l30013671 / rpms / kernel

Forked from rpms/kernel 2 years ago
Justin Vreeland 794d92
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# This script is aimed at generating the headers from the kernel sources.
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# You should have a checkout of kernel-headers inside the kernel directory 'fedpkg clone kernel-headers'
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# You will need to prep the kernel sources with 'make prep' or 'fedpkg prep' before running this script
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# Author: Herton R. Krzesinski <herton@redhat.com>
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# Author: Justin M. Forbes <jforbes@redhat.com>
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set -e
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# Location of kernel-headers checkout
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if [ ! -f $PKGLOC/kernel-headers.spec ]; then
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	echo "Missing checkout of kernel-headers in $PKGLOC"
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	exit 1
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# Kernel version information taken from kernel.spec and change to prepared sources directory
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RELEASED=`grep "%global released_kernel" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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BASERELEASE=`cat kernel.spec | grep "%global baserelease" | cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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BASE=`grep "%define base_sublevel" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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STABLE=`grep "%define stable_update" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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RC=`grep "%global rcrev" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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GITREV=`grep "%define gitrev" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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BUILDID=`grep "^%define buildid" kernel.spec| cut -d ' ' -f 3`
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if [ $RELEASED -eq 0 ]; then
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	cd kernel-$MAJORVER.$BASE.fc??
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# ARCH_LIST below has the default list of supported architectures
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# (the architectures names may be different from rpm, you list here the
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# names of arch/<arch> directories in the kernel sources)
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ARCH_LIST="arm arm64 powerpc riscv s390 x86"
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headers_dir=$(mktemp -d)
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trap 'rm -rf "$headers_dir"' SIGHUP SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT
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archs=${ARCH_LIST:-$(ls arch)}
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echo $archs
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# Upstream rmeoved the headers_install_all target so do it manually
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for arch in $archs; do
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	mkdir $headers_dir/arch-$arch
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	make ARCH=$arch INSTALL_HDR_PATH=$headers_dir/arch-$arch KBUILD_HEADERS=install headers_install
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find $headers_dir \
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	\( -name .install -o -name .check -o \
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	-name ..install.cmd -o -name ..check.cmd \) | xargs rm -f
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pushd $headers_dir
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	tar -Jcf $TARBALL *
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echo wrote $TARBALL
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# Update kernel-headers.spec
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BASE=$BASE perl -p -i -e 's|%define base_sublevel.*|%define base_sublevel $ENV{'BASE'}|' kernel-headers.spec
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BASERELEASE=$BASERELEASE perl -p -i -e 's|%global baserelease.*|%global baserelease $ENV{'BASERELEASE'}|' kernel-headers.spec
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if [ $RELEASED -eq 0 ]; then
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	[ -n "$BUILDID" ] && sed -i -e 's/^# define buildid .local/%define buildid '$BUILDID'/' kernel-headers.spec
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	RC=$RC perl -p -i -e 's|%global rcrev.*|%global rcrev $ENV{'RC'}|' kernel-headers.spec
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	GITREV=$GITREV perl -p -i -e 's|%define gitrev.*|%define gitrev $ENV{'GITREV'}|' kernel-headers.spec
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	rpmdev-bumpspec -c "Linux v$MAJORVER.$NEWBASE-rc$RC.git$GITREV" kernel-headers.spec
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	STABLE=$STABLE perl -p -i -e 's|%define stable_update.*|%define stable_update $ENV{'STABLE'}|' kernel-headers.spec
Justin Vreeland 794d92
	rpmdev-bumpspec -c "Linux v$MAJORVER.$BASE.$STABLE" kernel-headers.spec
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Justin Vreeland 794d92
echo "Modified $CURRENTDIR/$PKGLOC/kernel-headers.spec"
Justin Vreeland 794d92
echo "Don't forget to upload the sources"