e736a3e745a3e arches: [aarch64, i686, ppc64le, x86_64] ...